How Can I Make An Automatically Reminder In My Web Site ??

I want to send the registerd users on my web site emails on a specific time automatically for example: a birthdate reminder.

But I need this to be done automatically when the time reached as they specified in the registeration form. Others said to me that the only available ways is to make an application for this, and make it run forever on the server to check the DB, and when the time reached it sends the reminders.

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Sending Reminder Emails Automatically

I have an online classifeds website and would like to send automatic reminder emails to advertisers 3 days before their advertisement expires.

I am able to send emails via CDONTS from a form but are unsure how to extract the date details from the database 3 days from the renewal date and send an email to all relevant advertisers . I have an Access database attached to the web pages.

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How To Make ASP Automatically Print To A Certain Printer Or All Printers

Problem is, when there is a fire we need to check who is out and who
is burning. I have been trying to think of how to go about this,
perhaps the only way is by having an 'emergency print' button that
quickly prints thedocument to one, or even better all printers on the
network. That way when everyone is leaving they can grab the print
from the printer.

Probably the only other way is to make it email a list of all the
people who are not signed out and send it to someone with a PDA phone
I guess.

So my question is, how do I get it to have a button you click which
will print the page to a printer without needing any further input.
Also, is it possible to make it print to a certain printer on the
network, and can I make it print to a list of printers (or even just
any printer it can find).

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Automatically Redirect To New Site

i need to use the refresh meta tag to automatically redirect to the new site. I know that people have an option to click a link incase the auto redirect doesn't work.

When would this happen? When would a auto redirect not work? Is there a way to ensure auto redirect always works? How about using response.redirect instead. would this gaurentee it?

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How To Make A Page Look Like It Is On Another Site

I am developing an ASP page for clients. I will host the page on my
server, but it must appear on the clients' websites. That means that
the user should not be redirected to my site, but instead should remain
on the client's site. Or at least appear that they are remaining on the
client's site.

One thing that would be acceptable is to host the page on the client's
site, but have it hit my site to get the data. I have looked into
XMLHTTP and also just having the ASP page hit a remote SQL Server
instead of a local one, but haven't made any decisions yet.

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Make Your Own Site & Editor

I have a preatty cool website builder and editor. It alows the user to make pages, edit, and delete them. It also makes the navigation bar for the user automatically. You can even change the colors, your user id, password, secret question, and more.

The editor allows the user to use an editor like the one here on sitepoint. I was wondering, are there anymore features in asp that I could add? Any suggestions would be greattly appresiated. By the way, I am using a database, I believe it is access 2002, not sure, but I do use a SQL statement to connect to it.

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How To Make ASP Site Rating With 5 Stars?

How to make asp site rating system? i want to make it as:

1. A List menu with 5 sterics
2. When u select any one, it submits
3. Next page should display results in images, Like 1 to 5 stars, the rated stars should be in one color and the unrated in other color.

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How do I this reminder? An applicant has submitted a leave application on 1 Jan 2005. If superior didn't approve / reject that leave application, a reminder will be sent to that superior again.

I already have the code on sending email but just wonder what code should I have to tell the system to automatically, run a code in certain time like the above case. I think I need my code should be in my global.asa file, isn't it?

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Reminder Emails

I don't necessarily need code here, just some guidance to my thought process.

I have built a system for a hospital where users can sign up for classes that the hospital offers. Now, I want to be able to send the users a reminder email a day or so before the event/class. In the database, I have all the user's info in one table. Another table holds the registrations with keys to the user table and the key to the table that has a listing of the classes.

How do I now go about automatically looking through the class table to find out if there is a class in the next 24 hours, and then send an email to all the people registered for that class?

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How To Send Reminder?

I have done out an online booking system.. but I need to add an extra feature whereby an e-mail reminder could be generated automatically(without me clicking anything) to the person who had make a booking 30 mins from his booking time.

I really have no clue n dun know what should I use to send an automated e-mail reminder. Can anyone teach me the steps to do so ? I 'm using asp and access database and is using windows 2000 .

