How Is It Possible To Retain The Textfield Values ?

how do i retian values in the textfield even after it is submitted ?

Like for example, when you fill out most application forms, after submitting
if there is an error it redirects you back to the first page alerting you of the error but the other values still remain..

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Retain The Textfield Values

how do i retian values in the textfield even after it is submitted ? Like for example, when you fill out most application forms, after submitting if there is an error it redirects you back to the first page alerting you of the error but the other values still remain. I would like to incoporate this function. where i can find them ?

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Getting Values From Javascript Into Asp Textfield

I have javascript calander in the form of three list boxes (day, month, year). when selected I would like the values to put into a text field in Dreamweaver so I can then submit to the database. Is this possible and how could it be achieved.

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Session Variables Retain Values Even After The .Abandon

I am developing a membership based website for car auctions. It uses the session object on many pages, most importantly on user personal pages. When the user session ends, i.e., on logout, I use the Session.Abandon to destroy a session object associated with a particular user, and also turn a boolean variable session("Valid_User")=False (which was turned ON at the time of successful login and used on user personal pages for authentication).

But, when I go BACK and browse the previous pages, they still appear with the specific user's data, who logged in last time on the same browser. Why is it so? When I refresh the pages, only then the session variables' values are erased.

Secondly, my site doesn't allow me to login as a different user, even after logout, because I have put a check on the login page so that it doesn't allow a user to login again during his current session, which again means that the logout process doesn't destroy his session.

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Retain Values On The Form When Posting Back To Itself

I have simple form where user enter the search criteria and the form is
posted back to itself and runs a query based on the values that are entered.

Everything is expect the values that the user enters disappears everytime
the form is refreshed when posting it to itself.

Is there anyway I can retain the values that were entered on the form?

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Retain Whitespaces

When a Button is clicked in a Form, the JavaScript 'prompt' dialog
pops-up for users to enter any text. When the user clicks OK in the
prompt dialog, the text is populated in a TextBox & the Form posts. I
then retrieve the text using Request.Form.

The problem I am facing is in retaining whitespaces in the text the
user has entered. Assume that the user has entered the following text
in the JavaScript prompt dialog (note the whitespaces in the string):

"abc def ghi jkl"

The double quotes have been added just to show where the string ends;
they aren't a part of the string.

Now when I retrieve the string using Request.Form, this is what I get
(once again please neglect the double quotes):

"abc def ghi jkl"

i.e. irrespective of the number of whitespaces a user has inserted in
between the words in the JavaScript prompt dialog, Request.Form always
replaces all the whitespaces in between the various words in the string
with a single whitespace.

How do I ensure that the whitespaces entered by the user in the
JavaScript prompt dialog are retained by ASP?

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Retain Variable Value

I have got a page called view_month which displays records and allows users to update records then returns back to the view_month page. Because my view_month page uses an SQL with the table name as a variable which retrieves its value from the form in the previous page. My problem is that the table name disappears whenever I finish updating and tries to return to the view_month page. How can I retain the variable value so that whenever I updates and return the SQL will still contain the value.

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Retain Same SQL Statement

I still have the weirdest problem. I posted that couple of weeks ago and I got too busy to follow up. When I was back, I redid the whole page from scratch and still got the same problem:

I have an Access database containing list of activities for my students, and each activity can be searched by a number of criteria and is linked to a file they can download... The search dn diplay of the results as well as downloading the file from the database work all fine... The problem starts when I have results that would span more than one page... When I click next, the new page displays a list of all records. I Response.write the query to know what is hapenning and I found out that the query reverts to Select * from table and loses the WHERE statement.

I will attach the code that I tried to document as possible.... Most of the code is created by Macromedia Dreamweaver except for the form variables and SQL statement... The code is long so ignore HTML and CSS.

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How To Retain QUERY_STRING Value ?

I have an asp application where there are two pages. The first page pulls some data from a database and displays it in a tabular format with hyperlinks. When the user clicks on a particluar link, he/she is taken to page 2, where the specifics of that item come up with various text fields and drop down boxes, etc Code:

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Retain Check Box Value

I have a form, which has various text boxes,check boxes etc. The problem is, when the user hits the submit button, if the form validation finds an error,say, the user forgot to fill in a field,the ticks from the check boxes dissapear.

as if the check boxes have reset themselves. How to I stop this? Is there a way to retain check box values if the form is submitted? This is also occurring with my list boxes,too.

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Retain The Contents Of The Form

I am having 14 textboxes on the form and One data grid control and one
Button That button allows to open new web page (in new window) where in I can
select some products from the list.

The products selected in the list are added in the Grid of my original
form. I use response.redirect by passing parameters for that purpose.
but that wipes out the contents of the textboxes. how can i retain

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Retain Value Of Pulldown List

I have one .asp page with a SELECT pulldown list on it and some INPUT fields. When SUBMIT is clicked the form data is submitted to that same page and validated. If INPUT fields are empty the asp code will insert a visual indicator (e.g. *) to convey that the field must be filled in.

However, if the user has made a selection in the pulldown list and has left an INPUT field empty, when the form reappears after validation, the pulldown menu looses its selection and returns to its default value.Would anyone be able to provide a solution to this?Or do you need to see the code first?

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Retain Checkbox Status

I have a form which submits data to a new page based on the checkboxes that are clicked corresponding to each row of data. My next page has a cancel button which takes me back to the first page I have to retain the status of the checkboxes that were checked.

How do I do that? The no of checkboxes depends on the no of rows of data returned
I have them named in a for loop as strcheck0, strcheck1 and so on . the data that is submitted to the next page is assigned to the value attribute of checkbox.

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Retain The Field Information

Can anyone tell me on how to retain the information that was being key in previously and mark which field was being filled in incorrectly rather than reset all the field to previous value?

