HTTP Header Modifications Must Be Made Before Writing Page Content

am using pws on win 98 and when i try to excute any asp page i got the following error

Response object error 'ASP 0156 : 80004005' The HTTP headers are already written to the client
browser. Any HTTP header modifications must be made before writing page content.

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Double Content-length Header?

I just alanyzed the response of my ASP and discovered that the header
"Content-Length" was added twice. I've double checked my application , but
it only adds it once, so I think IIS has also added this header. Is there a
way to "overwrite" the header added by IIS or to tell IIS not to add this
header information?

I have a huge amount of very small responses, so the header may be a
reasonable part of the whole response and I want it to be as small as
possible. I need to add this manually, because for some responses I use
Response.Flush - so IIS simply cannot be sure what amount of data will be

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Add Http Header

If I want to have a username/password dialog in my page,how can I add http header in ASP for username/password dialog? I want to hardcode the username/password in my page and check the authentication.

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Get Username From HTTP Header

i have heard that when you login from an NT login box the username gets passed on in the HTTP header. If so how can I get that information?

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Custom HTTP Header

I have added a http header on a virtual directory. (Content-Type text/html; Charset=utf-8). Is there any way of clearing this or override this in one asp page? In this page I will download a tab separated text file.

I don't want to show this in the browser. I try to set this content type from my COM+ component which is invoked by this asp page. Response.clear will not clear header information (and I guess the added http header is added just before the result is sent to the browser).

If IsNN6 Then
GetObjectContext("Response").contentType = "application/octet-stream"
GetObjectContext("Response").contentType = "application/save"
End If

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Session Cookie In HTTP Header

I'm writing an application to authenticate a user using a challenge
response mechanism. The client and server components of the
application talk over HTTP.

I would like to use an ASP session object to hold a random number on
the server. The code to store the number is written as part of a VB
web class.

When I read the http header returned from my server, I can't see the
session cookie. Why is this? If I create a normal cookie as part of
my web class, it is returned correctly within the header.

I am using HttpQueryInfo the read the header as follows:

blnReturn = CBool(HttpQueryInfo(hOpenRequest, HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS,
ByVal strBuffer, Len(strBuffer), 0))

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Disabling Referer HTTP Header In IE / IIS 5 / ASP

Is there any way to prevent an IE 6 browser from sending up the REFERER HTTP header? (Either as an IIS Server setting, change to asp files, or even a setting in the IE browser).

This is wasting WAN bandwidth in our Intranet application - we have fairly low network bandwidth. The referer is inevitably somewhere else in our own ASP application, and is usually has a really nasty long QString attached ... (and no, really dont want to run stats about how users navigate our app)..

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HTTP Header Difference From Two Sites

I have two sites on my computer. If I display the header information from
site 1, it displays PATH_TRANSLATED as below.

D:kbapplicationprogramuihttpClientPortalkba rticleindex.asp

If I display the header information from site 2, it display PATH_TRANSLATED
as below.

D:kbapplicationprogramuihttpCustomerPortaldi splay2search.asp, except
the here is W with a line going across it. For some reason, when I paste
it here, it changes to , but in IE, it's W with a horizontal line.

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HTTP Header Being Displayed At Top Of HTML

After rebuilding our web server from NT 4.0 IIS 4.0 to Windows 2000
IIS 5.0, I'm constantly getting HTTP Headers posted to the top of the
HTML source (generated from ASP pages of course). This only seems to
happen upon hitting the browser's (IE 6.0) "back" button and not even
100% of the time when hitting the back button. Here's an example of
the source that is generated: Code:

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ERROR: HTTP/1.1 401 Access Denied Content-Type

In my site one page, named "category.asp". I send category id by query string, to show related categories. like: "category.asp?cid=2"

Now problem is that, when i see page "category.asp?cid=2", it executes successfully, but in the middle of page is see this error message <b>"HTTP/1.1 401 Access Denied Content-Type: text/html Date: Tue, 03 May 2005 20:26:06 GMT Connection: Keep-Alive 401 Access Denied. LANGUARD RESTRICTED OBJECT. completion addition to fulfillpacket size the EnD"</b> and after that error, page executing suspends.