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Set Event Reminder Email

I want to add an event reminder email feature that will go to the users that have already signed for the event a day before.

Can someone please help me as to how to start on this code?

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Friendly Reminder: Look Before You Post

This message is being brought to you by a few of your friendly neighborhood ASP programming solution providers:

Please attempt to solve your own problems before posting to Sitepoint. I know I (and other persons who will remain anonymous) find it a little irritating when one (or more) of the following happens:

1) We can type your question into Google and the answer is the first hit that comes up.

1.1) We can type your question into Sitepoint's search and the answer is the first hit that comes up.

2) Your question is answered two posts below your question.

3) The answer requires merely looking up the appropriate object/function in the ASP/VBScript references. *

4) Two or three minutes after posting your question, you post "Oh, nevermind, I got it." without even referencing the solution so other people with the same question will know how you did it.

* Note that we will be VERY happy to provide you with links to these kinds of references (and indeed already have in the Important ASP Resources thread - which happens to be marked important twice) upon your request (I know of at least one individual who links these references in his signature also).

Now, please don't think that I'm ranting and raving. I'm just trying to inform those persons who do the above on a regular basis. It grows tiresome when I login for the day and all 5 new posts are questions that are easily answered with a simple link that could have been found if the one who posted the question would have spent 30 seconds researching his/her problem.

Mentors, Advisors, and Sitepoint Team Members:

If the opinions of this post are contrary to that of Sitepoint, please let us know. I would suspect that you would like us to spend our time on questions that are not easily answered instead of just repeating information which is already easily accessible.

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Password Reminder Service

I just started learning ASP and I need to set up a very basic password reminder service for my website. Basically I just want the user to input their email address and get an email with their password sent to them.

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Automatic Reminder System In ASP

I've read the thread on how to design an automatic email reminder system, but does anyone have any tutorials or code on how to set it up using Access 2000 and/or SQL Server?

There are no articles on the net (that I could find) related to automatically sending a user an email at a set date and time from 1 table of a database.

From what I can gather, I may need to use a stored procedure, but there's no tutorial on how to design or implement this.

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What Is The Best Way To Create A Birthday Reminder?

I'm trying to create a section of a website which will automatically show who has a birthday that week. I'm trying to find the best way to do it to create the least amounts of work on the server each time this page is loaded. Code:

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Building An ASP Site Using Dreamweaver - Can Html Site Be On ASP Server?

I am to build a site onto an ASP server. Anyone here used Dreamweaver and is it just a simple matter of opening up a new ASP page in Dreamweaver and build the site like you would normally do with a HTML page and it will handle the ASP coding accordingly and you can just simply upload it onto an ASP server and it will work?

The site I am to build is basically just a standard html website, but my friend wants me to build it for an ASP server so he has asked me to make sure it is an asp site so I am presuming with the extension .asp

If I build it as a html site to begin with, will converting it to asp be hard. Could I just export my pages into asp or is there more to it?

Can a Html website be loaded and working on an asp server or host?

Is it possible to have a site mixed both html and asp, eg. the home page is html and when you click on shopping cart on the home page it goes to a hopping cart page thats .asp or do they all have to have the same extension.

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Posting Form Variables From Site A To Site B

I have to pass form data from my site to another organizations site using POST method... how exactly do I do that? Im familiar with how to do it within a single site/domain, and cant use querystring... I dont know where to begin.

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Site Search Powered By Google Site Map?

Whenever I do a site that is mostly static but with some semi-dynamic
sections, I've struggled to find a good site search solution without
paying for a hosted search service.

I like the FSO-based search engines, but they fail to pick up on some of
the dynamic part.

I was just creating a Google sitemap and it made me wonder: has anyone
created or seen a script that uses the XML Google sitemap to power a
search engine for your own site?

Seems like if you were keeping it updated for Google, why not use it for
your own site?

