How To Connect To DB In Another Subdomain

I am looking for way to connect to database that is in another subdomain
of same hosting machine. The location of file DB here:

I am here:

The database is MS Access, I don't know if I can to connect somehow without
odbc access using regular syntax like:

connection="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source ....

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I am currently maintaining a website(ASP) in which I want to add a sub domain functionality to it that means. currently I am using like

but I want it to be like

I can do it manually by logging in to Control Panel, but i want it to be done automatically as soon as User Registers.

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ASP Script For Subdomain

I have a form that asks the website visitor for the name of the subdomain. I m storing that form variable value in a file. What I m looking for is how to create a subdomain of this name using ASP script?

Example: Suppose the website visitor enters "abc" in the form variable. After the form is submited and validated, I want to create a subdomain as "" using ASP Script.

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Masked Url Subdomain,

I am developing a site for my employer in ASP, and we host our own servers. The company sells direct to people in the US, and we have authorized resellers sell to international customers. This site applies a customized header and footer (as include files) based on information collected in a cookie.

The point of these customized headers and footers is so that our authorized resellers can have their company info on our product pages. So as long as a visitor starts at a customized "launching page" for a particular reseller, the cookie will have that reseller's headers and footers on every page of our site. This all works fine.

My problem is the url in the browser address bar. It will still say "", regardless of what headers and footers are applied. We want all references to "mycompany" erased when customers are looking at our authorized resellers' pages. My employer wants it to have a different url in the address bar that relates to the reseller.

What if we went the subdomain route, registered a more generic domain, and made subdomains off that domain for the resellers? Like, with subdomains like I know this is possible, but how then would I apply these new subdomain urls in the browser windows for pages that are on the site?

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Session In Subdomain

I have a complete website running in a directory on my webserver. Now i want to webforward an subdomein to this directory. When i directly open the site on my webserver it runs perfect

but the problem is that the sessions i save for the login are empty when i reach them through the subdomain. The problem only exists in ie, in forefox it works perfect.

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Subdomain Creation

Is it possible for an ASP script to create a subdomain or does the hosting server the only privilege in creating one?

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How To Write Into A Cross Subdomain Cookie

I manage a site with a normal address like:
I'm using a cookie to store nicks of my users, with a code like this:
Response.Cookies("mycookie").Expires = #January 1, 2030#
Response.Cookies("mycookie").Path = ""
Response.Cookies("mycookie").Secure = FALSE
Response.Cookies("mycookie")("nick") = nick

and I'm deleting it, if a user wants so, with:
Response.Cookies("mycookie").Expires = #January 1, 2003#
Response.Cookies("mycookie").Path = ""
Response.Cookies("mycookie").Secure = FALSE
Response.Cookies("mycookie")("nick") = ""
Response.Cookies("mycookie") = ""
(I know, there's too much stuff in the delete procedure!)

Now I'm going to open some new sections of my site, with subdomain
adresses, like, and I need that
cookie authentication for the main (www) address is working also in
these subdomains.

I red on the Internet that with the DOMAIN property, I can set my
cookie to make it work for every subdomain, with something like:
Response.cookies("mycookie").domain = ""

.... and it works!
My problem is when I try to DELETE it: after I set a cookie with
..domain property, it seems to become "read only": any my attempt to
delete (or modify) it seems to be ignored.

Results are the same when I try to write it from the subdomain that
created it (www), or when I try from the "chief" address (,
without any subdomain).

Where's my mistake?

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How To Use “RDS.Connect” To Connect To A MS Access Database?

The example I am working from uses the following code which does not work:

RDS.Connect = "Provider='sqloledb';Integrated Security='SSPI';Initial

So I tried the following, but still no go. Code:

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Example Of “RDS.Connect” To Connect To A MS Access Database?

