Heavy Load Stats

Does anyone know any stats on php vs asp with heavy traffic?

Let's say Asp is hosted on IIS6 & win 2003 with the same server specs as php on Apache & Linux. Both of them are heavy queried sites using MySQL. I saw a lot of people are saying php is the winner here, what do you think on that?

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Upload Heavy File

i am using a code for uploading data to a location the code works fine. when i download and mdb file which is 18.2 mb the file is downloaded in 1 sec but when i upload the same file ..........it doesnt upload I dont understand why.

i have to complete this over the weekend. is there anyother code i could use for uploading heavy attachment could the sixe be the problem here bcaz if the size is the problem how am i able to download it.

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I have been asked to generate stats on a site I have developed. My
global.asa file can keep track of current visitors and total visitors but I
would like to store more detailed information.

Can anyone supply me with any suggestions as to how I can achieve this, and
is it possible to display this info in a chart of some kind ?

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Web Stats Question

i have a site that i moved from straight html on linux to asp/database on windows. i launched it last january 2003. the first month (january), i noticed a significant difference in visits, probably 30% less. but the page views were up by maybe 15%.

here's my question, would going to asp change the way the site(or server) sees a visitor? my client is slightly freeked by the change and i don't really know what to tell him. the fact that page views are up since going to asp has helped some.

but the drop in visits was right when the change to asp was made. in december (right before the launch of the new site), the html pages were reading the the same amount of visitors.

can anyone shed any light on the matter? or did we really just loose some visitors?

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Questionnaire Stats...

I'm trying to write a script, that will give me stats from a Questionnaire in a database.

The database has the entries of 'Customer', 'Question_Ref', & 'Question_Answer'

what I want to do, is to find the average answer (the answer is always a number 1 to 5) for each question listed and print that & the Question_Ref to it, on to the page.

The issue is, there isn't a way of knowing how many questions there is, so for instance, there could be 'communication', 'Support' & 'Speed' but these will all be entered into the 'Question_Ref' field.

this is all going to be collected to be entered into a graph, is there a way of sorting this in ASP? i'm not using .NET though our server is capable of doing so, its not the fastest server in the world, so would like to keep it ASP if possible.

i can easily add the answers together, and devide it by how many time it sees the sam word in Question_Ref, but its putting how many times that question has been entered into the database, and displaying it as a number that i'm having trouble with.

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Server Stats With ASP

I have been looking for a way to show uptime and other server stats with ASP. I have found plenty of code using ASP.NET but I am not using this.

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Forum Stats

I wish to diplay the number of posts and threads i have in my forums, I have got 1 table for each forum, and 5 forums whats the best way to get this data? Is it have 5 different recordsets, where i could count all the starting posts for the threads and have a record count for the posts?

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Traffic And Stats Using ASP

my site is on an NT server. does anyone know where i can find a traffic / stats script for tracking visitors? i am using an access database so if there is anything that supports it that would be great.

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Realtime Site Stats

I have a table that records url and date / time of every page view as a new record.

I want to create a page that will display the top 10 pages of the day with page view counts. Also be able to display top 10 pages for the last hour with counts.

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Script To Read Web Stats

Is there such a thing as a free web-based asp script which will process and present web-server log files? Basically, I'm looking to track the statistics for one single gif image on the server to see how many times it has been loaded via an HTML email.

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Intranet Site Stats Packages

The teachers each have their own sites - there are around 45 sites in all, each site contained within a folder, one for each subject. Eg. History/ politics/ maths, etc. I need a site stats package that can read stats data from each folder. So that when they return in Sept, they have nice bar-graph stats for each page within their folder/ course.

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Web Site Stats: Program Or Tutorial?

Is there a nice "ASP" tutorial out there or shareware ASP program I can use to set up stats on a web site for a client? I am particularly interested in Referers, to include key words.

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Load A DLL

Is it possible to load a DLL in an ASP page? I know that we can create instances of COM/ActiveX objects using Server.CreateObject, but what about a normal DLL stored on the system. Is there a way to load such a DLL and call its functions?

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ASP Pages Will Not Load

I cannot display asp pages on my local pc but can display php pages and asp.net pages.

