Hosting Multiple Sites

Is there any script that i can use to host multiple sites on my IIS 2003 server?

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Configuring IIS (5.1) For Multiple Web Sites

Could someone help me find a tutorial (or perhaps instuct me) in the proper way to configure IIS 5.1 so that I can design and test (using localhost) multiple web sites. My problem arises when I try to debug ASPs that contain virtual includes which assume that the ASP exists in the default web site.

Since my ASPs exist in subwebs within the default site rather than in the default site, the included pages are not found and my ASPs return errors. I'm sure there must be a better way to do this but so far I haven't found one.

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Asp/ Ms Sql And Hosting $$$$

I'm am having a coder do my site in asp, and it is oibg to take lots of bandwidth and space, but ms sql / asp server are very expensive, so how do you get arond it ? I am not using ms access as it can noy handle lots of users at the same time like mysql/ms sql would . Is the answer using mysql with asp? but have not seen many peole do that or use it

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Asp Web Hosting

can anyone recommend a company with competitive asp web hosting reseller plans.would love to make a little extra cash for the holidays

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Web Hosting

Could someone recommend a good web hosting company supporting classic ASP pages, preferably located in UK?<br><br>Many thanks<br>natalie

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Web Hosting

recommend a company with competitive asp web hosting reseller plans (would love to make a little extra cash for the holidays)?

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ASP Hosting

My current hosting company doesn't do ASP - Anyone know of any good (cheap) web hosts that do ASP?

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Web Hosting

can anyone recommend a company with competitive asp web hosting reseller plans (would love to make a little extra cash for the holidays)?

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I am new to ASP. I am planing to run data base site and my designer is doing his work now. My designer want this capacity in a server -'Your server must support .NET framework 1.1 (for ASP.NET) and also MS SQL Server 2000 as database'

I have no idea about most of these things. I try to find server and send several email also. Those who experience with ASP, please recomand a serever. I found one, Godaddy hosting, anybody use them?

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Hosting My Web Page

I am trying to set up my IIS to run asp pages. However, I am haveing some problem hosting my asp pages and it is probably caused by the IIS configuration.

Now, I am getting an error message "HTTP 403.1 Forbidden: Execute Access Forbidden Internet Information Services" when I try to open my default asp page using the personal web manger I am using Windows 2000 and oracle database.

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CMS On Windows Hosting

Is there a Content Management System that runs on ASP Windows hosting that allows an user to go to an admin page on the website, login and make content update to the site without touching code?

I know there are lots in the Linux world. What about Windows? I know about Contribute, but that requires an install of a desktop application. Or do they have a web verison now? I want an admin web page.

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ASP Hosting Companies

Some ASP hosting companies allow users to upload any ASP programs that they
want. But, as you know, ASP programs can do virtually everything, including
running components, doing disk operations, even reformatting a hard-disk!

How do ASP hosting companies prevent users from doing harmful operations
like that?

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ASP And Unix Web Hosting

Simple quesion: Can you run ASP pages on a Unix server?

I am trying to learn "include files" and before I go any further I need to know if it can be used on a Unix server. IF NOT, what would be my options?

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Hosting Form IIS

I hv developed application and want my boss to take a look on it. While making my own sysstem there any way that i could make that available to my boss.I treid but it asks for user name and password. after supplying this info.

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Brinkster Lately For Web Hosting

I know brinkster has been round for a while, but I always classed it as sort of free host site like geocities and the like. I've just had an email from them and from an ASP developer point of view they now seem to be doing some good hosting packages.

Price isn't fantastic, but they offer .net as standard and more importantly their servers seem to be far more flexible in that you can use Versign's secure payment dlls for shop cart payment verification and even set up your own secure server so that the http and the https data can be on the same domain and web space.

This latter feature would have got me out of so much crap if my current ISP could do it because I'm currently 'session chasing' between 2 different hosting spaces for the http and https sides of my shop cart site.

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Hosting Allows Asp But Not Access

my client chose a php host that allows .asp,but doesn't allow .mdb's. so my question is if i wanted to use an .asp page to connect to an mysql database, how do i go about connecting to a mysql using asp?

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SQL Web Hosting Providers

I'm looking for a web host provider that will host my small ASP web site with a MBD database back-end. Eventually, I will rewrite the site to, and migrate the MDB into SQL Server. I basically want to be able to have all the functionality that I do now.

- Create ASP scripts in Frontpage, Create MBD and/or SQL db's in Access and SQL, manage all my sites permissions, make changes to NTFS and Share security that take effect immediately, etc.

Most important is that I need to create the ASP scripts via FrontPage but of greater need is to build the SQL tables, queries, etc without the server license - I want the web host to provide the tools and resources to do this.

I did a Google search and find too many differant review sites all claiming to be unbiased and independant. Can you recommend an *unbiased* review site and/or a recommendation of a web host provider of your own that will meet my needs?

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SSL In Sites

I'd like to use SSL encryption to provide secure pages in an ASP.NET application. I know I can specify complete URLs (e.g. https://www....), but for several reasons, I'd like to use relative URLs.

Is there a way to do this and if so how? Also, is there a simple way to specify at a "root" level in an ASP.NET app that ALL pages should be secure automatically?

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Run Two Sites

We have been assigned the task of running two ASP sites on the same IIS server. Currently we have site A running as http://SiteA on port 80 as the default site. Can we run another SiteB on port 80 as http://SiteB.? We have created another website as SiteB but if i try to configure it with port 80 it gives an error message that "Another site mayalreasy be using that port".

