How To Round Up A Whole Number?

I've created a freight calculator that needs to know how many pallets I'm shipping. I'm using 1 pallet for 750lbs and an extra pallet for anything more than that.

If materialWeight <= 750 Then numPallets = 1 Else numPallets = Round(materialWeight / 750) End If

Now, let's say the materialWeight/750 ends up being 3.2. This is returning 3, but I need it to return 4 since we need an extra pallet.

How can I make it Round up to the next whole number? If it turned out to be an exact number without a decimal then it should stay where it is, but if it's over x.0 at all it should go up to the next whole number.

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Round Up Number

Given: total = 18.01

I use FormatNumber(total,2), it give me 18.01
I use FormatNumber(total,0) it give me 18

I wanna to get 19, how should i do the code?? if there is any decimal
value, i wanna round it up to the next whole number.

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Round A Number Up

I am dividing a value by two .. what i need is to round the number up if it is not a whole number.

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I have the following equation.

<% varWT = Round(CInt((rsFreePack.Fields.Item("Weight").Value)) +
CInt(Session("w"))) %>

Round(CInt((rsFreePack.Fields.Item("Weight").Value)) = .12
CInt(Session("w")) = 30

How can I get it to always ROUND up to 31 ...?

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Round Up

I have a number with a decimal point that i always want to round upwards to the nearest whole number.Now i can use the round(No.) function and this works for any value of .5 and above the problem is the lower .1 .2 .3 .4.So an example

if i get the number 14.2 i want the output to be 15

11.3 = 12
13.8 = 14

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Round Up

If I have a value that is 53.123499999, how can I round it to 53.12?

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Round A Variable

I have a variable (ex. 5.66666666) and I want to round it to 2 decimal places. Anyone got this code?

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Round() Vs FormatNumber()

I'm working on finishing a project the was started by someone else who no longer works here. Its an asp page that takes a whack of numbers form a db, and makes em look all pretty in tables. (its a remake of an excel spreadsheet)
the problem is some of the numbers are not apearing properly. I'm thinking it's because they used Round() sometimes and formatNumber() other times.
the question is... do these functions handle numbers differently? i know formatNumber can do more then just round but i just need it to make the numbers 1 or 2 decimals.

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Round Numbers To 0

I want to round numbers to include a 0 at the end.

response.write "<td bgcolor=white align=center class=menuText>" & 100 - Round(CTASCAvail,2) & "%</td>"
response.write "<td bgcolor=white align=center class=menuText>" & 100 - Round(Avail,2) & "%</td>"

the following code will round the numbers 2 decimal places but if it is a 0 it will not display it.

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Round Time

Does anyone know how I could round the minutes to the nearest 15 minutes, I'm using this

%=minute(now()) %>

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Round() :: Rounding Bug

i have a very simple question which is driving me nuts. Using the ASP function Round():

Why do BOTH Round(1.775, 2) and Round(1.785, 2) both give the exact same result of 1.78 ?

Surely they should give different results, 1.78 and 1.79 respectively.

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Round Up A Figure

for eg x = 3.14. I want to do a round up to 1 decimal. if I were to use round(3.14) , I will get 3.1 , however I want to round up , expecting to get 3.2 .

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Round Upwards

In ASP, how do I do this?

Like 1.5 ---> 2
1.001 ---> 2
4.3---> 5
5.0001---> 6

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Round Numbers

how to round off numbers i have tried 2 different ways but hitting the dead end. say for example the number stored in my variable is


i want to round it to 115 so my new value will be strnum="115" . so if its 113 it should be rounded to 115 . if its 116 or 117 or 118 or 119 it should be 120 . if its 111 or 112 or 113 it should be 115 . how i can round the numbers.

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How can I round the value to the nearest whole number. I have searched on math.round but
can not get it to function. Here is how I am getting the results if not division by zero. Code:

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Round Function

If I have a number that looks like 32.3, 15.5, 30.1 etc, I always assumed Price = Round(Price,2) is actually rounding a figure into a whole number or putting 32.30 etc.

So how do you exactly round the figure to whole number or put a zero at the end of it. I was thinking of formatNumber but I can't remember if there is a function for that?

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Next Round In Loop

I looped a record set to display and I found a strnage thing. as

Do While NOT rsBinAct.EOF

l_bin = rsBinAct.Fields("o_bin")
l_niin = rsBinAct.Fields("o_bin_niin")
l_b = LEFT(l_niin, 3)
l_n = RIGHT(l_niin, LEN(l_niin)-3 )

' display l_bin, l_b, l_n in a table-like page


If I do not set the l_b and l_n to NULL then if the next l_niin is null value, I will get the l_n value of previous one only, l_b is still null. I wonder why.

