How To Pass Disabled Text Box Value On Other Page

I am trying to fatch disabled text box vlue on other form but i cant...

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Passing The Value Of A Disabled Text Field

Is there any way I can pass the value in a disabled text field without creating a hidden field?

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Get Data From Previous Page And Display It As Before But With Disabled Mode.

how can i get the data submitted by the previous form using " for each x in Request.Form " and display them same as the the previous form before and the only different is tat this time the all the data in this form is being disabled. (the data may consists from text box, combo box, radio button, etc.) . just wondering is there any way to perfrom like this..

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Pass Name On To Use In Welcome Text

how do you go about passing a name on after a login->doLogin->MembersArea so that you can print Welcome username?

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Grab Data From A Text Box And Pass It On!

Ok i have a shopping cart got everything pretty much going but it didn't allow for quantities to be updated. So in my cart view i decided to add a quantity box so u could enter a new value and then click update to update that item.

However i don't know how to grab the value from the txt box.

I have the code working for all the db updates cause i tested it by hard coding it in. I just cant grab the value and pass it on from the txt box....

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How To Pass The Multiline Text Value In Request String

I have some problem in my ASP project. I'm trying to pass the multi
line text value from my Client side to server side. (The string having
"Return Key" value). My ASP file doesn't response it.

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Pass An Array To Another Page

I have an array and I want to pass it to another page.How can I do that?

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Pass Variable To Another Page

Ive done this in various ways before but im doing it in java wit asp Code:

a0=("Managing Director")

<a href=javascript:openpopup("EditSupplierContact.asp?a0=<%response.write(a0)%>")>Edit</a>

only the word "Managing" is being passed into the string if i join the variable toghther its works.

works if a0=("ManagingDirector")

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How To Pass Data Back And Forth Between ASP And JSP Page?

How to pass data back and forth between ASP and JSP page?

Let's say I have Java objects, how to pass the data back to ASP page?? Or
ASP has data, how to pass the data to JSP page??

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Pass A Javascript Variable To Another Page But Vbscript

I have an input box when the user clicks on the button.

var number=prompt("enter journal number");

How is it possible to pass this variable forward but to vbscript? So i could use that variable in an sql procedure?

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Asp: Pass Array Element Values To Form On Next Page

how to create an array of checkboxes that were selected from a form on one page and pass them into hidden fields in a form on the next page? I have this massive project I've been working on and am having trouble with this.

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Pass Form Values To A Page After Inserting In Access

I'm using DWMX and Access DB.

i have setup a form on a normal http page which collects name address etc and is then passed to a https page to collect credit card details, on clicking submit on the https page the credit card details are inserted in db on secure server along with one field that was passed from the http page (the user id).

this all works ok, however i then need to pass the remaining orignal form values back to another http page that then inserts these values to another DB. ok you may be asking why.... the first forms allows the user to correct information already held on file before upgrading their listing, i then need them to pay for the upgrade before inserting the amended data in the orignal database... How..

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Pass Array Via SOAP From Page To Dotnet Webservice

I am trying to pass an array from an asp page (JScript) to a dotnet web service using the SOAP Toolkit 3.0. This is still at the Hello World stage, as you can see: ...

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How To Pass A Long Parameter String To A ASP Page Via Post Parameters

I have the following test.asp page which needs one parameter querystr
but my querystr is a very long string value. When I send a long value
the query string is getting truncated after some characters.

Can you please kindly share the code segment to workaround how to pass
such a long string value to a asp page. This is how I invoke the test

http://localhost/?querystr=select ............ from xxxxx



response.write("Hello World!")

response.write "<td><p></td>" & w


but part of my query string never gets passed to the asp page appears
asp as a limitation on max string length can you please provide me a
workaround how I can overcome and pass the right string to asp.

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Disabled Or Not Disabled

I have a quick question. I have a form loading up, within this update form I have a few fields disabled: ex: <input type="text" name=record value = "<%=record %> " disabled>.

when I submit this file to asp for updating, it goes to the next page but it does not allow the updates of the disabled fields to come through. How can I get pass that other than using a session variable.

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Cookie Disabled

How can i detect cookies are disabled or not.

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Get The Value Of A Disabled Listbox

I found out that I can't get the value of a disabled field with Request("myField"). An alternative could be 'readonly', but my field, that is a listbox <select>, doesn't have this attribute.

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Disabled Textboxes

The input forms are created using FORMMANGER of MS Visual Interdev 6.0(ASP Code). The forms containing textboxes and bottons (with disable property) are shown correctly in IE5. But when same forms are viewed in IE6 the disabled textboxes and buttons are shown distorted.

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Disabled Input

i was wondering if i could enable/disable input according to the user, e.g.
enable input2 if input1 is enable, else it's disabled. Also, if input1 is
deleted then input2 is disabled.