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Send "Forgot Password" Reminder Via Email

I've already retrieved the users password from the database - I just
need to send it to the email address entered.

From reading many posts, I need a server-side script and rather not
use form mailto: nor use javascript on the users PC.

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Run Asp Automatically

I have asp code. I would like to run it automatically by time interval using wondow schedule, but it can not be excuted. Is the reason that ASP is not executable? If so, how to run asp using window schedule?

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Is There A Way To Automatically Run ASP Pages?

I'd like to set-up an ASP page that emails shoppers 30 days after they've purchased an online product.

Constructing an ASP page that searches the database and if the datediff of the order date and now() = 30 to send out an email shouldn't be that difficult. But is there a way to have it run automatically?

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Page Run Every Day Automatically

I need to set up an asp script that will be run at the beginning of each day. How can I get this page to be opened at a certain time each day?

BTW - My page is to update a database, where based on a timestamp stored in the database, will deem records valid or invalid.

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Form Tag Appear Automatically

when write open asp code in front page it automatically insert a </formtag in appropriate place. what is its cause and how to stop it.

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Automatically Delete

how do i automatically delete records on date submitted

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Automatically Add Data

if there is a way to use asp to automatically (i.e each time the source table is updated) take data from one table in an access database and add it to another table.
This would include getting data from multiple columns in the source table and concatenating it into one in the destination table.

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Automatically Close

Pls what code can i use to automatically close and asp page after execution.

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Automatically Calculate

I am building a database that users will update.
I have a table named "products".
Every product has a shelf life of 3 years and expires exactely at the end of the 3rd year.
Here is my table:
Productid ---- int
productName ---- varchar
manufacture_date ----- datetime default (getdate)
Expire_date ----- datetime

What I want is this, whenever a product is entered, the defualt date is the date the entry
was made. (I am using the "getdate") to automatically grab this.
BUT I also want the "Expire_date" field automatically calculated and then filled in.
That is, a user enters a product "manufacture_date" as 05/22/2003,
Then I want the expire field to be filled with 05/22/2006.
My preference is to handle this on the DB site and not ASP.

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About How To Automatically POST

To create a asp file in a wbserver as a interface for the IPphone and the internet. As IPphone can only have GET function ( that means it can't POST thing to the internet).

The asp file's concept is that the file is firstly read the data sent by the IPphone and then encode them into html format and then POST them to the required website. However, i only know the following method to POST. Code:

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Automatically Upload

Let's say i have a text file on the web server callled "text.txt". And I have another text file on my computer called "text2.txt". I want to somehow write the contents of "text2.txt" into "text.txt". (or even upload the file from my computer to the web server)

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Get Sub Price Automatically.

i have 3 textfields: txtPrice, txtQty and txtSubPrice.

price for an item will be fetched from db at display in the txtPrice (i can do this). then, user just key-in the quantity for the item and automatically the sub price will appear in the txtSubPrice.

i have coded a function name CalculateSub() using javascript and tried to do the automatically calculation using onClick and onFocus at the txtSubPrice but failed. seems like textfield cannot has this function.

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Automatically Re-POST

I have a problem with IIS 6.0 + IE 6.0. I'm POSTing back to an ASP page a long lists of IDs used for sending emails (>10.000). This process takes more than 30 min. The problem is that this process is automatically restarted by posting again all the data. I checked ASP page and there is nothing to reload the page. But after more than 30 min. (changed the timeouts) the process simply restarts by posting again the full list. I only need to
execute this page once.

why the whole process restarts posting back data (is not a simply GET, but POST)? There is no F5 / CTRL-F5 or Back buttons. It simply re-post data, without an error. It's my ASP page wrong? Or something wrong with IIS?

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Get Connected Automatically

I want to add in my website a share rate and which changes automatically. how can i dispaly it in website what i have to do for that. I dont want to be linked with its website bu t i want to be displayed it in my web site.

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IIS Shutting Down Automatically

IIS in our server is shutting down automatically on its own. I don't know what is the problem?

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