How To Lock Account Once Password Tries Exceed 3 Times?

1. How do I create my asp in a way where it does not allow the user to key in wrong password for more than 3 time. It will lock the account once three times has exceeded.

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NT Account Password

I was asked by a client to make changes for their Outlook Web Access page where I need to validate Expiry Date of the Password and also the Password Length for the NT Account Policy. Initially I use javascript to do a static validation for the password expiry and password length. There request now include dynamic changes to the Javascript where if the password length is changed on the NT Account Policy, it will reflect on the client side script. Also they request for server side validation as an alternate just in case.

Can someone point me to the resources available for this. I am stuck on this one for quite a while now and no idea on how to proceed?

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Password Creation/validation For New Account

I am trying to create a form where a user has to enter information such as username, password, last name, etc...

My current code is to look at the recordset to find any existing username, and if not found, it will add the new username.

At what part of the page do I validate the password so I can determine if the user enter the password correctly the second time (to determine the password was entered twice correctly)?

Here are my pseudo codes: ....

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How To Check User Account And Password In Another Domain Controller?

By using <authentication mode="Forms" > in web.config, we can create
self-designed login page, but how to check user's account and password is
vaild in another domain controller?

Does <authentication mode="Windows"> can have self-designed login page?

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ASP Upload Fails When Files Dimensions Exceed 3MB. Why ?

I'm experiecing a problem with file uploads from ASP pages.

On a Windows 2000 - IIS 5 server we're running an ASP Classic
application that features an upload form for files of great dimensions
(100+MB). Problem is, when we try to upload a file exceeding 3MB we
retive almost immediatly a message such as 'The page cannot be

We do not even reach the page that contains the code for file
managing; when we click on the submit button in the form with enctype
multipart form data the application ends and the error is visualized.

For files under 3MB there are no problems at all.

The FAQ of our upload third party component (ABCUpload by Websupergoo)
state that we could either have problems with our proxy or we could be
stopped by a wrong URLScan setting: we do not have any proxy nor
URLScan is installed on our server.

I may add that all the configuration of the script timeouts on IIS are
correctly set.

Is there anyone who can suggest us a solution?

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Individually Password Protect Multiple Directories? Password Expiration?

I have a client who wants to password protect a learning course that is set up in modules. Each module needs to have it's own password protection so users can only access them as they progress through the course.

Each user should have their own password (for each module) and, said client would like the password to expire for the user at some (predetermined?) point. Is this possible? It seems like a lot (in terms of setup), but I don't know much about password stuff.

If it is possible, can someone give me an overview of how it works (theoretically) or where to find more specific info on setting something like this up (in

If it isn't possible, can someone suggest what is more reasonable in terms of protecting the modules?

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Lock Pages

I have a site that I need to distribute to various locations around the country. Each of these sites has they're own developers so I want to lock the code to prevent them from seeing it. Is there anything I can do?

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Lock A Database

what I need to do is the following:-

1) Open a table to insert a new record
2) Lock this table so there is no new entries in it
3) get the maximum call number and add 1 to it
4) insert the new record
5) Unlock the table again.

How can i do it? I know how to insert the record and get the maximum call number. What i do not know is how to lock and unlock the table.

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Lock Website

I have a web site that I need to distribute to different sites around the country. Problem is each site has its own developers and I dont want to allow them access to the code, is there anything I can do to lock them out?

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I am working on a redesign of an old site and have come across a situation where I will need to use Application variables. Recently I have heard that using Application.Lock() and Application.Unlock() on a Windows 2000 server offers no real benefit.Here's my question: Is what I just said true? If so, is there a performance hit when using the Lock and Unlock methods on a Windows 2000 server?

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Lock Table

How to lock table while inserting a new record in table? My site has multiple users. Every user can insert new value in table. But when a user inserts a new value he should be able to see previous max value from the table. So I want to lock table while inserting new value. How to do that? Will table locking work or have to do something else?

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Lock Database

what I need to do is the following:-

1) Open a table to insert a new record
2) Lock this table so there is no new entries in it
3) get the maximum call number and add 1 to it
4) insert the new record
5) Unlock the table again.

How can i do it? I know how to insert the record and get the maximum call number. What i do not know is how to lock and unlock the table.

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Use Lock And Unlock, Or Not

I have a single asp page that interacts with the client via the post method. Four arrays are created and passed back to the client when the form is submitted.

Question, when the form is being processed server side, should I be locking and unlocking aplication variables and arrays? or can I declare ordinary variables and arrays because its a single page? will ordinary variables get changed by multiple clients on a single page? Im confused what has to be locked down! and what does not.

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File Lock In ASP

Is there any way to get a file lock in ASP so that no one else can write to file at that particular time and when I call releaseLock, the lock will be released? I would appreciate any help in this regard.

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Lock Or Cursor Problem

i m developing client server application but facing problem is that which lock and cursor i use if person in site A enter or updating record. That can person at site B cannot use record until lock or cursor is released.

