How Can I Pass Query String?

I want to pass a querystring in two files using frameset. I'm using Frameset. I'm using this query string. MY question is this can we pass a single value to (2 different files,) using querystring? Code:

response.Write("<a href=""grid1.asp?strID="&rs.Fields("alphabit")&""" target = ""grid1""grid2.asp?strID="&rs.fields("alphabit")&""" target = ""grid2"">"& a &"</a>")

It only show the value of rs.fields("alphabit") in grid1.asp and nothing show in grid2.asp
Actually I'm using "FrameSet". I just want to pass this value in two frames(in two files).
In short i want to get the value of rs.fields("alphabit"). in 2 Frames.

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Pass And & Symbol In A Query String

Is it possible to pass an -- & symbol --- in a query string.

ie: varialbe = Purple & Pink


-->> With this I get: Purple%20&%20Pink Passed through and the query string only picks up on the Purple.

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Pass Selected Radiobutton Values Thru Query String

i m designing a online test application. my reqt is on pressing next button my selected value gets stored in the database and next ques ll appear and on pressing prev button it should display me previous question with already selected value.

how can i do this?
how can i pass selected value of radio button through query string as my radiobuttons are getting cerated every time its name will be different. Code:

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Query A DB - Pass The Query To Next Page

I am running a querry on an access database and have set the number of records/page displayed at 20. if there are more than 20 records returned, then 1st page will show the first 20, the next page will show next 20 and so on....

The trouble:

the count of total records displayed is correct and the first page is displayed correctly. But when i click on *Next* to go to the next page, all the records of the database get displayed (not the 2nd page of records from the query).

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Pass XML String To Function

This example outputs "XMLString = Data 1Data 2." When I pass XML string in ASP, i
will output the data only, without <data> anymore. Then how can I retrieve the data one by one? .....

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Pass Long String Variable

Is there any way to pass session variables between two websites ( diff domains) ?

I've two websites and I want to integrate them.

I used to use the querystring but there is a limit to length of the querystring.

I've tried ASP-TEAR but I doubt it can work.

Is there any other way to pass any variable to another website.

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How To Pass The Multiline Text Value In Request String

I have some problem in my ASP project. I'm trying to pass the multi
line text value from my Client side to server side. (The string having
"Return Key" value). My ASP file doesn't response it.

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How To Pass A Long Parameter String To A ASP Page Via Post Parameters

I have the following test.asp page which needs one parameter querystr
but my querystr is a very long string value. When I send a long value
the query string is getting truncated after some characters.

Can you please kindly share the code segment to workaround how to pass
such a long string value to a asp page. This is how I invoke the test

http://localhost/?querystr=select ............ from xxxxx



response.write("Hello World!")

response.write "<td><p></td>" & w


but part of my query string never gets passed to the asp page appears
asp as a limitation on max string length can you please provide me a
workaround how I can overcome and pass the right string to asp.

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Trying To Pass Form Data Gets Me: Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression

I'm trying to pass a piece of data i get from a query using a different form's passed values. This is how I get the data into the new form and how I try to pass it to the next asp page query.

<td valign=TOP width="168"><form action="HouseDetail.asp" method="post" name="MLS" id="MLS"><input name="MLS" type="hidden" value='<%=oRs("ML_Number")%>'><input name="Submit2" type="submit" value="Get Details"/></form></td>

The value='<%=oRS(ML_Number")%>' generates a real value like '2403943' - and the field I'm trying to use this value in the qry is expecting a number. But even passing the number without the single ' at both ends generates the same error message. Code:

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SQL Query String

Here is the SQL Query string that gives me an error.

mySQL = "SELECT * From tblSuperQ Where (DCR Between '"&DCRF&"' And '"&DCRT&"') And Where (Inductance Between '"&indf&"' And '"&indt&"')"

Can you not combine Wheres together?..

If I use UNION ALL between the two where queries, it returns all the results between DCRF and DCRT, AND all the results between indf and indt. I want it to query only those that have values only in both where queries.

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Query String

This is a pretty basic question which I've been unable to find an answer for from searching Google - I'm trying to query my msql database to return all news stories where the field "smonth" is equal to January, and "syear" is equal to 2004.