The example I am working from uses the following code which does not work:

RDS.Connect = "Provider='sqloledb';Integrated Security='SSPI';Initial


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Can Not Connect To SQL

I am getting:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01A8)
Object required: ''
/theborg/includes/dbconnect.asp, line 4

I can't figure it out. It worked fine while testing in access. Though there is no data in the SQL database yet. But when I try to populate the data I get the same result



Dim objConn
objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
objConn.Open "DSN=Assimalation"



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ASP Connect Via DSN

i have file and database on remote server, and i want to connect via DSN. i make DSN over there. and when call that dsn in code. it gives null user error.
if i pass user id and password with dsn it connect other wise error occurs
if i have a DSN then why i should pass it again.
how can i solve it.

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ASP Connect To SQL

I got read a lot of attachment about how to connect ASP to SQL server but i still got problem about it. either i use which ways(there are 2 ways connect it)... it always has this error.

Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

May I know what is it mean? how to solve it

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Connect To A Db

I have uploaded a *.mdb to a remote server. ive setup a dns there for the mdb, ive done a test on the mdb on the remote server- all is ok. But when i try to connect to the dns/mdb via the dreamweaver interface, i get this error message:

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Connect To An Web App

I have an existing web app on a remote server that I want to manage as a web project on my local box with Visual InterDev. But when I create a new project in VID and connect to the web server, I cannot connect to the existing web app.

At the "Specify your web" dialog box I choose "connect to existing web on server" but the only option that shows up is <root web>. I cannot overwrite this option with the name of the web I want to connect to

I can see this web application in the IIS Manager on the remote server and it is configured as a web application. It accessible in a browser. Why won't it show up in Visual InterDEV?

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Connect To Oracle From ASP

My asp application is connect to oracle database. However, when i try to open the default page, an error occurs and i receive this message:

- Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01B6)
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'MoveFirst'

The code that is causing this error is following:


Dim objConn
Dim rsForums
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "dsn=ORCL9; uid=toy; pwd=yes;"
Set rsForums = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsForums = objConn.Execute ("SELECT * FROM Forums ORDER BY Forum ASC")
<table width="100%" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" border="1">
<td width="60%">
While Not rsForums.EOF
<td><a href="forum.asp?ForumID=<%= rsForums("ForumID") %>"><B><%= rsForums("Forum") %></B></a>
<%= rsForums ("Description")%><BR>
<SMALL>[Total Posts: <%= rsForums("Posts") %>] [Last Post on <%= rsForums("LastPost") %>]</SMALL>

The forums table in the oracle database has 2 lines of records, and it should not occur this error. Do you have any idea what is happenning?

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Connect String

I'm trying to create a connect string, but I might have a unique situtation. When connecting to Query Analyzer, I connect using RUNAS specifying domain and username. Is it possible to create a connect string given the above requirements? Here's what I'm trying to use:

Set demoConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
demoPath="DRIVER={SQL Server};" & _
"SERVER=myserver;UID=username;" & _
"PWD=pw;DATABASE=qdb" demoPath

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I Am Trying To Connect With Database

I am trying to connect to my access DB. I am developing my site in Dreanweaver and I have the site hosted already. I want to use the hosts server as my testing server.

When I create a connection string to the DB I have to use the servers directories. ex: e:/hshome/site/something.mdb When I try to add a server behavior to a form it can't find the DB. What am I doing wrong ?

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Connect Website

I am running a website on anintranet on one domain and trying to connect to a SQL database that is in another domain. The server that is running the website does not have SQL Server installed on it. I've looked at many different variations to set this up but none have been successful so far.

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Connect 2 Server?

i have 2 database server...........

i have a pages that need to get data from 2 server.......

so, i open connection when want to get data.....
but this page, i need to get data from 4 table in server1 and 3 table from server2......

table in server1 have relationship with table server2.....

so, i always open connection to server1 and get data..then close.....then open connection to server2 and close........

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Asp Connect To Database

I have an access database that I need to put online for basic viewing. However, the database is also used by other people for updating and report printing. The web server and the access database are on two seperate servers. I cannot connect directly to the database cause if somebody has it open, the website will not work and for some reason I cannot connect to to database across servers. I tried a linked database, but asp will not recognise it.

