How To Create A Srting From What's Written To The Brower?

In my code, I include a file which writes to the browser. I'm looking for a way to create a string that will contain what the file I included wrote to the browser. For example, the included file (meow.asp): Code:

<% meow = 6 %>
this is a test. the number is: <%= meow+4 %>
<% response.write "hello world!" %>

And my code: Code:

<!--#include file="meow.asp"-->

I want that somehow I'll have a string in my code that contains: Code:

this is a test. the number is: 10
hello world!

How do I do that?

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Pre-written E-commerce App

First of all, I'm not a programmer. I'm trying to locate a pre-written application (otherwise I already have a programmer lined up.)
I have a business that builds customized computers. I need an interface where the customer chooses the different hardware configurations and then the page displays the updated price. If you don't understand what I'm talking about Dell and just about every other pc manufacturer have an interface like this on their websites. I've looked at a lot of sites, nearly every one of them uses asp.
I need to know is if some sort of pre-programmed asp script exists to make my programmer's job quicker and easier.

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Tag Written Out Unresolved

In my newsletter-application I am creating code for a "read more"-link.

If there is no fulltext-page
"else" looks like
strAspLink = ""

a few lines later I want to write it out


For my outlook users the link does not appear which is fine because the special article has no read more-link LotusNotes-users see this code unresolved

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Include File Written In ASP

I want to allow my users extensions and things via include files. I need the script to look something like this...

<!-- #INCLUDE FILE="<%=grargareg%>" -->

but ASP doesn't accept values like this... is there a way around it some how?

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Generating A Written-out Date

I'm setting up an ASP blog and part of my site's design involves setting off each entry's date in all caps (e.g. MONDAY, JULY 17, 2006). There isn't a way to type out each date manually so I want to know if there is a way to write out each blog's date in all caps using ASP.

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Whats The Best Browser For Mac OS X?

whats the best browser for mac OS X?

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ASP & ASP.NET Whats The Difference?

A few weeks ago I was told in this forum that ASP would be a great solution to a large web site. I purchased a book about ASP.Net but have also seen info on ASP. Can you please tell me what is the difference between the two?

I don't know computer programming at all. Dreamweaver MX is the program I use. Can ASP be done with a WYSIWYG program? I have set up databases in Access & built web sites with DW MX I am not sure how to tie the two together.

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Redirct Error: Headers Already Written

I'm getting an error:" http headers already written", when I redirect back the page I came from.

I writing an on-line store app. The page 1 lists products, desc, price in a table. Click on a product, it adds it to an XML shopping bag and , thru a link, jumps to page2 that prints everyhing in the bag so far. At the bottom of page2 is a TYPE SUBMIT button that takes you back to page 1 for more shopping. The form for the button uses Code:

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Opening PDF Within IE7 - File Could Not Be Written To Cache

I have a page in in ASP which lists static links to PDF files. When
users click on the links, they receive the following message:

right-clicking on the link and selecting "save target as" generates
the following error message from IE7:
"The file could not be written to the cache"

Clicking the link, and selecting "save" from the resultant dialog
"Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The
requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found please try
again later"

This page works fine in Mozilla.
I've researched this a bit and have read about the caching issues,
although none of the pages on the site address cache control. Any
thoughts or ideas as to why this isn't working?

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Can ASP Pages Be Written In A Dreamweaver Site

I am working on a site which is written in Dreamweaver. Is it possible to write pages in ASP inside of a Dreamweaver site?

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Whats Asp's Equivilent To PHP's 'extends'?

I want to be able to do the following, but im not sure how in asp.

class Cart {
var $items;

some functions.

class Named_Cart extends Cart {
var $owner;


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Whats All About Bound Checking?

How can I make such a bold statement? Two words: Buffer Overflow.

In the very first class I took in programming (those many years ago), we were berated class after class about proper bounds checking to prevent buffer overflows. What this means in simple terms is that every time my program asked the user for input, it had better check to make sure the input fit in the place I reserved for it. If I asked for a ''Y/N'' and I got a ''yes'' or a ''no'', those extra characters had to go somewhere and I had better be prepared for them.

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Whats The Transition From Access To...

It sounds like you are looking at the properties of the WebSites main branch, when you need to look to the first element under this branch (opening it) to the next "step down", and check the properties of the child element (mine is called "default web site", but yours perhaps has been changed from that).

It also contains an "advanced" button on the Web Site tab (right next to the "IP Address" field) which allows "multiple" identities, which is the part which I couldn't to work with 100% consistency.

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Detect Whats In A String After A Character

i have a browse button on a web form that the user can upload images via ftp. the user clicks on the browse button to browse a file on his computer and the text field displays the path - "mycomputerdesktopmyimage.jpg".

i need to get the name of the image and insert the name into my database. so i need to be able to search the string ("mycomputerdesktopmyimage.jpg") and insert all the characters after the last "" which will give me the image name. ive tried just writing out the string in asp (jscript), but it gives me "mycomputerdesktopmyimage.jpg" without all the backslashes.

how do i get those backslashes back into the string? my second question is how do i search for the characters after the last backslash? i know i can use a substring on this, but how can i use it for the last backslash?

