How Can I User Calendar Control In Asp

I need to include Calendar Control in my Web Site.How can i use it.

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Calendar Control

what the best way to insert a calendar control on my web page?

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Calendar Control Example

Would anyone have an example of using the MS Calendar control (class MSCAL.Calendar.7) and ASP?

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Calendar Control As Pop-up

I would like to show the MS Calendar control as a pop-up. Can anybody suggest how that might be accomplished?

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Calendar Control Feature

I would like to insert a calendar into a webpage that shows the current date and really needs no updating, fro mthis calendar i would like to select a date from it and have that date inserted into a text field, in all there will be 22 text fields (but for now its probably best to concentrate on one).
The reason being i would like to give the user of the website access to change dates in a table in access. The dates can be calculated from the first date entered into the first text field like so:
All dates will be 7 days apart. Ie if the firsat date is 1/7/04 then make the second 8/7/04 and the third 15/7/04 etc 22 times.

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How Do I Disable Interrupts From A Calendar Control

I have multiple Calendar controls on my page and I want the user to select
various dates, then press a Submit button. Is there a way to disable the
interrupts from the Calendar controls?

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Calendar With User Input

ASP without Access database (my webserver does not support this). I'm looking for some ASP code that can show a calendar on a webpage. The people looking at the page should be able to type in a small message and a date and then send the info to the webpage. which then updates itself.

I have a more specific example of my needs. Often when I need to arrange a meeting with friends, then I send out a mail to ex. 10 persons. They can choose between 3 different days and I want to find the day that most people can come.

Instead of getting mails back and evaluate thise, I would like them to make their reservation on the asp-webpage. This way the others can follow the "favorite" day that is accurring when a few people has typed their favorite meetingday. Hope this was understandable.

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How To Control The User Name Throughout The System?

I want to control the user name which is loggin into the application. Once the user is logged in, the username should be saved through out the system until the user logged out.

For that matter, how can i keep the user name? Should i use cookie or session? How is the difference and which is better?

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User Control W/ Text

Basically I want to be able to create a user control that is more or less just a Panel. I want to be able to set properties like background color, border, etc by default within the user control and then do something like <mynamespace:mypanel>Text and stuff to go in the Panel</mynamespace:mypanel>.

I would like to be able to put links, tables, and any other kind of HTML stuff inside the Panel. What property of my class/user control would the text part be? Am I going about this the entirely wrong way?

All I really want to do is to be able to set some properties of my Panel automatically without having to type each property over and over again every time I create a Panel.

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User Control Content

I have one userControl containing some static HTML (div/tables) all havind unique id's and i want to collect them within one array in the Code Behind file, how would i do this through a foreach or for statement counting the items, i searched the framework, google and SP but i still haven't figured it out

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Basic User Control

I am trying to add a basic user control to a web site; coming from visual studio 2003 this was extremely easy. I would just add the user control and then add the controls that I want on that user control, but I am not able to get a basic link button to click.This seems so ridiculously basic, but I am not able to get this to work.What am I missing?

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Display Aspx Page Or Reporting Services Page In User Control

What I want to be able to do is create a user control that will display an
entire page page within it. Does anyone know how to do this or better yet
have any same code?

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Form Control; Want A Little More Control Of The Name Attribute

I would like to be able to control an asp text box control's name attribute.

I know i can manually type the whole string
<input type="text" name="username" value="" />

but then i can't use the validation control on the inputs. [free javascript ]

PHP Code:

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Anyone Using ASP Calendar 2.5?

I've been testing it and configuring it for a few weeks now and finally got
everything working, yet when I upload it to my server, it fails to show any

the DB is accessed just fine and new events can be added and deleted
etc..but nothing shows in the events section.

I was led to believe that this might be caused by a setup (mm/dd instead of
dd/mm..bloody dates again)

anyone using this script and gotten around this problem?

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ASP Calendar

I've looked several times for a calendar like THIS but haven't been able to find one written in ASP. Anyone know where I could find one?

