How To Check Whether Database Connection Opened

I have to check wether the database connection is opened or not.I am using ASP with sql server database.

I can open connection and do all the transaction with the database,when multiple users are connected to that same sql server instance,i got an error like sql server not exist or access denide.So i want to check my status of the connection.

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How To Check If Db Connection Is Active

I have a MySQL db running off a companies server who i have designed the website for. Their connection has a habit of going down frequently This then causes errors on my site.

Is there a way of testing that a database is available, like some kind of error handling script.

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Database Connection String To MySQL-database On A Different Server

I work with ASP for several weeks now and i really like it! But until now i have just used it in connection with my localhost. I made connections to a SQL Database and to an ACESS Database with using the ODBC Tool from WIndows!!

Now i want to publish my website but i don't know how to handle the connection string kind of thing. My MySQL-Database is on a different server than the website and i need a connection string where i can type in the server, a password and a username and it should then connect.

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Sessions Opened

I got a situation here, I have a web farm application, and I have a
requirement that I need to know the number of sessions opened on each web
server in this web farn design, I would appreciate if anybody can give me the
good thought.

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Check Database

how asp script when I want to check two different tables in database if data in table in different


in table sent_sms where status sent but no receive_sms, i want insert status in status "Not OK"

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Opened Exclusively By Another User

For some odd reason I keep getting the following err msg:

Error Type:
MSAccess (0x800A1EBA)
Microsoft Access can't open the database because it is missing, or opened exclusively by another user.

On line 57 which is:
objAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase strDbName

I have strDBName set as
strDbName = "C:Test.mdb"

This is the correct name and the db is not opened I keep getting this err msg. Code:

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How To Save Opened Excel From Asp

I would like to open existent excel file and save it via ASP, I have to create save button to save opened excel cause I afraid that my user don't know path of saving. How can I do, now I open excel file on IE by <iFrame> and want to get data in <iframe> to save as excel file.

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To Update Value Of Check Box Into A Database

i am getting a prob. in database id is a autonumber .i want to update value after retriving the va,lue from database .that is going on i mean retriving valuue from database but not update. Code:

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How To Check If The Database Is Empty?

I have setup a database for user to upload product image and it name and desciption. Since there is no product upload by user, it will display this error:

ADODB.Field error '800a0bcd'

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

/i-Metz/iMetzAdminADs.asp, line 295

Therefore i wrote this script to counter the error:

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Check If DataBase Exists

there is any way i can check if the database Exists. I mean from the code side. I dont want it to throw me any error thats the reason.

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How To Track HTML Emails Being Opened

I've built an email application which uses the 'ASPEmail' component to send mail to a list of around 3000 subscribers.

It's not possible with the stats software I have to track individual graphics - which would have been a good way to track the number of people who looked at the email. So is there any other way to do this tracking? Will javascript work well in mail clients, or can I embed a hidden iframe etc?

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Word Security When Opened From Asp Hyperlink

I have a document saved to a public network server. The public directory
grants change access to all users on the network. To keep my Word doc
protected I am using the Security feature "File Sharing Options" in Word to
attach a password to the document. This works as expected when users open the
file with Windows Explorer.

I also have an ASP web page that has a link to my file on the public drive.
When I click this link, the Word document loads without asking me for a
password and is not read-only. (Note the link in formatted with an href
attribute like this: file://servername/share/filename.doc)

Am I mssing something? Shouldn't the Word security work even if the file is
accessed through a hyperlink?

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Problem With Ms-word In Asp(Document1 Keeps Opened Only)

I am automating microsoft word from my asp page. It works fine but the only problem is that document1 keeps opened on my server.

Plz help me why do Document1 doesnot get closed??? Everytime when someone runs my application Document1 is there... So if 50 ppl execute this web page, there are 50 Document1 being opened and they remain open only... How to make it close???? Plz i need to do this urgently. This is mail merge sort of application.. This is my dll code:

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How To Check The Return Value Of MySQL Database?

Now i got problem in my ASP page using VBScript that is implemented for IP Phone Service.I am trying to do directory service in IP Phone.So user key in the first name or last name.

According to user input, it will go n look for the name in MySQL database.If the name is not found,it will return the error.My VBscript programming is bad.I cant check it out how i check the return for Record set from database. Code:

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Check If Record Exists Database

How can i check if a vlaue exists ? Sample to get the idea: Code:

set con=server.createobject("adodb.connection") "Menu1"
sTempquery ="Select * FROM Voorkeur Where gebruikersnaam = '"& Request.Servervariables("LOGON_USER") &"'"
Set autor=Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
autor.Open STempquery, Con

The idea is that if the "LOGON_USER" does not exist in the Dbase he must execute code. How can i do that?

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Spell Check The Access Database Using ASP

I have a directory website which is having more than 20000 company details. Anyone can search the directory for the company. Everything works fine, but if someone misspells the word it returns 0 company found.

So i want to add a spell checker to the word user types in the textbox to the companies in the Access database. I need something similar to the google search.

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How To Use Database To Check User Permission Level

i'm going to ask the way to use database to check user permission level in asp..

