How Do I Test A "timeout" Error When Pulling An .asp Page?

How do I test a "timeout" error when pulling an .asp page? How do I
raise a "timeout"? How do I "catch" a time out using VBScript with

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Pulling Data From Page

I am making an asp page that kind of gives a summary of a table I have on my SQL server. I have one field on the page of:


Is there a way i can make another recordset that would use that field on the same page?

Basically what I have setup is a listing of all the tickets for one person. I need to have a score for each ticket as well. I have to start off on my first page by selecting my analyst. I want the page it links to have all of the analysts tickets and their score on each.

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Simple Test Script To To Send A Test Email Using CDO

I am building a shopping cart where orders are send by email. Even though it says it's sent, I receive nothing. So I did a test script to send an email using CDO since we are using an exchange server for email and it's on the same network as the site. Code:

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Displaying Quiz/test Results On Same Page

I have created a quiz with 14 questions that the user can click a yes radiobutton or no radiobutton. In the code-behind I have set a varable to store the selected items.

What I have taking place is if yesRadiobutton is selected the variable is incremented by 1. then after all the radiobuttons have been added up. i check the variable using an if statement. Code:

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Speed Test/benchmark Page Generation

I'm pretty sure this is possible in ASP, something about making CPU time markers and then taking the difference and switching it into seconds/minutes I just don't recall how to go about doing it.

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Test Database Connection Failed Via Hostname In ASP Page.

I use the ASP page to test whether the connection of SQL Server is fine. I use windows authentication. I get fail when I attempt to use hostname of the destination server. Contrary, I get success when I attempt to use IP address of the destination server. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

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Uploading Test Asp Page With Sql Server 2000 Onto Webserver

I've been trying to create a test site - The site uses ASP with VBscript and talks to SQL Server 2000. I was able to complete and test it on my locally on my computer using Microsoft’s IIS 5.1. The website communicated fine with the database on the webserver/network server

However, when I tried to save the site from my local computer to the wwwroot folder in the server’s IIS hoping to make the internal site available to everyone here the resulting error comes up when we try to open a page with a recordset connected to the database: -

Our Error: -
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E4D)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'AUMBSDDSSIUSR_AUMBCOMP'.
/mysite/htm/test2.asp, line 8

The page calls on an include file

Code: ....

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Timeout Error

How can we solve this?

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005'

Timeout expired

/sale.asp, line 377

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Timeout Expired | Error '80040e31'

I was getting this error starting on Friday.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80030e31'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Timeout expired

/poststatuscheck.asp, line 39 <-- this would vary

So I searched and found that changing this

cOperations.Open ("DSN=Operations; user id='uname'; password='password'")

to this

cnOperations.Open ("Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=x.x.x.x; Network=DBMSSOCN; user id='uname'; password='password")

makes it work like its suppose to.

The questions I have are...

What is the difference between these two types of connections? I know one uses data source and the other dsn.

Should I be concerned about security with this new method? Should I be concerned with anything in this new method? Is it possible to fix the old method?

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Timeout Error '80040e31' In Asp - Sql Server

I am getting this error SQL Server error '80040e31' Timeout Expired in all Asp pages due to db Connection.

My is

<%Set MyConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
MyConn.Open "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=eventsadmin;Password=adminevents;Initial Catalog=Events1;Data Source=Server Name"

Any Ideas?

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How Can I Capture The Script Timeout Error?

I need to capture the Script timeout error if that is possible. I know I can increase the timeout value in the server settings or in the scripts itself but I really want to make sure that no timeout situation will results as the standard script timeout error page.

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Session.Timeout And Timeout Directory

I have a site that utilizes online forms. The problem is people could easily spend well more than 20 minutes filling out the forms before submitting them. To avoid the default timeout of 20 minutes (or whatever) I added a Session.Timeout = 120 to the forms page. I also checked IIS and set the connection timeout property to 120 minutes as well.

sessions still seem to be timing out well short of the 120 minute cutoff. (I haven't yet tested to see if it's still 20 minute default or somewhere between 20 and 120).