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Asp Calendar

I am trying to use asp calendar by opening the asp in a modal window (window.showmodaldialog). Page behaves erratic when try to move between dates and months. When I click a new window opens.
Is there a way to make the control work in modal dialogs?

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Get Calendar

I try to get a simple calendar composant.

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ASP Calendar

I have been asked to produce a booking system and i need an asp calendar to produce a frontend so users can select the year and month and have the page produce a calendar for that month with clickable dates to fire off a form to get the details for that date.

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Calendar In Asp

i need to show the calendar using asp any one know where i can get good and free code for this?

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ASP Calendar

I'm looking at creating a calendar function for an existing system i have. The system is database driven and has a client overview where monthly sales figures can be entered in for the year. It works fine at the mo but when we get to the end of the year there might be a bit of a problem!

What I'm after is a calendar that will allow users to flick between years so that data can be entered and viewed accordingly by month. All the calendars that I have come accross have been too advanced and show days of the week as well.

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Web Calendar

I'm trying to find some calendar software to use on my company intranet. Ideally, I would like freeware software that has individual calendars for each employee and a general calendar for company events.

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Pop-up Calendar

I need a pop-up calendar in ASP that allows a person to select historic dates only. The pop-up should be generated from a button, and the date selected should populate an input field.

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Web Calendar

I'm trying to develop a web calendar, so I can make a schedule from that calendar. And I'm using Access for database. Could anyone refer me to a source for this ?

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ASP Calendar

I have a ASP calendar that was purchased about 18 months ago that now needs some updating. The calendar worked great in the beginning but we now need the ability to span an event several days rather than just 1 day at a time. How would I go about doing something like this? Since I didn't write the original code, I'm not sure what you would need to see in order to know what needs to be added.

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ASP Calendar

I have the following code which will get me 12 tables with the name of each month in but not sure to get the correct number of cells within the tables for the correct number of days Code:

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Asp Calendar

i would like to make asp calendar (with pop up events when you click on the day) that will run with mySQL database ...

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I can post an event dd/mm/yy and it goes into my Access database like that if I click on a date in the calendar that is equal to or below 12 i have to swap the day and month around in the queystring for it to show. is there something in the calendar code that i can do to make it work.

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ADSI - Trying To Enable A User - The User Add Works Very Well

I have written an ASP.NET 2.0 application that uses Active Directory or ADAM
to manage account users - the site has a page that allows people to create an
account (much like any site). The page populates the AD with all the
information and the user account but I am unable to enable the account.
Microsoft has information on how to do that here -->
(the sample is for Visual Basic) - and I am unable to complete the bottom
portion of the script. Can some one point me in the right direction - or can
you tell me how I can add a snippet of VBscript code to an ASP.NET page.

I am using the Active DS Type library - not sure why there are multiple ones
(System.DirectoryServices) but it is rather confusing - I seem to accomplish
one thing with one and another with the other (they did have trouble
co-existing however). Anyway my script works very well but I am not able to
access the properties required to enable the account.

Here is a simple version (no error checking) of the code.....

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Events Calendar

I know I have seen some free ASP calendars before, and even did a search of
this NG, but couldn't find any references to any. I went to 4guysfromrolla
and asp101, but they only .NET calendars as far as I could see.

I'm specifically looking for something that's free and has a page for
editing or adding events.

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Creating Calendar

I need to show Calendar in Browser through asp coding.

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Asp Calendar Component

I am writing an ASP site for a small residential center, and need to be able
to make bookings. Can anyone recommend an ASP component that will provide a
good calendar interface so that a user can see which dates are available and

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I have a calendar that I am trying to make users fill out a form if their entry is inside the current week. Is there a datediff code that anyone knows of that can do this?

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Outlook Calendar

Anyone aware of a method or script that will allow me to add an event to a client's outlook or lotusnotes calendar? For instance, eBay has this set up for their auctions - will the click of a button on the web page the auction pops into your calendar and gives you a warning just before it's scheduled to end.

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