How To Retrieve Multiple Images For A Record

In my Access database I have multiple images for some of the records. What is the best way to retrieve and display the multiple images. I am storing the images in a folder and only the path in the DB. Some of them have just 1 image, some 2, some 3 and so on. I have the record ID # and the image name same, for eg. if the record id is R01 then the image name would be R01.jpg if there is only 1 image otherwise R01a.jpg, R01b.jpg, R01c.jpg etc. Is there any way I can open the folder and check for the name and list the image file names as a link to display the images if the ID name and image name matches.

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Retrieve And Upload The Images

How can I retrieve and upload the images to the database.the database is MS SQL Server.

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Storing Images In SQL Server Storage And Retrieve

1) I need to build an admin page that allows me to browse to the file that I
want stored in SQL Server 2000 in an image field, have it uploaded to the
server, and then stored in the db. I see this done all the time, so I don't
think this part is too hard, but I'm not sure how to get the image into the

2) I want to display the image within a web page, so I would want to pull
the image out of the db, place it on my web server in a certain location,
and then reference the file in the HTML. How do I do that?

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Retrieve Images Stored In OLE Objects To ASP Page

We are storing images into the SQL database with the column type of
"Image" using Access and it is storing all of the images as "OLE
Object". I am trying to spit out the binary data of the Image part of
the OLE Object to an asp .net page so I can view it as a jpeg image.

I have found many tutorials for setting the response.contenttype and
then response.binarywrite the byte[] of binary data, but the problem is
that the binary data isn't just the image, but rather an OLE Object
which is the image plus a bunch of metadata. I need to somehow decode
the OLE Object to extract JUST the jpeg image from it for outputting as
a byte[] array.

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How Do I Retrieve The Key Of An Inserted Record

I have to tables related to eachother,

like for example

an Emlpoyee table which has an Auto Number as primary key and as the ID of the employee.

And Employee_Phones which has 2 fields the Employee's ID and the phone number field.

when I insert a new record in the Employee table, I want to insert multiple records related to it in the Employee_Phones table.

After inserting a record in Employee table I want to retrieve the ID, then use that ID to insert other records in Employee_Phones table.

Is there a command of function to return the ID of the inserted record, Or do I have to query the database again? I've loked for a function or a method but I didn't find any?

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Retrieve Inserted Record

I have a form to submit a record to a database and immediately after it's submitted I want to send an email with a link to that record. How can I retrieve it's ID (which is an autonumber) from the db to write it into the querystring of the link?

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Retrieve Only The Most Recent Record

I'm using SQL to pull records from our db but my query is returning all results in the db table and I only want the most recent entry. There is a date_time column in the format MMDDYYYY HH:MM:SS and I'm using that to order by then writing only the first line which works, but is very slow since there are a lot of records to go through.

What I'm looking for is a way to only retrieve that most recent record instead of pulling them all, then ordering them. Would I be able to use the MAX function for something like this? Does MAX work with a date_time field?

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Retrieve A Record Identity From A Mysql

is there any way I retrieve record identity from data that i just insert in...

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How To Retrieve The Data From Last Record Of The Query?

I have 2 tables Table_A and Table_B are linked together by TaID

TaID - autonumber

TbID - autonumber

here is my asp page
<%@ Language="VBScript" %>

<!-- #include file="connectionstring.asp" -->

'declare variables
DIM ......

'Assign Variables

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

'database connection
Conn.provider = provider
Conn.ConnectionString = dbasepath

'Sql statement to insert the data
sql = "insert into Table_A ( Name, Address) values (...*data from form*...)

' execute it

Response.Write "Data successfully inserted!"


Set Conn = Nothing


my question is I also need to insert the data to Table_B, but before that, I want to retrieve the Table_A.TaID first.

so if i do "select TaID from Table_A" and execute the sql how do I assign just the LAST record of TaID and assign to temp variable?

Do I allow to do that? if so, where should I put in the code above?

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Retrieve Multiple Values

I have some problems in trying to retrive multiple parameters from a stored procedure. When i want to just get one i use

select @param AS 'para'

But how should i do when i want multiple parameters out to the ASP files?

