How To Retrieve Last Update Time For Access Database?

I would like to indicate in my ASP page when the Access database was last updated.

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Mail And Update MS Access Record At Same Time

I have a form on a website for logged-in customers to update their contact details, when the customer update their contact details it should update the record in the database and at the same time the updated contact details should be sent to me by email.

I'm not an expert in ASP 3.0 and therefor I'm using dreamweaver 8 to create asp pages(ASP 3.0 VB), but dreamweaver does not have such kind of fuction(server behavior) to do this and so I have to create this by hand.

Now I already have page with the form that updates the record in the database, and I also have another page that does the mailing(CDONTS), first it updates the record in the database and in dreamweaver I have set "after insert the record go to mail_processing.asp" , but this does not work.

I can only get one to work, either only update the record or only mail the form data.

How can I make it to update and mail at the same time?

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Opening Database & ASP Page Update Same Time

There's an access database on an iisserver and asp makes updates to it. The
database got moved to a newer server. The users used to be able to open the
database and use the asp pages at the same time. Now when the database is
open the asp pages won't update.

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Update Access Database From XML

Basically I'm looking to update the contents of an access databse from an input in XML format, is is possible?

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Cannot Add/Update Access Database

I got problem to insert or update new record into the Access database. For your information, I run my ASP program on Win XP Professional SP1(service pack 1)with IIS 5.1 and ASP.NET v1.1. I''m using Access database version 2002.

I can read the database file, but can''t add new record to it although I was set the folder which database files reside to permissioan access to be write in IIS. My ASP program(program to add new record with ASP) work fine with other pc but got an errors with my pc. Code:

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Update Access Database Through ASP Page

I developed an ASP page which has 2 input fields- First Name and Last Name.I used Access 2002 as database. Once I click the Submit button,

it has to perform 3 tasks-----
1) It has to update the First Name and Last Name in the MS-Access database in their corresponding fields.
2) It has to go to the Home Page(which I already did)
3) It has to update the date/time in the "Time" field in the MS-Access database.

The following is the code I wrote to connect to the database and update the fields in the Access table---

set MyConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
MyConn.Open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver

(*.mdb)};;DBQ=c:/documents and

rs.Open sqlqry,MyConn,2,2
rs("firstname") = first name
rs("lastname") = last name


Can somebody please help me in figuringout if I am missing something.

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Cannot Execute UPDATE On Access Database

I tried at least 10 different solutions for my problems and I stuck this time. The problem is I got this:

Technical Information (for support personnel)

Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14)
Syntax error in UPDATE statement.
/webpage/Save.asp, line 45

Browser Type:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022)

Page: Code:

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Update A MS Access Database From Global.asa

If you can help me to update a table entry from global.asa on session end ...

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How Can I Randomly Update Access Database Content

I am trying to get an access random image script to simply update the content from a folder on my server...... Automaticlly without having to go into the database to add a the new image and location, i just want it to randomly select one. is this possible?

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How To Update And Retrieve Ntext Fields

how to update and retrieve ntext fields in my asp code:

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[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot Update. Database Or Object Is Read-o

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.

I keep getting this error message when im adding a new record to my database.

Here is my code: ....

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Retrieve Access Table's

my problem is with a db(that i upload on server every day) which has some "static" tables in it plus a table updated every day.
the website must show the date of last update of that table so i first retrieved that from the access file, but this means that every time i upload db(with that table untouched) the last update changes. i've found something about table's extend properties on the internet but i don't know if this can be useful to me.

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Retrieve Data From Ms Access

How can I retrieve data from Ms Access Database which is located in another computer over the network.

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Retrieve Data From MS Access

I am trying to retrieve some data from a table which is the link table from another Ms Access database of my network computer but i got a error message "It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data."

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Retrieve Access Data

I am using access database to store test results. Each test is asigned a automatic ID number in access. I have all the data collecting fine to the correct columns but had to add a new column named (comments) to the database and this column is made to store students comments on the tests. I created a new, view comments page where the students can view comments on the tests.

The problem I have is, I need to be able to bring up the info from the comment column by that asigned automatic id number thats asigned to the test. I can get it to show all comments on all tests but need to be able to view comments on each seperate test and each test has a diferent automatic id number.

How can I bring up the comments to view by the automatic number thats asigned to each diferent test? We need to view all comments that were made to each individual test by that tests automatic id number and using asp. This has got me puzzled to view comments to each individual test thats asigned with an automatic number generated by access database.

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Retrieve Access DB Data

A customer reports a problem with a site that is unable to read utf-8 data from an access data base. The page only shows ? instead of text.

The parameter that turns Unicode support on/off is "on"
DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};useUnicode=yes;
DBQ=C:Inetpubvhostsdomain.comhttpdocspath_to_dbname.mdb [no spaces, so that's not the problem]

Successfully tested ODBC connection -- but still can't read the data. The site has the content type set to CHARSET=utf-8.