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Xml Error In Free Hosting

I am using a free hosting with ad banner in every page. Here is the problem: I have used <xml id="category" src="xml/category.asp"></xml> in my page. The problem is that it generates an error "Only one top level element is allowed in an XML document".

The reason for this error is that ad banner was automatically inserted into category.asp, which causes this xml file to generate this error. Does anyone has an idea on how to by-pass this?

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Domains/Hosting Cart

Has anyone got a script for a domains/hosting cart running off an Access db. There seems to be quite a few PHP/Perl versions around but very little ASP.

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Shared Hosting And Using DLLs

Now I created a web site and try to start it ... but I used some dlls ... and when I asked my ISP to register those dlls for me ... they replied me like below "since your site is on the Windows shared server, we may not be able to register your .dll file" ...
"We hope you would consider the alternative ways to implement at your end." So what do I need to do? What I need to do is to remove away all the dlls and change my ASP code?

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Good Hosting Company

Ive been making asp sites for about 2 years, but my first "real" site is going to be going live soon. Im currently seeking out a reliable hosting company based in england to host this website. Has anybody got any ideas of a good host? Ive been searching around for some time, but have not come across any that looks good enough. Im not after a dedicated server, shared hosting will do.

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Mail Through Our Hosting Services?

how to send asp mail through our hosting services? I need Source code for ASP-Mail form.

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Getting Other Sites Using HTTP

Cold Fusion has this tag called <CFHTTP> which allows you to grab the contents of a web site and put it in a variable. It works well because we can grab our dynamically generated header and display it on our cold fusion sites.

We have a couple of ASP sites and we want to do the same thing for them. However I am not sure if ASP has the same exact type of tag. Does anyone know?

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How To Use Different Sites In IIS On WinXP Pro

Probably way off the mark here, but I have IIS running on my WinXP machine
and I thought I could host multiple domains over the old Win98 method where
I could only have the one?

All I can see at the moment is that I have a Default Web Site, which is
associated to MyPC, and all I can create is virtual directories/folders
within this default location. This means that instead of me being able to
create the desired effect of: Code:

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Same Sessions In The Two Sites

I am using two copies of that website ... both copies are under same domain but in different folders ... In my site, there are some pages which are not available to everone .. the site requires from a user to enter his/her username and password .. I use session varibles to check if the user is logged in or not on every single page ...

The problem is when I log in the first copy of the site and then move to the second copy ... the second site things that I am logged in !! this is because I use same session varibles name in all copies ... I can fix this problem by changing session varibles names in one of the copies ... but this will mean I have to modify 100 pages ... is there any other solution for my problem?

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Updateable Web Sites

I'm looking for some code that will enable me to create a updateable web
site. So when I design a the front end all I need to do is drop in some
server variables on the html pages and the asp code does the rest via a

The code would be portable therefore small changes will allow me to apply to
many sites, ideally it should also contain a text editor.Is this feasible ?
I've looked at cms, but this doesn't seem to give enough flexibility or am I
missing something ? and finally has some sort of portal system
(matrix), how does this fit in ?

For the moment I think the best way forward is this code (or framework) that
will enable the client to update, until a better sollution.

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One Server - Many Web Sites

I deleloped a "template" web site for a national organization. They have 2000 members and wish to offer this site to each member. Some members will have their own domain, others will not. Regardless, each site will be hosted on one server by the organization. Here is the problem I am facing. Yesterday, they did their first test of this template. The client sent me this url -

When I went to the address, I noticed any reference in the site to a session variable defined in the global.asa was not showing up. From past experience, I seem to remember that the .asa file needs to be in the root web, yes? Seeing as they will have two thousand of these templates on the same server, how can I achieve what I am trying to do here. I want each site to be easily modified for each client. The only thing that needs to change on each site is address, name, tel., fax, etc. I thought a single global.asa file and session variables would do this hence my approach.

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Viewing IIS Sites

I have three PCs connected in a workgroup, all have Windows XP.On one PC, called MF1, I have IIS installed.In IIS I have a virtual directory called dbsite, pointing to a folder c:dbsite.In a web browser I can view the site via http://localhost/dbsite, or http://MF1/dbsite.

how would I allow the other two pcs on the network to access this site.

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Keep Cookies Or Between 2 Sites

I have 2 separate web sites on 2 different boxes on box 1 on box 2

Users log into box 1 via regular ASP/Database authentication, and I keep a session variable to mark authenticated users. There's a link that would send users to box #2 at How do I check whether these users are authenticated or not? I do not want to present a login screen again. Is it possible? If so, what are ways to do it, if not

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DC's Not Replicating When In Different Sites

We have one domain with a mixture of NT PDC's one Win2K DC (which was the
first installed) and 4 Windows 2003 DC's.

I created our sites as per MS documentation and created the subnets that
match each site. I moved each server into its own site. I then create the
Inter-site transport with IP. I create one call "All Sites" and copied all
sites into it.

Login scripts seem to get replicated eventually. New users don't seem to get
replicated and DC's never seem to find TS license server. There aren't any
messages in the Eventlog on any of the DC's.

If I move all DC's back into the Default_First-Site things start replicating
immediately. Code:

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One Database And 2-3 Sites

i have one database and 2-3 sites, and i want to connect to this database (access) from all my sites with asp. i have my own server.

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