How To Avoid Downloading A File Directly From Webserver ?

I need to provide a way to download a software and its corresponding
manual from a web page.

So far I have done the sign in page where people give their data. I
will then give access to a page with a link allowing to download the
required file(s).

My worry is how to avoid that somebody grabs the URL of the file and
send it to another for downloading directly from the server. What can
I do to avoid this ?

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Could Not Run Asp File On My Webserver

I am using windows 2000 server with IIS already install. I have copied test.asp file to wwwroot directory and tried to run it but it did not work ..and i gave me this error msg.


The page cannot be displayed There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed. HTTP 500 - Internal server error Internet Explorer

I have even tried to run the iisstart.asp and localstart.asp which already
exist at wwroot directory when IIS is installed.However, it still could not work.

Does anyone know why ? I how do i know that the webserver and ASP engine is working properly.

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Avoid Address Bar File Addressing

I want to avoid client to open a file from my site by typing its path in their address bars . Is there any solution for that?

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ASP Force Download Of File From Webserver

I am creating an asp application which is essentially a file management app. I am trying to get my head around a technically issue wonder if someone can offer some help.

I want to be able to force the download of the files are attached to a particular record.
The code which i use to force the download is:

strPath = "C:MyFiles"
Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")
' Build path to file
strPath = uploadfilepathactual
Path = strPath & "" & strFileName
Upload.SendBinary Path, True, "application/octet-binary", True

I want to be able to change the path to say something like

strPath = servernamec$myfiles

Is the above possible. Any other alternatives.

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Save File From Webserver To Clients Pc

The client needs to save a file on his pc which is located on the server disk. What can be the solution for this?

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How Do I Install A MSI File From Webserver On The Client Machine.

I have a web server running on a machine. When the users
connect to that machine, it loads the ASP page. The ASP
page has a ActiveX control on it and it gets downloaded to
the client's machine. I have made the control as a signed
control so there is no problem in download.

Likewise, in the virtual directory path on the server, I
have one clientsettings.MSI and that needs to be run on
the server. Whenever the user tries to connect to the web
page, in onload event of the web page, the .MSI file
should be installed on the clients machine. For this to
happen what all needs to be done ?

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Automatic File Forwarding From Webserver To Local Server

Having finally mastered freeASPUpload, I really want the files being uploaded to the web server to automatically be forwarded to my local inhouse server. I'm sure there has to be a way.

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GLOBAL.ASA Recognize File Located In Subdirectory Of Webserver?

Will IIS6.0 recognize a global.asa file located in a subdirectory on the webserver?

I'd like a file that will execute whenever a file in the subdirectory is browsed - or, at least it is executed the first time a file in the subdirectory is browsed.

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Downloading A File

There any way to download files I'm keeping stored above the www
folder for security

I'm thinking of the following : My script determines what file the user
requests, checks their credentials, and then "forwards" the file from the
non public directory to the user.

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Downloading Pdf File

From the client side, I want to download a pdf file from the server side that was initially saved there.

this site didnt work for me: ....

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Downloading A File

I have a download function that allows a site visitor to download a file. It works when the page that calls the function, the function, and the file to download are all in the same folder. I want to be able to have the page that calls in one folder, the function in another folder and the file in a third. Any advice? Code that is working when all three are together:

Function doDownload (fileName)
dim myAttachment
myAttachment = "attachment; filename=" & fileName
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", myAttachment
Response.ContentType = "application"
response.BinaryWrite fileName

End Function

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You Are Downloading The File

I have an asp script on a server. However whenever I link to the script, instead of running it, the browser displays a message saying. "You are downloading the file "filename" from "server name" Would you like to open this file or save it to your computer ?

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Downloading Or Opening A File In Asp

I want to create a asp page where i can give the user an option of downloading a file or opening a file e.g an excel file.

How do i do this?? Ive already created an asp page which has a button- where the user can click on the button. The excel option of either opening the file or downloading it comes up- but i want this option actually on a asp page. How do I go about this?

