How To Get The Source Code For A Web Page

How can i get the source code of a web page through asp code?

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Source Code

I am trying to debug some values in production server.I want to print the value of rRes(10),but I don't want to show it in the screen.I just want to show it in the source code but comment out,so that I can look at the value.Is it possible?

Response.Write("rRes(10) = " & rRes(10)) will show the value in the screen,but i want to hide it in the screen but still see the value in the source code.

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Extracting Source Code

Is there a way of processing an ASP page and placing the resulting HTML
source code into a TEXTAREA on another page?

I have a page that will be generated dynamically from database content.
However, I want a form on another page to have access to the compiled source
code for use in an electronic newsletter.

Manually I would load the dynamic page, view the source and copy it out. I
would then paste it into my form field on the relevant page.

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Encrypt ASP Source Code

I was wondering does anyone use any third party tool to encrypt the original ASP source code from dispose.

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VBs Source Code Of Calendar

I am in the process of building a web page that allows users to make some resource reservations from the web. I need a source code for a calneder where if the user clicks on a specific day of a specific month a new link will be opened. where can I find this ?

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Funtion LEN (code Source)

Where I can find the code source for the function len for study ends. As (LEN) with its code was created script of the function. I tried to look for in google but I did not find nothing! Somebody can indicate me one link, site, script?

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Source Code Is Unavailable

I use Windows 2000 Server and VS6.0 for development. I have switched on ASP debugging in IIS and everything worked fine, I can debug.

But now when I want to debug I always get "Source code is not available for the current statement"So I cannot debug anymore, what is the problem ?

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Source Code Formatter

I have a couple of rather large ASP projects developed using VB script and the source code in both has not been formatted well. Does anyone know of a tool that can parse the source code files and fix simple things such as indentation, consistent use of case on key words, etc.

I have seen several tools that do this for printing purposes, but nothing that actually reformats the original source code.

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Hiding ASP Source Code

I have a customer with an extensive intranet which contains a lot of
sensitive company data. The client is concerned that any employee
could download source code back to removable storage and thereby steal
the data.

Printing is considered publicly risky and other capture methods of
visble screens would be too clumsy and outside the capability of most.

So we have been asked to make the source "invisible" or at least
extremely difficult to reveal.

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IIS Integrated Source Code Control

I want to create a site management (admin) web application in ASP under
W2K/IIS5/FPSE2002. It will be used to modify the content of XML files on the web
site it manages. Any changes require authentication. When a file is to be
modified the operator should check it out so that it is marked for modification,
preventing others to change it. The file is checked in after changes are made.
I'd like to be able to check in/out documents from the web admin using IIS
integrated SCC. Is it possible? Or should I implement my own file management

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Encrypt An Asp File Source Code

we have an Enterprise Application on ASP and MS SQL 2000. Would like to know if I can convert the asp app to an exe or encrypt / encode / hide the source code so that no one accessing the server can touch / modify / copy the same.

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Pages Display Source Code In Browser

I'm just trying to set up a testing server via Dreamweaver that is my local box. HTML works fine and ASP works fine IF there is no js code input. I can save a few images in a table as an ASP page and it works great, but if I try to pull a table from a database, the browser suddenly displays the code, rather than the page.

I've heard some people referring to articles that might address this, but so far I'm not seeing them.

I have .asp files being handled by asp.dll from the internet information services section.

What the heck am I missing? What else should I provide y'all so we can brainstorm this?

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Source Code For Professional Active Server Pages 3.0

I got this book for some time. I need to download the source code for this
book. However, Wrox, the publisher, does not have download code for this
book. Could anybody suggest any site from where I can get the download of
source code for this book?

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Source Page In IFrame

I want to open the source code in an iFrame. What's the ASP script for that?

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Copy Source Of A Page

I have a page which contains a TEXTAREA form field.I want to be able to click a button and have it go off and fetch the source code for a compiled ASP page ie.

what the user would see if they loaded the ASP page into their browser and put the source code into this form field.Is this possible?

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Scramble Page Source - How?

I write applications for my company's intraweb, and recently we've had some
eager users trying to get at some data they shouldn't. The way they did it
was to look at the pages input tags and hidden fields to construct their
own URLs.

Aside from poor design (which is being changed) - how can I scramble the
page, so as the users can't simply use "View Source" from the menu? Is
there a switch or component I can activate/install i ASP, can I change the
ContentType or something else?

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Reading And Displaying HTML Source From Remote Page

I am currently attempting to convert from PHP to ASP and I am having some difficulties.

Foremost, from my PHP page I have pages that reference HTML source code from a remote page, write it to a local page and then displays it. I haven't been able to find any way to display this HTML source anywhere.

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Optimizing Code On ASP Page

We have a report page which deals with more than 3000 records and 80 columns. The records are displayed on a third party control VS flexgrid versioned 7.0.

Currently we are having a client side array populated from the server side using response.write . Is there any other means to optimize the performance on this page?

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How To Display Code On Page

One of the fields ("Description") in my MSAccess database table contain text formated by HTML tags (<b>, <i>, etc) I now need to display it on asp page, but not as formated text, but as it is stored in my database:

Not like
Description of this product is good.

but as
<b>Description</b> of this product <i>is</i> good.

How can I do this?

