Hmlhttp Request To Check If URL Is Valid

I use the following code to chck for a working url. It does work for some, but sites that seem to be written in PHP, and google, seem to return a "fail" - I can't figure out how to get p-ast this.

Dim objHTTP
Set objHTTP = Server.CreateObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") "GET", strURL, False
if err or sHTML<>"OK" Then
End if
Set objHTTP=nothing
End if

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Check Whether Path Is Valid

I have one asp page in which i ask the user to enter the path. This then transfers the control to next asp page. In the next page i want to check whether the path is valid or not. I know there are methods of FileSystemObject like DriveExists, FolderExists and FileExists but these has to be used individually.

Suppose the user enters the path as "D:" then i should use DriveExists
and if the user enter the path as "D:/test" the i should use FolderExists
i.e i have to use individual functions. How to check this using one function only

Another problem is that i want to display the message on the page for some seconds and then the control should transfer to next page. How do i go about it.

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How Can I Check That A Submitted E-mail Adress Is Valid?

Say I retrieve and e-mail adress from a form like this, then I know how to check that it's not empty, contain numbers etc. but I don't know how to check that the e-mail complies with some kind of regular expression or the like.

Therefore I wonder if you have any good e-mail form validation code that can be used on the server side (comparable to Java Script reg.exp on the client side).


Dim mail
mail = request.form("email")

IF mail = "" or mail does not complain with some kind of reg. exp THEN

some code....

End IF

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Asp Email Verification Check Valid Email Thru Mx Record

how to write to check verification valid email thru nslookup or mx record or dns record. Is it possible to do that. Is there any tutorial from sitepoint, previously found it but i lost the link.

example to check assume is not a real email, is real email
how do u check it.

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Valid Sql Statement

Is this sql statement valid?

strQ = "SELECT *"
strQ = strQ & " FROM Receipt"
strQ = strQ & " WHERE Receipt.Expense ='Inventory' AND Receipt.ReceiptDate Between #1/1/2005# And #12/31/2005#"
strQ = strQ & " ORDER BY Receipt.ReceiptDate"

What I like it to do is select all references to "Inventory" under the field Expense for the entire year of 2005, with the results sorted by date ascending.

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Not A Valid File Name?

i downloaded soem code that is a way to view a MS access db with asp. The error I get is Not a valid file name. Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005' . I know it might not be enough information, but anyone have any clues? Code:

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Valid XHTML..

If you use ASP.NET you can still make valid xhtml code right? Becuase Visual Studio .NET 2003 doesn't care if it's <br> or <br /> thats bad in my opinion =) You know if Whidbey will make better xhtml?

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Field Name Is Valid

The field name 'articleid', which is an identity/primary key , is not being recognized in my recordset as I get an " Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal" error with the following- the line number that the error message points to is on my response.write for the rsid("articleID") :

dim sqlid,rsid
sqlid = "SELECT max(ArticleID) from tblarticles"
Set rsid = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsid.Open sqlid,sqlc,3
response.write rsid("ArticleID")

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Not A Valid Password

I'm using a ACCESS database that has a databasepassword. In the connection string I'll provide the password as follows:

MM_test_STRING = "dsn=test;pwd=test;"

This works fine on IIS 5 but on IIS 6 on Windows Server 2003 I'll get the
followwing error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Not a valid password.

When I'll remove the password the DSN works fine also.

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Valid Validation

I want to use validation with my ASP script before i add a new record to the database.


if UserID = "" then Response.redirect("login.asp?login=createnameEMPTY")

so far it only checks that the field is empty- how would i also check that the field is just letters and numbers or if the email field is valid?

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Requested Control Not Valid

When I'm trying to start the smtp virtual server the status of the smtp server is showing 'the requested Control is not valid for this service'
Its state is shown as unknown.Wat ay be the reason.
The messages I'm sending is going to the pick up directory from there its not taking

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Valid Session Variable Name

Is this a valid name for a session variable:


If so, does the " :$SO " mean anything special? I'm going through a web application written by somebody else (who I don't have contact with...) and it's littlered with these types of session variables.

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Request.BinaryRead :: Request Object Error 'ASP 0104 : 80004005'

Why does the error below occur whenever the statement Request.BinaryRead Request.TotalBytes) is executed for uploads larger than 100K? I thought the 100K limit applied only to Request.Form. This does not occur with smaller uploads. This is running on an IIS 6 server with full FP2002 extensions.

Request object error 'ASP 0104 : 80004005'
Operation not Allowed

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Consecutive Request.Form And Request.BinaryRead

Request.Form and Request.BinaryRead cannot be called after each other as it causes errors.

