How Do I Truncate This - 12/12/2003 4:00:00 PM

So I only get the date, and not the time. What confuses me is the possibility that the string length can vary from date to date, else I'd use a trim, right?

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Truncate Data

I want to ask what are the possiblities to truncate data
from 1 million dollars to 1 dollar by using formatCurrency and
CCur functions?

The ASP page has code <%= formatCurrency(rs(14)) %>, the database
rs(14) is 100000000. But when it displays it in the screen,
it shows $1.00 with code <%= formatCurrency(rs(14)) %>

There is another place with code using CCur and formatCurrency
together, i am not sure if this is ok.

amt_of_deposits = amt_of_deposits + cCur(rRes("natl_trust_tran_amt"))

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How To Truncate A Word

I use this code to assign the current usersname to a variable called "username"

username = Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER")

If i wrote this


I get something like myomainusername.

I just want the "username" bit not the "mydomain" . How can I truncate it?

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Truncate Till Decimal

I have files names like bcd.jpg, 1234567.mpg etc in my DB. I need only the file names. I know the truncate method but it's no good here. How do I cut away the extension part?

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How Do I Truncate A Fileds Content For Html Display?

I would like to change it so that it displays only the first 40 (or so) characters from the record being pulled from the MySQL DB producing a result more like this:

Is there a way to change the SELECT call to MySQL so that it retrieves only the first 'x' characters found in the record? Code:

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I currently have my website on a NT4 box, all pages work fine.
I am working on moving it over to a win200k web edition server.
I have my connection to my SQL working, copied all the pages to the new
machine without making ANY changes to the pages.
Now when my .asp page queries the database, it takes forever for it to
return any data, and not only does it display incorrectly, it does it
without putting anything in any of the tables that the data is suppose to be
I have the data displayed in a table so it's all nice and neat, but the
table is not being written. When I view the source code after the data is
returned, it only has the data from the database, no mention of any tables,
or the pictures or anything else.
Is there something that has to get done so 2003 will write the tables

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Com And Win 2003

I have installed the new server 2003 and instaled a com dll. i had instaled on my win 2000 server. My problem is that i am getting a permission error

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.Net 2003 With IIS 5.0 And ASP.Net

I have 2000 Advanced Server with IIS 5.0 ..Net 2003 IDE and I want to create a ASP .Net Webservice Project. When I try to do that I get the message that the webserver is not running ASP.Net 1.1 . and I can't proceed. Is there a way to use ASP.Net 1.0 with IIS 5.0 in .Net 2003? I wont be upgrading to 2003 any time soon.

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Win 2003 SP2

Our 2003 server recently updated itself with SP2, All our asp applications which use a variety of custom activex dlls stopped working with the classic "Method '~' of '~' failed" error. Changing permissions had no effect and only uninstalling SP2 fixed it.

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ASP / Exchange 2003

I am writing a small CRM at the moment and would like one of the features to be that the first page picks up mail from a 'info@' mailbox on a locally hosted exchange 2003 server.

I am finding it a nightmare to track-down either how to do this or find the right info, I think partly because the methods may have changed with server upgrades.

Is there a definative method I should be using and any pointers to documentation etc.

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CDOSYS With SBS 2003

I have made simpale web site inside that i am generating email page which
send form as email.

i have setup small business server with Exchange server 2003 and i have
hosted my website with this server.

i can not generate email using following code while same code working with
my developement XP machine installed SMTP service. Code:

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Classic ASP In VS 2003

Has anyone had any success in editing/debuggin classic ASP in Visual Studio 2003?

We have recently received a new project from an outside contractor done in .Net 1.1 and now have VS 2003 installed. We have tried to use it to work with our legacy ASP applications but we are stumped on how to get the debugger to work. It keeps trying to "build" and errors out because it cannot find a sub main().

If you have had any luck with this please either point to a resource that will get us started or share the steps to get this going.

