How Can I Preven An ASP Page Returnig Response To Client.

If I want to execute an ASP page and get NOTHING in return, no HTL Headers as well?

response.clear clears only the contents, but HTML Header is still returned.

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Example Of Streaming Response To Client???

Could you give me an example of streaming a page to the client?

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Running Client App From ASP Web Page

Can you run an client application (i.e. Excel) from an ASP web page? I want
to open an Excel document that is stored on the network in the Excel App (not
in browser window) allow the user to make changes to the file and then save
the file back to the network. If this is possible how do I do it?

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Trying To Create Client Page For Site Running Asp

I work for a security system company. I'm in the installation department. One of the things we do is go to our monitoring service's website and check the signals to see if we got all of the signals for a particular alarm system.

Unfortunately, that means refreshing the page alot.

So, I started off using an iframe page to refresh the content i wanted. the only problem was that the urls i used to login and set the customer ID would go to another page.

So I tried to create a frameset document. However, the .asp pages completely ignored the frameset information. Code:

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How To Calculate Web Page Loading Time On Client ?

How to calculate web page loading time on client and send back result
to server side ?

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To Prevent Client Side Web Page Caching

I wish to avoid caching asp pages at the user end . Currently I have declared Response.Expires=0 at the top of my asp page. I have also used the following meta tags
to prevent client side caching:


but still the pages are cached at the client side.

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Response Go To Page

instead of the below code Code:

Response.Write ("<img src='images/mainheader.png'><p><p style='color:#666666' font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;>Your password has been sucessfully changed</p><p><a href='./members.asp' style='color:#a10000' font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;>Back to the site</a></p>")

can i have the rsepone go to another page?
Response.Redirect "./members.asp"
would taht work?

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Response.redirect To Whole Page Rather To A Frame

I am having one asp page(i.e home page) which has two frames in it. Left frame contains menu and whichever option is clicked in it that corresponding page is shown in the right frame. In those pages i am checking for sessionid and if it is different from what is there in the table i want to show the login page.

The problem is that as i am using response.redirect in the pages shown in right frame to go to login page but then the login page is shown in just the right frame but i want to show the login page on the whole page.

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Opening New Asp Page Using Response.redirect

I have one combo box and GO button on the click of GO button page
submitted and according to selection of one of the option from combo I
want to redirect my page to some new asp page but at the same time in
new window of browser.

I could have achieved this using of javascript but then
it will serve as pop up and clients requirement is that not to show as
popup window due to many users blocked popups.

Any suggestions, How can I achieve this using response.redirect or any
coding which is not serve as popup window.

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Response.Redirect - Back To Page They Came From


instead of redirecting them to home.asp page, how can i redirect them back to the page they came from?

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Response.redirect And Refreshing A Page?

I'm trying to build a tray for users to download their selected items. I was wondering if anyone knows how to response.redirect a file (for the user to download) and check to see if the download was successful/unsuccessful, then have the asp page reload itself based on the result?

e.g. something like this:

if Session("FileName") <> "" Then 'a file is ready for download

response.redirect (Session("FileName"))

** check if download successful, then set
** the tray info accordingly and...

response.redirect thispage.asp
end if

Of course the second response.redirect never gets called, is there any other way I can do this?

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ASP Page Produces 50MB Response

I have developed an ASP application that can send as much as say 150MB of XML data to the client, if all records (approx 6,000) in the database are returned. Normally, users would choose filtering options and at most about 500 records would be returned at any time. It is rare for this volume of data to be download, but it can happen

My application runs on a corporate intranet. A rival contactor's 'expert' believes that it is intolerable for my application to generate this much data under any circumstances as it would unduly load the network

Ofcourse it is a simple matter for me to elimate large volume transactions by limiting any client request to a lesser number of records. If they really wanted all records several transactions would be necessary. That is, a paging mechanism could be provided

Given that there are many very large documents, pictures, and other media held on this intranet server, which users can view at any time I don't perceive this as a problem. Its pretty much a double standard. Also, the server script timeout prevents the server from being overloaded.

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Response.Write To Specific Page Location

How can I direct Response.Write to output to a specific location on my page?

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Passing Form Values To A Page In A Response.Redirect Statement

how do i pass form values through a redirect statement to another page. I have a redirect stt. Response.Redirect "exist.asp" and i want to pass form values to be displayed from exist.asp.

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Correct HTTP Response Status Code On "Access Denied" Page.

I have a password-protected area on my site. I'm not using any server
authentication methods: Instead I prompt the user for a username and
password using an HTML form and check these against a database of
registered users.

I was thinking that this page should be returning a HTTP status code of
"401 Unauthorized" instead of its current "200 OK". My reasoning being
that this would let search engines know what's going on when they
request a protected page and get redirected to the "Access Denied"

I experimented with adding response.status = "401 Unauthorized" to the
"denied" page, but now it displays a (Windows/IE) username & password
prompt instead. The HTTP sniffer shows that the www-authenticate field
is set to "Basic".

My question: How can I indicate to the search engines that the page it
is requesting requires authentication, yet have it not display the
login/password dialog box?

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Response.Write To The HTTP Response Body

<a target="_blank"

Can anyone please tell me what to enter after Response.Write to write the above to the HTTP Response body.

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Response.redirect And Response.end

Is there any point in having response.end after response.redirect?