I get the following errors

1 -2147467259 (0x80004005) - when I have IE not show friendly error messages
2. Server Not Found - when I have IE show friendly error messages
3 Resources in use - sometimes - when I have IE not show friendly error messages
4. Sometimes I get the microsoft error report popup stating there was a problem with COM Surrogate

I am running Win XP Pro SP2 with IIS 5.1, and latest .NET framework (release not beta)

I have tried the following to solve this problem:

1. Set intranet security to as low as possible in internet options.
2 Set internet options to allow active content to run
3. Set security to low in IIS for the web site
4. Use http://localhost/webaddress.asp not C:filename.asp to open the asp page
5. Turned off script blocking in Norton Anti Virus
6. Have tried a simple "Hello World" page to ensure that there was no problem with the code itself
7. Checked that the asp.dll is where it should be
8. Have IIS set to allow anonomous logon
9. Have IIS control password
10. Have IIS allow windows integrated logon

I cannot think of anything else that would prevent the asp pages from displaying. I have searched the web and seen similar questions to this but no answers that seem to help resolve the issue.

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Down Load File

i have one text file when user click on link of this txt file ..than this file be downloaded to client machin...

<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">


<a href="download.asp">dd.txt</a>


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Page Won't Load

I'm using IIS on my localhost and also in some free Brinkster webspace.
The problem I have is that when ever I try to use a script that includes the File System Object (as I want to read/write/copy files etc), the page won't load, the progress bar in the browser just very slowly increases, but never gets anywhere, and nothing ever loads.So I'm thinking it's a set up problem? I've tried the same scripts in my Brinkster webspace, and they don't work there (but I know they do work!) but Brinkster may have some restrictions.
Is an FSO problem like this common? Can I alter some settings on my localhost set up to solve it?

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Load Database

I never used global.asa. I am thinking of load some data in
application_onstart which is read only from database(I mean the data will
never be changed in any asp pages of the applcation) and so any session for
this application doesn't need to reload data from database again, reduce
database connection and procedure call.
Am I right? just doesn't see that kind of comments on-line.
I want to make sure this is the right concept before I am heading too far.

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ASP Pages Don't Load

ASP Pages don't load in IIS 5.1 for XP, continuously wait.
I have this very same website running same version of SQL server but on two different OS's. The website with the very same configuration, but running on Win2k with IIS 5.0 is working perfect. But the system running with IIS 5.1 on XP continuously loads and never displays ASP pages. After a few moments, if i refresh, it says that there is too much traffic to display the page. I am not worried about the second error, because I can simply fix that by disabling 'HTTP keep alive'. I searched for people that had similar problems, and what I found is that the problem seems to have originated from a Critical Update and users are either switching to Win2K or went with Apache rather than IIS.

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Load A Drop-down Box

I am creating a asp page containing a employee time-sheet table in it. there are two columns in the table, one is time-in one is time-out, and the table total have 20 lines.
In both time-in and time-out columns I want they show up as drop-down box say as: 9:00 am, 9:15 am, 9:30 am etc, , but I don't want the page load each drop-down box in total 20 lines, I only want the drop-down box loaded when the employee click the field.
I know maybe I shoud use JavaScript onClick funtion, but I am not sure about it, and I don't know the detail coding.

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Load An Image

i have an asp script to load an image. baiscally if there is an image reference in the database i want it to load that image but if there is not ref in the database i want it to load a default image.the code i wrote is

<% if Image = ""
<img src="catalogueimages/default.gif">
<% else %>
<img src=<%=Image%>>
<% end if %>

have also tried null instead of "" but that didnt work either.

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Can't Load ASP Site

I have IIS installed on Windows2000. When I create a .asp webPage with DreamWeaver, the browser (IE6) can't open it. No error messages, it just hangs there.

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Load ASP File

I have downloaded an ASP WYSIWYG editor but I cant fingure out how to load an asp file into the editor. I think what I need to do is to load the file into the variable and then the editor loads the variable and formats the code accordingly. But I just don't know how to load the asp file into the variable. Here's my code so far:

Set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f=fs.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("Test/7610.asp"), 1)

Dim DataTransfer
DataTransfer = f.ReadAll

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Load Msvcm80.dll

I have a webservice and iis webserver. if i open de asmx file i get errors saying Unable to load DLL 'msvcm80d.dll'

i added the modules to path directories and the directorie containing my webservice.dll file. still get the same error.