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How To Secure File Downloading

I have been lately dealing with developing an ASP based web application which uploads documents to a folder. Application itself is password protected by the session.

I am now looking for securing the documents that are uploaded.

For example;

Let's say AAA.doc is uploaded to "/docs" folder by this password-protected application. But, I can't prevent the following link to download this Word document:

(URL address blocked: See forum rules)

How can I prevent the above link to download AAA.doc? Is it something possible to restrict it with a session variable? I also want the user who are authenticated at the beginning to view or download the file, but unauthenticated users shouldn't view it.

I found some articles but they are speaking about IIS level things. Folders may be created dynamically. Is it possible to have this security feature at application level?

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Problem With File Downloading Using Asp

I have written code to download the file stored in the database.

according to some condition the data in database is written using binary write.

If Not rs.EOF Then
Response.ContentType = rs("Content Type")
Response.BinaryWrite rs("File Data")
End If

but when i try to write some filles other than pictures, it will prompt to save the asp file. Code:

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Downloading Zip File As Binary File

I use the following code in an page to download file from my site to the user:

Response.Buffer = True
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=""" & dsDocFile.Tables("tbl_DocFile").Rows.Find(FileID).Item("FileName") & """")

This works with most every file type I've run across (jpg, gif, doc, ppt, xls, etc..). Normally when the user tries to access a file, a download window pops up asking the user whether he/she wants to open or save the file.

However, when the file is a zip file, the user just receives a blank screen instead of the usual download window. Has any one run into this problem? If yes, how did you resolve it?

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File Downloading Problem In Firefox.

i am having prob while downloading a file in firefox. If the filename contains
spaces it takes only name before the first space. The rest of the part in the filename is egnored....

i use the following code for it.
Response.Addheader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & filename
example if the filename is "sample filename.doc". while downloading it saves as "sample" the rest of the part filename.doc is removed.

The above code works fine in IE. Can anyone here tell me how i can handle this in firefox v1.

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Downloading A File From A Folder Above Webroot

I am currently working on an ASP based site which displays largely numerical data, which is stored in an access database. I have been asked to create an 'export' page, which, when working properly will allow a user of the site to export the table he or she is looking at and export it to a .CSV file which they can save onto their own machine.

My problem lies here, I can create the .CSV file on the server, BUT permissions on our host are such that the file can only be saved to the 'databases' folder and not on the webroot.

Is there any way in which I can either setup a way for the user to download from the databases folder? or rather than creating the file on the server, directly write the file to the user's machine?

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How To Redirect The User To New Page After Downloading An Mp3 File

I have set of mp3 files as a list (DownloadFiles.asp). The user can click on any of the mp3 files to download(Download_Porcess.asp).After downloading the file the user has to redirect to the DownloadFiles.asp.

For this i used:


In Download_Process.asp to force the save dialog box. This works fine. This allows the user to download the file. After downloading this mp3 file, this file should not be displayed in the list ie in (DownloadFiles.asp).

How can i do this?

I am not able to redirect from Download_Process.asp to DownloadFiles.asp, b'coz I used response.binarywrite.

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Unable To Browse Website While Downloading A File Using A Component

I've been trying to send a (large) file to the browser via a download
page that uses a file download component. The file downloads fine,
except that Internet Explorer refuses to browse to a different page
while the file is downloading! I don't understand why it does that
and I don't know how to fix this problem.

Any idea? Code:

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Directly From URL

I have the page "content.asp" and it is called from the "menu.asp" page.
Two page are on diffenent servers and on different Databases.
Users who request the content.asp page are authenticated when they enter the
"menu.asp" page.
So, if another authentication is required when users enter "conent.asp", it
is redundent, I think.
Finally, I want to reject users requests for content.asp if the page
"contnet.asp" is requested directly from URL.
Are there ways if the page content.asp is called from URL or the <a> tag in
the menu.asp?

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Directly Download Program

When somebody downloads my Setup Program from my Web-Site they are taken to a blank page first so that I can use this to record the download hits, then the download window comes up.