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VS 2003 To VS 2005

I migrated my webapplication from VS 2003 to VS 2005. and i am running on win xp Professional sp2. After migrating. i am getting the following error ."The type initializer for 'System.Web.Compilation.CompilationLock' threw an exception." the error is shown in the following line

@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Test.aspx.cs"

i looked into the net but couldnt fix this.

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ASP On Win 2003 Server

My window server is going to be upgraded from Win NT 4.0 Server to Win 2003 Server. I don't know if I can put an ASP web application on this new server without any problem. I guess ASP.NET would be better but right now I just have a classic ASP. Can you help me about this? Or any article about this issue would be greatly appreciated.

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ASP Application Shifting From WIN NT To WIN 2003

i am working on application which we are migrated asp application from WIN NT to WIN 2003. Here iam facing some problems.

here iam loading .asp file as image on another .asp file to display data in chart. this is working good in WIN NT but it is not loading in WIN 2003. iam giving html tag which we used to load the image

<img src="abcd.asp"> (this .asp is in the same directory)

but this is not loading. Is it the problem with WIN 2003

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ASP Error Under Windows 2003

Is html based form for upload files. ASP script are get and save files on web server. Works fine on Windows 2000 Server.

Under Windows 2003, if try to upload files more than 100Kb got error:

Error number: -2147467259
Error source:
Error description: Operation not Allowed

in next line:

Binary = Request.BinaryRead (Length)

Any idea why it happen?

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Add IP's Manually To Windows 2003 Web?

How do I add additional IP's manually in Windows 2003 Web Edition? I was told to add them to subnet mask? I am not sure about this as I am new to it. Also, in remote desktop connection perhaps? Where after I login?

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ASP On Windows 2003 Server

I made some of the web pages using ASP on windows 2000 server, now i wanto to upgrade my Operating system from windows 2000 server to Windows 2003 Server , Are my web pages will work fine if i do this upgradation or there are any configurations on IIS i have to make to work fine ....

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View The Code Using VS 2003

When I open a page from an existing website file in VS 2003, the page
immediately executes without giving me the opportunity to view the code or
insert a stop or break. How to view the code?

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Visual Studio 2003

I get this error, despite doing everything the internet says to fix it:
"Visual Studio .NET has detected that the specified web server is not running ASP.NET version 1.1. you will be unable to run ASP.NET web applications or services."
YES, I have run "aspnet_regiis.exe -i" about 75 times. It doesn't work. I've uninstalled .NET Framework, reinstalled it, rerun aspnet_regiis over and over and over again... nothing works.
I think it might have something to do with bad permissions somewhere, but I looked for over an hour for some magical window that says "Make ASP.NET work" and I'm convinced it doesn't exist.
I'm using Windows XP Professional SP2, IIS v. 5.1, ASP.NET v. 1.1.4322.0, VS.NET 2003 Version 7.1.3088

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Slow ASP On Server 2003

I just migrated an NT4.0 website (all ASP) to Windows Server 2003 (small business server - deluxe edition) and some pages are very slow to render on client.

Seems to be pages with tables. I can stop the browser by clicking "X" and the table will be partly rendered. The table only has 26 rows and very little content.

Any ideas why this is happening would be appreciated. I have read of others with the same problem but no solutions.

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Website On Windows 2003

some of my sites which is working perfectly on Windows 2000 But when i tried the same thing from Windows 2003, it gives me error..

I am using IIS 6.0 By the way i am getting an error 80005000 login error.

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MySQL To Word 2003

I have a preformatted word file with tables. It is missing data which is in my MySQL database. Does anyone know how I can connect to my database from within Word in order to download specific fields in a specific table?

Instead of doing a complete dump (that's the only thing I've found on this subject. Make a complete dump in Excel and then probably make macros in order to get the right data into word.

