How Get The GUID Automaticly?

How get the GUID automaticly? I will Creates a Genuinely Unique Identification Number (GUID) of type, like {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}.

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How To Automaticly Update Information At Site?

I writed a site in ASP. I use screen scraping to take information from other site and put them at my. The problem is that when i want to update those information i need to use a button.

I want to make this more "automatically", like at 5,00am every day without me. Is that possible to program such actions directly on server where my site is uploaded?

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how would i figure out what the GUID for .pdf Titles would be?
right now I'm using an asp script to return file information. I can get the file title if the file is a .doc type....but not if it's a .pdf type, even though a title is present in the properties. I can however get the .pdf file name as it's stored in the directory...just not the Title.

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How To Generate A GUID Value In ASP

Can you tell me how to generate a GUID value in ASP?

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GUID Across A DB Table

If someone registering for the site, enters their GUID. Now a check is made on that GUID across a DB Table to see if the GUID is present. There are approx 57,000 GUIDS in said table. It is msSQL DB on windows server 2000 server, how long would that check take?

I know there are several variables that come into play here, but I am looking for a ball park figure on how long it would and should take.

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GUID Values Repeating

I have been creating new GUID's through this block of code

set typ = server.createobject("Scriptlet.TypeLib")
guid = TRIM(MID(cstr(typ.GUID),2,36))
Response.Cookies("guid") = guid
Response.Cookies("guid").path = "/"
Response.Cookies("guid").expires = now() + 1
set typ = nothing

Lateley, some visitors to the website are actually receiving the same guid.How is this possible? Is there a process that may be used to reset the guid delevery sysem?

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I Am Using A GUID (Global Unique ID) In Asp And Need To Know How It Works

I am using a GUID in asp e.g


and need to find out how reliable it is and how it generates a unique ID.

an example of the unique ID is {FEE7EECD-2E70-4E95-8EE1-C887B34EBB3E}

can anyone point me in the right direction for documentation on how this is generated.

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Dynamically Generating GUID Online And Then Using Them In VB.NET How Might I Do This?

first, say I have a payment processing scheme, and after a value is returned letting the program know that a sucessful payment is made, that somehow I dynamically create a GUID, (or something of the like). I want to have it somehow embedded in the program as well as well as sent to the buyer so that he can enter in that GUID and it unlocks the program.

So somehow I want to generate a GUID, either inside the program or outside of it which either way is incorperated into the program, and so that I have a copy of it. I want this all to be able to be done dynamically and I assume it would have to be done in ASP.NET as it doesen't seem feasable to run a .exe program on the web.

Any leads? Or perhaps there is some sort of "shell" that I can embed my program in that will do this for me. Any ideas?

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Random GUID Type Number Or RegExp

I have used:

set typ = server.createobject("Scriptlet.TypeLib")

to create a random string of 36 characters. However, is there a way to
create a random string of digits in the length I request? Perhaps a string
of 20 digits with a few asterisks thrown in for ease of typing?

for example:

Would this be reated with RegExp? And how?

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Call To Guid Property Of Scriptlet.TypeLib Times Out

I use following code in an ASP page to generate a GUID:

dim obj
Set obj = Server.CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib")
Set obj = nothing


It worked fine on my WIN2000 computer running IIS. I recently bought a
new computer with XP Pro and this page times out. I now it is the call
to obj.guid. I have seen the same behaviour on another XP machine as

The funny thing is if I paste this code into VB and display the guid
in a message box, it runs without a problem.

Any ideas, is this not supported in XP?

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