How To Convert & To & (was "Whitespace Error Caused By &")

I have managed to create an asp page which looks at a mdb file creates an xml from which ever fields I want (original code was created by

The resulting xml file seems to display fine until it comes to an & in the data field. I can't stop clients from using & in the data field so how do I get the xml or maybe the creaing asp page to work round this. Code:

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Error :: CreateObject Of '(null)' Caused Exception C0000005

I am getting error

Error: File /default/default.asp CreateObject Exception. The
CreateObject of '(null)' caused exception C0000005, when i trying to
create an object of component.

This component is used for generating Images on browsers. The image is generated in btyes array and passed to this component for further processing. I checked the internet and not able to find any specific pointers.

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Response.Write("x" & trim(f.ReadLine) & "x")

Readline is nothing but a number "1234314"

but the output is always x1234314 x

i know i can run a replace on teh variable but i dont understand why the space is there

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Logging Off By OnUnload Caused By Refreshing

I have a application online using ASP in which users log in and log out. However, a lot of users simply close the window, bypassing my log-out script. I have tried using the Javascript onUnload function with success, but refreshing the screen also triggers this at the wrong time

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An Asp Page Caused Cpu Rising To 100% --> Dllhost.exe

Today, an interesting thing happened to me. When I am doing the test of an
asp program, one of the pages(which I submitted several ten times before, no
problem at all) caused our server cpu rising to 100% and I reset IIS and
submit that page again and same thing happened again, and then reset IIS
again and it happened again, the process caused this is dllhost.exe.

Thinking about what's the difference this time from what I submitted before.
The only thing I can think of is I entered some name fields data with

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Trimming Whitespace

I have an Access db of products which I'd like to use for creating dynamic urls. Each product has a range name which I intend to use to point to the folder containing the relevant image eg pine/001.jpg

My problem is one of the ranges has two names ie Indian Accessories. I can't have a url with a space in it so how can I dynamically alter the field so that it displays the url as either indianaccessories or indian-accessories?

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Trim Whitespace

does anyone know if it's possible to crop whitespace regions from around the edges of an image using Imagemagick?

I have a whole bunch of signature images (as in, people's handwritten signatures) and I'd like to crop them so that there's no whitespace margin around them. I can do the cropping fine, it's just detecting the color regions.

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Whitespace Problem With A Select Box

I have some entries of names that are put into a select drop down box. Here is a sample:

Murphy, John MD
Jones, Bill MD
Stevens, Angie L

Note that there are two whitespaces on the second line between 'Bill' and 'MD'

When Bill Jones is selected and is displayed on another asp page, via a querystring, the page returns the value with only one whitespace character between 'Bill' and 'MD', like so:

Jones, Bill MD

Does anyone know how to prevent extra inner whitespace from disappearing?

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Convert String To Int :: Syntax Error Converting The Varchar Value

if my month is represent by numbers. like 2, 4, etc
i recognize this as a string but then i want to store it as int

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e07'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Syntax error converting the varchar value '2, 2, 2' to a column of data type tinyint.

/ords/asp/custorder_view.asp, line 41

u can see the varchar value to colum of data type tinyint

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is it possible to convert coding into asp coding?i know out there, theres a software to convert asp code to there a software to convert code into asp code?

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Convert To Pdf

I have a client that wants to send an invoice when a user submits a certain form on their site. From this form it goes to an asp page that calculates amounts, and check for a voucher. It then enters data in database and emails invoice.

But they want it send as a pdf attachment. How do i go about doing something like that. Do i convert the htm / asp to pdf. and send it?

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How To Convert Dns To Dns Less

mysql="SELECT * from data"
Set rs = SERVER.CREATeOBJECT("ADODB.recordset") "DSN=database4atc" mysql, con
' sqlcommand, activeconnection

how to convert to dns less?

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Convert DNS To DNS Less

Not having luck in converting my DNS to a DNS less piece of code. This is what I have:

Sub Application_OnStart
Application("ConnectionString") = "DSN=DevDivision"
Set Conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Application("ConnectionString")
SQL = " SELECT AdminEmail, title, footer, p_id from tblSiteOptions "
set rs = Conn.Execute(SQL)

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Convert ASP To JSP?

I'm looking for the best way to convert asp to jsp, ideally free software.

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Convert .xls To .csv Using Asp

I want to convert one .xls file to .csv file using ASP Is there any way to do this?

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Convert MS SQL 7

I have inherited an ASP application that used MS SQL 7 for a backend DB.The original developer did an excellent job of commenting his work and the applications works fine as is. However, due to licnsing costs,the company is considering moving the application backend to MySQL.

I have looked at the DB structure and it has nothing extreneous other than FOREIGN KEYS. I have heard that MySQL does not support FOREIGN KEYS or Stored procedures.How do I get around the FOREIGN KEY support issue in MySQL?Other than changing my connection strings, if and when I do get the DB end working,do I need to redo the codes?I would like to keep the codes as is and simply redo the interface.In general what should I expect?

