How Can I Obtain A List Of Available Server Objects WITHOUT Admin?

I am trying to build a site for a group which already has a hosting company.

I would like to try to find out which objects are available for use to me.
I do not have admin access to the NT box. Obviously I have permissions in
my area of the server.

I know I can test for specific objects but I'd like to know what is
available, not just what I can test against. Is this even possible? Code:

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Index Server And PDF - Results Show In Admin Console But Not On ASP Page..?

I have set up Index Server in IIS to search my intranet. I've installed the Adobe PDF filter so that words from PDF files are included.

I can get results from PDFs when querying the catalogue in the Windows console. However, I have tried various ASP Search pages and they all ignore PDF files from a browser (even though the scripts include the pdf extension).

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Server Objects In ASP

I am calling a variable from flash to my ASPpage. the variable is a string. I do all the variable substitution in flash so all that is outputted to ASP is the string to a file on the server.

All variables pass (according to flash) but the ASP page just hangs. Code:

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ASP Server Objects Into My Xslt?

I am trying to get ASP server objects into my xsl code. Found a few helpful sites on the matter (below).

One gives a method is called getProcessor, and it returns an xslt processor object (?? no idea).

Another gives an asp Object which uses an xslt processor and then .addObject() to get the ASP objects, from what I can tell.

I'm used to just taking an xml, and then using the .transformnode method to transform it according to the xsl. What am I missing?

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Display Session Objects, Cookies From App On Other Server

I'm writing a reporting application in ASP.

I want to have links to a CF app - specifically VeriSign's eCommerce
Manager (on VeriSign's server).

The links in my app will need current values for CFID and CFTOKEN in
their HREFs - I think these are cookies or session objects the
VeriSign/CF app sets once logged in, they appear on the url.

Assume user has logged into VeriSign manager before my app.

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ASPPop3 (Server Objects) Fails To Return Email Details

Can anyone tell me why this code doesn't work? The original came from
an example in this group, but was modified slightly when the original
failed to return message details.

I am able to connect to the server and see the number of messages on
the server, but message details (sender, subject, body, etc.) are not

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Obtain URL From ASP

I need to obtain the domain from server side code.

Request.Servervariables("URL") doesn't work well... it miss the domain name.

I tried to use the WScript.NetWork object but the domain is not visible.

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Obtain This Format Hh:mm:ss.fff

how to obtain and output that format ( hh:mm:ss.fff ) in my ASP.

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Obtain Users IP Address

How does one capture the IP address of the user there anything 'unique' you can do with this info besides knowing the ip number of his domain/browser?

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Dynamically Obtain Include Files

I'm trying to build a part of an application that will use an include file based on a user's selection (still in ASP 3.0!). Their selection is stored in a database. I've tried using variables as either the entire include file or in parts of the include file, but nothing I've tried works - I.e.:

<!-- #include file="inc_<% response.write myTemplate %>.asp" -->

Is there any way to accomplish this?

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Using WMI And ASP To Obtain Remote Client Info

I'm trying to obtain remote client information to present on a web page using WMI. The problem I have is that no matter how hard I try (and how cross-eyed I get from reading doco) I can't seem to get access to the remote client owing to error 800a0046 - which seems to be a General Access Denied (according to related events in the System Event Log).

I've tried configuring the virtual directory as a highly isolated application, then chaning the account under which it runs to one which has the necessary server access, but with no luck. I've even confirmed via the Component Management console that the process is running under the nominated account. Code:

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Function To List All The Server Variables

Does ASP have a function to list all the server variable similar to PHP's phpinfo()?

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Can ASP Get A List Of Databases And Tables Of SQL Server At Run Time?

When we want to get data access, we need to specify the datasource name and
table name in ASP page. I want to know if we can get the list of databases
and tables of SQL Server at run time? i.e. The user can choose the database
or table to open, and get the records of the table?

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Reading The Global Address List Form Exchange Server

Does anybody know of a good way to get a list of emails from the corporate
exchange server from a corporate website?

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I'm not sure if ASP would be the right code to do this but I'm gonna ask anyway.
I'm trying to make an admin section...the thing is I make this site but I don't get online that often to update the news. One person offers to do this. He doesn't have a clue on how to use FTP. So I'm looking for something that I can let him log in(on a browser) to update this specific file(only news.html), don't want him to see anything else there.

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I can connect to my schools webserver via VPN, and edit the webcontent. However, I cannot connect to the SQL server. Does anyone know of an ASP script I can use to admin the database remotely?

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Search A String To Obtain Substring, Then Remove That Substring?

what I would like to do is remove a substring from a full string and display the modified string my basic code should be some like this:

strSearchString = FullString
strSearchFor = "SubString"
If InStr(1, strSearchString, strSearchFor) > 0 then
Response.write (FullString - Substring)

does anyone have any idea how I would go about doing this?

