How To Keep Track Of Logged In Users?

I would like to know how to let users log in to my page and keep track of them until they log out? Will i be using cookies or what?

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See The Users Logged In

How do we have a track of users who have logged in? I want to have a table of record with usernames and the status(logged in or logged out).

Whenever the user logs in, the status shud indicate he is logged in and when he logs out the status shud change accordingly. Does anybody know how to do this???

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Currently Logged Users

I want to create a page in ASP language which gives me information about
currently logged users. I thought to do it by this way: when somebody
will log in to page, there will be a value of this user id stored in the
table among the other fields in the form which are filling in. After
clicking on the button "Log off" the value of the user id will be
deleted from the MS SQL Server 2000 database. I would do it, but I don`t
know how to solve the problem when somebody will close the Internet
Explorer window by clicking "x". Then the procedure of deleting a value
of user id will not call, and this value will be still stored in the
database, so I will not have actual state of currently logged users.Maybe there is another possiblity to do it?

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List Of Logged In Users

I have an asp website which allows registered users to login in, I want to create a page which shows the names of all logged in users. Can i do this in asp, and if possible can some one tell me how can i let the logged in users communicate with each other.

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Application Object :: How Many Users Logged In?

My asp application allows a number of users to log into it. Each user has a different type of access level (General User, Manager or Administrator). I want the administrator to be able to see how many other users are logged into the application at a particular time. How can I do this? Would the use of an application object work for this?

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Logging Users :: Transactions My Users Perform

I want to be able to log in a database any transactions my users perform. For example logging in, requesting a page, downloading a resource, logging out etc.

What is the most practical way to code this? I was thinking of trying to use an include file which would have a function to add a log in the database for each page on the site or when a particular action is performed.

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Logged In

When a User has Loged In to my site, I would like to display Logged In as:
and then a link to log them out of the site Code:

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Track Each User

I need to either write or buy a program that will let me Track each user.By this i mean I want to know when the logged on, how long they where on,and what PAGES they visited.

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Track A Ip Address

i need tracking location for specific ips i can detect ips but how can i detect locations for that ips?

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Logged In Right Now Code

I have a website where about 300 to 500 are logged in all the times. I am trying to find a way to see who's logged in right now.I learned that session variables can produce such an outcome. Every member, who is logging in, is recognized by saving that member's unique user ID in a session variable.

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Logged In Script

i have the following script in one of my logged in pages.

Active Users: <%=Application("CurrentNumberOfUsers")%>

Is there any code that I can add to this which also hows who is logged in to the website?

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Logged In As: Username

i set up a login page and when the user logs in he/she is directed to the main site. What I wish to know is how can I show the user name that is logged in the main site:

For example:
Logged in as:

tell me the code as i am new to ASP .

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Logged In User

I need some asp code that can give me the user that is logged on to the PC.

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Getting Logged In User

it was possible to query the logged in windows user from a remote machine. I'm thinking of designing a website that will tell you what users are logged in where. This isn't really necessary but I thought it might be nice to know and keep track of users.

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HOW To Track Bademail Using Asp

if anybody knows how to track bad email using asp. i am using cdonts to send email . i want to check whether a email id exists or not.

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Track Data Via Email......

I have a fairly advanced order processing / tracking system I designed
with MS Access, MySQL & ASP.

I want to add an enhanced order tracking facility where a user can send
an email to a specific address we set up, with an ID & PO Number in the
subject / body, and then have our system reply with the required

Is this done with asp or something completely different ?
When an email comes in, what would auto scan all incomming emails and
read the data ?

Is there a special component I need for this. I just want this to
happen in the background, whilst possibly sending me an alert email
each time the system is used. This will help me guage the services

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Keep Track Of The Query Result

I have a search form that display result based on the user search criteria.
the result displayed through paging when the user select a specific product description to look at then go back
to the search result the user will lose it's place.

my question is:
How can I let the user search the database for all the products that I have then select a specific product to read the description of it
then be able to go back to the original search. I have the first part working fine but to be able to go back to the original search that I need your help. Code:

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Best Way To Track People Through Your Site

I thought when I discovered the power of session.sessionID I was onto a winner... but in the last month or so have been finding more and more of it's shortfalls (all down to whatever specific users have running on their machines)

Passing data through querystrings isn't ideal as people might go and type a url in to move around.

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Knowing Who Is Logged Into Any Particular Workstation?

I'm developing an intranet site that will require knowing who is accessing the site. Since all of my users are using a WIndows domain, I figured I could cut the necessity to log into the intanet site if I could identify each user based on who is logged into the workstation being used to access it. So I figured I would need some Microsoft-specific tech to get this done.

Is something like this even possible? I figure ASP .NET would be my best hope, but seeing that I've never programmed for a Microsoft environment, I would need some coaching. Here's how I thought this could be accomplished (I may need some help filling in the details):determine the IP of the machine accessing the sitedetermine which machine on the network currently has that IPask Active Directory who is currently logged into that machineI don't know that this is possible in this manner, though. Anyone accomplish something like this before? I would think so as it seems like something a lot of developers would want for web applications.