Is there anywhere else this setting might be controlled? Is there any simple way to do some sort of "keep-alive" from the page so that the server thinks it's active?

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HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden Error While Accessing Html And Asp Page

well i m developing application in asp when i want to access these pages from ie5 it shows error HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden in internet explorer http://localhost/Mail/email.htm .

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Friendly HTTP Errors Causes Std Error Page In IE (no Its Not An Asp Error!)

I thought this is more of an IE issue but i've had no joy on that group
perhaps somebody here will have a clue.

If i click a link to a web page embedded in Excel (97 OR 2000) i get the
standard error page displayed by IE (you know, the 'cannot find server or
dns error' page).

Turning off 'show friendly http error messages' alleviates this.
(Unfortunately this is the Windows default setting!)

Whats going on?!?! Code:

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Pulling Name From Database

I am working on a site where you must log in to access the site. On this site we have a link to an off site that needs a user name and password to access it. We have made the user names and passwords the same for our site and the offsite.

the thing that we are doing is when they click on the link to the off site we want to pull thier name and password form a data base (which is already made) and input it into the user name and password.

I am not sure exactly how to code this to pull the name from the data base.

I as of right now have it HARD CODED with a user name and password and it works. But I need to some how have it pull the "correct" name and login.

I work for a smaller Insurance firm and these names are for our reps. We can not have just anyones name getting pulled from the database due to each rep is working on differnt cases. Code:

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Pulling Data.

I have a login script up and running and i have used a session variable to greet the user when they successfully login. what i am trying to do now is create a query to select other information from my database using the session variable, their username. i have been trying all sorts of different things and just cant get it to work.

I know that i have to do a select * where users = session variable(username)

but i dont get where in the code i put it... Here is the code of my protected page: Code:

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Pulling Information

I am working on a project involving pulling information from Active Directory (Name, email address, contact no.) and sticking this information in some SQL tables. Using ASP, How do I enable windows authentication (username and password from active directory) ?.

In other words, when the incharge user wants to login to the tables on the web, he must use his/her windows username and password ? On the same project, I want to assign different groups with different security levels. (something similar to the Active Directory security groups), and let the admin asign rights to each group in order to control access and privilege of each user within a group.

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Pulling Data

I came across a topic regarding joining three tables, but couldn't apply it to what I am doing. I have three tables: Accounts, Reservations, Invoices. My goal is to put together a statment for each Account showing all outstanding Reservations and Invoices in chronological order.

Both Reservations and Invoices tables have their own date fields (Reservations - actual date of service, Invoices - date when invoice was created).

so basically Go through Accounts and then for each account that has either UNPAID Reservations or UNPAID Invoices populate a list of transactions where Reservations. ServiceDate and Invoices.CreatedDate should be listed in one column and sorted chronologically.

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Pulling Data From A Database

Here's my scenario: I send an email to my customers which contains an embedded URL with a recordnumber within it. What I want to do is create a variable for the recordnumber, write a select statement against my database using the variable as the argument for the WHERE clause, and display the results of the SELECT (its always a single value) within an HTML page.

Here are snippets of the code. The recordnumber is represented by strCallID and the resultset that I'm trying to display is strATG (shown near the bottom of the HTML)
All the connection string stuff has already been taken care of, so that's not included in this code:

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Pulling Data From CSV Using VBscript

In have a CSV with 50 entries all are:


I have a VB script that specifies were to put (in form) each field. So how would i select parse) it?

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Pulling Records For A Table

I've created a form where the user should be able to select an option, then a second list will be populated based on that selection. The next part is where I am running into trouble.

The user can also select a time window which can limit their search, if they so choose. Code:

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Pulling Headlines From Yahoo

The end result of what I want is to display news headlines for specific stocks on my website. I adapted the below code (very unsuccessfully) from pulling data points from yahoo to news headlines. Code:

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Pulling Select Data

Say I want to sort the data in both db's according to similiar properties and read the results in a table.

