Highlighting Keywords

I've created a little search engine that works fine, but I want to highlight the keywords in an article.
Using the replace function is OK, but its not very good when covering different cases. Its fine on single word searches but no good with multiple words.
eg. if I search for "dog", I can do a replacement on "dog", "DOG" and "Dog" using the replace function.
If I was to search for "black dog", I need to cover all possible variants. ("Black Dog", "BLACK DOG", "black dog", "Black dog", "black Dog")
Is there any way of getting this to work?

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Using Keywords

how easy would it be to search keywords in a field in a database?

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Function Keywords

Im trying to create a function to where when I call the function, it returns the next keyword from the list, and the list is only a string of keywords split by comma's. I know how to split it, but I dont know how to have the function call out the next keyword.

<%=Function1(keyword)%> 'Will spit out Keyword 1

<%=Function1(keyword)%> 'Will spit out Keyword 2

<%=Function1(keyword)%> 'Will spit out Keyword 3

<%=Function1(keyword)%> 'Will spit out Keyword 4

Then I need it to start over again once it gets to the last function.
This function will be spread out across the page.

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Searching Keywords

my problem is searching. i want to search words within webpage which is stored in one directory.it is different from normal directory searching beacause i am searching inside the webpage.

so i want to omit all that html tags or other asp codes. also i want to know that is there any way to store webpage inside the database. it will be efficient than storing inside the directory.

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SQL Keywords And Field Names

Does anyone have a definitive list of keywords to avoid or prohibit as field names for the tables for an ASP driven program that communicates with a SQL database?

I have a website that allows customers to define tables online and I keep hitting the field names I need to prohibit - "Function" is the latest one. I'd like to just compare the users field names with a list and end this problem for good! Also any VBScript words too?

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Changing Meta Keywords

how I can dynamically change metakeywords based on page content? That is, a page on restaurants should have restaurant related keywords, etc.

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I am trying to make a search page. Once a serach word or words is put in I need it to serach multiple product tables and output the description of any prioduct if the search word is present in the description.

However, If i put in 2 keywords like "paper sticker" I get no results. How do you search multiple keywords? Code:

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Highlight Search Keywords On HTML Page

I have an ASP search function which, after typing the search term, searches HTML pages and creates a list of links.

The problem is that I do not know how to code so the search term is highlighted in red after the user clicks on the link to view the HTML page.

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I don't know if I accidentally play around with the script. But now it's showing error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a139a'
Unexpected quantifier
/wheelofgod/showverse.asp, line 210

Line 210 shows:

strText = mobjRegExp.Replace(strText,strReplace)

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Color Highlighting

Ive created a web page that queries a db and i have that all working fine. What i dont have though and would like to be able to do is get the page to highlight rows according to one colums value, ie

Colum1 Colum2
Row 1 50 Test <-- would like to the be highlihted lite blue for instance
Row 2 90 Test2 <-- would like this to be highlighted red for instance

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Highlighting The Column

I have a SQL query that produces a table which displays account numbers and the amount owed on those accounts.

the page that displays that table is written with ASP. Does anyone know how can I highlight the rows in the table where account numbers have more than 7500 dollars in amount owed? Code:

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Highlighting A Word

i am working on an application...where i have to search for a string in the database field or text files.when the search finds the string i want it to be highlighted when it showas the result on the asp page.

iam searching for a skill in the resumes...take JAVA...i want the resulting resume on the asp page with the JAVA string highlighted

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Script Context Highlighting

point me in the direction of a function that will parse
a "code" output and colorise the context of the script?

eg - vbulletin style [code] output

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Text Highlighting Issue

I am doing search application in ASP. I want to highlight the matched text in the search result, for that operation I am using the following function Code:

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Highlighting New Entries In My Asp Table

I have setup a simple site in which users input data to an access database, and then the database results are shown on another page in a table. One of the fields in the databse is Date Added, using the date/time data type.

I would like the table to show new results with a different background colour for a period of time, say one week? Code:

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Highlighting Search Text

Does anyone use a funtion to highlight search terms (if they have a search facility on their site). Basically, I would be sending the search terms from a form field into a results page.

If there are results I would like the search terms to be highlighted. One problem that I could think while using "replace" is that capitalisation would not be maintained.

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Highlighting Search Terms

I have a simple script which boiled down to highlighting search terms... Code:

if Trim(Request.QueryString("search"))<>"" then
cont = Replace(cont,Request.QueryString("search"),"<span style=""background-color:#ff0"">"&Request.QueryString("search")&"</span>",1,-1,1)
end if

this worked fine, however if the string I was searching was within an <a> tag, the inevitable would happen and an error would come up. I was wondering if anyone knows a way or if there is a script readily available to tackle this issue?

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Highlighting + IFrame Question

The very same page has 2 iFrames opening another page called tripledemoduo.asp. So there are 2 tripledemoduo.asp's opening within the 2 iFrames. Within a tripledemoduo.asp page there are the textboxes for inserting the keywords.
See the picture.

is it possible to move out the 6 textboxes from the iFrames and make 1 set of 6 instead of 2 sets of 6? That would make my life easier because I use this to compare two texts side by side by searching keywords. For example I put one keyword in red in both iFrames.

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Search Result Text Highlighting Issue

i am developing a search engine(ASP with SQL SERVER) for my project . My objective is to search for a data and it should display the result and highlighting the search text in different color. But when i use the search text with more than one word, the result is highlighting only the last word of the search text.

Example - If i search for "Opal" , the search result highlighting all the words with "opal", But when is search "Opal Service", the search result is highlighting only the "service".

Here the "Opal" and "service" are different identities, i will search these two words with AND condition . Code:

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Site Search Script With Paging And Highlighting

I am looking for Site Search Script, which should include paging of results and highlighting the search text.

Just like search using in this forum. Its sould have paging and highlighting the results under each hyperlink....

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Meta Description & Meta Keywords In Asp?

Where in an asp file do the meta name="description" content="description"
and meta name="keywords" content="key words " go?

Is it similar to where they're located in html? the top of my file looks like this (below), is it correct?

<% Response.Buffer = True %>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0.11 Transitional//EN">
<script src="java.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<meta name="description" content="description" >
<meta name="keywords" content="key words " >
<link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
<style type="text/css">

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