How To Pass A Long Parameter String To A ASP Page Via Post Parameters

I have the following test.asp page which needs one parameter querystr
but my querystr is a very long string value. When I send a long value
the query string is getting truncated after some characters.

Can you please kindly share the code segment to workaround how to pass
such a long string value to a asp page. This is how I invoke the test

http://localhost/?querystr=select ............ from xxxxx



response.write("Hello World!")

response.write "<td><p></td>" & w


but part of my query string never gets passed to the asp page appears
asp as a limitation on max string length can you please provide me a
workaround how I can overcome and pass the right string to asp.

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Directly Pass Parameters To Post

In order to test some pages of mine, is possible to directly hard-code a request passing some parameters in a post method to an asp page?

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Pass Long String Variable

Is there any way to pass session variables between two websites ( diff domains) ?

I've two websites and I want to integrate them.

I used to use the querystring but there is a limit to length of the querystring.

I've tried ASP-TEAR but I doubt it can work.

Is there any other way to pass any variable to another website.

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Pass Parameter

I am using Crystal v7. Main report and subreport are both based on the same stored procedure. How do I pass parameters to display the report and subreport in the Crystal viewer. I can display regular (non-sub) reports fine.

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How To Pass Parameter To Script

I am trying to pass some paramters from a VBScript function to a script that writes the parameters to a text file. I have not been able to do it. Code:

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Pass Parameter With Querystring

I am passing a text parameter with querystring like


How do I pass a parameter which itself contains the "=" character?Eg if parameter ="a=b" then the code will interpret is as a parameter named "a" with a value "b", where as I need "a=b" being the value.

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Pass Boolean Parameter To JS Function

I have a simple JS function that I want to return a true or false value based on the parameter passed in. At this point of time I receive the error "'True' is undefined". Here is my code:

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Pass A Parameter In A Stored Access

I have a stored access query which is corresponding to a particular id. However, I am using a login script to capture the value of an id. Now, I want to dynamically open the stored query by passing the id captured via login.

Which means, I need to erase the static id value associated with the stored query GMISExpenseCombo. how do i open this stored query by passing the id value to the stored
query. I am using this stored query to retrieve some financial data for the corresponding record. Currently, I am opeing the static stored query as follows RS.Open "GMISExpenseCombo"

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How Do I Pass Parameters Through The URL?

I have a simple form with a textbox, a combobox and a submit button. I want to also be able to pass the "values" of the textbox and the combobox in the URL. How do I do that? DO I need to set that up in the function? I know this must be simple becuase I can not find any information on how to do it.

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How Can I Pass Parameters From ASP To A File (.rpt)

Anyone knows how can i pass parameters from ASP to a file (.rpt) ....

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SQL Parameters From HTTP Post

How do you append parameters to SQL string?

descrip = Request.Form("Description")

strSql = strSql & " AND [SaLTInventory].[Description] LIKE "&descrip

I don't seem to have it quite right?

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How Could I Use POST Method To Transfer Parameters With XMLHTTP?

How could I use POST method to transfer parameters with XMLHTTP?

With GET all works correct, but with POST I get a problem.

client.asp with GET - all works .....

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Splitting A VERY Long String

I have a very long string statement that needs spltting down into smaller sections and segments. I know how to use the split() function, and it splits the string down into smaller sections, however when I try and split one of these smaller sections into segments it throws an error out. Firstly is it possible to keep splitting the same string again and again to break it down? If not does anybody know how I would go about breaking down the string?

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How Do I Change A Currency Parameter To A String

I am trying read a currency column from an Access database and show the resultant value on the broswer using Response.Write.

ourPrice = CCur(rs("our_price"))

' Is the item free? If so, omit the price attribute completely
if ourPrice = "0" or ourPrice = "0.00" then
ourPrice = ""
end if

Response.Write ourPrice

Any body know how I can read from a currency column and write the value onto the browser as a string.

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ShowModalDialog Problem When String Too Long - Any Alternatives ?

I am displaying a modal dialog in JScript using window.showModalDialog
passing a long string as URL - i.e. it contains variables values just
like a Get request. Problem is that string is now tool long and
showModalDialog fails. I'm aware of the DialogArguments and passing an
object to receiver but this is no good for me as the receiver needs to
access the long string in server side code and so would not know
anything about the dialogArguments class. Can anyone suggest a way for
me to show the dialog as modal and at same time get the long string into
the dialog and have the string accessable from both server side code and
client side within the dialog recever file ?

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Dfisplaying Long String Without Massing Up Formatting

i am stuck while trying to display a long string, its not just one string though, itsa field from a database that has a problem solution in it, most data is just how to stuff like:

"do this, install this and then restart and install the new stuff... etc."

but some of the solutions have long links to (for example) servers and there is then maybe 150 characters all in a line and no breaks to make the line break - this makes my table (390 pixels wide) get streched to hell on one side.

i have tried going through the code, counting the characters and then taking a "left" of code depending on how many groups of 50 there are but that breaks words in half and thats looks nearly as bad.

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How Can I Pass Query String?