It is the problem with only one category "category.asp?cid=2" and all other categories runs successfully, like "category.asp?cid=1" or "category.asp?cid=3".

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HTTP 500 Internal Error When I Try To Display Asp-pages But Static Content Is Ok

When I use IIS 6.0 to display static content everything works according to plans. Now I have created an asp page even though there is no dynamic content at the moment. The web page's name just ends in "asp" and has the Code:


at the first line of the code.

When I try to link to this asp-page I get an error code saying "Http 500 Internal Server Error". I then disabled the "friendly http errors" and got this information.

"Asp error Asp 0203"
"Invalid code page"
"The specified code page attribute is invalid"

I should also add that I have enabled/allowed asp as extension in IIS manager.

Anyone who knows what I can try to get IIS working with dynamic content too?

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Page Header Or Footer Longer Than A Page

i am facing a problem with CrystalReports for visual basic.Net 2003. I have passed almost through all the problems but still i get a message when i view some reports "Page header or footer longer then a page".

I am using with VB and the developing muchien is running windows XP.
the program works correctly to my computer but when i transfer it to the server machine i get the error .

The server machine is running windows 2000 server. It has the service pack on it and framework 1.1 with all the updates. Does anyone have a clwe?

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Web Page Header

How does one make a thingy on every webpage that links to other pages on your site? Almost every website uses them but i can't find a tutorial that shows me how it works.

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Header Reloading Every Page

I am creating a site with ASP. I have a master page with a flash object before the runat server form and every time I click a link (asp:menuitem) to change a contentplaceholder, the flash object refreshes and does its start-up animation. Is there anyway to stop this? Or is that more of a Flash question.

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VB6 Report Writer Page Header

How can I get the the 1st group header to print at the top of each page on my report. More or less I want to use it as the page header but it contains data from SQL. The page header section does not allow you to place data fields in it.

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Get Page Content

I am trying to read webpage content into a string variable to be able to search it for a pattern that I want to be able to display on another ASP page.Is there any obvious method to do this with VB script?It would be something compatible with following PHP script:

<? $fd = fread(fopen("", "r"), 100000); if ($fd) {  /* $start = strpos($fd, "<unique HTML tag>">"); */$start = strpos($fd, "Veðurhorfur á landinu til kl. 18 á morgun:"); /* $finish = strpos($fd, "<unique, sem næst lokun HTML tags>"); */$finish = strpos($fd, "Næsta veðurspá er væntanleg"); $length = $finish - $start; $code = substr($fd, $start, $length); echo $code;}?>

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Web Page Content

i have a web app whereby the content for each page is stored in the database. This content is interweaved in html and saved in the Database. As a result when teh user does a search through the app and searches for say <table it brings back everything with teh table tag in the database

Does anyone know if I can only search the text rather than the html and content in my Database.

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Content Of A Page To A Variable

Is there a way to save the contents of a web page to a variable? I have some Word docs that have been saved as HTML (yuck!), but I am stuck with them. I would like to create a page that writes out the contents of the word/html document while maintaining the formatting.

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Content Page Too Long

If the content of a db field is too long, (like when the web page ends up being 3 A4 page lengths due to alot of content in the db field), is there a way of say, creating a 'next page', thus splitting the data content over 2 pages?

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Made Some Samples

I am building an add user website.I have several asp scripts in this
website such as, query for username,create user, etc. Ideally I would like
to have users logon to the website,and have these scripts execute with
their individual security context Can anyone point me in the right
direction, mabe some samples somewhere

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Content Fill Asp Page While It Loads

I've got an asp page which scans a range of IP addresses and printes the
response to screen.

