Hitting "Back" Loses All GET/POST Data....

How do I create a form that allows one to submit a form, then press the

"BACK" button on the browser, and allow the user to see the data he
posted? It seems as though this information is lost. Code:

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Post Xml Data Back To External Resouces In B2B Solution

When an external resouce programmatically post the XML document as content
of http post request, and at server-side, I can read the XML data from http
request's body. Just like this example provided by Steven Chen:

#Happy Days Are Here Again: Posting XML to the Server

After I process the data, I need to write a response message to the external
resource in xml data format(either succeful messge or failed message). what
people usually do, do I just write the xml message to response output
stream(let them extract from my page themselves) or
post data back to their page (which initially post/submit data to my server

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Post Back In 2.0

I created a simple website with one page. This simple page has only one text box (asp:Textbox) and no other controls. When i bring the siteup in VS2005 and press enter with the cursor inside the text box the page refreshes. I am not able to understand why it is posting back? I have set Autopostback to false. Am i missing anything or is it the default behavior?

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Post Back Problem

when I make refresh to any page have a insert statement the system will add a blank record in the database whats the solution?<hr>

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Implement POST BACK In ASP

I need idea about maintaining data in a form after refreshing the same page. I know POST BACK in ASP.NET.

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EI Refresh Required After Auto Post Back

I have placed a dropdownlist on a form in using both ASP.NET WebMatrix and Visual Studio Web Developer 2005 Beta, set autopostback to true, made sure I have javascript installed and when the form repaints, it does not show the changes (textbox populated).

I thought at first that the scripting for the autopostback was not working, but then, after doing some searches, discovered that after the autopostback, I could see the results of the updated page only after doing a refresh in IE6. How can I fix this? Is there some IE setting that is messed up on my PC? I have my IE settings to check for newer versions of stored pages every visit to the page. Changing it to "Automatic" has no effect.

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Hitting Oracle

An error keeps popping up on my ASP application connecting to an Oracle 9i database via a SELECT statement:

Item cannot be found in the collection
corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

However, if I put it an "On Error Resume Next", it works fine, and is able to return the value in question. The SELECT also works fine on the database itself. Here's the SELECT,

sqlstr = "select f_get_dept_name('123') dept_name from myschema.tbl_xyz"

sqlstr = sqlstr & " where tbl_xzy_id = 4567"

What in the world is going on?

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Dropdown Loses Value On Update

I have a page with a couple of forms which allow the user to query an MS Access database and display data on a Google map.

One dropdown is Year (i.e. no spaces in the values) and the other ('SeroAFLPList') is bacterial types and has spaces in the values. Both have their Request.Form value incorporated into the option values so that the user can retain that value if he/she wants to change the value of the other. Code:

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Post Data, Then Post Again..

i have a series of .asp pages that i am dividing into model, view, control logic. my view collects a whole bunch of data and posts it to the controller. im wondering if there is a way to somehow "re-post" this same data to my model page.

in short, is .asp capable of taking data posted to a page and re-post that same data to another page?

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Putting Data Back

I am retrieving data from html form, perform some math. calculations on it and now i need to put this data back to some presentable form to display in asp.Earlier I get the data from FORM in text format, convert it into double value, now want to put it back in text format for dispal.

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Response.redirect Loses Session Variables

This is a most infuriating problem. I have one login.asp page on my localhost:

session("vandv_user_manager") = TRUE

and on my users.asp page I can do a:

response.write session("vandv_user_manager")

and that returns 'True'. I can also do the same on the login.asp page to confirm the session is set.

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How To Pass Data Back And Forth Between ASP And JSP Page?

How to pass data back and forth between ASP and JSP page?

Let's say I have Java objects, how to pass the data back to ASP page?? Or
ASP has data, how to pass the data to JSP page??

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No Session Data Being Passed Back To Clients

does anyone know why my session number doesnt stay the same when i pressed refresh?

it works on w2k, but not on w2k server

my programmer thinks that the IIS is not passing the session back to the client. is there a way to check or any other alternative for sessions?

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Post Data

in past, i learnt from the book to post data by

action=post & input type=text

now the post data is not from user input
it is from a table which is generated by asp script

i wish to generate a table with a check box at each row.

when i select the check boxs, then the rows of the table will be posted to
another html page

any hints to me for doing this?

Secondly, how about if rows of the table will be posted to a input box on
another html page grateful if you could give me some hints.

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Post Data

i have an asp page with a form that posts to itself. (the action of the form
is the same page the form is on). i validate input and dont accept it if
there is something wrong with it. problem is that when the form is
submitted, and i display the error message, the data the user typed in the
box is gone. i work around this by setting a session variable as soon as the
user hits submit and store the data the user typed. then for the default
value of the textbox i have <%= Session("var") %and that leaves the users
data in the box for them to edit. is there a better way i could do this?

