How To Execute OnClick With An <a Href

I have a session variable who change the selected language (French or English) and i try to change this variable when someone click on my anchor. Code:

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How to proceed?I have one form say form_a .from here through anchor another form form_b is being opened in another window using ( command). Now I have some value say val_b1 in form_b. Once again I am coming to form_a through following code Code:

<td align = middle colspan=3><p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2"><A href="javascript:onClick=window.close()">Close Window</A></font></p>

I want value of val_b1 should automatically copied into one of the field of form_a say field_a1 the moment user close window (form_b)

Right now first user have to close the window form_b then have to write the value manually in field_a1 of form_a which leads to spelling mistake.

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Href In Asp

Have you ever been on ebay-You know when you are checking a persons feedback history, you see a href link to go and see that particular item.

I would like to do the same. If i have a table which i populate with information, if the user clicks on view, i would like to go and show that particular item on another page. Ebay has one unique key (item number), unfortunatley i have a composite key.

How can i do this by adding a href in an asp table and also by having the ability to go directly to the full information about that specific item?

I have done something similar in vb but i used a mshflexgrid but i don't think thats a possibility in asp.

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If Then With HREF?

I have a master table of records from a recordset on which thereis a link to a detail page as follows: Code:

<td width="10%" align="left" class="langdetail"><a href="Advanced_Search_detail_template1.asp?<%= Server.HTMLEncode(MM_keepBoth) & MM_joinChar(MM_keepBoth) & "TeacherID=" & rsViewMusic.Fields.Item("TeacherID").Value %>"><%=(rsViewMusic.Fields.Item("LastName").Value)%></a> </td>

Is it possible to have to include an if then statement to have 2 different detail pages according to an access level (a field in the recordset)?

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I saw an url like this


What is the purpose of using href="{nocache:1321sdsa . Does anyone have idea about it ?

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A Href

Can anyone tell me the proper syntax for this statement:

Response.Write "<a href=""Showevent.asp?eventid=<%= objrs.Fields("eventdate").Value %>""">(objRS("eventcaption"))</a>

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Onclick Event In <a> Tag

When i click a anchor tag which will shows a particular data from database and display it in same page using ajax. Code:

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Onclick Print

Is there a way to code an if then statement that allows me to write to my database logs if the print button is clicked?

<form id=form1 name=form1> <input type="button" value="Print" Onclick="print()" ; id=button1 name=button1></form>

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Button Onclick

I'm showing content from a database,but I only wanna show
the titles until there's clicked on a button 'more'.My code looks
like this now,and nothing happens when the button is clicked:
Do While Not rstTest.EOF

Response.Write "<tr><td>"
Response.Write "<b>Title: </b>"
Response.Write rstTest("Title")
button onClick='<%
response.write rstTest("All the rest of it")
%>'>More >></button>
response.write ("</td>")
response.write ("</tr>")


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JS Variable Into ASP OnClick

I have XY coordinates stored as JS variables, is there a way to transfer these variables (XY coordinates dependent on position of cursor on screen these are captured on Click) to an ASP page or new ASP window.

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Onclick Fuction

Is there an equivalent to javascript's onclick="functionName()" in ASP?

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VBScript Within Onclick

I have regular <a href> in my .asp file that goes back to login page (link Log Off)
But the session still stays, so I need to clear the one of the CLASS files I have function logout that clears session.So I tried:Code:

<a href="#" class="link" onclick="<% myUser.logout %>"

Now it logs me out all the time.How can I do that?

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Onclick Delete

I have a page that displays ticket numbers and the status they are in.I want to have a delete radio button next to the status button. and if I select the radio button and click delete it should delete the record from the SQL database and from the page. Does anyone know how to do that in asp.

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Href (link)

I would like to have a link that when clicked, sends info to an ASP page to process, but does not submit the entire page. This way, the user will
click on a link and will not be taken to another page, but precessing will occur.
This is mainly for a 'Rating' Application. does this and I want to know how they do it. Here is the link to the amazon page (you may need to be logged in)

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Base Href

I'm using W2k Pro, ASP 3, IIS 5 & DWMX 6.1 and code in VBSCRIPT
I currently use the <BASE href=XXXX> in all my pages and just read
that this tag is no longer supported so will soon vanish
I have a couple of sites that I'm working on and to make all my links
work right etc I need to use the base href tag


where online the base href would be

all my links are like <img src=images/mylogo.gif> or <a

Now my problem is how else would I design my sites if I cant use the
Base href tag so the site would work both on LOCAL & REMOTE servers as
needed in the above paths?I'm sure other people develop on a WIN 2k PRO system where you canonly have ONE site (c:inetputwwwrooot) Which was fine when I only
had one site... but when I needed a second I had to change my first to
use the Base href so I could check the sites out locally (offline)
before uploading them to a live server.

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Href Problem

when i click the a link i want to see a thing which is like save as target

it can be a word doc or xls or whatever. i want to make it dowloadable when
a user click a link.. Code:

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Putting A # In A Href With The ?

If you have a href such as this,

href="somepage.asp?home=alpha&street=beta, how would you include a reference to a bookmark on that page, such as <li id="bookmark">Some List Item</li>

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Using If Then Statements In Href Tag

Is it possible to use If Then statements in an a href tag? What I am trying to do is I am using a server side include page of navigation inside of a content management system. I have limitations on what I can manipulate and change. So just using style sheets won't do me the trick. I want to have a navigation link change a different color when you are on that section. I have the menu expanding also using if then statements. When a variable is passed somewhere else on the page as true, the menu expands. I figured I could use this in the same way to make the link change colors. I want to do something like:

<A href="#" <% If Variable_name then%> id="link <% end if %>>Link Here </a>

Is that possible? I know that i can do an If then statement and have 2 different links, one with the id and one without, but I wanted to see if I could simplify it at all. I'm not the best with ASP so there might even be better ways then that...I was just using from the little that I knew.