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Database Connection

I am familiar with connecting asp pages to sql server when both servers are
on a LAN.

Can anyone advise on how to connect when the servers are remote from each

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Database Connection

I was wondering if i can create an if/else statement that checks if my connection string that opens a database ie:

cnnDB.Open Application.Contents.Item("CONNECTION_STRING" )

(the actuall connection string is in my global.asa file incase u were wondering) ...or if the database can't be found or opened, will run some other code... like a message?

hope u get what i mean.

this is just incase a user has the DB opened, or is in the process of overiting the DB or something, the page would not display that Microsoft JET Database Engineerror but display a message i set up in the if/else statement.

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Database Connection

I have created a database called "myshop.mdb" Then I create a System DSN connected to that database called "OE1" The following code retrieves attributes and possible errors from the DSN Code:

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Database Connection.

I have been trying to get an intranet search page to work that looks at an Access database. The database is called database.mdb, and lives in the root of the site, as does the .asp (security is not a problem at the moment). The code was taken from an asp website. I am running .net and Windows server 2000.
Could someone look at the code and tell me if it looks OK for connecting to the database? Then at least I can rule out code as the problem I am having.(receiving error codes)

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Database Connection

I am getting this error at all my ASP pages. A sample page which pulls the categories from the Northwind database is enclosed below where I get the error when I am trying to open a recordset with that SQL query and Connection. Code:

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Database Connection Over LAN

I would be glad of some help being new to ASP.
I manage my department information through an Access relational database and an http network model database. Naturally enough I want to combine them.
We have an old NT driven LAN with pc's running Win 9x or XP pro. The file server is nearly up to capacity on storage and bandwidth, the new XP machines have plenty. The network is backed up daily. If possible I want to use the XP m/c as a web server.
I want to use IIS and ASP from an XP m/c to read and write to databases on the file server but can't seem to get the connection string right, I have tried many, with and without DSN's. Having checked up on IIS (installed on XP pro) I suspect that it can only connect locally. Certainly everything runs on a test setup in C:/inetpub/wwwroot which can be accessed across the LAN and ASP runs fine.

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Database Connection

i want to open a connection for password protected database but i don't want to write password in code as it can be seen by my host provider and misused is there any way I can read database password without writing it in my code.

Set cN = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")
cN.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; password=joy; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("db1.mdb")

above example works fine but i dont want to write password in my code is there any way i can do it.

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Database Connection

How do i detect whether the database connection is open or not in a asp page?

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Database Connection

Is there any good reason why this shouldn't work?! All I get is the word "venue" and it doesn't display the relevent field value beside it.

Set cn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection" )
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("db/db1.mdb" ) strConn
strSQL2 = "SELECT * from Events where ID = " & intEventID
Set rs = cn.execute(strSQL2)

response.write "venue" & rs("Venue" )

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Database Connection

I have one database, but nine web sites all linking to this database for client input.hen I use the domain web site that the database is atored under, the ASP page updates the database as required. I have been using the following connection:

"DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=C:domainsmyweb site domain namedbmy database.mdb"

Now I have saved this ASP page under one of my other domain names and have tried using an ODBC connection as follows:

"DSN=ODBC Connection;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=my web site database domaindbmy database.mdb;Uid=Admin;Pwd=;"

Unfortunately when I complete the ASP page on this web site, and submit, the database is not being updated with the records.

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DSN Connection Without Database

how to connect to a DSN from ASP without specify a database?in VB6 it's possible and works fine:Code:

Dim myconn as new ADODB.connection "DSN=test"

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Database Connection

i have a sign up page it work good when i try it it write the information in the database but if i rewrite the same thing it rewrite it in the database.i need a script that if the name already existe it cannot be recreated.

i want to have a log on page but i dont know how to make the page got verify in the database for the username and password.i need the script for when they login to go get the info about the caracter but i need the script to make the user to stay connected like for there score in the game to be saved in there account. so this is it, if you don't uderstand just specify what you don't understand . by the way my page is in asp and my database is in acess .

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Database Connection

set rs=server.createobject("ADODB.recordset")
sql ="SELECT company_name FROM contacts WHERE company_name =" & cStr(sField)

If Len(sql)> 0 Then sql,conn,3,3

sql is defined above and conn is defined in another asp page. What I am wondering is what does the ,3,3 do? and Is it necessary to have this in the page?

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Database Connection

i have built an Intranet using includes, which is about all the access of the IIS server I have. I really want to have database functionality so that I can use an Access database - but cannot and will not be able to use ASP to connect to it

how I can do this without using ASP? Client-Side, or something similar? Or any other way..? All I have to play with is a standard business-wide build of IE, and a very limited IIS server.

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Database Connection

what is the connection string to connect to a excel database.

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Database Connection

Is it possible to connect to a database that sits on a webserver using a script that sits on a local machine ?

If so, would the connection string look something like this :

sConnString="PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("")

The reason I ask, is because I have a vbscript that uses windows scheduling service to run at different stages during the day to update a database on a live server. I was wondering if it was possible to put this script on a local machine and make changes to the connection string.

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