How To Retreive Nonrepeatable Values From Database

I have a problem with retreiving non repeatable values from database.(this is a shopping cart application)I wrote the query as below,but it didn't work

sql="SET ROWCOUNT 10 select distinct(product_name),pdate from addcart order by pdate desc".

Actually iwant to see recently viewed produts name (max 10)
for this iam retrieving values from addcart table.
By executing above query iam getting 10 products name but they are repeatable.

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Retreive Checkboxes Values From Database

I have a form that users use to register with the site. On this form there are checkboxes all with the same name but different values. I am creating another page that will allow users to login and edit their information.

Since all the data from the checkboxes are stored on the database under the same field name and separated by commas; how do I dynamically create a set of the checked checkboxes that the user originally entered along with the other checkboxes the user did not click?

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How Can I Retreive Ole Objects From DB

Can i get any asp sample codes to retreive photo's from access database
For instances:To get codes on your pages Response.write......
similiar for images.

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Retreive Table Date

how to get the date and time a table was created, or last accessed?

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Retreive Data To Web Form

I created form for web page and connected that page to MS SQL database. I don't know how to put database data to according cells. For instance, to get data for Classroom, Date, ets. Code:

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To Retreive 'unique' Random Records

I have to develop an online quiz on my website. the site is developed in ASP.
i have a access database of the questions, the multiple ans.s and the correct ans. every quest. has an unique id.

i want a way by which any 10 'unique' quests. will be selected from the database everytime an user takes the test.

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How Can I Retreive A Data From A Textbox From A Far Asp Page

i will write my problem and i hope you can find me asolution for it :-

i have 3 pages

1st page = there is a textbox to fill up in an account id ====>submit to 2nd page

2nd page = this page retreive all the data from my database for the account that i enter ====> submit to 3rd page

3rd page = i want to retreive again another data options for the same account id so how can i fo it?!?! Code:

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Function To Retreive World Week Calendar

how to retireve World Week calendar?

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Retreive Image File Stored In A Folder

I have a DB table, which contains the name of a image file stored in a folder. What i need to do is somehow retreive this image and display it in an asp page?

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Writing Values To Database.

I'm a newb - so if this is a stupid question, my apologies.

I have a simple form that users fill out and then that info is written to a database. What I'd like to do is perform a calcution on a number and then write those numbers to other records in the database.

So for instance, if someone enters 12 in one field1, it would multiply that by 3 and that would be saved as field2, then mulitply it by 45 and that would be field3, then add field2 and field3 and save that as field4.

I was thiking of passing the form variables to a second page instead of writing them to the database, then using variables in the second page to perform the calculations and then have the second page write all the info to the database, but I thought there had to be a better solution.

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Update Values In Database

We have a fairly large datbase containing thousands of part numbers, product names and pricing. We used to update new pricing changes individually by hand. However, now that our database has grown substantially, I'm wondering what the best method would be to keep the pricing current on our database?

We can obtain new price lists in excel format, however, the part numbers the mfgs use may not necessarily coincide with the part numbers we have. Should I just write some SQL script? Look into using XML? What would be the most efficient way to tackle this problem?

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Grabbing Values From Database

I was playing around in FrontPage and I noticed that you could insert an ActiveX control for a calendar. I would like to be able to use this to integrate with a database - for example, I would like to be able to click on a day of the month and have the page display all data associated with that date (sort of a select * from database where date = "date_clicked_on")

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Random Values From Database

Suppose I have a table named as tblfriends and there are 3 columns with several row. Column names are: name, email, phone

I want to pick 5 names randomly from the table each time my asp page refreshes. How can this be coded in classic asp?

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Adding Up Values From A Database

I am trying to add entries in a database together and place the summed value into a text box. Like a total ordered type function for an ecommerce site. I have a field called ArmChairs in my database and based on how many people buy them, I want to know how many I need to have shipped.

I am really struggling with this last bit and would be really appreciative if someone has some code examples.

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Getting Values From Access Database

This is my error in ASP. In my database i am having one field called title which contains some string including spaces . when i get this value into textbox in my web page
value is displaying but after space is not displaying .

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ListBox Values From Database

I want to populate a listbox from a database. This listBox will contain the value of the Table PK. Whenever i chose an ID the input fields in the form below will change corresponding to the PK.

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Show All Values From My Database

I have a problem with show all values from my database into my html page! Code:

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Get Database Values And Change Them To A Letter

I have a dynamic table asp/vb that is returning records as expected. There are 7 fields that are returning boolean values based on whether there is or is not a meeting on those given days.

My table is returning TRUE and FALSE and all I want to do is create an if or select statement that will detect the values in these fields and change them as follows:

If true, then field = "R" (Wingdings2 R is a checked box)
If false, then field = "T"(Wingdings2 returns a x'd out box)

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Problems With Inserting Form Values In Database

I made a 2 web surveys with identical code. Although the code is similar in both, values on the last page of one of the survey do not go in the database.

I have tried playing around (coz I really dont understand what the problem is), but nothing works. The same code works on the other survey with absolutely no problems.All thats there in my survey to insert values is

.Fields ("fieldname") = Request.value ("name of text box")

Any suggestions? If someones willing to help me out quick, I will post my code.

