How To Block IP Address In A Guestbook?

I use a free database-driven ASP guestbook. I want to add a IP address
blocking filter to it( just to block one particular guest). What is the
easiest way to do so?

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Block Or Redirect An IP Address

Can I do this if I know the person's IP address?

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ASP Form- How To Block An Email Address?

I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on how to blacklist certain email addresses or domains form posting in my form. I have client side validation to ensure fields are entered correctly and contain the correct values.

I need to adapt my script (below) to block email from "@mail". I am getting losts of spam from this email address filling in my form. Code:

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Block Email Address Form Registering

I want to prevent people with yahoo, hotmail, gmail accounts from registering to my site. Here is where I do Email Insert Confirm. How do I block these email Address:

Code: .....

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Permission Denied. Address 'zzz.zzz.z.zzz' Is Not An Allowable Remote Socket Address.

Permission denied. Address 'zzz.zzz.z.zzz' is not an allowable remote socket address.

What is the significance of this error, and what should be looked into to fix the problem?

(if this is of relevance: My sandbox is localhost.. so zzz.zzz.z.zzz is internal ip)

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I am having guestbook on my site with asp classic
But I do not think this is the problem
I am working with SQL server 2000 database
I always find a porno posts in the posts like
"Hi see this site []"
What make me say that the problem is not from the asp code
Is that even when i deactivate the send button or remove the page I still got

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i have created a working register/login system.. so now i need
to add the function that every user has its own guestbook.
(im using access)
i thought of having a system wich creates a database sub for
every user.
though i dont know wich code that would create this for me..
please help me with that code.
(u dont need to think on the type of system i suggested, as long that
i will get on the right track)

database specs:
need to have 3-4 tables:
(optional) to

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I am trying to make an "Ask an Expert" page where people can enter their question using a form. This form will then be sent to an email account. If the question is answered by someone in my office, both the question and answer will be sent to a webpage automatically.

Automatically is very important. This sounds like a guestbook but instead of displaying all the "questions (comments)", only the ones that are answered will appear. My server doesnt' have CDONT, so I think CDOSYS is my only option.

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I have a client that is using a non-functional ASP/Access guestbook. The admin area is actually the only part that doesn't work. I don't have time to put much effort into debugging this problem. Does anyone know of a simple guestbook that utilizes ASP and Access?

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How Can I Create A Guestbook?

I want to create a web page for my friends.(I have a subdomain and my server supports ASP scripts) It will contain a small basic guestbook.It must write the entries to a text file on the server.And i must be able to view the guestbook.

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Viewing ASP Guestbook

Right i am making an ASP guestbook. I have got the code and everything sorted for INSERTING into the database. But i dont no how to view the guestbook, in a guestbook kind of way I have searched everywhere, but theres no look.

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Guestbook Enties

if any body could point me in the direction of some tutorials for creating weblog/guestbook style entries. Where the comments can be added, displayed and viewed by visitors.

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Guestbook Script

I have been looking around for a long time now to find one. All I want is a simple ASP guestbook script that is customilizational (sp) and free.

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Asp Guestbook W/ Textfile

i need a asp script out there for a guestbook. all the form input will be stored to a normal txt file, not a database. anyone have any links out there for this ? i have found a couple, but got errors when setting them up and it's been the script, not the server.

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I have made a guestbook using ASP, and SQL (so he says). This is the first thing I've done using ASP, so as you'll probably realise I don't know much ASP and I don't know any SQL, most of the code is copied and pasted from my friend.

For some reason my guestbook isn't working, I'm not getting any errors, and the test entry my friend put into my database(adobe) isn't working. My friend thinks it's the SQL, I've been trying to fix it, but I don't really know what I'm doing, he can't find whats wrong with it either. what could be wrong, or willing to take a look at the code for me?

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Guestbook Spam

Can anyone help me with a script to avoid people posting links in my guestbook ?

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Asp Guestbook Image Swap Help

Ok say a person puts their email into my guestbook example ( Well i want to take the person's email and convert it to an image when they post it.

here is the code for the email anyone know how to do it?
href="mailto%= CmdShowEntries("EMAIL") %>"><%= CmdShowEntries("EMAIL") %></a>

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Simple Asp Based Guestbook

i want to implement a guestbook on my website hosted on IIS.

i have created the form already and what i want is a page returned (after submission) saying thanx as well as showing the comments on it.

the fields i have chosen: name, email and comments.

i do not want it to be database connected but rather a file (txt) connected guestbook.

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Arranging The Order Of Messages In A Guestbook

I have made a guestbook in .asp. Everything is working fine in that. But the only thing I want to change is the order in which the messages appear on the guestbook. Let me explain properly -

At the moment whenever anyone enters a message, that last message comes first on the guestbook. I dont want that.

