How To Get HTML Text String From Dynamically Built Control?

I have built dynamic HTMLTable. Now I want to attach it directly to the Email Body - it is already built, so why not to use a ready table. However, I cannot find the way of getting plain HTML text out of dynamically built control. I tried to put my table between div and read div.innerHTML then - HTTP exception has been thrown.

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Arabic / Russian Text In Asp/ie Built-in Editor/access

I am to develop a multi-lingual website / content management system. I will use ASP (IIS on swedish or english windows 2000), Access, and for the content editing i will use the built-in editor in IE (in an IFRAME). Primary languages/charsets, apart from the western languages (swedish, english etc) will be russian and arabic.

Does anyone know how (if) this works? What should my main concerns be, will it work and what will the likely problems be?

I've tried to insert arabic text in regular text-fields in existing applications, but when they reach the database the text has been alterd. Though I can paste the same text directly into the database. Why?

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Html Control

I have a C# application where I have a client side html input:

<input name="CalText" type="text" id="CalText" />

Is there anyway I can acces the value of this control from server side inside my C#code? (please note I don't want to have runat=server for the input control).

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Dynamically Add Html Tags

I have an asp email applciation that will be used to create a newsletter. I want to me able to enter a few lines of text into the textarea part of the form. Then if I want to add a hyper link to the textarea. I just want to click a buttom and add the html tags into the body of textarea along with the text I enter above the hyper link.

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HTML Editor Control

I am looking for a HTML Editor Cntl which I could insert into an asp page - something like the one I am using to create this thread - and ofcourse free !

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Dynamically Saving Html Files

I need to implement the following functionality in asp. I have got an asp page which renders some html onto the browser.Now instead of rendering the html to the browser i should save that as an html file in server itself. Please advise how i can accomplish this.

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Generate Dynamic HTML Control

I've project in asp, where we are using Database to create html controls. As per the current logic, we are creating one application variable on application_onstart event, it contain all records of table containing screen name, and other html control related information. Based on the screen user has requeted we get all those records from application variable and generate the screen.
As per my knowledge this application variable contain around 8000 records, and since it is eating much time to maintain, and reducing speed, we want to remove this concept from our three tier based project.I've gone through XML, and XSLT concept, but before proceeding further,

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Drop Down Menu Hve Html Control

I have a dropdownlistbox (html control) and some text fields displayed on my page. The top menu bar of my page works fine in every case (as it always be on top of every thing that i display in my page) except of DropDown Combobox (html control). WHY ?
Can not understand the reason why my combobox always displayed on top when i tried to select some other item from my menu bar (say some other page) while my menu bar always on top for other controls.

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Non HTML Support In Textbox Control

How can i have a text box control with non html support. I mean. I have a textbox which shud not allow. web links entries ..

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Dynamically Create Html From Word Docs

I'm trying to figure out how to run a script on my server which will go over a few folders of Word documents, and create html pages out of them which I can then serve to my users. Preferably I want to do this without installing anything else on the server, hopefully it's achievable with a scripting language like VBscript/ASP?

I am used to web programming in PHP,Perl, Java, but for this I need to use ASP, on IIS. I've Googled & Yahooed and not come up with much.

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Dynamically Creating Html Files On Server

I need to implement the following functionality in asp. I have got an asp page which renders some html onto the browser.Now instead of rendering the html to the browser i should save that as an html file in server itself.

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Text Box Dynamically

I have a form where there are 2 dropdowns. Based upon what you select in the 1st dropdown, that selection populates the 2nd dropdown. I want to change it so that if you select 'Loan Officer' in the first drop down, the 2nd dropdown turns in to a textbox, rather than the huge dropdown it becomes now

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Dynamically Append Query String

i have designed a website that is using an asp shopping cart script and has a flash header which i have designed to display different content depending on the query string that gets passed to it in the page url. now my problem is that my script has a lot of pages and there are many ways of going from one page to another as well as link as dynamicall generated.

what i im wondering is if there is away that i can make an asp page directly append a query string to the url when the server generates the page and sends it to the browser.

So basically if say i had a page called home.asp when i opened this page some code in the page would make the page serve as home.asp?page=home&content=logo which would make my flash script display content according to the query string it has received. Code:

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Focus On HTML File Field Control

I have a specific requirement.I have a html file field control in
my page..i browse for file to upload and when i close the dialog
box,the cursor position should be in the text box of that file field

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Text Field Control

I want to create two radio button
Yes and No. Only on select that radio button 'Yes',
the text field should get enabled.
How to do this?

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User Control W/ Text

Basically I want to be able to create a user control that is more or less just a Panel. I want to be able to set properties like background color, border, etc by default within the user control and then do something like <mynamespace:mypanel>Text and stuff to go in the Panel</mynamespace:mypanel>.

I would like to be able to put links, tables, and any other kind of HTML stuff inside the Panel. What property of my class/user control would the text part be? Am I going about this the entirely wrong way?