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How Can I Lock A Textbox Value In A Form !?

How can i lock a textbox in a form !?

so no body can change its value

<input type="text" name="adddate" size="20" value=<%response.write(date())%>>

<input type="text" name="name" size="20" value=Killerpm>

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Lock Down A Text Field

how to lock down a text field so that data displayed within it cannot be altered?

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Server.Execute() And Application.Lock

I am using Application.lock to protect a reference to a COM+ object while calling Server.Execute() to another ASP page. I am doing this to pass the object's reference to the other page, and I CAN'T rely on the session object.

Is this a safe way to protect the object reference? i.e. does the Application object remain locked when calling Server.Execute()? .....

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Cursor And Lock Type Problem

i m developing client server application but facing problem is that which lock and cursor i use if person in site A enter or updating record .That can person at site B cannot use record until lock or cursor is released.

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Password Sessions - Prompt Password Change

I created sessions to authenticate username and password. How can I utilize this same script to alert the user to change password at 3rd login? In other words when a user logs into a site after the 3 or 4th time which ever, they are prompted to change their password. Code:

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Auto-lock Out Module After 3-5 Unsuccessful Logins

I would like to create an auto-lock out module where users are unable to continue login attempt after 3-5 unsuccessful logins. In addition, the user account are automatically suspended after stipulated unsuccessful logins. Is there any sample coding in ASP or Javascript for me to refer to??

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How To Ensure Signature Part Is Lock Together In 1 Page?

I have signature part in my page (which include signature,name and date). This signature part should be lock together. Let say if the information in the page is about 2 pages, automatically the signature part will be in the 2nd page.

But the problem is, the signature on the 1st page while the name and date on the 2nd page. Is there a way to move the signature to the 2nd page? I've tried make it as a footer and include in the end of the page but doesn't work. Any idea?

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Multiple Calls With Inet Object Causes Site To Lock Up

I developed a website that posts data to another url via the Inet object.

I should mention that the posting code is wrapped in a VB 6 dll, and that
dll is called from ASP. Code:

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Script Times Out

well, the following script that i wrote using the aspSmartMail component, keeps timing out on me. i tried setting the timeout higher through both IIS and in the script itself, but all that does that it take longer for it to timeout.

i have written a few email programms using this component, so i don't think it is the component. i have just never tried sending emails with it automatically that each have certain unique fields in it. well anyways, here is the code:

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Download Times

I need to show how long a given file size will download.

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Pages Times Out

I've written a page that uses a emailer component and it keeps timing out.
It takes 2-3 seconds to send each mail, gets part way through the list of
recipients and dies.I have tried changing the Script Timeout setting in IIS to some huge number(2147483647?).I hve tried setting Server.ScriptTimeout = 0 and Server.ScriptTimeout =2147483647.
None of these make any difference. What can I do now?

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Compare Two Times

I want to compare two times 1 time is in a variable and the other time is todays time.

i want to get the time in h.m.s



this would then output


which i then can then split and if their are 0 i can have get 30 min out of it.

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Substract Two Times

I need to subtract two times
Example : 1:45 AM - 2:55 PM or 5:45 PM -1:00 AM

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Loading Times

I have a asp page which pulls alot of data back from a SQL database, is thier any way to show the page while its loading.

I did some diging and found this:


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Multiple Times

I have a class that access an MS SQL database.I have another class also accesses an MS SQL database and this second class uses objects from the first class.I have a third class using the DB and objects of the second class.

Each of these classes contain all the code needed to access the database and this means much duplicated code. What I'd like to know is if there is a way to avoid the duplicated code?

I know I could write the code once,then do an #include to include the code into the class,but that still means multiple occurances of the code.

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Loop Times Out

There is 600 lines of code. This page gets available rooms from RoomInfo and compares the rooms againest rooms in use from EventRoom by RoomID. RoomInfo RoomID field is text. It can contain multiple rooms (i.e. 5,6,7) based on room setup type. I had to do it this way so that users could book multiple rooms based on configuration and how many people.

Line 412 is where the time out occurs. Also if I use split on rs2(RoomID) {line 415} then I can't start at 0, I have to start on 1. Which means 1 room is not being checked. I tried to annotate the code as best as possible. The page is zipped so you can download and view it. It will bomb if you try to run it on the server it is being hosted on.

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How Many Times Character Appear

I've done this before but cannot remember how. I have a field (FIELDNAME) in a sql2k environment. I just need to know how many times an "_" appears in that field. I cannot figure it out right now.

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Calculate The Differnce Between Two Times

I am trying to calculate (in minutes) the difference between two times. In the database the times are in this format:

Start Time (Game_Time): 1/1/1900 12:00:00 PM

End Time (GameEndTime): 1/1/1900 1:00:00 PM

Here is the code I'm trying:


GameLength = DateDiff("n",Game_Time,GameEndTime)

The result is: 780

I would expect it to be: 60 minutes

What am I doing wrong?

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