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ROUND .. How Do I Format These Numbers Right?

I'm using the following:

priceDelivered = Round(((totalMaterialPrice + rateWithHandling) / sqFtAmt),2)

It works great except for when it ends in 0, like $4.80. It only prints $4.8.

How can I make sure that even when these numbers end in 0 it shows 2 decimal places?

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Display Round Numbers

i am stuck on rounding i have a variable which holds a number like this

and i want to display only

so i did like this


and output is


but i only need 234

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Round Function Alternative

246/10 = 24.6
round(24.6) = 25

246/100 = 2.46
round(2.46) = 2 (I want 3)

If I have a decimal, I want to round up. Always. How do I achieve this in ASP?

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Invalid Use Of Null: 'round'

cart_calc_shipping_cost = (Rs.Fields("InitialCost")+(round((Weight/1000)+0.5)-1) * Rs.Fields("AdditionalCost"))

Seems to give me this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a005e'

Invalid use of Null: 'round'

I think it is to do with the value of weight, however weight does have to be sometimes 0 so how can i fix this?

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Loop Round All Querystring Parameters?

Is it possible to loop round all querystring parameters in a web page (i.e. access them without hardcoding them)?

I want to do this because I have a page that has different querystring variables passed into it depending on the content of the calling page.

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Recent Round Of SQL Injection Attacks

We log hundreds of SQL injection attempts per day -- the type with
CAST(0x44004500... AS VARCHAR(4000)). It amuses me that the last thing the
attack does is DEALLOCATE its cursor. My SQL Server DBA tells me this makes
no difference. So...

Are these hackers cargo cultists? Or am I missing something?

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Convert Real Number Into Text Number

I need to insert some number into database as text. My problem is if I insert the number (ie. 4.0), the value in the database only show (4). So, is it possible to convert a real number into text number using ASP?

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Sequential Number After Batch Number

here is the scenerio

in master batch table i have various master batch like

Now each master batch can have multiple final mixed batch like


and this record is inserted in to fmix table.

so i have a form in which i have a dropdown menu in which all the master batch is listed,
i select 200701-0001 and that value is passed to next page where i will enter other fields data and insertion to my fmix_no will be done automatic like 200701-0001-01, 200701-0001-02 and so on,

how to achieve this

so in short each master batch will have more than one final mixed batch.

pls help, also if u have any online contact in yahoo or msn pls send me, i am so confused and badly struck deadline is just couple of hours away. my yahoo id is(E-Mail address blocked: See forum rules) you can PM me i am online right now.

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Retrieve The Error Number In VB With Err.Number

I want To handel the error messages by myself in one part in my script. I know that in VB I can Use the statment - On error resume next And I also know that I can retrive the Error Number In VB with Err.Number.

How can I handel the errors by myself in ASP? I heard about the ASPErr Object, Is it the same thing like the err object in VB?

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if I dispaly certain column data from database, how to make the auto numbering in front of each data?for example

1. ha
2. ho
3. hu

let say the ha, ho and hu is data that call from database column.

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Whole Number

Can you help me with this? Is there any function that I can use in getting a
whole number


Input OutPut
12.3 12
1.63 1
21.1 21

Im using the function left(p1,p2) but it doesnt recognize the whole number

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Err.number <>0

I have an error statement in place which i would like to catch when a problem aoccures and assign a value to Compensation.

If Err.number<>0 then

If iCount Mod 2 = 1 Then
objRS.Move ((iCount + 1)*0.9)-1
Compensation = Int(objRS(0))
objRS.Move (iCount*0.9)-1
Compensation = objRS(0)
Compensation = (Compensation + objRS(0))/2
End If
Compensation = 0
End If

at the moment,Compensation seems to always have the value of 0 even when an error is not evident. Have i got this the wrong way around?

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i m getting such number 3001/e-00084308/00/000
so each time i want to change 00 to 01 in above number

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Number IP

I want to have the address IP of the client's machine. I have made this.

<b>Your IP address is:</b>

but It give me the address of my host I wish I have IP of the machine client.

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Avg Number

I am using the code below to count the number of records and divide it by the sum of the records to get the average number. I get the error : Type mismatch: 'ubound' . I know I'm missing something obvious as my experience with arrays have rendered below.

<% PriceArray = Recordset1("TotalBidPrice") %>

for x = 0 to ubound(PriceArray,2)
CountArray = CountArray + PriceArray(0,x)

ThePriceAvg = CountArray/(ubound(PriceArray,2) + 1)


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Not A Number

How do you check if a value is "not a number" in Visual Basic? Ie:

If textbox is not a number then
msgbox "Please enter a valid number"
End If

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