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Reflect Changes To Code Behind Page

I just inhereted a website. I made a change to a simple SQL string in a ..aspx.vb page. If I don't have Visual Studio, is there a way to "publish" the pages and show my changes?

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SQL Server Code From An ASP Page

I'd like to write a bunch of queries from a SQL Server 2000 database in my ASP page and have a way of copying this information into an excel workbook in specific cells. Writing the queries isn't the problem, I just need to place it in a file in different specific cells.

Is there a way to do this? Do you have to use VBA code or something? the *.iqy technique isn't going to work, cause I have to place the data in a sepcific excel file, in sepcific cells. I am not sure how to do this or if it's possibly, if anyone has any
ideas on where to start or find some sample code I'd REALLY appreciate it.

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Calling Code Into Page

I am trying to call a field value from my database - which gets open in an included file (all work on database must be done in that included file), if i use response.write(rst("pagename") it would print fine in the page when I call the sub i.e <% call pageNameFind() %>

But i want to get the field value to appear like this <% PageTitle = pagename %> where pagename comes from the included sub pageNameFind pagename = rst("pagename")

It doesn't pick this up however - how would I do this? This value will then be sent on to another included file at later stage. and I must have the <% PageTitle = myvalue %>.

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Browser Displays Code Of ASP Page

The most pressing issue at the moment is that my browser does not display the page; it displays the ASP code. I built the page for a questionnaire that was going to be placed on my schools server so that participants could access it online, but I submitted my request too late in the semester.

I decided that the best course of action was to collect these data offline using the computers that I had bought for my lab. The laptops are running Windows 2000 Professional and are using IIS. After configuring ISS and Dreamweaver MX, I built the questionnaire. Then, I uploaded the questionnaire to the “server”—the wwwroot folder.

Now, the index page (the instructions to the questionnaire) opens flawlessly, but when the link to the questionnaire is pressed to open the ASP page, the browser displays the code and not the questionnaire itself.

When I explained this problem to people, they tell me that my server does not support server site scripting, but I’m using a Windows machine, using Windows server software, and Windows database software (Access 2000). Moreover, when I preview the page through Dreamweaver MX, Internet Explorer displays it without a problem. Code:

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How To Hide VBScript Code In ASP Page?

How can I hide VB Script code in the ASP Page? Even though the display.asp includes the script_functions.asp, when I click on View Source from IE, I can still the VB Script code? What can I do to hide the code from the people who use display.asp?

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Security Issue On Error Page With ASP Code

The employees who use it are not allowed access to the server it's
requried to sit on which means that my username and password have to be
included in the logon.asp page which I HATE! So when this fails, it
publishes my usernanme and password on the screen for the user to

Since nobody is willing to create a dummy account is there a way that I
can keep that line of code from displaying if in error? I've added the
code to this thread...

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Code/page To Run In The Background And Execute Periodically

I need an asp code/page to run in the background and execute periodically/full time. This code must do some actions based upon time intervals.

For example, The code must keep running and must send an email every 6 hrs. ASP is preferrable.

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Inserting Dynamic Code In .html Page

inserting dynamic page code in .html page? i.e. i would like to insert a code which will display links. where my homepage link extension is .html. if it is .asp it would have been very easy. and also i would have worked fine. but now the problem is the homepage index file extension is .html.

so if i insert the code it is not displaying the links. i tried inserting the code in a separate file and saved as and gave the link from home page <!--#include file=""--> but still the link is not showing and not working.

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Changing Access Code Page On Web Server

When I send a database to server it changes all of my special charters to unicod charterset, I suposed that server is on american charter set, I would like it to change to central europien windows - 1250 code page, is it posible and how? it is very importand to me.

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Can XML Be Used As ADO Source

I am working on a small project which requires XML data to be read from ASP.

I am successful at using XML/DOM objects. But when the data size goes up, sequential access will tax the web server. I would like to retrieve the data in the xml file like a MSAccess DB.

I read somewhere that XML source can be provided as data stream in ADO. If anyone has knowledge on this, please provide me links. If possible, answer to these queries will also be appreciated.
1. Which version of IIS supports this.
2. Which version of ADO
3. Additional components needed at the server ?

I found the following link at MS.;en-us;q263247

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Open Source

I am looking for an open source, very simple CMS that allows an administrator to add pages, news articles, and maybe a staff directory.
We don't need new users to signup, or comment, or anything along those lines. Maybe a wysiwyg editor included. Just for a homepage, a news section (that may include many sub-cats, pages).

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Source Of Dllhost.exe

I've got a Windows 2000 server running with about 50 websites on it, all
running ASP scripts. I've noticed that the servers CPU usage gets up 100%
sometimes, caused by dllhost.exe, which I'm certain is a hanging ASP script
somewhere on the box. Probably an on error resume next line that doesn't go
anywhere when an error is an encountered. Anyways, I'm not sure if there's
a way to isolate the website where its originating, or even the page this
problem is originating from. Is there a way to do this?

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Data Source Name

i dunno what's the DSN coz it's my friends code and she's using windows2000 so her open database connection code differs from what i

" ...."

what should i do to redirect the the connection to its database?i cant change all the codes coz there's many pages and takes ahellotta time

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Source Control

Does anyone know of any source control software (besides Visual studio) that allows a multi-user environment to be able to check out/in files and keep version control?

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