How Do You Test If A Record From A Recordset Is Empty?

I have certain fields in my DB that are empty.

(In asp)

if groupName="" then
groupName="(Missing name)"
End If

How do I test if the current field/record in the recordset is empty?

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ADO Record Object - Test For Last Iteration (VBScript)

I have a record object (for instance, named record). I record.MoveFirst, then I set up a simple little loop:

For Each ofield in record.Fields

Within my loop, I want to test to see if it is the last iteration. That is, with a simple If...Then, I want to be able to complete something the last time through.

Is this possible, either with some sort of record.EOF type property, or some sort of record.Count type property (and then using a simple counter during iteration to count down until the last one)?

I'd like to try to be at least a little elegant... I understand its possible to iterate through the whole record twice, the first time to count, but that would obviously be a poor choice if any other method is available.

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Empty Record

When there are no records for the certain row in my table I recieve this error:

ADODB.Field error '80020009'

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

/admin/Fixture.asp, line 0

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Is A Record Empty, Then .......

i'm trying to determine if a record is empty and when it's not, it has to show that record

to test, I put three X's in the code:

the content of rs("opmerking") isn't shown but the three X's are there:

Does someone know why ? Here is my code:

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Empty Record

[.asp with VBSCRIPT and MS ACCESS]

I have a Recordset that pulls data if 'Promotion' field in data base contains 'promo' and subsequently displays data from a field called 'TourTitle' on my ASP page..

However if the 'Promotion' field is empty in the database, I get an error on my page.. I have tried to use the following, but it is not working..

Code: ...

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Record Set Is Empty

I always run into issues when a record set is returned empty because the WHERE clause in my SQL weeds everything out. What do you think is the most elegant way to test if there are any records to loop through?

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Empty Recordset

I'm trying to deal with a few records in a db that are missing data in one or more fields, which breaks my page, causing a BOF or EOF error, since the recordset is empty.
I can check for an initial EOF, before any traversing of the records, but don't know how exactly to bypass execution of the record accessing from there.

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Empty Recordset

I have a bit of code like this in a do while loop:

Response.Write "<TR><TD>Subject Name</TD>"
Response.Write "<TD>" & objRS("WRsubjectName") & "</TD></TR>"

It works fine, but sometimes the Subject Name field is empty, so instead of a blank space, I'd like to put something like "Empty Recordset" there.
Is there anyway to do this with my current code?

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Recordset Is Empty

how do you check if a recordset is empty? i am trying to write a code that checks in the database if a field is empty and if it is, it should equal to "No." . here's what i have so far:

If rs("contact")="" then
End If

I am getting this error:

ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0CB3)
Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the provider, or of the selected locktype.

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Empty Recordset

i want to test if a recordset is empty then print a sentence Else display the records.
i tried if recordset.recordcount = 0 then ..... else and it aint working. i want to use it for a delete.asp page cuz when the table is empty it throws an error.

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Empty Recordset

I'm calling a SQL stored procedure with the folowing code. It seems to work fine but I want to know if it doesn't return any rows and the oRsCatList. eof is not working.

lcDisplayCatList = "Y"
Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
oConn.Open Session("strConn")
Set oCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
set oCmd.ActiveConnection = oConn
oCmd.CommandText = "spCategoryList"
oCmd.commandtype = AdCmdStoredProc
oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("@CatID",
adInteger, adParamInput)
oCmd.Parameters("@CatID") = lnCatID
set oRsCatList = oCmd.Execute
if oRsCatList.EOF then
lcDisplayCatList = "N"
end if

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Display Color If Record Set Is Empty

I am using a calendar, and I want the calendar to show a different color on the date if there is something with in that recordset. So if there is an event for that date display a color else do nothing. Im not sure how to do this?

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Show If Recordset Is Empty

I have a results page with two result boxes and am trying to add 'Show if recordset is empty' for obvious reasons (in Dreamweaver Mx). BUT i've highlighted text (eg, criteria error) for one and used the show if....

which works fine but when i try to add it to the second box (different recordset) it doesn't work, WHY?? Just trying to show a message in case no box is filled or no data retieved on the query of the record set.

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Returning RecordSet To ASP Is Empty

Trying to return a Recordset to an ASP and the Recordset is empty.
The StorredProc works in the query analyzer and it even works from a
quick VB app that I wrote to test it.

The storedproc that I am using is fairly complex (creates some
temporary tables and populates them with 'Insert Into Select ...', but
the during testing the only Select statements that return visible rows
is the final one that returns the finished table with an 'Order By

I am trying to figure out if I am receiving multiple recordsets or if
I am out of environment space. Do the 'Insert Into Select ..'
statements return empty or null recordsets ?

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Recognizing Empty Recordset

The structure of my app allows for creating sections inside of a topic. The sections have an order in which they are displayed. To create a section in a topic that has no sections I need to query the database to get the top order of the sections so the new section created will be at the bottom (thus having the highest section order number).
If there is an null set returned then The new section has an order of 1.

I can insert sections if there are other sections associated with the same topic inside of the table, but cannot set an initial order number if there are no section associated to that topic. Please help. I have tried checking against EOF and BOF and null and and an empty string and feel like baching my head against a wall.

The code is as follows: ....

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Dont Do If Recordset Is Empty

Below is code to display in a drop down menu some addresses. There is two things i need to do. One is to not show if there are no records but also there could be duplicate records, How do i stop duplicates occuring...

