Ho Show A Progress Bar While Records Are Being Retrieved.

While trying to retrieve a large number of records, I would like to show a progress bar to indicate that the user are to wait. How can I do so?

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Show A Progress Bar

I have a ASP application which let user to download their reports in pdf format. I would like to show a progress bar, or change the mouse cursor to a hourglass while the user is waiting for the file. How to acomplish this? In the asp code, I use response.BinaryWrite to create the pdf file directly to the browser. How to detect when the file is ready?

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How To Make Retrieved Records Editable

I managed to retrieve a table from a database and displays records on the browser using the ASP code below.

but I also want some of the retrieved record be clickable and editable so if a user decides to upadate a record it can be clicked and updated. there are two options either redirect to another page and the selected records will be displayed again to be edited or edit them on the same page,I m not sure how to make the selected records editable using the code below. Code:

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Show Duplicate Records

A table exists that is built like this:

CREATE TABLE tb_test (name varchar(50))

The table is full of records; many are duplicates.

What would be the correct syntax to show ONLY those records appearing more than once?

A. Please do not use Stored Procedures
B. Please do not use User Defined Functions
C. Please do not use Variables
D. Please do not use Temporary Tables
E. Please do not use Views

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How To Show Message If No Records Found?

I am using the following code which works if there is records, if there is not it shows blank screen, how do I make a message show if there were no records found? Code:

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Show Random Records - New Set On Refresh!

I know there are plenty of threads relating to 'random' records, but non of the code samples seem to return random results each time I refresh the page; or don't show any results at all? The ID numbers for my recordset are not necessarily consecutive numbers (some items may have been deleted). I simply want to feature 2 or 3 random news teasers on my home page WHERE feature="yes". I guess I need to call 3 random id's, and keep looking until a record is returned? I would also like to change the number of 'teasers' displayed via another database table - I can do this later, but the code has to accommodate a flexible way to change how many records are returned.

Here's the Access table:

news (TBL):

If you have a possible answer for me could you please provide sample code and spell it out clearly.

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Recordset Paging :: Only Show 10 Records At A Time

I'm trying to only show 10 records at a time. I have the first 10 records showing. The problem is that when I click the Next button I get an error message: ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BB9)

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another. Also different people are going to search for different things so there will always be a different amount of records returned each time. I can't figure this out. My code is:

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Emailaddress Retrieved

In retrieve among other data an emailaddress from an SQL table and put it in a tabel (see code below)
How can I make the email address an active mailtolink


<table border="0" width="100%">
<td valign="top" width="115px">
<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "User_name") %></td>
<td valign="top" width="180px">
<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "User_Email") %></td>

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Retrieved Hyperlinks

I added a column to my Access database and defined it as hyperlink.
I added some URL in the fields and i was able to see the underline under each address.
In my code i added the following line :
Response.Write("<td align=right>" & oRS("info").Value & "</td></tr>")
(The hyperlinks defined in my database as info).
I'm able to see the hyperlink when i retrieve all other data but it appears as
#http://www...asp# and with no underline what is the reason and how can i change this ?

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Items Retrieved

does anyone knows how i can layout items retrieved from db such as example from this online shop site . most items retrieeved from db such as Accesss are always in vertical layout.

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Execute Code Retrieved

I haven't started to mess with this yet, but is it possible to store
.ASP source script in a Database field, then use ADO to get the string
from the field and then force the scripting host to interpret that
string from the database and flush it into the buffer for output to
the browser? I was thinking you'd have to use EVAL() on the string or
something...Anyone done this yet?
I was working with Vignette story Server a couple of years ago, and
all of the TCL source script and html is stored completely in the
database, only cached pages are in virtual directories.

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The Layout Of Retrieved Data

The link for the photos are requested from the server and so the photo
appears on screen. I can produce a long list by using the response.write ***
& "<br>" or whatever. but is it possible to have it start on the next line
after say 5 photos in a line. i.e. where each - is a photo

- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -

rather then
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Binary Output Retrieved From Db

I'm attempting to read data written to a MySQL database and view it in the browser. I've searched the net for over 3 days and I've seen many posts that say it works great, but it's not working for me. The only thing that displays properly is a text file. Everything else is garbled. I desire to store & read PDF files though. Here's my code:

<%@ Language = VBSCRIPT %>
<% Option Explicit %>

<!-- #include file="dbConn.asp" -->
<!--#include file="adovbs.inc"--> ...

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Retrieved Password Display

Im doing a password retrieval page that is working fine, but it wont appear in the html page i want it to.

1)When i dont try and put it on any page the text appears no problemo on a white background.

2)When i attempt to put it on my designed page all that appears is my designed HTML page with none of this text. Code:

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How To Allow User To Edit Details Retrieved

I have a feedback form which asks someone to enter their personal details and then submits them to db. There are input, checkboxes and selection boxes on form.

Now I want to allow user to edit this form. When user clicks 'edit', I retrieve all the values from db and populate the text boxes.

What happens with the options and checkboxes. How can I get these to reflect what their values in db? Also I have some drop downs allowing user to select date of birth ie. day drop down, month drop down and year drop down. How do I show user the details we have for them if I'm using drop downs?