I've tried loads of methods and ended up with using javascript innerHTML to
try and fill the content

What I'd like is the value to return instantly rather than wait until the
routine has completed and return ALL the results.

if i'm pinging a big range of addresses the page usually times out......
I thought if I could build the page dynamically, one result at a time, the
timeout error wouldn't happen - and users would see that something is
actually happening!!! Code:

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Display Csv File Content On Page

I have a csv file that has 2 columns..."Name" and "Team" I would like to be able to have 2 dropdown menus on a webpage showing both of these and a method (a post I guess) to change which team they are a member off...For example Joe is in Team 1 but moves to Team 2, from this page the user can change Joe to Team 2..

I would also like to be able to add new members and remove existing ones.

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Select Where No Reference Is Made

is there an sql command that allows me to select all rows where a specific field isn't called by other rows? To be more specific: I have this table for my categories. I want to be able to choose all the categories that don't have subcategories. The fields are


So a category has a parent, so caParent = the CaId of it's parent. So is there a way to call all the categories that don't have children categories in my sql?

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Database Calls Made

Is there a way I can see how many database calls were made from my script to the db server to check how well my SQL queries are formed?

I get the time taken to execute the queries, but in that time taken, I want to know how many calls were made to the DB server. Is it possible?

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How Can I Insert The Content From An HTML Or ASP Page Into A DataBase

what I want to make actually is to take the results of a search engine that I use, which are in form of HTML or ASP and transport that results in a DataBase. For example, I wont to place as registrations in the DataBase the equivalents URLs and their descriptions from the results of search. I use MS Access, code asp, HTML , Javascript .

QUESTION! How can I insert the content from an HTML or ASP page into a dataBase? How can I determine from what point to what point a string it will be entered in the first cell of table and afterwards in the next and next ....

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Veiw Report Made In Access 2k

How do I retrieve a report from Access 2k from ASP?

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Reliability Of HTTP Get Of ASP Page

I have an app that gets a file from a web server. An ASP page is passed authenitication data (username, password) and a filename. The file is read and then output by the ASP page so the only response is the file I am requesting. The file I want to receive is XML with the major portion of it being a Base64-encoded block.

I use the Indy component TidHTTP to get the file:

HTTPClient.Request.ContentType := 'text/html';
HTTPClient.Request.CacheControl := 'no-cache' ;
Response.Text := HTTPClient.Get (TIdURI.URLEncode (URL)) ;

Problem is that more often than not, the returned file contains errors. In a 200k file, 2 or 3 characters are often munged. Occasionally I manage to receive the file without errors. Code:

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HTTP Page Size

Is there any limitation on a ASP (or http) page size (in bytes), i.e. what is max size(in bytes) a ASP page can hold? I seems to know that there was a limit of 64K, but that was long, long time ago, probably more than ten years.

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Is is possible and if so would anyone have a brief example of submitting data from an ASP page to another server via HTTP, using a POST method. Essentially duplicating an HTML FORM.

Further details, if availalbe would be the use of username/password (basic) authentication and the HTTP connection is actually and HTTPS (SSL) connection.

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Extract Dictionary Cookies Made By VBScript?

From client-side javascript, how can one extract dictionary cookies made by VBScript?

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Disabling A Text Box/list Box After A Selectio Has Been Made.

I have a .asp page that has a text box and a list box. The user enters criteria into ONE of the boxes.

What i would like is that when the user makes a selection from the list box (sql populated) the text box is disabled, and when a user enters a character into the text box, the list box is disabled (not including spaces)

This is a bit cosmetic, but what is the best way of doing this? Some client side code presumably, Javascript? Code:

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HTTP Error 404 When Calling Page.

I have 2 sites on my Windows Server 2003/ISA/IIS machine. One of the sites works fine and has 'default.htm' for the default document. The other site returns an 'HTTP error
404' and has a 'default.asp' for the default document. Aside from that they appear to be configured the same.

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Print Content Of An ASP Page To Acrobat PDF Destiller And Send PDF To Browser

I have an ASP page, whisch generates dynamic report for a SQL server DB.
Now the users want to have the content in PDF format (not HTML page). The
server machine had "adobe acrobat destiller" installed.

How can I print the content of this ASP page to acrobat PDF destiller and
send PDF file to browser?

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