All I really want to do is to be able to set some properties of my Panel automatically without having to type each property over and over again every time I create a Panel.

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ASP 3.0 Chart Control -- Hidding Connection String.

I am trying to display a chart in my asp page. The problem is
that I need to connect to a Database and if you see the HTML code you
can see the connection String (User and Password).

If I connect directly to the database from the chart control, I
can see the connection String in the html-code.

If I use a data source control, I can also see the connection

¿ Is there a way to hide the connection String from the HTML code?

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Validation Of Dynamically Created Text Boxes

I'm using ASP 3.0,IIS and Java script.I have created some text boxes Dynamically using java script.So the text boxes has got the same name. This is the code i'm using for that..

aRow1 = aTable1.insertRow(aTable1.rows.length);
aRow =aRow1
aCell = aRow.insertCell(0);
aCell.align = "Left";
aCell.width = "5%";
aCell.innerHTML = "<input type='text' name='Course' size='20'>";

Problem is that when i'm doing client side validation using javascript its not taking values..Here 2 or 3 or 4 text boxes with the course will be created when i use
this code:

if (document.Qualificationdetails.Course.value == "") {
window.alert ("Enter Course !");
return false;

it does not give any validation...

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Text String To A Interger String

I am pulling info from a sql server By default the query pulls back the inforamtion as text.Therefore when I go to calculate some figures its giving me a type mismatch error.
Is there a function in can call to convert a text string to an integer string using

rstSearch.Fields("name").Value .To pull back the info in a for loop

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch

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Asp Built In Objects

1) can any one tell me what are built in objects in ASP 3.

in asp 2 it was
object context object

2)what are asp variables ?

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Html String

I need to return only string value from a html string
For eg.

Currently, i use replace function to replace the html tags to obtain the string aaaa.
But it is tedious as i will need to code all the possible html tag.

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Built In Active X Components?

I've been playing with ASP for about 3 months, and it just now, today, clicked that I could be using active x stuff with my asp pages.

The stuff I make falls into two categories, stuff for inhouse, and stuff that's on brinkster.

How can I tell what active x components I can use, and find some docs on them?

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Does ASP Have A Built In Encrypt Function?

I am working with an existing script/old server that uses encrypt(whatever) quite often (mostly querystrings), however there is no routine written anywhere in the script for this. no connection to any components or anything...

I didn't know it had a default encypt function (assuming its like base 64 or something)...

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Custom Built Messageboard

I have made my own messageboards using asp but I was wondering if anyone could help me with something.

Currently my users have the option to use bold and italics in their posts by using tags around the word they would like to be in bold. I then use the following command to change [b] to <b>

strtopPost = Replace(strtopPost , "[b]", "<b>", 1, -1, 1)

However I would also like to be able to use [font color=FF0000]Red Text[/font] but I'm unsure on how to do this.

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HTML Content Into A String

I want to store HTML content of a URL into a string using ASP is there any provision for that ? for example i have a URL like and i want all HTML content of this page into String variable in my ASP page .

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ASP App Built On IIS 5.1 Not Working On IIS 6 - Turning Debugging On?

I've been given an ASP site built, tested and working on IIS 5.1 to be hosted on IIS 6. I've gone through the process of enabling ASP, parent paths, and debugging in the IIS Management console. My first ASP works as expected, however, a link to a second gives me the error:

HTTP 500 - Internal server error

This is not a lot to go on, so my question is can i turn on debugging/error messages to give me more of a starter?

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Search String In HTML Form

In a HTML form field, the user enters a long text. I need to search for an image tag. Then get the name of the image (*.gif or *.jpeg) to check the image library if the image already exists. If exists, cannot upload the image. Else, upload the image.

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Getting Html Output Of A Asp Page To A String

I wish to catch the output of an asp page after it is executed into a
string I.e.

Dim htmlOutput
htmlOutput = someobject.execute("nameoffile.asp")

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Strip HTML Tags From A String

The following pattern is used to strip HTML tags from a string. I need to remove the tags only if they contain a colon. Is it possible? How can I modify this regexp pattern to match only if a colon exists between the "<" and ">" ? Code:


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Text To HTML

I have text that a user enters via a form.This text is saved to a database named SText. The actual text is under the record "text". Now, I want to write the code to see if they enter in a link like it will convert it to a hyper link to that very address.

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No Html On Text Box

How can i make a text box not reconize a html tags.

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Regular Expression :: Search A String Of HTML

I want to search a string of HTML and insert a querystring into any url where the url is an asp page and is either a local link /folder/page.asp or of a specific domain It needs to be able to handle plain links and those with querystrings already in there.

I could do it with instr functions etc but I thought this might a good time to brush up on regular expressions. Can anyone point me in the right dirction?

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Text To HTML Replacer

i want to have a complete text-to-html conversion within a string. but "<" and ">" shouldn't be replaced. so the htmlreplace function would do too much for me and the search function only offered me single replacements. Code:

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