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Client IP

I try to use script to get client IP

dim IPAddr
IPAddr = Request.ServerVariables("remote_addr")
Response.Write("Your IP Address is " & IPAddr)

but script return IP of Web site, not CLIENT and not null value!
My site is hosted on W2003 server SP1, IIS, ISA
I'm only using ASP no ASP.NET

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Client Via Asp

I've been lurking and searching for a while and hope someday to contribute to the forums.
My question though it may seem strange is this.
Is it possible to run a compiled VB app on the client machine that is called from an asp app running on an intranet server?
Intranet server pushes asp to client's web browser.
Client clicks on a link that somehow runs the process on the client machine.
I realize this is not what asp is meant to do but I do have some applications that could be integrated into the company intranet fairly easily if this is possible. A re-write in asp would be labor intensive. It is simple enough for me to setup standard folders on the clients that require these apps

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What URL Did Client Come From

I have 2 URL's like this:

They bolth point to an IP where page1.asp is the default. Hosted on a IIS 6

What code do I use inside page1.asp to determine which of the 2 sites above
the user used to access page1.asp.

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Learning Client Ip

how can i learn client ip who connect my site..

request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") with this i learn my server ip..

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Client Scripting

The following HTML exists on a page in Internet Explorer v6:

<FORM action="x" method="post" name="Form1">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="key" />
<INPUT type="submit" value="Go" />

What would be the correct VBScript or JavaScript syntax to:
A. Set the value of the key field to "ABC"
B. Submit the form to the server

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Downloading To Client From ASP

I am developing an app that has a reporting function
which displays the non-PDF reports. One of the users
wishes to have the reports saved to his machine as PDFs.

The app can convert the reports, and save to the server
with no problem (uses a component for this). The problem
is, figuring out how to save the reports to the client.

The ideal approach would be to have the app save the
reports to his desktop, like some of those stupid casino
sites save their shortcut links.

However, I would settle for just just being able to force
the "download" dialog to display, instead of opening
Acrobat when the app attempts to send the report to the

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How To Get Client Email?

im setting up a database email for my job and i still need a little help. Thx for those who helped me out for past touble...

Well, im now at the step of email deletion from the list and im using a simple script for that (cuz im new to programming).

After the customer received the email, i want him to be able to unsubscribe to my newsletter with a click on a link which lead to a delemail.asp page where the script is. Code:

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How Can Get Client Ip Address

how can i find the ip address of a client?

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Streaming XLS To The Client

I have a page which allows the user to open one of several spreadsheets by
streaming the XLS to the client.

On my development site, everything appears to work fine. On the live site,
it works fine for the vast majority of users, but not for my colleague & I.

When this page is called with the correct inputs, the standard
Open/Save/Cancel/More Info dialog should appear. In the dialog, it gives the
following details:

Filename: Gothenburg Sweden.xls
File type: Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
From: Servername

Clicking on open, means that the file will be opened in the local copy of
Excel; this works for most people, except one colleague and myself. In our
case, after clicking on Open, we get the following error msg:

"Internet Explorer cannot open travel.asp?journey=1 from <servername>
Internet Explorer was not able to open this internet site. The requested
site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later."

Anybody got any ideas about this? Code:

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Client Entries

I want to validate client entries into textbox,checkbox
controls etc. can u do this with asp. Like, is there
onchange and onclick and so on for these controls?

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Client Intranet

I'm currently working on an Intranet for one of our clients. I'm developing a user directory for them using a SQL Server database.
My client has provided me with the information to connect to the server remotely via windows remote desktop connection. I would like to know how I go about getting Dreamweaver to connect to the database?
Will I have to create a database locally and then publish the local database onto their server or, can I create the database on their server and using DW to connect to it?

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Client Side

This has happened before and it was due the connection string not being set
in VB. My question is, when I try to reconnect can I use a different
connection string on the client than I have on the server, I wonder because
not all my connection strings are not equal.

Some of my database paths are in Access and the rest are in SQL. That means I have to retry several times before a scrip timeout occurs. If you have read this far then you are an idiot, but the rest of the database seems to work just fine. In fact I can
pull all fields out with no problem. It is just that connection string that
has resulted in causing my pages not to post.

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How To Use ActiveX For Client PC Using ASP

I have created one ActiveX DLL in VB that has one public function
("GetClientCPUID") which will return a string of the CPUID. I want to use
this to get the clients CPUID and retuern to webserver. I am new to using
activeX in client side.

In Asp how can I send this ActiveX to client browser? (I will instruct my
users to allow this activeX). Is there a way I will execute this activeX in
clients PC and get the return value and return to the server for my
processing? Please suggest the ways that I can do this.

Also suggest what are the situations that I should know before I proceed. I
think there will might a issue when I upgrade the activeX and the client
those are using the current one may face problem so I think I will need a
way to uninstall the register the new one. Code:

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Client IP Address

how to get client IP address in asp i know there a variable that can get user IP address but which i forgot already, anyone here can tell me

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Add Client Side

I want to add clinet side javascript on the asp:dropdownlist's onchecked changed event how i do this does any one have any idea.i use the following method in code behind file


and see that when i change the option in the list the javascript method aa not fired.

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Server And Client

I have my asp pages stored in my server ,but when i try and call the asp pages in the clinet side it does not show a portion of the page,the same thing if i call from the server it shows me.

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