Home Page - Default Variable?

I'm very new to ASP, but developing a dynamic website using ASP and an Access dbase.

I've created a template page (index.asp) and I plan for this to be the only page required for the whole site as the rest of the content will be loaded dynamically based on variables in the querystring. For example, if the querystring was: index.asp?PageStr=home, the home page content would load, if it was index.asp?PageStr=contact, the contact content would load.

My question is this. If someone went to my domain xyz.com there would be no default variable in the querystring and no content would load. Is there a way round having to create two pages - a default home page and another page for everything else?

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Home Page

Our home page name is index.html index html include left and right html. so google
get left or right html. and we would like if someone click the page then
open home page. ( if opening page is not in frame then redirect
ndex.html )

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Asp Home Page

Im building a website for a mate they want a news story on the front page that is pulled through from a database.Just want to know if i can make this page called index.asp - will it be recognised as the index page?

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Assigning A Default Value To A Function-variable

Well, it's quite simple, it's easily done in C, but in ASP (and VB in
general) i haven't been able to see it done...

function setvalues(var1, var2="a", var3="b")
if var2="a" then
response.write("Var2 wasn't defined")
end if
if var3="b" then
response.write("Var3 wasn't defined")
end if
end function

I hope it makes sense, and that someone has the solution to it...

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500 Internal Server Error On ASP Home Page

hosted on my own IIS while developing and had no problems, but since putting the site up onto an external ISP, we have been getting server errors when trying to access the default.asp page. Clicking refresh loads the page fine (but of course, new visitors don't know this!)The address of the site is http://betweenheavenandearth.ca . If you type this address into the address bar you may recreate the error (it doesn't always occur)

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How Can I Insert A Picture That Exist In My Server Into My Home Page?

I allow my users to upload a picture from their machine to my website on the server. I know the exact name and the path of the uploaded picture in my server, is something like:

Then, I would like to insert this picture into my home page. How can I do that without manually download the picture from server to my machine? How can I insert a picture that exist in my server into my page?

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Redirecting From My Home Page Directly To Mail Server Inbox

I have registered a domain, if i want to check my mail i had provision to go to there web server mail page from there i could login and see my emails,

i have a created home page in ASP there i had login page with username and password,

if i enter the username and password it should straight away take me to the email folder(accessing from my home page rather than going to the their web server login page)....

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Default ASP Page Displays But Others Don't

I have setup an IIS 6 server and I am trying to migrate a pretty basic website to it. It will display any ASP page that I set as the default page, but gives a 404.2 for any
other ASP pages that I link to.

What am I missing?

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Solve The Default Page

i using the iis on my comp as a server.if i dun have a index.html or default.html page in my directory then when i enter //localhost then all files will be shown.now i put a index.html page inside the directory.. it will open up the index page when i enter localhost.i wan to link a page from the index.html page to the main login page.how do i do it?

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Default.asp Page Error

I have uploaded asp online shop to my server but i can not see my default page pictures.Also i my poll does not work.Like windows download page appairs. My site was working fine with IIS but i do not understand it is not working in my server.

I have copied all my folder to /www/shop/ folder also my products doesn work.
All was working in IIS. My email database is giving error while uploading to server.I have tried different ftp or direct connction.

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How Do You Display A Default Error Page Using Asp With IIS 5.x

Many of my pages use URL and/or server variables to run recordsets to serve up dynamic content. If a user bookmarks that page and then comes back later, they would get a end of record or no record returned generic IIS error page. Can anyone tell me how to add a defaul error page?

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DB Search On Default.html Page

I've taken over maintenance of a website running on NT 4, IIS with ASP pages and an MS Access database, but I don't have much experience with this platform. I've got the ASP down pretty well and know SQL, but am having a problem figuring out how to get data for the main page.

On the main page (default.html) I want to display a random business from our database of businesses. Since it's a .html page how can I run server-side code to run the query and select the business? Am I stuck with CGI or is there some other way to do this? I don't want to redirect from the main page to another page, either.

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Web Site Loads Wrong Default Page

I'm running win 2000, I downloaded a calender and put it into my root website folder. the calendar folder contained a file called adovbs.inc . After the insertion of this folder and creating links to it we noticed that when the web page loaded it's home page, another older page that has been deleted is displayed.

This page was located in the calendar folder. So now I've deleted the calendar folder, and restarted the server but this old page is still on display.

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Web.config File, Default Page Precedence, Shared Hosting

I moved a site from a dedicated server to a shared hosting environment. On my dedicated I could specify the order of precedence for the default / index files. On the shared default.asp takes precedence of index.html and I can not change that.

Support told me to look into using a web.config file to accommodate my needs. What I need to do is have the index.html file show up first, not the default.asp Is the web.config file the route to take?

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IIS And XP Home

Is there a component I can download that will run asp on XP Home?

I have XP Pro on my home dev system but only have XP Home on my laptop
and don't really want to spend out on another XP Pro license.