<%Response.write "<a href='news_detail_monthstest.asp?smonth=January&syear=2004'>"%>

and on my news detail page, the query is:

SQL_query = "SELECT * FROM tblpages WHERE smonth=" & Request.QueryString("smonth") & "& syear=" & Request.QueryString("syear") & ""

This returns the error:

Unknown column 'January' in 'where clause'

so it's seeing the value I want to pass and assuming it's the column name, instead of the column name "smonth". The fields in the d/b all exist and are named correctly.

I've obviously made a mistake in my select statement or my query string but I'm not sure what.

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Query String With IE7

I have small problem with query string on Internet explorer 7 since I updated and I saw that problem with other browsers before. My code to search is :

<input name="client_id" type="text" class="style34" id="client_id2" style="background-color: #DCFCE1;padding: 3px;border-left: #A0A0A0 1px solid;border-bottom: #A0A0A0 1px solid;border-right: #A0A0A0 1px solid;" size="30">
</span><span class="style47">
<INPUT name="fillButton" type=image class=noneInput onClick="javascript:location.href('contacts.asp?cid='+clien t_id.value);" value=submit src="images/but_search.gif" align="bottom" width=22 height=21>

But I cant push the button it does not work, what's wrong with it ??

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Query String

I'm getting a QueryString on a page. From this query string, I need to query a database, get a bunch of file names, attach them to an e-mail and fire it out (no problem). The problem is, I want it to happen when a user clicks a button.

I've been using .NET for so long (this isn't a problem at all in .NET obviously)...that I've forgotten how to handle this. Am I going to need a second page to post an array of the file names to and then handle it there? It just seems awfully redundant to need a second page to handle all of this, but I guess it wouldn't shock me.

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Using NOT LIKE In Query String

I know how to use [field LIKE '%keyword%'] to pull up all records that contains the keyword, but what about not containing the keyword? I've tried NOT LIKE but i get
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

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ASP Query String Convertor?

I have heard about a piece of software that can be installed on your server convert unfriendly search engine ASP query strings to friendly strings that search engines can read

EG Before

EG After

It basically takes the question amarks and weird characters out and replaces them?

Does anyone know where i can get ths peiece of software or what has to be done on my server?

someone please help me :S


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Query String In Asp Page

In asp how How can i pass a parameter value with a space in the value like this:

test.asp?catalog=aValue&lineitem=ladies cloths

I get a %20 as a space in the browser window,

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Query String Encryption

I'm trying to encrypt query strings.
For Example...
I want this...
to be something like this...[encrypted string]

I've seen the 4guysrfromrolla's version. Its fine "but" I don't know
if it would be practical in this case. I would need to encrypt many
urls on a single page and every link on a displayed page would be
pulled from a database. the "rolla" version I came across requires
that a text file be created and key written for each encoded string
everytime the page is called. This doesn't seem that practical to me
because I would be writing files and keys dozens of times everytime the
page is called.I've also seen aspEncrypt but they want 250 bucks and I was hoping to
avoid this. I also see that .Net has a method for this but I'm only
working with classic at this point.

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Query String Testing

I am working on a site to provide displaying and navigation of images from
several groups and have the following code that changes to displayed gif
based on the query string passed in:

Call: <a href="ShowImage.asp?group=01&image=01&max=28">Group 01, Image 04,
Max 28</a> Code:

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Generate Query String

i have designed a website that is using an asp shopping cart script and has a flash header which i have designed to display different content depending on the query string that gets passed to it in the page url. now my problem is that my script has a lot of pages and there are many ways of going from one page to another.

what i im wondering is if ther is away that i can make an asp page directly append a query string to the url when the server generates the page and sends it to the browser.

So basically if say i had a page called home.asp when i opened this page a some code in the page make the page serve as home.asp?page=home&content=logo which would make my flash script display content according to the query string it has received.

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Saving A Query String

I have a search page with 7 different field options to search upon. The user
can use any or all options. On the results page I'd like to put at the top
of each column and ASC and DESC link to resort the results in the user's

How do I save that original query string to reuse in the sort links?
My results could spread across many pages, so I'm guessing that I would have
to query the database again for each sort.

