How Do U Use TARGET In Safari?

I would like to be able to switch the main frame (index.html) from the navigation in a frameset. This works fine in IE but I don't seem to get it to work in Safari. Is there anything special I should think about when using "target=index" and so on when working with Safari?

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ASP And Mac Safari Browser

Anyone ever experience problems with Apples Safari Browser and ASP scripts? I have a user who keeps sending us feedback stating that Safari does not work on our site, but his Internet Explorer works just fine. He kept getting this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'CLng'

Now the code works perfect in all other browsers. I'm curious why Safari isn't working with ASP. Since all of the code is processed on the server, it seems odd that the browser would have specific issues with code.
I'm not looking for help with code, just any input on whether any one has experienced problems viewing ASP scripts using Safari browser.

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ASP Ridirection On SAFARI Problem

I have an ASP Page which gets the data thats passed from the Payment gateway. it gets the data and passes them to another page on which it writes them in to the DB and send a confirmation email to the customer.

This page works fine on the IE. but the it doesnt redirect to the second ASP on the SAFARI just stops with the URL parameter thats passed from the payment gateway.

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Logon To IIS Using Apple OSX And Safari

How do I login to a website on a IIS-server, with a Active Directory account, from a Apple OSX Safari browser?

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Safari Image Upload Problems

For some strange reason safari users cannot upload images / files to a site of ours. Other browsers on PC and Mac are fine, just not safari - any ideas?

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Target Frame On ASP

I have a page with 2 frames, F1 and F2. On F2, I have 2 more subframes, F2A
and F2B. If I click a button on F2A, I want to open the page on the whole
F2. I use parent.frames.F2.location.href but it doesn't work.

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Save Target As

I would like to place a button on a web page that when clicked performs the same funtion as when you right click a link and choose "save target as..."the files I want people to download are .swf and I don't want to zip them.

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Target Frame

Is there a way in ASP to figure out if a page that is being loaded is being loaded into a frameset? I know I can code this in javascript,but I would prefer to only inject a chunk of 'onload' code in the body tag if infact the page is being loaded in a specific frameset.

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Save Target As

I have an ASP application that uploads a specified file to the server. To retrieve the file, I simply assign the filepath and file to a hyperlink on the page.

When you click "Save Target As" for some file types, I get the following error messsage:

IE can not download <file> from <server>.

IE was not able to open this internet site. The requested site is either unavalable or can not be found. how to save a file of any type? It works for MS Word, Excell, text files.

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Target In Anchor Tag Not Working In IE7

While working with IE7 i found that my target attribute in <a> tag is not showing the output in the specified frame which i choose.

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Target New Window With Form

I have a form that sites in an iFrame window (I know, I know....) that I need to target parent so the form reidrect URL doesn't load in the frame. Can anyone help me with this item:

var MM_editConnection = MM_testapp_STRING;
var MM_editTable = "Test";
var MM_editRedirectUrl =";

I just need the editRedirectUrl to open the parent window.

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Use Target With Response.write

I have two browser windows open on the desktop. One is a full screen, one is a popup.

I have this line of code:

response.redirect ("findClient.asp?error=invalid")

I need it to load in a popup box(findClient.asp) instead of the fullscreen . I need something like a target attribute here, but don't know how to do it inside the response.write.

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Redirect A Frame Target From Server

I need them for presentation control and they work quite well except for this one "little" problem.

One of my pages located in a frame submits a form to itself for verification. The ASP psuedo code is

if verified
Response.Redirect newTopLevel page
(else keep going and reload me again in the same frame)

I can't change the base target of the frame until I verify, in which case I don't want to return to the same anyway.

Basically, how do I switch targets from the server to set a new top level frameset page?

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Response.redirect To Target Frame

how can i use command Response.redirect when i want it to redirect informations to some target frame ?

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<base Target="???">

Is there any way to set <base target="_blank"> for links which link to a
page outside the domain, and <base target="_self"> for links which link to a
page inside the domain?

Can i do such a thing in the global.asa file or maybe in an other include
asp file? I am working on a site with 3-4000 hyperlinks, and I do not look
forward to "marching" through every each one ove them and set target to
_blank og _self...

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"target=_blank "

I'm trying to open a new window using ASP.. been searching arnd but most othr codes involved Javascript. is there a possible way. if yes pleasee help me out on this

my code:

<td valign="top">

<% Response.Write "<a href=http://"& rsResults("url")& " >"& rsResults("url") &"</a>" %>


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Submit Form Using Method="post" To Target="_search"

I want to use the POST method to submit the form and then grab the
parameters in the asp file with request.form("parm").

The problem is that I am using the _search target to open the asp

When I use _blank target there is no problem, either I use GET or POST

But when I use _search target, only GET method works. Code:

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