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ASP On XP Home

What's the best way that I will be able to code ASP on my XP Home, can I get it for free

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Get URL Variable On .asp Page With ASP Or JS

I need to retreive a URL variable on a .asp page using either ASP or JS and
then put in into the URL of an img tag. Code:

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Get A Page And Put It In A Variable

basically i want to send a web page off by email. so i was thinking of putting some asp scrip at the end of the page to do this...


dim a
a = page_content

but how do i get page content? Is there some variable I can read that has it stored? is there some way I can all the stuff that has gone out to browser?

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Alternative To IIS On XP Home?

i have read a few articles saying that you can run IIS on XP home but it does not look too reliable to me and am not too willing to try, so is there an alternative set-up i can use to test my ASP before uploading?

i say this as all ftp hosts seem to want your code pre-tested before uploading .

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Run ASP Pages On Win XP Home

is it possible to run asp on win xp home edi? i know that it does not have the iis, but i was wondering if there is any other third party softwares that allow to achieve this.cheers.

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Running ASP On XP Home

is it possible to install PWS on XP Home? If not, is there another way to run asp on XP Home?

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Environment Variable From ASP Page

My goal is to retrieve my local machine's %USERNAME% environment variable
from ASP page.

When I enter http://RemoteServerName/testusername.asp?id=%USERNAME% directly
into the IE Browser URL box, %USERNAME% is repalced with the local machine
ID. However <a href="http://RemoteServerName/testusername.asp?id=%USERNAME%"> get mahcine id</a> in an html file and use Request.Querystring("id") to retrieve it in testusername.asp page, it returns "%USERNAME%". I guess IE browser is smart enough to replace %USERNAME% with the local environment variable value before sending URL string to the web server when you type directly into the Browser URL box.My question is , is there any way to retrieve local machine's environment variable, %USERNAME% from ASP page?

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Passing Variable Value To Another Page

i am trying to pass a variable to another page using a button.this is the code i have

<form action="G_Reply.asp?Title="<%=rsUser("Title")%>" method="post">
<button name="add" type="submit">
<img src="Pictures/G_Chat.png" width="150" height="20"></button>

Even though it does not work ,it does pass the variable when using as hyperlink like :

<% response.write ("<a href=G_Reply.asp?Title="&rsUser("Title")&"> Post Reply </a>")%>

(rsUser is my recordset and ("Title") is the field in the database. )

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Pass Variable To Another Page

Ive done this in various ways before but im doing it in java wit asp Code:

a0=("Managing Director")

<a href=javascript:openpopup("EditSupplierContact.asp?a0=<%response.write(a0)%>")>Edit</a>

only the word "Managing" is being passed into the string if i join the variable toghther its works.

works if a0=("ManagingDirector")

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Set Variable To Include Page

im trying to make a string and in that string have an include in to include a .asp page is this possible. Code:

myhtml = ""
myhtml = myhtml & "This Should Work "
myhtml = myhtml & " <!--#include file ="TESTR.asp"--> "

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Content Of A Page To A Variable

Is there a way to save the contents of a web page to a variable? I have some Word docs that have been saved as HTML (yuck!), but I am stuck with them. I would like to create a page that writes out the contents of the word/html document while maintaining the formatting.

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Sending A Variable From One Page To Another

What I am trying to do is send a variable from one page to another. Now my first page is setup as follows: Code:

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IIS 5 Running On XP Home Edition

I'm running windows XP and went to add "IIS 5.0" from the add windows components but it wasn't there,does anyone here know what i should do? One more question, is it still worth learning ASP since ASP.NET came out?

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Redirects To Home.aspx.

I' currently making a time and movement site for our department.I would like for the user to use a login page,once they log in I want them to be directed to a personnal home page that allows to add and view their current week movements.How would I proceed
I built a login page, once the login is validated it redirects to home.aspx.
In the home aspx what would the coding for the home page to retreive the date related to the particular employee without having the employee to retypr his login information in a search form.

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IIS Server On Windows XP Home

is there a way to install the IIS server on Windows XP home? Like the one you get wih Windows XP Proffesional CD. I have found this website which has a method of doing it, although it says here tha Microsoft says you need Windows XP Professional to install this and that this is only a workaround I wasn't sure if this was true or not.

The main reason I thought of this was because I would have thought Microsoft would have had a file you can download from their website or some thing like that, although I haven't found any other way of doing this yet.

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Custom Home Pages

I'm looking to do custom homepages based on user login, something like googles homepage, But not as drastic. I'm not sure how i should go about this. any suggestions on the thought process would be nice .

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Install IIS In XP Home Edition

I have Windows XP Home edition. Is there any way I can Install IIS in my machine (without upgrading to XP Pro)? I need to run and test my asp programs utilizing MS Accsess and SQL Server.

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Setup ASP Server At Home

Could someone lead me in the direction on how to set up server on my home PC so I can view my ASP pages, rather than uploading them to host server to view. The easiest and less painful way.

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