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Checking To See If Recordset Is Empty

How do you check to see if the query you loaded into a recordset - retuned nothing? I keep getting this error:

error '80020009' Exception occurred...

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Empty Recordset When Using Array Element In WHERE Clause

I have created the following code to create the recordset rsToBeApprovedLocalItemID. Unfortunately, the for next loop works properly only on the first cycle. The response.write(arrToBeApprovedCatSub(0)&arrToBeApprovedCatSub(1)&"<br>")works for each loop but the SQL statement sqlToBeApprovedLocalItemID returns a populated recordset only on the first loop.

On subsequent loops it is empty even though the arrToBeApprovedCatSub(0) and arrToBeApprovedCatSub(1) are alive and well. What's going on? This is truly weird behaviour. I have not come across something this funky before. Code:

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Problem With Empty Recordset - Error '800a0bcd'

Can someone tell me what code I need to write in order to prevent an empty recordset returning the error below?

I think the error is something to do with the page count.


ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bcd'

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

/newspublisher/edit/viewOlder.asp, line 17

Line 17 = objdata.AbsolutePage = lngPageNo


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Empty Recordset Form Stored Procedure

I´m making a asp page which creates a xml-file. The values for the xml-file will be calculated in a stored procedure. This procedure returns 3 recordsets. In my query analyser the stored procedure returns the right values. The problem on my asp page is that the stored procedure is executed, but the recordset is empty.

This is the error message from my internet explorer:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0CC1) Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

This is the code i´m using: ....

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Simple Test Script To To Send A Test Email Using CDO

I am building a shopping cart where orders are send by email. Even though it says it's sent, I receive nothing. So I did a test script to send an email using CDO since we are using an exchange server for email and it's on the same network as the site. Code:

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Using A Recordset To Call Another Record Set

i have this query string and goes off and pulls off all records from the inktest fields where stock level is below min. But i also want to pull off the make of ink from another table tblmake.

the problem i have is that tbl make is not linked to inktest it goes though another table tblmodel as there is only one make ie Canon many models of printers and each model can have anything upto 4 inks, is there a way i can have another record set something like select * from tblmake or i could create a query that pulls off the ink model and make but only displays the ink and make then select * from newquery where inktestid = newquery.inktestid that should give me what i want kinda rite?? Code:

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Test In Ie 4.0

My clients have 4.0 and I can't seem to get 6.0 off of my W2K machine. Any suggestions?

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How To Test For Nothing

I have:

Dim foo
Set foo = Nothing

If foo = Nothing Then
response.write "foo is nothing"
response.write"foo is something"
End If

I get an error in the line "If foo = Nothing Then". It says:

"Object variable not set"

How then do I test if something has been previously set to Nothing?

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Cookie Test?

I have always used this in ASP to test if the client is accepting cookies:

Session ("nc") = 1
If Len(Session("nc")) = 0 Then
'Cookies Off
'Cookies On
End If

But I only ever tested it in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 though not sure. Anyway with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2 Len(Session("nc")) <> 0 always whether cookies are on or off. Can anyone suggest a better cookie test that will work in most browsers?

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Test ASPs

I have a PC running Win XP Home and want to learn how to write ASPs.
In order to test them I think I need a web server installed on my PC. Since
I don't believe IIS can be run under Win XP Home I downloaded and
installed the Apache web server. I'm stuck at this point and would appreciate
opinions on whether I am on the right track, and, if so, advice on the following.
1. Having written a test asp page how do I use Apache to test it?
2. Can Apache handle VBScript on an ASP page? From the info on the
Apache web site I don't think it can.

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Test Engin

iam making asp test engin and i dont want the user to use the keyboard
so is there a way to disable the keyboard of the computer that have the
exam on ? its not a website world wide. i will make it on my room computers.
is it possible ?

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How To Test If Object Has Something Or Not?

The current code (see below) works. But, I wonder if there's better way to test if a node object has something or not.

' want to find if /Root/Node's id attribute is 1,
' if yes: get its child node <num>
Dim nodeA : Set nodeA = xmlDoc.selectSingleNode("/Root/Node[@id='1']/num")
' test if nodeA have something
If TypeName(nodeA) = "Nothing" Then
' -- NO: nodeA has nothing
' -- TypeName is "IXMLDOMElement"
' -- YES: nodeA has something
End If

I have tried other functions, such as IsEmpty(), IsNull(), IsObject(): none can
get the result I wanted.

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ASP Test Script

What I have is a ASP test script that can grade online tests and give the test results at the bottom of the test page itself. What I need is the test results to be passed on to a test results page with the score of the test that was taken. I have a problem getting the test results intact over to the test results page.

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Test For SQL Injection

how do i test for SQL injection ?
sdo i do a SELECT statement in my username login?

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Test For Cookies

I have an asp script which is posted to by a form. On the script I need to know if cookies are enabled.

Therefore I need to make the form post to a different script which sets a cookie and does a response.redirect to the main script. However, how to I make the request object get forwarded to the second script with the response.redirect?

You cannot use server.transfer as the test for cookies will not work properly.

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Test DB Server

In ASP VBScript,is there a way to programmatically test if a SQL Server database server is alive?

I want to use a connection string to a mirrored DB server in case the primary DB server fails. This failover is easy in ASP.NET, which supports DB mirroring and a the specification of a secondary server in its data provider.I want to hack together the same thing for my classic ASP apps.

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Taking Test.doc

How to get test.doc from following string Using VBscript

"Files uploaded:test.doc (54326B)"

File size and file name may vary dynamically,and I have to pick file name with ext from them.

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