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Problem W/ Certain Images Being Retrieved From Web Server

I'm having problems retrieving certain images from my web server, such as, Dozier SrB9057.

The problem I'm having is w/, Jr., Sr., II, and III get the drift. How can I get rid of the space in between the last name and Sr?

Now, the Sr is included in the field along with last name.

Here's my code:

strSQL = "Select * from vw_licenseholder_PrimAddr where L_ID = 5940"
Set rs1 = objConn.Execute(strSQL)

ImagePath = "w:" ....

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Zooming Images Retrieved From A Database

Am storing images on a database and users query the database to retrieve the images. I want to add a zoom in and zoom out button that will enlarge and reduce the images depending on which button the user clicks.

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Using OnClick On A Retrieved Database Data

The user basically queries the database for some data, and I initially retrieve just part of the data matching the query...

I display the Primary Key as a hyperlink..and when the user clicks on a particular retrieved data..i want to display all the contents about that element alone on another new page...

The problem i am facing is that i do not know the syntax to use the onClick event within an ASP code:

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Matching Array Index To Values Retrieved From Database

I have this dynamic array(shown below) that I need to match to values (1 - 10) that I am returning from the database via DSN connection object.

The values I need to match are on the same page (in their own table) but I am not sure how to match up the array indexes to these values. I want to be able to display the array result as part of or nested in another table. Code:

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Progress Bar

I have a frameset,leftframe and rightframe. Leftframe displays links and clicking on these links the appropriate page is shown in the rightframe.The rightframe accepts some inputs and submits to another page (.asp page).This page creates a .PDF report.

When i click on a link for the first time and try to generate a report , the report is displayed, also the progress bar is shown. But when i reload the page and try to generate the report again , though the report is generated in PDF format, the progress bar is not shown. This happens when the PDF is integrated within the browser.

This does not happen when the PDF is shown outside the browser. Can anyone tell me how do i resolve this issue?

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Progress Bar

I want to create a popup that shows up after I click a link and stays on top until the new page is loaded

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Progress Bar

I would like to create a progress bar for file uploading stating the percentage left to complete upload. How can this be done? Any reference that I can refer to?

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Progress Bar

Is it possible to do a progress bar of gauge bar in asp? If possible could someone show some sample code on it.

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Progress Bar

know when you are uploading files, if there is a way to show a progress bar as the file is being uploaded?

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Progress Bar

I have a website that lists Word docs and Powerpoint presentations. When a user clicks on the link the open/save dialogue pops up (as it should). I know that when a user chooses to Save the doc, the dialogue finds the file size and updates the estimated download time as it is downloading.

But how can I duplicate that 'progress' when the user chooses to only Open the file? I know that the browser's status bar shows the status of the page (i.e. loading) but my client would like a progress bar for this also.

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Progress Bar

I have an ASP which is a form (get), and whenever I run it, even though its just sitting there waiting for input, the progress bar at the bottom of the page starts slowly climbing up. Why is it doing that ?

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Progress Bar For ASPSmartUpLoad

I'm using ASPSmartUpLoad free component in order to upload files in a browser based way, but I would like to add a Progress Bar to my page during the big files uploading, I mean something like the small html windows that appear when you are "downloading" any file.
Please, Does anyone could indicate me a way or idea about to do this?

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Explorer Progress Bar

I am looking for explorer object of internet explorer progress bar. I
don't know if it accessible to read real time this control.

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Progress Page

I need a search in progress page, so when a user clicks my search button they are then directed to a 'searching...' page with an animated gif.

The search in progress page needs to use 'GET' to go and retrieve the results of the search. Once the results come back they replace the search in progress page.

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Displaying Progress

I have an ASP page - that will be making about 7 calls to a database. What I want is to show progress to the users so that they can tell each database call is in progress. The asp calling page works fine, but it only displays when the entire process has been completed. What I want is to be able to show dynimically - step 1 done; step 2 done; etc.

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Progress Bar For Reports

I have some reports which run as SQL statements from an ASP web page. As some of the queries return about 4-5000 records, I would like a progress bar to be shown so the user knows that something is happening, does anyone have suggestions on how to do this or any sample code I can use?

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Copy Progress Bar Possible

I m in the completion of a "backup script" from remote to local folder. However, i m using the fsobject to make this copy. Of course, when i run this on my local intranet, it s so quick that i don t have the time to realise what s going on and it s already copied on my local folder.

BUT, if i run the script on the Internet (since the file is something like 5Mb and up) i don t have any indication that the file has been copied on my local hard drive.
Is there a way that i could display some "waiting signs" (ierogress bar or else) while the copy takes place ?

srcfile = (Server.Mappath("../db/db.mdb"))
desfile = "c:01db.mdb"
fso.CopyFile srcfile,desfile,true

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Login Progress Bar

I am using Commerce Server and during the login phase,it may take a while. I have been requested that if someone is in the progress of loggin in, to display an animated gif stating "Please Wait". I am not allowed to use frames (I know why) and have been asked to avoid JavaScript if at all possible.

Does anyone know how to check for an event, display a gif without waiting for the current function that manages the login to return before refreshing the page. I was looking at some client side event?

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