I have done checking like this but i think it is not quite user friendly:

function verifyBlank(thisForm){
if (thisForm.TeachersName.value == "none" || thisForm.Lab.value == 0 || thisForm.Class.value == 0 || thisForm.Subject.value == 0 || thisForm.PeriodFrom.value == 0 || thisForm.PeriodTo.value == 0 || thisForm.Day.value == "none" || thisForm.Month.value == "none" || thisForm.Year.value == "none")
alert('Incomplete information');
return false;
return true;

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I have an asp driven website using an Access database.

Basically the user arrives to the site selects the product from a list. From their they are directed to another page where they see the starting price and then they can customize the product from a list of options that is also database derived. The result is a final price.

What I would like to do is have the ability for the user to save that product and on their next visit bring it back up along with any other products they saved.

(note...all I have is done using asp classic, access database, and some javascript)

Could someone direct me to a good or source or help me get started on how to create a user logon and retain their user info and how to do the above?

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Textfield Problem

how to display the complete data on a textfield?

for example... the data in my datafield is "BROWN DOGS" but when I viewed it on my asp page it will only display "BROWN" do you have any idea on how I could display the whole content? my source code is this -->

<input name=dog_description value="&rs("dog_description")&" size=50>

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Input Textfield

how to input textfield in popup window to search from a database and generate the report in another page?

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Grey Out Textfield

I have 4 radio buttons and beside each radio button I have a textfield. When a certain radio button is selected, only the text field beside it becomes enabled and the rest of the text fields are disabled. What I would like to do is to be able to change the background color of the text fields so they are grey if they are diabled and white if enabled.

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Validating A Textfield

some vbscript coding on on the server side which states sumthing on the lines of if chkbox is checked then textfield should be not null.

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If 1st Textfield Is Empty

i have a form with 2 textbox and 2 buttons if i push the 2nd button it summits the form to a process page and add both textbox info into a database( with the check if they are empty), this because the form action is set to go to that page.

but i want the 1st button to do a test if the 1st textfield is empty and if is not i want it to post just the value of the first textbox to another page(process2).
i've got the 2nd button working allright but i dont know how to so set up the code to the first button.

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Create Textfield

i'm trying to create a textfield with up and down arrow at the side using vbscript
and asp. anyone know how to do that?

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Email Address From Textfield

I would like to provide the text field to let the user key in the email address. How to ensure that they at least will key in the ""?

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Textfield Losing Focus

I have a bunch of text fields that the user tabs through. How would I go about calling a function when a specific textbox loses focus so that when they tab out I can make a pop up and allow them to select some info

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Retrieve Textfield Name From Form

I'm trying to retrieve the name of a textfield, instead of it's value. I'm using a html page with a very simple form, containing 8 textfields. When submitted I call an asp page, and from that page I want to retrieve the textfield names from the submitted form.

Does anybody have an idea how the do this? It's for entering value's into an xml file and i want to use the textfield name's for naming the new xml elements.

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Searching Listbox Via Textfield

Any sort of related article, tutorial,

Topic : Searching Listbox via Textfield

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Copying A Value From A Textfield To A Hidden Field

Does anyone have any idea if you can set the value of a hiddenfield to be that of a textfield on the same page, when submitted?

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Query String From Textfield And List

Can anyone advice if the following is possible: -


srch and srchlist are the names of a textfield, and list/menu

Is it possible to amend the URL, so that the URL QS reads


strSrch = Trim(Request.QueryString("srch")) &" "& Trim(Request.QueryString("srchlist"))

This is the snippet I use to achieve the above example, which is fine, when I use this snippet, and make the &""& without space between the quotes, then it returns: -


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If Checkbox Selected Then Textfield Can't Be Empty

I am trying to what seems simple but can not get it to work. I am using Ultradev 4

I have a form that uses a checkbox to indicate weather a call has been closed or not.
However if the call has been closed then I need a resolution text field to contain data.
ie: If checkbox selected then resolution textfield can't be empty.

I've tried yaromats check form extension but it DOES NOT work as I am using a multiline text field. The extension works for a sinle line textfield but not a multiline.. I don't know why?

As a result I don't get the option to select this field using the "This must be checked to" option in Yaromats extension.

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Populate Record From Db Into Web Form Textfield

I am trying query the data from db and populate in the web form's textbox field. so far I cannot put that record into the text field box. anyone has idea on that, below is my sample code:

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Binding Textfield To Drop Down List

How to bind a drop down list to a textfield??? I want the textfield value to change for every different option selected in the drop down list.

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ASP + Access, Cant Scan Empty Textfield

I'm using an Access database connected with an ASP
website. I keep having the same problem:

when field Name (text) from tblcustomers is empty, I
do not want to show this one..

IF (qryRandom("name") = "") THEN
respone.write ("its empty!")
respone.wirte ("its filled!")

why do I keep getting 'its filled' when it is empty
any suggestions?

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Possble To Retain Orig Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") Thru Svrl Refreshes?

I have a "Email this page to a friend" form that submits to itself and contains the hidden input value="<%= Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") %>".

The value="<%= Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") %>" is to obtain the URL of the page that the person wishes to send.

The problem is, if someone creates an error in any of the input fields, the page submits to itself again and displays the errors. When this happens, the original HTTP_REFERER url address is lost and now replaced with the url of the "Email this page to a friend" page.

Is there a way to retain the original HTTP_REFERER value even though the user refreshes the page?

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Form Values With A File - Passing Values

I want to call a recordset so you can edit the details and then obviously pass the parameters onwards into the db. However, the user guide just says this:

To process other fields in the form, use the Form collection of the upload object the same way you would use the Form collection of the Request object. For example, if your form had a text element named UserName, your processing code would include: Code:

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