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ASP XML Admin Control

This is a small Web Application, this contains basic XML functions using ASP including a XML driven user authentication, adding new records, viewing records, editing and deleting records. Code:

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Admin Login

I want to call the redirect to the selected page depending on the username. It is comeing from a text file I would like for the login to automatically be written in to the = ("<%login%>") but this is worn.What i have below wokrs for only admin and anyone else who is not admin. Or I would like to be able to add a third and fourth. I don't mind hard coding the login if i have to.

if Request("login") = ("admin") then
Response.Redirect "main.asp?action=login"
Response.Redirect "client.asp?action=login"
end if

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Admin Section

I have an access database on my website.Its tied in to an asp calendar page where people can click on a date and send me an email wanting to book that date. Could i sent a text message from my mobile to add a new date into my access database to book that date instead of having to go onto my admin section and add it in?what i trying to explain. Is this possible or impossible.

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Admin Security

i have currently built a website with some administration. The user goes to a login page and put in there username/password. This then lets them access the admin stuff. Thats all ok. I then thought well instead of going to the login i would just type and low and behold i was in the admin are with no login required.

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IIS Admin Control Panel

anyone know where can i get good iis admin control panel for monitoring multiple sites?

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Website Admin Tool

Can I use the Website Administration tool to manage users and roles for
multiple ASP.NET applications using a single, common ASPNETDB?
If so, what changes do I have to make to the web.config files for these
various applications to allow authentication from that single ASPNETDB.
I'd also like to be able to maintain the users/roles and application access
from the web server rather than from my development computer. Right now it
seems like I have to make changes to user/roles in each web app and then
transfer the database and code over to the server, just to add a new user.
And each app seems to have it's own ASPNETDB which defeats the goal of a
single point of administration for the server.

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Cannot Modify Or Delete...COM+ Admin SDK

I managed to find the problem with my script thanks to jmurray's help. However I am now left with a confusing puzzle and I cannot any information about a workaround.

The error I now get is:
Cannot modify or delete an object that was added using the COM+ Admin SDK

I know now the reason for this is because I changed the 'from' email address in my script. If I put it as '' it works fine. If I change the address to ANYTHING else, I get the above error. Is this something that can be corrected through scripting? If not, any ideas where I should be looking?

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Edit HTML From Admin

I would like to create the facility for admins on my site to be able to edit certain html pages on there site. Is this possible and if so does anyone know of any good urls discussing this matter ?

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Admin Can't Delete A Folder?

I'm a Win2000 professional user - sP 4. I can't delete some folders in

I've created them by FrontPage2000 SR1. I enter Windows as Administrator, then I should be able to create /delete all objects. On the contrary, each time I attempt to erase the assigned folder Windows warns me so:

"Access is denied. The source file may be in use."

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Admin Control Panel

I have to come up with an admin cntrol panel so the staff can change ,update there website as needed. I would like to use asp to create the admin panelor if you guys can tell me of a better way like using php or somthing.

How would I go about letting them update/change the text. Do I have the site load it
from a database like access or sql or ? Remeber it should be user freidly no html coding just type and upload.

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(Non-Admin) Users Authentication

I have an ASP page that uses a COM componenemt on a Win2000 server. The same server contains my SQL Server 2000, which the COM object is querying on. I use a constant login/password to login into the SQL Server, so it shouldn't matter which domain user is using the page.

It works fine for every user -=that is defined in the Win2000 computer Admins list=- , it doesn't work at all for users that are not (Connection ailure)....

I am not sure why, since how I see it, it shouldn't matter to the SQL Server which user is trying to login (since I use the same constant user/password for all of them...).

It might be either an IIS or SQL Server problem (or maybe even Win2000 related), Anyone ever encountered such an issue

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Msde Web Data Admin

I have iis, .net and MSDE installed on my machine, I have also installed "web data admin" but i cant log into it. The green blinking arrow for the server is in the bottom of my window so it appears that MSDE is ok.I am entering the following info at the w.d.a login screen
usrnm: sa
pwd: mypassword
server: production

however i get this message returned:
Invalid username and/or password, or server does not exist.
Also, please ensure that SQL Server Authentication is enabled on the server.I dont know What have i done wrong/ missed.

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Admin Side Page

for the admin table and page layout, is it compulsory for the key field to have a primary key? or it's not necessary becoz of it is only plan to link up to the combo box in the pages for the end users?

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Session Timeout Via IIS Admin

if there is an application,I can change the default session timeout property via IIS Administration? If so, how does one do it.

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Installing Web Data Admin

I've just installed web data Administrator and did everything instructed from the book, but when I opened the browser and typed http://localhost/SqlWebAdmin I get a web page but no input fields or place to type in the password. I'm running xp pro, IIS is running, MSDE is also running and I have SqlWebAdmin folder in the C:Inetpubwwwroot folder.

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Change The Admin Password

How to change my Admin password and login for my website I just have the FTP acess and I would like to change my Admin user id and password can you guide me ?

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