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ASP Pulling Email From Access

I have a database that has an email column that either contains an email address or a value "n/a" All I want to do is loop through the column in ASP by checking to see if the "@" is in the address and if it is feed the email address into a mailto: href tag . I think something is wrong with my code because it just returns the name but not the href.

<% IF InStr(1, contactObjRS("Email"), "@") = 1Then %>
<a href="<A href='mailto%=contactObjRS("Email'>mailto%=contactObjRS("Email") %>"><%=contactObjRS("FirstName") %>
<%Response.Write(" ") %>
<%=contactObjRS("LastName") %></a></font>
<% Else %>
<%=contactObjRS("FirstName") %>
<%Response.Write(" ") %>
<%=contactObjRS("LastName") %>
<% End If %>ted.

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Pulling Auto-number

Is there a way to pull the auto-number of a row entered into a database? IE, if I create an order, automatically pull the order_no from the order_table so that I can insert it into an order_detail table. There has to be a better way then selecting max order_id because that might not be the most current order? I know there is a buiilt in function in php what about asp?

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Pulling Name From Active Directory

we just migrated to Windows Server 2003 and active directory. On our intranet I would like to personalize some of the pages my users hit. Let's say I login as petertom, when I go to my main page.

Is there a way to grab information form the fields in AD after a person authenticates? Is there a timeout, i.e., user logs in at 8:00 AM, but doesn't hit the intranet until 1:00 PM etc?

Eventually I would like people to get to secure areas without needing a login and password, but based on what AU or group they belong to, is this possible as well? Does any of this require changes to be made via IIS? (The intranet is running Win2k server, not Win2003).

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Pulling Dates Out Of A String

I need to pull dates (years) out of a string. The string can either be a date range like "The date is between 1975 and 1978" or a single year like "The date is 1980".

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Pulling User Accounts

i am having to write a password protection script that pull the user info from the user accounts on the server. so, that way people within the company can log on using the same user name and password as they would to log on to there computer/the network. any ideas? i will also have to give each user different permissions, but i think i can figure that part out.

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Pulling Info From Database According To ID

Im getting this error message:

Microsoft JET Database Engineerror '80040e07'Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

Im passing a ID value to a pop up window attached to a variable named 'cat'.

Its passing it across fine, but the following code doesnt seem to be working in relation to it:

strsql = "SELECT cat_ID, art_Artist, art_Title, art_FDescription, art_Price, art_PicFull " &_
"FROM eventDisplay WHERE cat_ID='" & cat & "' "

can anybody see what im doing wrong here?

The following code:

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Pulling ASP Code From Database

I have a two pages. The first is a data entry screen (which saves the form data to a DB) and the second page displays the text that was inputted on the previous page( pulled from DB). Is there a way to insert <%=date()%> into one of the text areas and have it
be processed on the second page when that text is pulled from the database?

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Filtering Records After Pulling

I have a set of db results that I cannot filter completely in my query and I'm trying to figure out how to eliminate the "duplicate entries" after the fact.

My problem is I'm pulling columns for lot number and transaction time, but some (not all) lot numbers have two transaction times so I can't filter out these double entries with a "DISTINCT" statement in my query since the transaction times are distinct, but I only care about the first one. I'm looping through pulling my results as such: Code:

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Pulling Plain Text

The site, which is almost finished, is at

If you click most of the links in the gold nav bar, they will take you to various places within the site. But if you select the one called "Loads", it takes you to, which I have opened into a new window. As you can see, it's a plain text file, and it is on a different domain, which I have no control over. The data in there changes all the time.

Is there a way I can import this into one of the pages I have control over, and parse it out and display it the way I want? I've never worked with importing plain text that's generated on the fly before.

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Pulling Out Hyperlinks From An Access Database

I have an access database that holds among other info, web addresses and email addresses. They are in a hyperlink format in Access. When I run the ASP code, they disappear. I want to pull the data out, with the web addresses as hyperlinks.

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