How To Convert XML Or HTML To Pdf File ?

How to convert XML or HTML to pdf file ? Where can I find free pdf generator ?

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Convert Html File To Tab

I want to know, How to extract the content of an html file to Tab Delimited text file by ASP
(I want the code that do this)

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Convert Html To Rtf

Is there a way to convert a page of html to rtf ?

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Convert Asp To Html

I am setting up a website similar to
For search engine reasons I need the website to html format. The website will be given to me in ASP format. For example:
I want to be
to be
to be

Is there an easy way of doing this?

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Convert Html To Asp

How to convert the following html to asp page using response.write?
<td align="right"><Font class=content4><%=ars.Fields("REVENUE")%></td>

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Convert Html 2 Pdf

I need to know a method that how can I convert html document (asp generated html text report) into a PDF document. Is anybody has a good tool for this, or anybody can tell me where I can get such tool. There are lot of tools which are available for sale, and I'm looking for a free product.

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Convert To Pdf Or Image From Html/asp

I am using win2k server and asp.

I am trying to convert html to pdf or image instantly on my web site. Desperately, i am using web hosting and i cant install any component....

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Convert Asp To Html Problem

i have a big problem and I don't know how to solve it..

I have an asp page (that contains some queryes to a sql db).
I need to generate, after loading this page, an html page (that will be saved in a different server folder) that contains the html output of the asp page.

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Convert HTML Tags

i wanna convert the HTML tags in the Textarea with help of the ASP code. Means i m getting some value form DB which comes in the format of
this is text <br><br><ul><li> list-1 value</li><li>list-2 val</li></ul>
i wanna conversion of the above text in textarea

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Convert Several ASP Pages Into HTML

I am trying to get a poor mans mod-rewrite done on an IIS server which I do not have full access to.

What I have decided to do is literally copy the interpreted code from the asp page and create an html file with the name that I would like.

Other than manually doing this, is there an ASP or VB command to save the contents of a page after its been run on the client side, and save it as another file?

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Fre Dynamic Convert Of HTML Page To PDF?

Are there any free/open source ASP solutions that will allow you to dynamically convert an HTML page to a PDF?

What I'd like to do is include a "Convert to PDF" button on a .asp page that will convert whatever is there to a PDF.

Is there a free version that works well out there?

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Convert Html From Url To Pdf Directly Into Response Object?

I'm looking for an activex com that will be given an existing url and turn it into pdf binary stream (no files on the server) either that or turn into a tiff image.

I would like something that has a small footprint meaning no impersonation, no visual screens, just pure sdk ...

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How To Convert Russian Chars To HTML Entities?

I have loads of text in russian chars that I need to put to a MySQL db (version is 3.23).

a) Is there some way to make MySQL db to accept russian chars?
b) If not, there must be ready-to-use functions to convert the russian chars to HTML-entities?

The site is done with ASP & VbScript, but of course JScript/Perl script based function suits well too. I've tried searching with Google too but thin results

The problem is that a person uses kind of a CMS where he/she can type different language versions of certain phrases. In practise there is a textarea type of field for all languages where he/she types the russian text which is then saved to a MySQL database.

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Tool To Convert Html To Multiline String For Mail?

I need to convert html into a multiline string which looks something like this:

shtml = "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0""
width=""720"">" & _ "<tr><td width=""100%"" valign=""top""><br>
<!-- MainTable -->" & _


Is there a tool that can do this?

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Convert Html Page Or Database Shopping Basket To An Email

OK - I have a shopping basket with data in a database. Once the person
has successfully completed their order I want to be able to send them
an email with the products ordered roughly in the following format:

Product Price Quantity

prod1 £6.99 1
prod2 £5.99 2
Postage £0.50

Total whatever..I'm

Formatting would be a little different (just spacing out the prod
table a little more.

Any ideas or links to scripts that do this?. I've been looking for a
while now but have had no luck in finding a solution. I just want to
send a text email (and not html).

The other thing is that on the last page but one, this shopping basket
is displayed. Is there anyway I could capture the html data from that
page, store it in a session variable and then generate the email after
the order has been completed (so sort of like sending a mirror of that
page)? In that case having a HTML formatted email would be ok.

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Convert Excel File To Css File

I want to Convert Excel Files to CSV files using ASP code CanAny body help me out in this.

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Convert A File From Unix To DOS

In my pages i have to read a text file which is created in Unix format through my asp code. The problem is that the readline command reads the whole file and not line by line as the file is in Unix format. Is there a way to convert it using asp code and then read it or any other solution to this problem?

As the file is created by an application not controlled by myself it is impossible to force the application developer to do this job so i have to do it during runtime. So what are your suggestions?

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Convert .aspx File

How can i convert .aspx file in .exe file so that it can run on any

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Code To Convert File Sizes

i have the following code that converts a file size into a readable format (10MB for example) to show to the user Code:

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Convert Fxm File Format To MicroSoft Word

How can i convert the .fxm(fax) file format to any of editable file formats such as Microsoft word or excel.