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Comapring Database Time And Computer Date/time

there i was just windering how do i compare a date/time vlaue in sql server agaisnt the computers' date/time.
for example, if computer date/time is two months or 2 weeks before the database date/time do something

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ASP With MS Access To Retrieve A Specific Data

Is there any way by using ASP with MS access to retrieve a specific data from a table and when i retrieve i want to show me the data without repeating the same data or duplicating data and i want instead of this to count for each item how many row is there in a the table ....... loooool i know that most of you will tell me to re-explain what i want to say again ... ?
For example i had three rows in the table ... and those rows are the same with 4 attributes ... what i need is to retrieve those rows in the website .. but instead of showing three rows it will show me one and next to this row i want to put 3 which is the number of the rows in the table that are the same and if i have any other rows it will do the same ...

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Why Not UPDATE All Instead Of 10 At A Time?

THinking that the reasone why it's not UPDATING all was because the the page holds 10 records at a time right? I tried blocking all the codes which have to do with pageing but it's not working. Can you show me what I missed (if that's the reason why it cannot UPDATE all at once)? Code:

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How To Get Asp Execution Time And Database Connection Time ?

Any some tools or sample codes drop down asp script execute time and
database connection time ?

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Retrieve From Database

What is the coding for a search form to retrieve from a database? Do I need one page or two: the second for the response? Do I search from tables or SQLs? I have both in the database though.

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Retrieve From Database

i want to ask about how i need to do if i have many list of information. example i have anout 100 list where i can retrieve from database, by that how i need to do if i just want to display for 1 screen for about 10 list and second screen anothe 10 list and. what i need to do?

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UPDATE Time And Date

I have never done this before however i'd like to know if anyone knows a way that I can UPDATE records in an SQL db with the Current Date and Time???

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Insert And Update The Same Time

I want to insert the element selected by the user from the drop down box in the DB(Access).Once the user hits submit i want it to insert this in the DB + i want to update one of the fields from True to False . how can i perform both these at the same time?

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Automatically Update Date And Time

I am trying to do the following

1. I have a Severity dropdown (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) in my script
2. Date (dateref)(varchar)
3. time (timeref) (varchar)

I want to do this, but have no clue how to write the script to do it.

It must Automatically update date and time as per severity rating

a. Severity 1. Date to be same day, Time + 1hour
b. Severity 2. Date +1 day. Time to be current time
c. Severity 3. Date + 3 days. Time to be current time
d. Severity 4. Date + 5 days. Time to be current time
e Severity 5. Date and time to default blank.

If I select any severity, it must changed the time and date that is on the same form, and save it to the table.

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Refresh/update Page When Using Time() Function

I have an asp page in which I use the �time() function but that just gives the time at the moment the page is loaded. I need to reload/refresh the page once every second so the seconds increase by one continuously.

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Microsoft JET Database Engine :: Cannot Update. Database Or Object Is Read-only

I had made a form name 'dform.html' which asks idno, name and phone from the user and after the user clicks on button "save data" sdata.asp is executed. sdata.asp is written to save the values entered for idno,name and phone in dform.html into table "myfriends" in the mydata.mdb (access database). but when i am clicking on save data button i am getting error saying

"Error Type:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E09)
Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.
/SDATA.ASP, line 9"

can please anyone tell me why i am getting this error.

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Update Access DB

Here is my code:

Set cnn1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
openStr = "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _
"dbq=" & Server.MapPath("fpdb/directory.mdb")
cnn1.Open openStr,"",""
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql = "Update shops set image = " & img & " where shop = " & session("biz")


Set rs = Nothing
Set cnn1 = Nothing

I get this error:
Object does not support Execute method

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UPDATE On Access Db

posted before on this problem, still having troubles.basically I'm using a Command object to run an UPDATE query on an access DSN connection.This aint working unfortunately, coming back with error : THis operation must use an updateable query.

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Update Access

I am trying to update a field in access using ASP and get the following error

ADODB.Recordseterror '800a0cb3'

Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the provider, or of the selected locktype. /saba/saba.asp, line 107 .here is the code

rsSaba.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
rsSaba.LockType = adLockOptimistic
rsSaba.ActiveConnection = SabaDBConn
sabaSql = "Select * from Saba"
rsSaba.Source = sabaSql

rsSaba("UPDATED") ="1"

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Update MS Access DB

This command worked prior to "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" now it won't.

db.execute("update faq set count=count+1 where faqid=" &

Count is a field name in FAQ table in MS Access DB.

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Access DB Update Problem

I have this code:

set con=server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
set cmd=server.CreateObject("ADODB.command")
cmd.commandtype=1 "DSN=myDSN"

cmd.commandtext="UPDATE Members SET Members.PName='"& updname &"' where Members.PName='"& editName &"';"

Everything works, I'm not getting an error... I even went to access, made a custom query with that command string, and it did update it. Only after I run the code is not doing a thing. This is the exact type of code I used on INSERT queries, and it worked just fine. The variables are right too, I added a response.write with them, they work just fine.

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Access DB Update Problem

Im having a problem updating fields in my Access DB...I query the database and display all fields (based on search criteria taken from another page) and loop through all the results creating separate forms for each result, then i want to be able to submit changes per result... i think i might be explaining it too much, so heres the code:

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