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Asp Session Problems On IIS 6 And Win 2003

i have the problem of session state being lost when i move on to the
next page. i did read up on the security updates of ie 6 and understood
that there were some security updates.

if i access the site http:localhost then the session is lost,
if i access the site http: then the session works.

the weird thing is why does it work with the ip address, i also noted
that the server name doesnot have a underscore, so what is happening

someone please help, i cant tell the customers to use the ip address?

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Migrating ASP Application From WIN NT To WIN 2003

this is Aravind from hyderbad. i am working on application which we are migrated asp application from WIN NT to WIN 2003. Here iam facing some problems.
here iam loading .asp file as image on another .asp file to display data in chart. this is working good in WIN NT but it is not loading in WIN 2003.
iam giving html tag which we used to load the image
<img src="abcd.asp"> (this .asp is in the same directory)
but this is not loading.
Is it the problem with WIN 2003

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Migration To Windows 2003

I recently upgraded my servers to 2003. Since then the error-information shown in the browser has changed.For example, if under Windows 2000 I executed an SQL statement from within an ASP, and the SQL statement was syntactically incorrect, the error thrown
by ADO would finally show up in the client browser.

If I do the same with an Windows 2003 Server, only a "HTTP 500, internal server error" is sent to to client browser. The IIS LogFiles still show the actual error, but looking there is not that comfortable.Is this some configuration that can be done on the Windows 2003 server?

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2003 Server ASP Extensions

I have two servers, both running windows 2003 and both containing the exact same roperties for IIS.I have a set of asp intranet pages that are located inside the
c:inetpubwwwroot est folder.On one of the servers, the asp pages run fine, however on the second server the asp files are not recognised as asp pages. If you double click them, windows pops up a message box stating "Windows cannot open this file".

If I try to view an asp page via the browser, I get page not found.I have IIS installed, and under Web Service Extensions I have allowed every item that can be set.Does anyone know why windows cannot make an association with the asp page?

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Running Exchange 2003

My prod box consists of the following:

- Windows 2003 Server
- Exchange 2003

If I use cdoConfig to send emails from my .asp application do I need to include the following typelib on my .asp page if I'm running Exchange 2003:

<!--METADATA TYPE="typelib" UUID="CD000000-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D"
NAME="CDO for Windows 2000 Library" -->

Is this the correct typelib if I'm running Exchange 2003?Or, is there a "CDO for Windows 2003 Library" that I should be using instead?

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Cdo Failing On 2003 Server

Just migrating from server 2000 to 2003. cdo was working fine on 2000 but on 2003 I get...

-2147024891 Access is denied.

The code creating the cdo object in in asp/vbs.

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Html To Excel 2003

I have a report created in ASP (not ASP.NET) that uses Response.ContentType="application/" to display the results of a query from SQL Server 2003 formatted as an html table using Excel in Internet Explorer (version 6.0.2800).

The report displayed fine when my PC had Excel 97 installed. My PC was recently upgraded to Office 2003 and now the report only displays the report header. Does anyone know of a change I can make to the ASP code to display the rest of the report in Excel 2003?

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Windows 2003 Server With II6

I've had a new server installed for me. with Windows 2003 and II6 with ASP.NET. but I want to run a small (but important) application written in ASP(all .ASP files)

as it stands the server will not 'understand' .ASP files (only .ASPx)To avoid having to modify the whole application ( :-} ) can I get the server to execute. ASP files?(is it as simple as copying over an existing II4 ASP.DLL and installing that?

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Windows 2003 Web Edition

Is there a workaround to allow .log files to be accessed


The access is just so it can be downloaded.

I get 404 errors for Windows 2003 but not for Windows 2000 for this.

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Windows 2003 Server

We have several extensive sites and all use a lot of include files. We have the coded as include file and virtual include using ../ since it is a shared server etc. The sites were moved by the hosting company to a new windows 2003 server and now we get invalid path error part of the time, others it works fine.

The host says it is our programmers did not follow asp procedures and used ../ I always thought this was ok, it was never an issue before the this new to windows 2003.

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