How To Connect Mysql In ASP Java Script?

Currently, i am a student doing project about writing Directory Search Function for Cisco IP Phone Services. I know how to write ASP vb script to connect MySQL database.But i dont know how to connect in ASP java script.

I read about Server side java script with Live Wire Application manager that can connect to mysql database.I am not sure ithat ASP java script can use this Live wire!Is there other way to connect mysql database?

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Connect ASP 2 Mysql

needed to connect mysql with ASP.

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Connect To Mysql

is it possible to connect and use mysql from asp codes? if yes can u post here the syntax?

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Connect MySql

I want to connect MySql using ASP. how can I procede to connect MySql using ASP?

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Unable To Connect To MySQL

give me the steps and all the details from downloading installing & connecting to MySQL using ASP codes in Windows 2000 Server.

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Connect To MySQL Database

I'm a PHP developer and i've been asked to do some development for a site which is on a web server which only supports ASP. I had planned to have a bash at writing an ASP program (first time) on this server which will interact with a MySQL database on another web server (my company's web space).

Would this be possible, or should I try and set up the database on the same server as the ASP pages (this may cost money, which is why i'm hoping the first option will be possible)?

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Can't Connect To MySQL Server

I recently got an error message from the Java release:



c:program filesjavaj2rel.4.2_05injpiexp32.dll

This message came in a .log file to my desktop, and since then, every once in a while I get this following error while trying access my pages in which I am creating. Code:

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How To Use “RDS.Connect” To Connect To A MS Access Database?

The example I am working from uses the following code which does not work:

RDS.Connect = "Provider='sqloledb';Integrated Security='SSPI';Initial

So I tried the following, but still no go. Code:

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Example Of “RDS.Connect” To Connect To A MS Access Database?

The example I am working from uses the following code which does not work:

RDS.Connect = "Provider='sqloledb';Integrated Security='SSPI';Initial


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Ignorant newbie here who got thrust into a programming role I'm unqualified for. Please use small words. I have to create a java program that interacts with a remote server. Code used in remote server is ASP.NET.

I need to do the following:

1.) Send data from Java program to remote server
2.) Read input data from Java program using ASP.NET
3.) Query SQL dbase on remote server using ASP.NET
4.) Send dbase results to Java program from remote server

I'm pretty sure how to do #3, and I think I can do #4. I'm pretty clueless about the first two steps.

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Using Java Class From ASP

I would like to know how to using java class file inside ASP page

I have placed the class file to C:WINNTjava rustlib
also, I have compiled it to 1.1 version

but it always prompt
error '800401e5'
No object for moniker

How can I solve this problems?

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Java Aplet

i am writing a asp pages and i am using some frontpage. my problem is
that i put a java aplet (chart) show the student how many correct,
not correct and not attempted answers in the chart. all what i get in
the page is the results in written but the applet (chart) have red X and
its not showing

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Java And Vb Scripts

is it possible for an asp to contain both javascript and vbscript as i want to use the contents of one of the variables in vb script to be used into the javascript.

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Java Script And ASP

I have a java script

function enableServerList()
{document.getElementById("ddlServers").disabled=false }
function disableServerList()
{document.getElementById("ddlServers").disabled=true }

This greys out a drop down list as expected. The problem is, when I
click on the "get Report" button, I need a way to say in asp code:

if the drop down list ddlServers is disabled then bla

The apparent problem is that when java disables it, the ddl properties
page still holds on to an enabled=true property.

I need to be able to write a code(on the asp code page) to get the
status of enabled true or false for a Drop Down List that java script
has "disabled"

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I want to run a query with a list "demonstrator" addresses and make them markers on a google map.

currently i have it so it maps point a,b,c for a unique identifier. but it's only one record , i need help duplicating all the java scripting so if i have a list of demonstrators i don't have to list them one by one. Code:

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Mac And Java Script?

I have an asp page with java script that calls a clicked event on
some radio buttons. It works as expected except for Mac users. They are
using a variety of browsers and claim to have java enabled, but when they
click on the radio buttons nothing happens. Is there something special that
needs to be considered when coding for Mac users (as if dealing with
multiple browsers is not enough)...

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Using Java Viewer

I have a web app that is coded in ASP and I use Crystal 8.5 to launch the report in a windows 2000 server.When a user launches the report it would crash the system stating 'would you like to report to Microsoft' the reason this error comes up is because the user has crystal report installed on their PC, and if you don't have Crystal installed locally then the report works.To resolve this problem I think I would need to use the Java Viewer instead.

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JAVA Class

I have written a JAVA have compiled with -target 1.1 arguement and I just can instant it twice time.I can instant it at the first time and second time.When I try to instant it anymore,it prompt me "The remote procedure call failed and did not execute." message.What does it mean?