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Is there a way I can POST data from a ASP page to another page? I am not trying to POST data from a form to another page, but would like to create the POST headers from different variables, and then send it to another page

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Post Data

I have a temporary file being created in an order processing system. After the user agrees the data is correct the data needs to be written to a permanent table. There are usually 100 or so records. what is the best way to do this? the fields names are not the same either and the new records also need to be updated with the price from the parts table.

temp file: item number description qty
permanent file: item description pcs price

The price comes from the parts table. When I link the parts and temp tables and try to insert into the permanent table, I am using a loop and it's taking FOREVER.

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Return All Post Data

Is there a way to see all the post data that is sent an .asp page. I am working on a page that is being returned from another application and I would like to know what data I can work with.

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I have use an affiliate link on my site, and I did not like it because it
did not have my sites banners on it, so I asked the permission of the other
site to change the display and they aggreed..

The affiliate site has 4 pages of forms linking to each other so it goes
something like
form.asp > results.asp > results_details.asp > confirm_details.asp >>>>>>
proceed to payment..

I wanted to grab the each page page using the XMLHTTP object and then the
post of the form to a local pages on my site.. The local pages would grab
the request.form string and then using code something like below..

on my page quote123.asp, I have <%=request.form%> and I never see the string
"select=All" - why is this... Code:

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Size Of POST Data

What is the maximum size of POST data? A page on the ASP FAQ web site
is confusing me:
"While GET is limited to as low as 1024 characters, POST data is
limited to 2 MB on IIS 4.0, and 128 KB on IIS 5.0. Each name/value is
limited to 1024 characters, as imposed by the SGML spec."
Does this last sentence mean that no form field can submit more than
1024 (or 1024 minus the length of the form field name) characters
through POST?

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Destroy Post Data ?

What I'm doing is using the same page to process data as well as display the forms, the form action goes something like Action="me.asp?action=someting" and the data is sent via POST. but when someone wants to refresh that page, it prompts to use the same values again which I dont want to happen.

Does anyone know a way to destroy these values ??

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POST Data To A New Page

I have a page with 4 submit buttons. How can I make 1 of these buttons spawn a new page AND use the data posted from the orginal page?

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Destroy Post Data

When creating a form I normally post the data to the same page-picking up the form has been posted and act accordingly.

Is there any way of destroying the post data without having to redirect back to the same page after m,y code has executed?Basically this is to stop the form data being re-submitted if the user refreshes the page

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Post Loosing The Data

We have a create ASP page where the user fills in the fields and clickssubmit to post the data to a save page. Recently it looks like the data is being lost at some point. We use Request.Form.Item to get the data from the create page but its just bringing back a blank field.Has anyone else had a problem like this or have an idea why it might be

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Rediect Post Data

I have developed quite a lots of ASP which accept POST data in plain text format. Those ASP URLs are fixed because other applications of other parties are using them. So, I want to redirect the POST data to new aspx pages. However, if I use Response.redirect("somepage.aspx"), the POST content is lost.

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Post Form Data

Does anybody have the syntax to post form data to a CSV file? On submit, my form page will post to another asp page that will actually handle the data being dumped to a CSV file. I just can't seem to find the correct ASP syntax for this.

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Saving Post Data

Is there a way to save post data or post data from a redirect like this: Response.Write("<meta http-equiv=""Refresh"" content=""4; URL=AdminSelectAction.asp"">") If there is not, I'll have to spend a LOT of time coding in session variables and what not.

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Show All Post Data

I was just wondering if there is a variable or procedure for getting all the POST data sent to a page. I don't want to have to handle every case for the POST data, I just want all POST data sent to the page to be outputted automatically.

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How To Post Form Data From Asp?

There are 2 ways of passing variable to another page: GET and POST

If i want to use Method GET, I jst need to do Response.Redirect "another.asp?id=abc"

What if I want to use Method POST, how to do it?

I want the user's input to be processed before post it to another page.

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How Do You Post Form Data To Another Page?

Here is the situation:

1. User fills in form and hits submit
2. Some processing is done with the posted data using ASP
3. The posted form variables now need to be submitted to another script which only receives POSTed data.

How do I send the posted data to another script? I can't run step 2 on the next script as its validation script and I'm going across two servers.

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Post Form Data Invisible

Is it possible to post form data and open an invisible window?
For example, in page1.as

<form action="page2.asp" method="POST"

It will post the form data from page1.asp to the server, and open page2.asp. But I dont want to make page2.asp invisible.

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Form Post Not Passing Data To ASP???

I have IIS server installed on XP-pro. I also have Norton Internet
Security installed.

I can run simple ASP programs without any problem. But when I use forms
with post method and call an asp in action, it does not pass any data
to ASP.

Request.Form method on a form field does not return any value.

This code works on web hosting provider server, just does not work on
my workstation with my own IIS server. Code:

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Question On Data Post Via A Form

I've got a question regarding data retrieved via Post.

If i have a standard textfield within my form:

<input type="text" name="number" size="10">

and i submit the form with the textfield left blank, when i use:


what data type will it return? I need to know the data type so i can check for "", null, nothing or something else.

Assume these scenarios:

1. The user is supposed to type in a number in the textfield

2. The user has no restrictions on what he can type in the textfield

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