How can it be done so that when somebody clicks on the download link, the download window comes up, but by this stage I have recorded this as a download hit,without having to display a blank page on the browser first?

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Edit Database Directly

I'm keen to learn how to do some simple asp script so that I can access my customer database over the internet from various locations.

I want to know how to write the appropriate script into an html form (I use MS Frontpage as an editor) so that when I log in to my site I will be able to see and edit this database directly on the net without having to download the file for editing, then upload it again until next time.I understand that I will have to save my database as a MS Access file (*.mdb) because this format will work better with asp commands.

If you know of an online Dummies Guide to ASP please let me have the link so I can learn some of the basics without having to bore you with working through all that.

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Directly Pass Parameters To Post

In order to test some pages of mine, is possible to directly hard-code a request passing some parameters in a post method to an asp page?

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An Asp Page To Access Excel Directly

we have web users that have requested the web application access an existing
excel spreadsheet directly.

Users have an excle spreadsheet with complex functions, macros, formatting
etc. They have data in the database that is accessed via a web applciation.
They would like to use the web app to get the data they want on screen and
then click a button to get that data and put it into specifc cells in the
spreadsheet. is this possible?

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Bypass ODBC Server And Connect To .MDB Directly

Theres a script that bypasses ODBC and connects directly to .mdb database for asp scripts , is anyone familiar with this? I dont even know if its a .asp script.

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Convert Html From Url To Pdf Directly Into Response Object?

I'm looking for an activex com that will be given an existing url and turn it into pdf binary stream (no files on the server) either that or turn into a tiff image.

I would like something that has a small footprint meaning no impersonation, no visual screens, just pure sdk ...

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Load Binary Files Directly Onto Page

I currently have my database set up so that when a user uploads a file, it writes it in binary in the database. I know the benefits of having a separate file server and storing the path, but unfortunately, I can not do it that way.

I know how to include the file in, lets say, a hyperlink so that any user can click on the file to view it. But, I would like to know how to include the file (mainly pictures) directly into the page as an <img src> Any suggestions?

Once the information is in the database, these are the commands I use to output the file to a hyperlink. The file that this code is in is "file.asp?Id=" Where the Id is taken from the URL and used to obtain the correct file. I left out all the connection/cmd strings intentionally just show I could show the relevant information:

Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "filename=" & _
Response.ContentType = rs("ContentType")
Response.BinaryWrite RS("FileData")

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Save Export Excel Directly To My Server Without Prompting

Does anyone know how to save an export excel file to the server automatically without any prompting and opening of the excel file?

Because I'm doing archiving, I need to let the user click on the archive button and the exported excel file will be saved directly to the server without opening the file.

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Avoid Symbol ' In The URL

how to elaborate this problem that i m facing. ok, let say ..i have a URL wit id number such as

when i add the symbol ' at the end of the url (like'), and enter, it will display error for my page.

But when i try to put a ' at this web page here, it will not display any error, how can i do this with ASP languagE?how can i avoid it using ASP language ?

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Avoid Explorer

I'm getting crazy with this. You know that when you install office in your computer it install a plugin for Internet Explorer so when you click in a link to any office document it opens the document inside the explorer instead of asking to save it as normal files.

Do you know how to make internet explorer ask to save the document with HTML or ASP or Javascript?I know that i can disable this option in Internet Explorer options but i don't want to make people do this.I don't want to zip the file neither.

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Avoid The IE Seurity

When I use funtion--CreateObject to create an instance of Msword in the client script,
IE security will prevent my script to create. I would not like to alter the security option. how to resolve this problem?

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To Avoid Many If Statement

I want to run a query from input. There are 4 input that are optional for user. So what is the simple and fastest way to do it instead of too many if statement and repeating query. What I've done now semilar like this

id = Request.Form("id")
tittle = Request.Form("tittle")
case = Request.Form("case")
desc = Request.Form("desc")

If id <> "" then
Run Query
If tittle <> "" Then.......i have to insert more if can I make it more easier?

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