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Decrypted Query String

I have encrypted query values to pass from page to page.I then decrypt them on the other side.On one such pass I use the value to select all the records that match.

encrypted value:

decrypted value:

The encryption/decryption works great but when I try to select on the decrypted club=Wildcats the select statement pulls the encrypted value club=!#@(yT5$$ and therefore returns empty query results.

fp_sQry="SELECT * FROM Results WHERE (Club = '::Club::') "

How can I pass the decrypted value through the select stmt?

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Encrypt The Query String Value

When using the QueryString of the request object the actual values are exposed to the viewer of the site and often user pickup on these values and start changing them . This can lead user to see data that they are not supposed to or even data that may be erroneous.

Is there an easy way to encrypt the querystring values that get displayed on the location bar / other than not using querystring. Can I use java script to disable the status bar, at the bottom of the page to not expose the URL's of various links on a page?

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Query String Change

I am using and have a page that does various Database calls based on the query string the I send in. I am also providing a link to the same page, but with one of the variables in the query string changed. The problem is that the page will not reload when I click it, it simply brings up a page with the exact same information.

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Query String - Encrypt

I often use a querystring in my ASP pages.for example:

if val > 1 then
Response.redirect "val1.asp?val=1&user=UserID
End if

Is there a way to encrypt the querystring so anyone trying to mis use the web site will not know what the encryption stands for also when people view the page source they should not be able to see the QueryString value. How best can I handle this . Using hidden values still expose the value in the page source. Does HTMLEncode help any?

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Query String Question

I always see people do something like that, and when the link is clicked, it
will open a new page.

<P><a href="profile.asp?id=493">Item 1<a>
<P><a href="profile.asp?id=495">Item 2<a>
<P><a href="profile.asp?id=497">Item 3<a>

I want to know if is implemented in this way:

In profile.asp

<% If Request.Form("id") = "493" %>
contents for item1
<% ElseIf Request.Form("id") = "495" %>
contents for item2

We put all contents in profile.asp, and open different one based on the
query string value for id?

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Query String Criteria?

I need to ask for all articles where article number is NOT "0" as in...

select * from posts WHERE ArticleNo" ??? "order by PostNo Desc", dcnDB, 1, 3

I don't imagine operators will work, how you guys doin it?

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Query String Syntax

Would like to redirect the results of a form and pass the information in two fields ("x_amount") and ("x_description) on the form to that page.

Response.Redirect "../cgi-bin/test.asp?Request("x_amount")&Request("x_description") - this is not working.

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Query String From Textfield And List

Can anyone advice if the following is possible: -


srch and srchlist are the names of a textfield, and list/menu

Is it possible to amend the URL, so that the URL QS reads


strSrch = Trim(Request.QueryString("srch")) &" "& Trim(Request.QueryString("srchlist"))

This is the snippet I use to achieve the above example, which is fine, when I use this snippet, and make the &""& without space between the quotes, then it returns: -


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Type Casting A Query String

I need to pass an integer as a query string when reloading a page - ie:

If Request.QueryString("record") <> "" Then recordNumb = CInt(Request.QueryString("record"))
recordNumb = recordNumb + 1

<A HREF="add_records.asp?record=recordNumb">next record</A>

I get


Type mismatch: 'CInt'

any thoughts?

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File ID Query String Question

When you see sites using a file id system such as this:

how are they doing that?

I know its a query string but do they have each and every file include or what not written in or are these files entered into a database/SQL
and they have an ID assigned to them that calls certain files?

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Using ASP To Capture A Query String And Redirect To SSL

I am looking for some method to capture, into a variable, the entire URL of an http request and redirect to SSL. For example, if a user opens a browser and typed in

I want to be able to redirect to an SSL connection


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Redirecting Based On Query String

I want to do something which must be very simple. If I open default.asp, it creates my frameset and opens my home page. This is what I want to happen.

However, if I create an URL along the lines of, then I want it to open
page2.asp, but still within the frameset.

Is this possible?

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How To Clear Query String From Url On Refresh?

I have an image gallery in a database and I display one item at random with each refresh. I also have 2 buttons "next" and "previous" to show next or previous items in my recordset. Everything works well except for the fact that once the user has used either "next" or "previous" it leaves my query string in the url bar:
therefore, if I click "refresh" it continues to display either the next or previous entries instead of dislaying at random like it should.

How can I clear the query string from the url if the commend comes from the refresh button?

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