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Whats The Difference Between Access And MSSQL?

I've done several sites with ASP that use an Access database, and it has worked fine so far. I will be developing a much larger site and I need to know if Access just isn't going to cut it anymore.

Is MSSQL what I should use instead? How much is too much for an Access database? What are the differences in coding for something besides Access? (is it just in the connection string, or what?)

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If Checkboxes Not Selected Then Show Error, Whats The Best Way?

I have a form and if none of the radiobuttons are selecte or any of the txt fields are empty i want it to display an error, also if the entry in a txt field is not numeric i want it to display an error, if there are no errors then i wanted to display a message

what is the best way of going about this??

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Whats The Exact Error For "system Cannot Find The File Specified"

i get "system cannot find the file specified" error. iam sure that the path of file iam looking for is true. i guess this is a friendly message thrown. when i turned off the freind messages in IE (client side) i still get the same error. is there any way that i can see the exact error so that i can debug.

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Can An ASP Page Read A Cookie Written By A PHP Page?

I am working with a developer, on two portions to a site, he is working in PHP and my work is done in ASP.

Is it possible for my pages to request data from a cookie that was written by his pages that are PHP but residing on the same server? Just want to make sure before I spend too much time planning out the development on my end.

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Create Database And Create Table On One Form

Here's what my code looks like...

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Whats All About "IMS Package"?

anyone has any idea what IMS Package is all about? i read that The IMS Package consists of two major elements: a special XML file describing the content organization and resources in a Package, and the physical files being described by the XML.

The special XML file is named as imsmanifest.XML, together with all resources, when import, will be extracted from a single .zip file.

Does any one know where i can get such kind of .zip files so that i can check what exactly happening inside?

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Create A PDF From ASP

Is there anyway to generate a PDF using ASP Scripting(VB Script).

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Create Pdf

Does anybody knows a way (free of cost, code or dll) to generate pdf?

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Create Url

I use a website in asp for which I have to type a username and
password everytime I want to login.
On the form are two fields for typing the username and password and
one button LOGIN.
I want to create an standard url for the website which includes my
username and password so I don't have to type it in everytime.

I looked at the page source but I can't find the right string.
I thought maybe http://.........aspx?username=me&password=it

but that doesn't work.

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Create PDF

Is there a (simple) way to create a PDF file from ASP?

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Cannot Create A Asp

I have 2 developper machine running visual studio 2003 and Windows 2000. On the first machine (Machine A) I may create a new asp project without problem. On the second (Machine B) I cannot create a new project.Visual Studo create the project but not the initial files and freezes.

But I may create a new project from Machine A using the web server of machine B.I have checked the access rights of both servers, the access rights on directory wwwroot and inetpub.Everything seems the same.

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Create A TGP In ASP

Has anyone seen or know if anyone has done this? I think that ASP would be a great tool to do this with but I am curious if anyone has tried it and found it to be too hard or too burdensome to follow through with?

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Create New User Using IIS/ASP

I'm running IIS5 on a Win2K server, and I want to have an ASP page that
creates new users. I have some simple code to test this, but am getting
a "500" error when I run it. The ASP looks like:


strDomain =""
strUser ="Foo1"

' Create new user with password
Set oDomain = GetObject("WinNT://" & strDomain)
Set oUser = oDomain.Create ("User", strUser)
oUser.SetPassword = "password"

Just for this testing, I've added IUSR_machinename to the Administrators
group, but am still getting the 500 error.

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Create Object & DAO

how to create dao.tabledef object in asp:

I need to convert the following code into asp:
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim fld As DAO.Field

Set db = OpenDatabase("C:Mydb.mdb")
Set tdf = db.TableDefs("Table1")
Set fld = tdf.CreateField("Field2", dbText, 10)
tdf.Fields.Append fld

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Create Hostheader With ASP

Is there a way to create a host header in IIS with an ASP?

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How Can I Create A Guestbook?

I want to create a web page for my friends.(I have a subdomain and my server supports ASP scripts) It will contain a small basic guestbook.It must write the entries to a text file on the server.And i must be able to view the guestbook.

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Create ASP File On The Fly

I'd like to create ASP file on ther server side. Can I use
fso.createtextfile("c:folder est.asp")
Do I need to create a folder too?

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Trying To Create A Menu With ASP

I am trying to create a menu with multiple tiers. I want to use the one menu as an include file throughout the site. Depending on what page you are on, I want the 2nd and third tiers to show up.

The rest just show the tier 1 links. I'm pretty sure this can be done in CSS, but the problem is that with a very big menu, I'd rather not have to load up the entire menu when it all won't be showing.

There for I figured I could create it in ASP. I could set some sort of parameter in the page so the menu include file would know what page I'm on, and then would only show and load the 2nd and 3rd tiers of that section. Is this possible? Code:

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Create Xml File With Asp

is it possible to create a xml file and save so that i can upload with asp?

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