I need the BinaryRead and I also need to access other form values, but I cannot call them after one another. What do I do?

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Sql Connection In Web.config Error Saying "Provider" Is Not A Valid Keyword

I am now all of a sudden getting an error in this sql connection
string, saying that the Provider keyword is invalid:

<add key="MM_CONNECTION_STRING_isox"
value="Provider=SQLOLEDB;SERVER=xx.xx.xx.xx;UID=xx;PWD=xx x;DATABASE=xxxx;"

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Error :: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Not A Valid Bookmark.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Not a valid bookmark.

has anybody seen such types of errors?

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What Is The Difference Between REQUEST And REQUEST.QUERYSTRING?

What is the difference between these two statements? They seem to do the
same thing...



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Using Request And Request.Form

when the asp page is Request("txtName").i can use "testpage.aspx?txtName=User1" to post the value.but when i use Request.Form("txtName").i cannot use that method,what can i do to solve that problem.(as i cannot modifty the request.form syntax but i need to post data to that web page, is there any method so that i can pass that parameter?)

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Request Instead Of Request.QueryString

I saw some program using "request("fieldname") " instead of "request.QueryString" to get the value from URL, what's the different ?

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Request.Form("Field Name") Versus Request.QueryString("Field Name")

I want to know what's the differences between

Request.Form("Field Name") and
Request.QueryString("Field Name")

OR they function exactly the same, which is to return the value of the

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Check For .Net From ASP

I'm working on a "hybrid" application some classic ASP, and some I'm trying to develop a support type page that checks necessary
components, database connections etc.. last item is to check for the .NET
extensions. Is there a way to do that from a classic ASP page?

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Log Check In ASP

I am working on a website that requires a login before accessing an appointment book application written in ASP.Basically what I want to do is when the customer first clicks on "appointment_book" link, it takes them to the registration form. After they are registered, It will then redirect them to the actual application.
I also want the same thing to happen when a customer clicks on the login link. I want them to login, then get redirected to the appointment_book.
at the moment the customer click on the registratration link and it shows them the registration form, they are then automatically logged in after registration. However, when I click on the Appointment_book link again, it brings me back to registration form. How can I have the link always point to the appointment book after they are registered or logged in?

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Check IP

let say:

can i restrict that only can access to page?
so when user suft, they unable to view the content.both domain is on diff IP.

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Check Box

I have a form with several check boxes.they are all set to default to "unchecked."The db also defaults to unchecked.But,as soon as we hit the "form1.recordset.addnew" all of the cb's change themselves to "checked."?

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Age Check

Does anyone know of any nice ready made asp scripts to check a website's visitors age? I mean the sort of thing you see where you have to choose your day, month and year of birth from drop down lists to comply with US laws Code:

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Check If Is Int

I'm trying to guard against SQL injection, but I have an ID number being embedded into a querystring for MSSQL table selection.

Is it good enough just to check if the querystring value is an int, if so could you quickly remind me how to check that. In PHP we use is_numeric or is_int.

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Check If CDO.SYS

I moved an ASP app to a new Win03 server. The sendmail function using CDO in all ASP appls suddenly stopped working. It worked fine on the previous server (also Win03/IIS6.0). Where should I go to check?

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Check If Page Is Down

I would like to check if a website is currently down, but don't know how to do this efficiently. I do not have access to the remote server. I have tried using XMLHTTP, and it worked, it just took a long time and I felt it wasn't effecient enough. Is there some other way to check if the website is up or not using ASP?

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How To Check Value Is Null Or Not

how to check any value in asp that it is null or not.

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Check 4 Email

I have a form that has simple vaidation but how do i check to make sure there is and email in the email section.

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How To Check Given Value Is Numeric Or Not

How can I check that entered value in a text box is numeric or not in next page?

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Check For Http?

I have a form that a user submits their clan's website, and roster page.
What I want to do, is check to see if the field submitted contained
"http://" and if not, add it to the field submission.

I know i can make this easier, and put the http:// in the field as a default
value, but i want to know how to do this with a bit of form validation or

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Check Duplicate Name

I have a signup form.

I would like to be able to check for duplicate entries during the signup.

E.g. Check for duplicate
1. Usernames
2. Phone numbers

How could this be achieved ?

My code basically is two fold.

1. A recordset that checks
if not recordset.bof and not recordset.eof then
'do something. And redirect to say the value exists
end if

2. Run a SP to do an insert and authentication

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