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Convert A Physical File Path To A URL For Hypertext Links

I have a Physical path that I need to convert on the FLY I thought using Replace would be a good idea, and it almost works

function MapURL(path)

dim url2
'Convert a physical file path to a URL for hypertext links.
url2 = (path)
MapURL = Replace(url2, "", "/")
MapURL = Replace (url2,"E:","http://myscs/docLibraryDocs")
MapURL = Replace (url2, "IntranetLibrary", "")

end function %>

- Is it possible to have multiple replace on the same variable ?
- am I doing it the right way ? or is it possible to concatenate those replace in one go ?

Is there a limit on how many Replace one can use for one variable ?

The problem I have is that it takes the first two Replace in consideration but not the third one. If I remove or comment the second one then the First and the third one works fine. For some reason, it doesn't like to have the three in the same time.

by the way, the link I try to change is as follow: Code:

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How To Convert Asp File Output (in Tabular Form) In Excel

how to convert asp file output in excel dynamically.

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Combine Phpbb FetchAll Mod With Asp Page: Convert One Php File To Asp?

I've got a site managed in Frontpage and a forum in phpBB/MySQL. I'd like to grab the most recent posts from the Announcements Forum and embed them in the site's homepage. I got the idea from . All of their homepage posts are fed from their FrontPage Archive Forums.

Right now, I'm using a phpBB mod called FetchAll to do the job. It works great except for one thing: I have to do it via an inline frame because I can't include a PHP file in an ASP page, and I have to use ASP because the site is in Frontpage (project requirement; FP is essential to the non-forum part of the site). Code:

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How To Convert .xls File To .csv File Using Asp

I am uploading an excel sheet with .xls extension and want to convert it into .csv file so that it will be easy to read the data which can be inserted in database.

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ASP Or HTML In Asp File

I am just curious as to when it is better to use straight HTML or ASP
(response.write) to put out HTML code on an ASP page.

For example, if I have an ASP page that is including another ASP page,
but the rest of the code is just HTML, which is the better way to do it.

Here is my example: Code:

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I have a website that takes a long time to generate/load, so I'm looking for a way to have the ASP update hourly and save that to an HTML file, which is the actual file viewed by users. I could go through and have everything written via writing to text file, but this seems like more work than needs to be done. Is there any way I can have the ASP page loaded once an hour and have the output saved as a seperate HTML file?

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Parse HTML File?

I'm working on a project where there are just under 1300 course files, these
are HTML files - my problem is that I need to do more with the content of
these pages - and the thought of writing 1300 asp pages to deal with this
doesn't thrill me.

The HTML pages are provided by a training company. They seem to be
"structured" to some degree, but I'm not sure how easy its going to be to
parse the page. Code:

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File Upload HTML/JS To ASP/SQL

I've written a few HTML/javascript web sites that push with ASP into SQL databases.

The one thing I've never had to do is create a file upload, and now I'm having a heck of a time figuring out how to do that. I've got an input type=file and I have a preview if it's a picture that updates as it's changed, but how do I send the file to the server?

I found one PHP example, but I'm not very familiar with PHP and would rather not have to learn it just for this (though it is on my to-do list anyway)

Has anyone done this? Can you enlighten me as to what the next step is?

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Run ASP File In HTML Page

I have developed a HTML page containing form and table having some fields, Now What I want is that when I Click on Submit Button then all of the Form Fields should be email to a particular email address just like as they r on the form. So my problem is that i have created an ASP page containing code about to pick data form form fields n send it to email address i mentioned, But i dun know how to request an ASP page in a html page, Iam using

<Form name=MailForm action=MailForm.Asp method=post onsubmit="return Validateform()"/>
<Input type=hidden name=recipient/>

Just after the table creation but it doens;t work because when i click on submit it ask me to save or open MailForm.asp.
So is there anyone who can explain me how to run this file directly with in html page or how to use asp code in html page.

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Database >> Html File Via FSO?

how to convert a database table into an html
file via FSO and whether more seasoned asp programmers recommned this route.
The main reason I am attempting to do this is becuase we are constantly
being told by so-called marketing gurus that 'html' pages are more search
engine friendly. Code:

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File Attributes With ASP In HTML

I am using the FilesystemObjects to get a directory and file listing and generating a web page of that listing, but I need to filter out files with the SYSTEM tag, so it wont show files I dont want it to, Below is my full code for the ASP page, I have Commented where I need to change the listing structure Code:

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Extract HTML File

I was wondering if anyone could help me out with extracting/stip an HTML file. I was thinking of using RegExp object in VBScript, but I'm not sure what is the correct pattern.

I would like to stip the HTML so I only get the content inside the <BODY> tag (<BODY> </BODY>) ...

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Showing An HTML File

Showing an HTML file in part of a Webform.I have a Webform with some buttons on the left side of the form. What I want when clicking one of the buttons is to show an HTML document in a part of the Webform (as if it was a Frame page).

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