After,I need restart my web server.My java is used to create new socket and connect to other server.I am using getObject("java:classNameHere") method

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Java Script

I am creating an application and I want if any body enter any value in a textbox then it should only be appear if entered value is integer other wise it should not be appear. please write full code. i dont know how to use javascript in

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Java Applet

I am trying to get my head around java applets, how do they fit into the traditional html/asp framework, I have been onto yahoo games a bit and not sure how they work, I wouldn't mind incorporating smoething similar on my site.

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Java Variable To ASP

I'd like to be able to do this on one page. I have a list box, when it is clicked I call a Java Script that puts the value into a variable. I need to use that variable to pull information from a database. What is the easiest way to be able to use that variable in a SQL statement?

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Java Script


Response.Write"<td width='10%' align='center' bgcolor='white'><font face='Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' size='1'><a href=../Request_WebProcess/Request_DeleteFmCart_Process.asp?pdtID='" & rsBasket("strProductID") & "' onclick='return confirm('Are You Sure You Want To Delete?');'><img border=0 src=../images/Delete_Button.gif></a></font></td>"

cos it don't work.

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URL Parameters With Java Script

Could someone give me the lowdown on how to create URL parameters in Javascript
the equivalent of.

Response.redirect("AddElement.asp?ELID=" & Request.Form("TXTElement"))

I've used this method before but without parameters and i'm not sure how to extend it
to include parameters.

self.location = "AddElement.asp"

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Detect Java Version

I need an asp page that will detect the clients java version, and then email the results automatically.

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Java Script Validaion

<input type=text name="txt1>
<input" type=text name="txt2>
<input" type=text name="txt3>
<input" type=text name="txt4>
<input" type=text name="txt5>
<input" type=text name="txt6>
<input" type=text name="txt7>

how" to validate text field using javascript number of text is various.

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How To Run DOS Command In ASP Java Script

I try to run following dos command rsh in asp java script,

rsh host -l username aug1 aug2

the problem is how to pass the aug1 and aug2 varible value in ASP using Java script?

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I am wrote a java class and have placed in %system%/java/trustlib

and I have using getObject to instant that class

however, i found a serious problem, it is although I have replace a new
version of class inside that folder

the asp page will display the oldest version result, said aaa.class have
instant by B machine in 2003/10/1, and I have replace the aaa.class by
latest version, then A machine instant that class again, however, it will be
display the old version aaa.class result

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Calling A Java Servlet

As i have seen in the forum a similar question was posted in the past but the answer refered only to java applets. As i have to use an existing servlet to get some info and process them using asp code it is necessary for me to learnhow to do it.

In addition to that i'm new to internet development. I suppose that there must be a way to call a wep page from asp code and process the response in the same page. But i am not sure if you can do that with asp and if it is possible i don't know how to do it.

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Java Class File

I would like to use asp to call a java class file with arguments in methods for a web database application.May I know how to call the following class ?
say :

package wkflow;
//all the imports here
public class clsMail(){
public void sendMail(String subject, String Content, String Recipient){
//Some command to post mail;

I am using Win2000 server's IIS.

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Insert Vbscript In Java

How would I use a vbscript variable sMyPath into a Java function, I have tried numerous ways but it dalls over. Works ok with hard paths

function preloadImages() {
if (document.images) {
Menu2_02_over = newImage("images/Menu2_02-over.jpg");
Menu2_04_over = newImage("images/Menu2_04-over.jpg");
Menu2_05_Menu2_04_over = newImage("images/Menu2_05-Menu2_04_over.jpg");
Menu2_05_over = newImage("images/Menu2_05-over.jpg");
Menu2_05_Menu2_06_over = newImage("images/Menu2_05-Menu2_06_over.jpg");
Menu2_06_over = newImage("images/Menu2_06-over.jpg");
preloadFlag = true;

Need to replace the Images/ folder with sMypath.

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ASP Session Varibles And Java

is there any way to access an asp session variable through a java applet?

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Tell If Java Script Is Running..

How do I tell if java script is running or enabled on the client PC... I
have a lot of java code that I am using, but need to redirect the window to
a 'non-supported' page, if java script is not running. I can't do it in
javascript and am not sure how to do this in asp....

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Integrating JAVA Applet With ASP!!

I want 2 know whether a JAVA applet & asp can be integrated?

Ok, here's the example scenario:-

I make an applet in JAVA which is a login form. Now when I click the login button, I should be able 2 login given that I m using asp & ms-access at backend.

is it possible? I know it can be done with JSP and Servlet at backend but how about in asp?

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