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Getting The Count From Database Where All Initial Values Are Empty

I have a registration form that I'm making and I need to get the count of available spots for each class session. I can't get the array to return something like "0,0,0,0,0,0". Is there a way to do this? There are 6 total classes and they are named 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

When you start out, each count will be 0 (meaning no one signed up yet) which makes the openSpots variable equal to 35 (maximum # allowed). Code:

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Is It Possible To Insert All Checkbox Values Into 1 Field In The SQL Database?

Is it possible to insert more than 2 checkbox values into 1 field in the SQL database?

I have 5 checkboxes; I would like to insert them all into 1 column in the SQL DB.
If I insert more than 2, it gives an error.

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Building Dynamic Strings From Database Values

We use an ASP application in which we send out emails using cdo for various

At present the email text is hard coded into the code. for example

strMessage = "Dear " & rs("firstname")
strMessage = strMessage & "Your request has been approved with reference id
" & rs("id")

This causes an administration overhead as everytime the text of the message
needs to be changed we need to alter the code to incorporate text or
database values.

What we want is to store the message text into a table so it can be altered
by the application administrators through GUI by adding the text through
freetext entry and field names though a dropdown. Code:

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Have To Create Hyperlinks Dynamically Based On The Values From Database.

I have certain Keywords stored in a table of the Database.All i need is when ever i find the Keyword in the webpage i need to have a link which opens up as a seperate page and give me the detail information from the database for the seleted keyword.

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Matching Array Index To Values Retrieved From Database

I have this dynamic array(shown below) that I need to match to values (1 - 10) that I am returning from the database via DSN connection object.

The values I need to match are on the same page (in their own table) but I am not sure how to match up the array indexes to these values. I want to be able to display the array result as part of or nested in another table. Code:

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To Save A File To A Server And Retreive The File

I have an asp page, which displays graphical images.I am using Flipper graph in my application.

There is a link in the asp page "Click to view Image file",On clicking on this link,The graphical image need to be stored(Preferably in the server machine) and has to be opened in a new browser window.

To explain in detail. On clicking of that link"Click to view Image file" a function is called which does the following

1)Save the image file(.gif file) on the server machine
Graph.ImagetoGif("Location to be saved",100,200);
2) Opens the image on a new browser window.'from location from where the image is to be retreived',100,some more properties) So i need the image file to be saved in the server and retreived from the server.

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Form Values With A File - Passing Values

I want to call a recordset so you can edit the details and then obviously pass the parameters onwards into the db. However, the user guide just says this:

To process other fields in the form, use the Form collection of the upload object the same way you would use the Form collection of the Request object. For example, if your form had a text element named UserName, your processing code would include: Code:

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How To Convert Escape Values In To Actual Values

i need to convert the escape values which are by mistake updated in DB.

this is a sample text string
is updated in DB as

here %20 is the space.

like wise there are many entries for :,'

is there way that i can update all this in a update statement?
or use asp to to update the records?

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How To Extract Indiviual Values From A Set Of Values

I have a variable SET which has the value Of 1, 2, 3, .., N.

SET=val1, val2, val3, val4, ..., valN

What is the commend or procedure to extract individual values, val1, val2, ...

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Database Limit - Microsoft JET Database Engine Error '80040e14'

I have just started using ASP, I am normaly using PHP but I thought ASP might be a good road to go down. I am having a few problems, I am trying to limit the number of records I take out the database but I keep getting errors.

'connection string
strconn="PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" & datapath & ";"
Set CONN = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
CONN.Open strconn

'select all records row by row
DBquery="SELECT * FROM Guests LIMIT 10"
set query=Conn.execute(DBquery)
do while not query.eof

'get a variable from the table
guest_id = query("ID")
guest_name = query("Name")
guest_msg = query("Mesg")
guest_date = query("DateTime")

'print the variable to the screen
response.write guest_id & "<br />"
response.write guest_name & "<br />"
response.write guest_msg & "<br />"
response.write guest_date & "<br />"
response.write "<br />"
'move to the next record
set conn = nothing

I am getting this error;

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'

Syntax error in FROM clause.

/guestbook/guest.asp, line 11

can anyone help me?

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Microsoft JET Database Engine :: Cannot Update. Database Or Object Is Read-only

I had made a form name 'dform.html' which asks idno, name and phone from the user and after the user clicks on button "save data" sdata.asp is executed. sdata.asp is written to save the values entered for idno,name and phone in dform.html into table "myfriends" in the mydata.mdb (access database). but when i am clicking on save data button i am getting error saying

"Error Type:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E09)
Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.
/SDATA.ASP, line 9"

can please anyone tell me why i am getting this error.

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Database Connection String To MySQL-database On A Different Server

I work with ASP for several weeks now and i really like it! But until now i have just used it in connection with my localhost. I made connections to a SQL Database and to an ACESS Database with using the ODBC Tool from WIndows!!

Now i want to publish my website but i don't know how to handle the connection string kind of thing. My MySQL-Database is on a different server than the website and i need a connection string where i can type in the server, a password and a username and it should then connect.

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How Do I Export Data Fom Local Database To Server Database?

I'm current working on a project which need to upload local data to
live server database.

Meanings that, i'm current having a server in my local mechine. I need
upload data from local database to live database which host at oversea
company. But i really have no idea how to do this in asp.

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Microsoft JET Database Engine , Database Or Object Is Read-only

Error Type:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E21)
Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.
/q_maker/aero_admin/delete.asp, line 12

what is wrong! i checked the db and its not readonly.

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