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Load Balancing

I was wondering if it is possible, without software, to limit access to a page or section using ASP based on server load? I know you can install software and then call it using ASP, but I would really like to avoid this. I'm not sure if .NET even has this capability without using software.

I have a future project that they want to limit access to the management section if the server is under great load or is loaded more than 70% for example. Every search seems to bring me to .NET but I haven't had time to read in depth to see if it's built into .NET or they are accessing it through software.

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Load Page

I wanted to know if there is a way to load a asp page in to it self.

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Load An Asp Page Within Another

I have an asp page that gets data from a form in another page, for this, i am using the GET method to send the data to my asp page, and the page works great.

This asp page, nowadays, is quite big for displaying at once, so i decided to split this page in four new pages. Basically, my old asp page is now the static visible part, and the other four new asp pages, are the ones that will show the dinamic data.

What I tried was to make an <!--#include file... -->, and this works great for me if i have not to pass any values to the pages in the includes, but i have to, so what i want to know is if it possible to do this in any way, or, if i have to make four new diferent pages.

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Focus On Load For Input Box

How do I make a form's text box focused on page load? I have a page that loads one text box for a user to enter their zipcode and then press search. How do I get the cursor to be in the box when the page loads. I do not have access to the Code:


Only what's between the body tags. Maybe a javascript out there?

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Images Won't Load In Navigator

i made a page that loads images from the server via asp scropts and it work fine on IE, but a client using netsape called and said that the images doesn't load and it just shows a broken link... i looked at the page through navigator and notice that the images/products/ was changed to images/products. What could be the reason for this?

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My Stored Procedure Won't Load

I'm new to asp but not new to web programming. I've been a cold fusion developer for a few years now, but due to a job changes I've had to learn asp. I'm running into a problem calling my stored procedure. The procedure runs fine in Query Analyer so I know that works, but when I try to call it using asp I get:

ADODB.Commanderror '800a0bb9'

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

/ce/etracker/aIssue.asp, line 7

Here is my code.....

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Load ASP Code From Another File

I am writing a small CMS type system for our intranet at work and I am trying to have a main "index.asp" that does all the work in a template folder and every time I add a new section instead of making a new copy of this file I would like to have some generic "index.asp" file that is nearly empty that just calls the "template/index.asp" file and let's it do the work.

The way each page in the intranet works is by using the same asp file but by having a few configuration files in their directory that point it to different menus, titles etc.

Is there a way to load an asp file from another one? I tried creating an index.asp containing just <!-- #INCLUDE FILE="templates/index.asp"--> but it doesn't seem to do it.

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Ca;ll Javascript In Page Load

I'm having some fits with getting this to work but I'm near the end and I'm
hoping this one obstacle is not a huge one to get past.
Here's my scenario:
I have a page where when someone clicks on a dropdown and selects an item,
it will hide 2 other dropdown boxes that are related as the input in those
are applicable. When I save those items, everything gets into the db fine.
The problem is when the page refreshes, those 2 related dropdown boxes that
should be not visible are still visible. Is there a way in VBScript to
hide/show those controls based on the data in dropdown A? Javascript is
handling the actions but I don't think I can call Javascript on page load.

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Couldn't Load My Asp Files On IE6

I have a COM/DCOM software which will load some asp files on IE5.0.
However, after I have installed IE6, it couldn't work any more.
I expect that anything can be loaded on IE5.0, can also be loaded on IE with
higher version.

Do you have any idea what may cause the problem? Also how can I find out
the problem?

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Page Load Never Ends

I have a relatively simple ASP page written in javascript, that basically
contains a table, a dropdown list populated by a query, and a button.

The problem is that when first navigating to this page, the progress bar in
IE only shows the page as being 10 or 20% complete, even though the page has
fully loaded.

I originally had a mix of html/jscript/html (in that order), and tried
changing that to html/jscript just to see if the conversion from static to
dynamic to static code was causing a problem, but with no effect.

I have run the output of this page thru two or three different html
validators, none of which show a problem with the final code.

I'm using IIS on W2k server, and IE6 or IE5.5 on client.

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