I want that anyone who puts the message in the guestbook, their message should come last in the guestbook and those who has already put their message first in the guestbook, their message should come first. Code:

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Simple Guestbook-type Script

I'm trying to create a simple guestbook like script to work off a database. All I want is for people to add their Name and Comment in a form, and once a comment has been made, it directs off to another page which shows all the comments. Code:

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Can You Block A URL?

I need to block a URL from printing at the bottom of the page from a
website. Is there any code that can do that? I know I can make it
into a PDF on the fly and that will elminate alot of hassle, but is
there any easier way?

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For Each Block

I am tryong to iterate within a folder collection and am having problems getting to the next iteration when my if statement proves true:
For Each folder in foldercollection

if instr(lcase(,"_vti") = 0 then
else if instr(lcase(,"_vti") = -1 then
util.AddScopeToQuery Q, sPath & "/" & , "SHALLOW"
AddSubsToQuery Q, sPath & "/" &
end if

I get an error stating unexpedted next, but am not sure how to jump to the next item.

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Block Of ASP

I have a block of ASP code (enclosed in <% .. %>).
How can I call that piece of code from another piece of similar code?
And can the code be in any order on the page for it to work?

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How To Block The Keyboard

i want to disable the keybord because i am making a quiz test engin. when the user
gets to the test page he will be only using the mouse and will not need the keyboard
at all.

i have a code copied from somewhere and it uses vb code. i need to know if its
possible to do that in asp using vbscript or javascript?

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Block MM_editAction

The first IF statement and redirect is what I need. It's the Else statement:

If Len(Request.Form(NAME_OF_CAPTCHA_TEXTBOX)) > 0 Then
If UCase(Request.Form(NAME_OF_CAPTCHA_TEXTBOX)) = UCase(Session("CAPTCHA")) Then
Don't allow the form to upload to the db & m_sUserResult = "You typed " & Request.Form(NAME_OF_CAPTCHA_TEXTBOX) & " which was incorrect!"
End If
End If

I can not figure out how to block the MM_editAction (form upload) if the first "if" statement is false.

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How To Block Email Addresses

I want to block certain email addresses like,(See the MailTo Section, I don't want the Sandra email address), through my online forms. I've been receiving spam from people using the forms. My code below is ASP. The code basically sends the form data to 3 email addresses and send the visitor who filled out the form an HTML style email message as confirmation. I added an IF THEN statement (Look at the MAIL TO) for the unwanted email address thinking it would do the trick but it doesn't block or send the email to the unwanted email address. Here's the beginning of my code. Any help would be greatly appreciated. NOTE: I replaced the wanted email addresses with phony names because they are private.

If request.form("Email")="" then
response.write "<p><br><center><font face='arial' size=3>"
response.write "<b>Please don't forget to enter your"
response.write " Email address!</b></font>"
response.write "<form>"
response.write "<input type=""button"" value=""Return to Form"""
response.write " onclick=history.go(-1)></form>"

Else ........

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Need To Block Access To A Page...

I am designing an app with multiple users. User 1 logs in and navigates to a Page 1 where a page template is modified. When modifications are over User 1 saves the page and logs out of the system.

I need to block access to every other user to Page 1 until User 1 "releases" the page.
At the moment I am using a field on my Access DB called locked that I set when any user enters Page 1, and upon saving locked field is cleared... Is there a more efficient way to do this?

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Vb Script Block Execute

I have a asp page and keep submit to itself and I use a hidden field to
track the step. But I found in each step, sometime the block is being
executed twiece. How to debug this and fix?

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Block Closing The Window

if i run my project IE will open and output willl be shown. my need is u can able to see three butons(minimize,maximize,close) in yhe right corner of the IE window, me need is that should not be appear so only screen will be displayed.why i need this requirement is user cannot close teh window using any method, one method is this pressing this close button, i need to block this

my second need is if try to use alt+f4 to close the window i shouldn't close for ten minutes,after ten minutes he can use alt+ f4 to close so please give me coding for this also

third way is if he tries to use windows+d or windows+m or alt+tab it should not work,i need to block this way also

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Block Access To Website

is there any way to block access website to particular country internet users.

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i am looking for to block INTERNET EXPLORER to doing its can i stop IE not to use back button OR like this way if someone want to go back from the certain page. can we show the any other IE generated page cannot be displayed etc

my basic requirement is not let the user to see his last page which he had submitted
can it be done?

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Block User From Login

i've developed a application in asp i want to restrict the user to login more than one at the same time i mean if user is already login then if he try to login on another window at the same time the message should b displayed u r already login.

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Block Spiders From Counter

in the past days my site counter (ASP) shows me a suspecious count number, is there a way to block spiders & crwalers from my counter?

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