The Application was at the initial stages when the company changed course,so they don't mind losing what little data they have in the existing MS SQL 7 db,BUT the table structure must be kept as designed in MS SQL.

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Convert Csv To Mdb

is there any way to do a cart blanch dump of a csv file into an MDB file? i.e. specify file, submit, done! that easy?

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Convert PHP To ASP

I have this one short section of code that I need to convert to ASP. Currently it's in PHP and our server does not support that. this code would be used to get someone's email address for a newsletter. Here is the code: PHP Code:

$var = ', '.$_GET['var'];

$fp = @fopen("file.txt", "a") or die("Couldn't open file.txt for writing! ". $var );
$numBytes = @fwrite($fp, $var) or die("Couldn't write values to file! " .$var );



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Convert .mdb Into .sql

what is the best way to convert an access .mdb into a mysql .sql file? I found a program but it costs 60$ and thats gay so is there a better way?

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Convert ASP To PHP

I have this code that I need to convert to php. I tried using the client-side online conversion but it didn't work to well. This is an easy script and I can mostly do it myself except the date functions. Code:

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Convert CSV To MDB

I'm in charge of setting up and tracking advertising for my company. Since Google can be set up to automatically mail out a report every day (I also use Overture) I would like to write a program that would automatically grab the .csv file from a specified location, grab the data and convert it to an Access .mdb file.

The idea is I'd like to automate the process of downloading reports from these two sources, transfering them to a database, and mailing the new db file out. I'm not really sure if this is possible or not, since I don't know how to grab a column from a .csv file and convert it into a field in a table.

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Convert Asp To DLL.files

i did a application here it works off line and for online also
when i sold it for offline there is a problem with ASP code

any idea for changing asp files to dll file

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Convert A String

i need to convert a string to hexadecimal prior to posting it onto the next do i pass the field value to the function prior to posting ? Code:

Function StringToHex(str)
' conversion here
End Function

i hope my doubt is clear. i tried looking in the posted forums couldn't find anything . Anyone know how ?

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Convert Html To Rtf

Is there a way to convert a page of html to rtf ?

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Convert To A String

im trying to input some data into a database from a text box to a field with a text data type the problen is when i try to input "44/22" it goes into the database "2"

so it makes the math process

so how can i fix this to insert the 44/22 into the database ?

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Convert Null

i had select the data from the database. The null value are returned.
How can i convert the null value to integer so that i can add some value for it??
Actually i try to use both of this statement but there's nothing come out...when i try to selecte the data in the database, the null value are returned

if rs("max_id") = "NULL" then
id_no = 1
response.write "id_no = " &id_no& "<br>"
end if


if rs("max_id") = "" then
id_no = 1
response.write "id_no = " &id_no& "<br>"
end if

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How To Convert To Get Only 2 Digits

How do you change the DateDiff function to give only 2 digits?

ltOffHours = Abs(DateDiff("h", CDate(rsRecs("EndTime")), CDate(rsRecs("StartTime"))))
ltOffMinutes = Abs(DateDiff("n", CDate(rsRecs("EndTime")), CDate(rsRecs("StartTime"))))
ltOffTime = ltOffHours & ":" & ltOffMinutes

It gives me I.E. 4:345, I need have it read only 4:34 minutes. anyone know how to do this?

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Convert Asp To Html

I am setting up a website similar to
For search engine reasons I need the website to html format. The website will be given to me in ASP format. For example:
I want to be
to be
to be

Is there an easy way of doing this?

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Convert Problem

IŽam using a DB2 db.
I doing a Update query and gets this error

A value is not compatible with the data type of its assignment target. Target name is "POSTCODE". SQLSTATE=42821

this is a bit of my code
vPOSTCODEn= "POSTCODE" & myRs.Fields("SAID")
vPOSTCODE= CInt(request.form(vPOSTCODEn)) // Here IŽam doing the convert from a string to a Integer


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Convert Html To Asp

How to convert the following html to asp page using response.write?
<td align="right"><Font class=content4><%=ars.Fields("REVENUE")%></td>

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Convert A String

I've got a string that contains commas and semi-colons to be used as delimiters. It looks like so: 1,1;4,2;

I'm trying to write a function that will turn similar strings into a multidimensional array, but I'm having problems.

Function fncCreateMultiArray(strString, strDelimiter)
arrOneDimension = split(strString, strDelimiter)
For i = LBound(arrOneDimension) TO UBound(arrOneDimension)
arrTwoDimension = split(arrOneDimension(i), ",")
fncCreateMultiArray = arrTwoDimension
End Function

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Convert Function

reg_date = "CONVERT(DATETIME, '" & reg_date & "', 102)"

i dont know what the reg_date change to ...any function ?

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Convert Html 2 Pdf

I need to know a method that how can I convert html document (asp generated html text report) into a PDF document. Is anybody has a good tool for this, or anybody can tell me where I can get such tool. There are lot of tools which are available for sale, and I'm looking for a free product.

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