I know that I could put all the reports and stuff online, but I have till next week
and I do not think that I can do it in this short a time. Any ideas will be helpful and if there is code that I need to manipulate I could try to do it. And also I do not have rights to configure the IIS option on the servers.

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Connect To Database

I'm having a hard time figuring out what type of database is used and where the file is located and how the script is even acessing it. From what I've done in the past with ASP a file was always used that had a DSN, username, and this code is access the database without a username/password/DSN? I've tried using the login info in the line that is commented out (line 2) but it wouldn't let me in so I guess this isn't being used.
Set objDbConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'objDbConn.Open "driver={SQL Server};;database=databasename;uid=login;pwd=password;"
objDbConn.Open application.contents("strconn")
Set rsQuery = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsQuery.ActiveConnection = objDbConn "sp_MajorList"

Set rsetQuery = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsetQuery.ActiveConnection = objDbConn

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Trying To Connect An ASP To A Dbf File

i want to connect an ASP page to a dbf file(dbase III), but so far i have failed..., i found an example on internet and i tried to changed it to ajust my needs... this is the code:

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PWS Keeps Trying To Connect To Internet

I have just installed PWS on my Win98 SE machine. Even though i change my internet connections to "Never dial a connection" it still tries to connect when i try to view my asp pages.

Presumably there is some simple option i need to change which will allow me to run my scripts without connecting to the internet.

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Best Way To Connect To Database

I have seen 2 techniques to connect to database and was wondering which one is the best (i.e put less pressue on the database and time wise)

set getRecords = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
getRecords.ActiveConnection = mlConn
getRecords.Source = "SELECT * FROM myDB"
getRecords.CursorType = 1
getRecords.LockType = 3


set getRecords = mlConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM myDB")

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How To Connect Ftp Server From ASP

I want to connect my ftp server using ASP,how can i connect? Is there any method to do this. If any one knows the solution please let me know. I know how to connect database on ftp server,but now i want to connect to ftp server only. If any related solution urls for this problem please let me know.

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Trying To Connect To A Database.

I am currently trying to get back into ASP and have begun looking at an old webpage I developed some years ago, it was fully functional back in 2002 and I had it up and running with no problems. I have just recently bought a new PC with Windows Vista Home Premium on it and installed IIS. When I try and connect to my data base I get the following error message retunred:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Disk or network error.

/joynermorgan/take_registration.asp, line 50

Line 50 looks like this:

writeDB.Open "joynerm" ....

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Connect To The Database

What is the best way of connecting to a database? Is it creating an application level variable which is shared by all users ? Or is it a session level variable for each session ? Or is it a connection in each procedure ? Or Should it be like opening the connection when the database is accessed and closing it immediately which means multiple opening and closing in the same procedure.

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Using Connect.asa File

I have the following line which works great. Code:

<!--#include file="connect.asa"-->

I have this file in a folder called private. I also have the majority of what I call public files in a folder called public. How do I use an include statement to point to a file in another directory. My folders are setup as follows:Top titans, the two sub folders under titans are private and public.

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Connect ASP 2 Mysql

needed to connect mysql with ASP.

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Connect To Access

I created an page that runs with an access database, but I can't get it to work on the clients server, although it works locally.I'm getting this error:

Sun ONE ASP VBScript runtime (0x80004001)
Function or method call not implemented: 'Provider'

This is the script:Code:

Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'oConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & filePath
oConn.Open filePath

Neither options in the script above work, although they both work locally.I think it's because her site is on a Linux server running ASP with SunOne. Am I correct? How do I sort out the problem?

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Data Connect

It is indeed DSN. I found my server provider nicely provides a window where one can automatically set up a DSN to any database in the data folder. I suppose one can set up as many connections to as many databases as the system will allow, in a couple of minutes.

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Connect To MSSQL

I had used ASP about a year ago, I had connected to a *.MDB database but not MSSQL,can someone please throw me the just of it

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Connect CrystalReport

Can I know the way to connect Crystal Report 8 to VB 6?..Any sample code that I can refer to?

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