I want to pass a querystring in two files using frameset. I'm using Frameset. I'm using this query string. MY question is this can we pass a single value to (2 different files,) using querystring? Code:

response.Write("<a href=""grid1.asp?strID="&rs.Fields("alphabit")&""" target = ""grid1""grid2.asp?strID="&rs.fields("alphabit")&""" target = ""grid2"">"& a &"</a>")

It only show the value of rs.fields("alphabit") in grid1.asp and nothing show in grid2.asp
Actually I'm using "FrameSet". I just want to pass this value in two frames(in two files).
In short i want to get the value of rs.fields("alphabit"). in 2 Frames.

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Pass XML String To Function

This example outputs "XMLString = Data 1Data 2." When I pass XML string in ASP, i
will output the data only, without <data> anymore. Then how can I retrieve the data one by one? .....

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Divide Long Web Page

I want to divide long HTML page (paging) into smaller pages.I know how to do it if I use recordset but in my project, I dont need to read from a Database, I'm reading a file system wich is a folder and list all files insid it.

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Content Page Too Long

If the content of a db field is too long, (like when the web page ends up being 3 A4 page lengths due to alot of content in the db field), is there a way of say, creating a 'next page', thus splitting the data content over 2 pages?

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Pass And & Symbol In A Query String

Is it possible to pass an -- & symbol --- in a query string.

ie: varialbe = Purple & Pink


-->> With this I get: Purple%20&%20Pink Passed through and the query string only picks up on the Purple.

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Field On A Web Page As A Sql Parameter

Im using Oracle 9i backend with a dreamweaver asp front end, what im doing is using a recordset to determine the data from the database that is required. Although what im currently trying to do is us a field on the web page which determines the parameters of the sql search. This is the sql code i have in place at the moment

WHERE PHOTO_ID = !!this is where i want the field from the web page to be.

the textfield name is Order_ID is this possible and if so how.

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Page Taking Too Long To Load

I have a page that is taking way too long to load. The time is around 8 minutes. It is pulling about 2600 records from an SQL database.

The page works properly, and I’ve put a “Please wait” <div> to help, but I’m not sure where to look as to the problem. How much is the way the page is built or the server that is serving up the page? Code:

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How To Pass The Multiline Text Value In Request String

I have some problem in my ASP project. I'm trying to pass the multi
line text value from my Client side to server side. (The string having
"Return Key" value). My ASP file doesn't response it.

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My Server Hangs For A Long Time After I Run This Page

My server hangs for a really long time after I run the following code...

It is to serve up 3 types of files: a picture, a word document, and an mp3 file from a directory "/uploads" that is not accessible through the URL. The script works perfectly for the picture and doc file, but nothing loads when it is used for the audio files. The files are a few megs large, but after I run it I can't access ANYTHING on the site for quite some time.

What's wrong? Is it something wrong with M@rco's script? Did I impliment it wrong?

I don't mind if it simply takes a long time for it to load the audio file, but it is killing the entire server it seems like. Code:

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Pass Selected Radiobutton Values Thru Query String

i m designing a online test application. my reqt is on pressing next button my selected value gets stored in the database and next ques ll appear and on pressing prev button it should display me previous question with already selected value.

how can i do this?
how can i pass selected value of radio button through query string as my radiobuttons are getting cerated every time its name will be different. Code:

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Passing Parameter From ASP Web Page To Stored Procedure In SQL Server

I'm trying to pass parameters from an ASP (VBScript) web page to a Stored Procedure in SQL Server. I know how to do the Stored procedure but it's passing the parameter from the web page that is stumping me.

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Adding Manually To The POST String

I am a beginner in ASP and i have the following question: Is it possible to add manually things to the string that the page will send to the other page?

In other words: Do i have to use Form items to add something to the string?

My idea is:


it doesn't work. If it is possible could you please give a example code?

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Formatting Post Code String

I was wondering if someone could help me with a formatting problem for ASP/SQL?

Is it possible to format a variable string from a textbox?

I'll try and make it more clear what i want, sorry.

I have a page with a textbox and submit button for users to input a postcode, which then searches a database for matching or similar postcodes.

This is the query i am using: Code:

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Collect String From HTTP Form POST

I have a basic form that POSTs data to a web server. The web server then replys with a string response. It goes something like this:

<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Click here To Submit">

The response is just a comma separated values string like:
1,0,2,3,0,Transaction Success,Etc

Once I hit the submit button the server returns a string response. I do not want the user to ever see the response, but need the response string to create my own page. How do I retreive that string and use it??

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Passing Parameters To Folder Rather Than Asp Page

i have a folder Services and this folder has index.asp file. i need to put a link in email specific to the user. i can do:

How i can do this same very thins as

as the default file name is index.asp so it will get executed if i put in the URL Address box. Here when i try to pass parametrs to the folder, this results in page not found.

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Pass Parameters To <!-- #Include File="file.asp" -->

What is the workaround of passign a parameter to any included asp

<!-- #Include File="file.asp" -->

This obviously does not work:

<!-- #Include File="file.asp?id=123" -->

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Pass An Array To Another Page

I have an array and I want to pass it to another page.How can I do that?

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