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Using Variable Name In Href

How can i use the variable name instead of a hardcoded value when writing a hyperlink.

strBody = strBody & "<a href="default.htnk">Login</a>"

I would like to use a variable name instead of directly writing default.html like below

strPageName = "default.html"

strBody = strBody & "<a href="<%=strPageName%>">Login</a>"

how this can be done.

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Href + Outlook

Is it possible to create a link to open outlook (Client side) to open a particular folder
here is the code i am trying to use unsuccessfully :

<a href="outlook://Public%20Folders/All%20Public%20Folders/P/W/C/Conf
%20Room/~S%20C%20R">Conference Room 1</a>

Basically what i want to happen is that when a user clicks on the web link that it opens the meeting room which is in a public folder in outlook application (not the web interface outlook.

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Href Statement

My href statement as follows isn't working and in fact prohibits the rest of the asp on the page from working. Code:

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Script ASP In An OnClick Event

i need to insert, in a onClick event of a submit button in a form, a
call to an ASP script, like follows:

A_Function_Or_Sub_in_VBScript %>">

the problem is that teh event triggers only event on the client page,
not on the to solve the problem???

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OnClick Window Not Opening

In the following snippet of code, I can not get my openBrWindow command to work. Does anyone see anything that jumps out at them that is obviously wrong? Code:

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OnClick Rdirect The Page

my doubt is someones website is offering to send free sms.

i just want to add that in my website too.. i just added that form in my html page. but when i click send button it goes to the original website.

is there any way to come back to my site after cllicking send button.
this is the real code.. can we change and give some onclik send and come back to mywebsite?

<form name="form1" action="http:www.some1site.comsms.asp" method="post">

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Onclick Event Syntax?

the javascript code for 'validate' is in place on same page and I even tried to launch a prompt saying "hello" at begininng of javascript function to see if it is even getting their.Is the syntax correct below?There is no submit button but an image to click.

<input type="image" border="0" name="imagebut" src= onclick="return validate(loadform,'process.asp');">

this line below is the input for userphone which I set as a mandatory field so i would assume a message would pop up, but it seems like the onclick event is not getting fired.

<input name="userphone" size="30" mandatory="true">

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Onclick Display Record

I have the below code. I am trying to send information to a subroutine, I am getting an Object Required Error.

<input type="button" name="pSearch" value="Search"

Then in my ASP page I have this

Sub DisplayRecords()

dim conn
dim strsql
dim mycount

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Submit Form With OnClick

I have 2 buttons on a form.If user clicks on ButtonA, the form gets submitted to PageA.
If user clicks on ButtonB, the form gets submitted to PageB.One forum promotes using the OnClick event to direct to the correct page.Another forum says OnClick is not wise because a user could have scripts disabled.What is the best way?

What is the proper syntax for the below statement?I'm having problems with the OnClick portion.Response.write "<input type='submit' name='Submit2' value='I WANT TO MAIL A
CHECK'onclick='document.frmReview.action='check.asp';doc ument.frmReview.submit()'>

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Opening Ne Window OnClick

How can I change the following client side javascript to open the referenced asp page in a new window:

Response.Write "
<td align=""left"" nowrap
onClick=""javascript:document.location=my.asp?ID1=" & ID1& "&ID2=" & ID2&"';"">"

For now it work perfectly excect that it opens in the paren window.

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OnClick Submit & Fresh

I have an ASP page that once a user puts a check in form field checkbox I would like to have the the record updated and the page refreshed? Any suggestions on how to handle this? This is currently what I have for my checkbox:

Response.Write "<td valign=middle align=left><input type=checkbox
name=JobStatus " & SetCheckbox(cBool(objRecordset("JobStatus"))) & ">" ..

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Storing Href In Cookie

I am new to web design and ASP, I am developing a site which has a logon script, what I want to do is return a user to the location they were at after login. Some of the pages will have query-string information in the address bar so need capture that as well.

<script language="JavaScript">
x = window.location.href

Appears to do what I want as I can pick up the href out of the cookie after login and return user to page, prob is I don't seem to be able to include it in my server side scripting which is doing the login it falls over at the script tag.....

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Disabling The Image On A Href In Asp

I have the following href in my asp code. I would like to disable the image
so the user cant click on the javascript for this image.

<input type=text name=thedate size=10><a
href=""javascript:show_calendar('dataform.Line" & lineno &
"6',null,null,'YYYY/MM/DD');"" onmouseover=""window.status='Date
Picker';return true;"" onmouseout=""window.status='';return true;""><img
src='../Production/show-calendar.gif' width='24' height='22' border='0'></a>

Is this possible?

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Javascript Href Link

I am using Javascript with ASP and am having a problem with a javascript link in that it does not function when clicked. The page is generated correctly without any visible or runtime errors.

A bit of background as to what I'm trying to achieve: i am dynamically creating multiple forms which store details of a products into hidden fields, the information is retrieved from a database recordset. Each product is created in a unique form, this is achieved using a counter variable. I am trying to use javascript to submit the current form - i.e. a hyperlink - which unfortunately doesn't have any effect when clicked. I am thinking I might need to refer to the form differently but am unsure how to.

Below is a sniplet of the source code ....

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I want to redirect to other page using document.location.href on Button click and pass ID to that page e.g;

<input type="submit" value="Submit" ONCLICK="document.location.href='mergestatus.asp?projectid= <%=selRs("projectid")%>'">

Please help.I am not able to pass projectid to 'mergestatus.asp'

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