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Disabled Control

I am collecting information from a form. In that one control is calculated by a formula, but i don't want the user to modify it. So i've disabled that button. But my problem is i was not able to get the data using "Request.form("txtcontrol")".

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Session With Cookies Disabled?

I am using a couple of session variables in my site. From what I can figure
out, session information is stored on the users computer in a cookie -

If the user has cookies disabled, do session variables still work - just
without the option of setting the Timeout property, as I'm assuming?

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Getting The Value Of A Disabled <select> Control

I'm trying (without any success) to get the value of a disabled select
control. From reviewing:

It doesn't sound like it's going to be possible directly. I'm
thinking that I can get around it by enabling the select control
during some javascript that gets executed during the submit.

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Javascript Disabled Redirect?

I currently have a login.asp page which handles Username and Password Authentication. No Javascript functions are on this page. I do have a script that detects if their browser has javascript disabled. Code:

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VBScript Session() And Cookies Disabled

I am encountering errors with some legacy asp scripts. The erorr returned when accessing these pages is:

Error Type:

Unspecified error

and occurrs when cookies are disabled on the client's browser. Note, if cookies are enabled but no cookie exists, the script does not die, it is only when cookies are completely disabled. Code:

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How To Detect Cookie Is Enabled Or Disabled?

I found some example on web, but most of them are need 2 pages by using redirect method. Is there code for do this only in one page?

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Readonly Versus Disabled Attributes

what's the differences between readonly and disabled attribute? When I do the post, it couldn't get both values <%= fname %>. any ideas?

<input type="text" name="fname" value="Joe" readOnly>
<input type="text" name="fname" value="Joe" disabled>

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Problem With Reading Disabled Checkboxes

I have a page (page A) which displays a number of checkboxes, with the checked/not checked value being read in from a database.

Some of these checkboxes must be checked (based on the user currently accessing the page), and therefore are marked as checked="checked" and disabled="disabled" in order to prevent a user from deselecting it.

Page A works perfectly, but I have a problem with the next bit...

When the page is submitted to page B, page B doesn't get sent the values of the checkboxes that are disabled.

Split(Request.Form("KPA" ), "," )

function to put all my selected checkboxes in an array, but the disabled ones that are checked are not appearing in this array.

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Detect If Users Have Disabled Javascript In Their Browser By Using ASP

And recently i have just encountered a problem. The problem's that how we can find out if users have disabled their browser's javascript support ability.

Most of my visitors are using Internet Explorer. so it means thier browser can already support Javascript. but when they disable javascript, is there anyway we can detect that in ASP?

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How Do You Make Asp Sessions Work If Cookies Are Completely Disabled?

As I understand it IE stores the session id in a cookie on the user machine.
This identifies the session between pages.
If cookies are disabled then session variables don't work...

Is it possible to pass the session id between pages by posting them etc, and
manually force the session id on each page.

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Error: CDONTS.NewMail.1 (0x80020009) Component Is Disabled.

I have just inherited a web site with ASP coding. There is a contact form that when submitted sends an e-mail to the administrator. The site was on a Windows server and is now on a Apache *nix server using Sun ONE ASP. I've included the code and error I am receiving. Some suggestions/directions would be much appreciated.

I also have included the original error and line of code I changed it from in case it was necessary?


CDONTS.NewMail.1 (0x80020009)
Component is disabled
/thankyou.asp, line 61


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Query A DB - Pass The Query To Next Page

I am running a querry on an access database and have set the number of records/page displayed at 20. if there are more than 20 records returned, then 1st page will show the first 20, the next page will show next 20 and so on....

The trouble:

the count of total records displayed is correct and the first page is displayed correctly. But when i click on *Next* to go to the next page, all the records of the database get displayed (not the 2nd page of records from the query).

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Problem In Detecting Whether The Cookie Is Enabled/disabled At Client Browser

I am writing an application in ASP which needs to decide at server side while the ASP code is executing whether the cookie is enabled/disabled at the client browser or not.

I do got the code which runs accurately when the IP Address is given of the server. It does not work when I access the web server(local development server) by it's name.

Please note that the code below sometimes does not work even when the IP Address was given to access the web site.

The code snippet is as under:-

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Passing Text ID From One Page To Another

my database has a table with a primary key that is both text and numeric
(seems like a bad idea now but there's 1000s of records so too late to change it ((((

basically i want to pass this from one asp page to another using the ?ID=house_ID

house_ID being the offending key

the other end i pick it up using lngRecordNo = Request.QueryString("ID")

and then my sql statement is as follows ...

strSQL = "Select * FROM House WHERE House_ID LIKE " & lngRecordNo

but it doesn't work .... i'm getting the rather generic error message of Too few parameters expected 1.

anyone got any ideas

also if i want to use date in a where clause how do i format it i've tried < " # Now() # ";" but it doesn't like it because of the quote marks inside of the sql statment.

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