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How Do I Log / Track ASP Errors On My Web Site?

I am trying to track asp errors as described and explained in above page. but I am getting error below.

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0408'

Invalid character

/500-try.asp, line 1

------Source file---

<%Set ASPErr = Server.GetLastError Response.WriteASPErr.Description %>

Any one know why its happening..

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below is an insert statement on an asp page that stores the date and time
that a driver logged on, what I need is to check that they are now already
logged on fields are SQL Server 2000

ID int
ON_DATE datetime
OFF_DATE datetime
ON_NOW nvarchar

The ON_NOW column reads on or off depending whether the driver logged out or
not, if they havent we need to close the previous logon session and mark it
with 'off' and enter a date time into OFF_DATE column. Code:

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SelectParameter With Currently Logged In User?

I am trying to build an sqldatasource using a parameter which I want set to the currently logged in user's username. Any idea how to declare the parameter in the <SelectParameter> tag? I am using .net 2.0...

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Logged In - Session Timeout

I use a database to authenticate users. Thier logon info is stored in a session.When the session times out it redirects the user back to the login page,which, when logged in sends them to the secured homepage.How can I return them to the page they were on when the session timed out,rather than starting over on the homepage?

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Changing Track Numbers

Imagine a CD of say 20 songs. Each song is a table row

[Title] [Artist] [TrackNo]

I need a way for the user to change the way the songs are listed by allowing them to change the track numbers. What is the smartest way to do this? I think it would be kind of trick to have a couple of <IMG> up and down arrows per each song. The user would click on either the up or down arrow to move the song accordingly. But I don't know how to go about that. Whatever variables are passed, the process would have to check to see if there is another track# +/- 1 each time.

Then I thought maybe it would be easier to just list the songs with a form box next to each song where the user manually entered the desired order,then submit the form. But that also has it's share of issues like checking for existing track numbers, users who can't count,etc.

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Keeping Track Number

I got a web based application. I need to keep track of number of users coming to use this applcation on a daily basis. This application is read only one. I have to veiw the traffic for a month. What is the best way to capture this information. I appreciate any help or related article link.

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Track Access Time

currently was doing a asp project, this project allow ppl to upload file to server and allow other user to browse it or download it. is the any way to track the time between after user click on the file to browse it and close it? What i mean is to track the time that a user access certain file in asp.thx a million.

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Oracle Not-logged On Error

I have the Oracle not-logged on error that keeps popping up intermitently. When I restart the web server the problem is solved and everything is fine. I am unable to figure out what the problem is?

I do not have this problem with other websites running on the same web server. Can any one advise about what I need to do to solve this or atleast what direction I need to look?

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Track Nummber Of All Visitors

I need t track the Visitor of My Site. I mean I want to know the Number of All Visitor and the number that a Specific Visitor has Visited the Site. actually I've not so much problem with All wisitor but the Specific one.

what do U believe the best solution is? I've tried catch the User IP and handle it with that, but I've been told it's not Possible, if it's not, how can I do this, or if Yes
how ?! (is it Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") or not?).

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Display The Name Of A LOGGED IN User

I have a LOGIN.asp page which will ask the user to input their username and password. The text box name for this two text field is txtUsername and txtPassword. What i want to do is to display the value of "txtUsername" in my main page after the user has logged in! That means what ever that the user enter in the username text field, it will be display in the next page. how to code this in ASP session variable?

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Capturing Logged In User

how i can pull the logged in user name from a computer for a web form? this is what i did to pull from the cookie when user log into my site but now i want to get request from non site users but capture non logged in users ids too.

~ <input type="text" name="EmailID" maxlength="10" size="10"

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Track User Actions

I am working on this intranet website which includes access mdb for storing employee ratings. In this website I am using table which consists of username and paswords of the users who can log in. So whenver there is a login. the ASP code checks this table for matching results nd then it lets the user in.

Im using sessions to keep track of user. For viewing the records through the browser, I am not tracking the user But I want to record any actions by the user if he is updating the employee tables . SO I have created a seperate table for User_Actions...this table will record..timedayusernametable nameaction( insert or update or both)So every time the user updates or appends and the transaction is committed , this table would be populated.

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Redirect To A Web Page If Logged On

This is the code for my default asp page.

'Check if user is logged in
if Session("name") = "" then
'If not, go to login page
'If, build page
Response.Write("<title>ASP Page</title>")

end if
%><body leftmargin="100" text="#004080" bgcolor="#EBEBEB"><p><font size="6">

I want users that have been logged on successfully to be redirected to a website address that I specify.

Any Ideas?

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Track Image Download Using ASP

I have created a html email newsletter. After ages of working with it I managed to get it past the spam boxes .

Ok I would like to create some tracking. I know you can apply tracking based on a graphic that has been downloaded from the email. How would I be able to track an image download from the server.

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