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Deleting Record And Images From File

I have a on my website, several of the columns have refferal links to images. Having read through another link on this site, apparently it's the best way to do it. (Keeping the images in file rather than on/in the database)

My problem is that when a photographer deletes a photograph from my database the image files remain on my server. For the moment its ok but long term when they delete the record I would also like the images to removed from my server.

Any ideas where I could start to look to do this?

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Creating List Of Images From SQL Record

I'm building a simple image gallery. When I upload the photos, they all have the same filename except for an incremental number. For example:


I have a SQL table where enter in the filename "suffix" ("photo_of_event_") and then I enter a start number (1) and an ending number (4).
So, each gallery only has one record entry.

Now, I need some advise on how to take this record and generate a page that displays all three photos.

Is there a SQL statement that would generate an incrimental list of number (1,2,3,4 in this example?).

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Multiple Images

i have managed to pull images from my database and display them depending on a users selection from a drop-down list.

however, within my database, i have four products with the same image (they have different product codes because they are different sizes but the images are the same)

i have set a repeat region on the image in dreamweaver and if i open the webpage and select an option i am presnted with four identical images. so i deleted 3 of the image urls from the database but becuase of the repeat region, the ones i deleted still come up on my webpage as red crossses. how can i get rid of them?

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Retrieving Multiple Images

In my Access database I have multiple images for some of the records. What is the best way to retrieve and display the multiple images. I am storing the images in a folder and only the path in the DB.

Some of them have just 1 image, some 2, some 3 and so on. I have the record ID # and the image name same, for eg. if the record id is R01 then the image name would be R01.jpg if there is only 1 image otherwise R01a.jpg, R01b.jpg, R01c.jpg etc. Is there any way I can open the folder and check for the name and list the image file names as a link to display the images if the ID name and image name matches.

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Uploading & Inserting Multiple Images

How can I upload & insert 2 images to the server using asp, I used this code for one single image....I need to know for 2 images in order to insert them in database

The following is the code :

Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")
Upload.IgnoreNoPost = True
Upload.LogonUser "","maf","fam@dmin"
Upload.Save server.mappath("/uaeagricent/AgriNews/Newsimg/")

For Each File in Upload.Files

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Multiple Insert Record

i want to insert some records to Access Database using the checkbox.i've try all the example i've found but it does't's like checking our yahoomail.but i want all the tick checkbox insert to database

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Multiple Record Delete

I have written an events diary for a client .. and they wish to have a system of multiple deletes so they simply use a check box to select the items to delete and then hit a button to remove the selected records form the database. as all iget is scripting errors. Is there a simple way to do this?

Someone advised me to use an IN statement to Delete multiple records, but all I get is :

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'ID In ()'.

I have followed several different tutorials but I get the same outcome! It doesn't seem to like the IN statement.... any ideas anyone ???

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Multiple Record Inserts

currently working on an app that lets users register their career history details with us.The form that captures data has 7 fields which are repeated four times. i.e. the user can enter up to four past employers, four job titles etc. Currently there are four instances of each field which all share the same name (four fields named Employer, four fields named Jobtitle etc...).

I'm guessing the best way to write all the info back to the Database is to split the form data into an array and then use a Looping or For i = 0 to whatever..... type structure but i can't figure out how it should be done or if this is even the right way to do it.

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Multiple Record Insert

I am trying to insert multiple records into Access DB from a form. Code:

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Submitting Multiple Record IDs Via A Form.

We have a facility on our intranet where users can log problems, comments &
suggestions about the site to a DB.

I'm building a page that lists the outstanding entries, and allows use to
mark any number of entries as being 'done'

That is, we have a number of rows, with the last field in each row being a
checkbox to indicate the entry has been dealt with. At the end, there is an
Update button which submits the form.

The question is.. how to handle this...?

The best solution I have thought of so far is to use the record ID as the ID
for each checkbox. Then to Split() the resulting Request.Form into an array,
loop through the array picking out the record IDs.

It's not a bad solution, but I figured this must be a fairly common
procedure and that somebody might have a slicker way of doing it...

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Use Value In Query String To Produce Multiple Record Sets

I have taken over a website that was done in Frontpage and I am trying to move away from it. I am having problems with page 1 where I have a link that passes a single value to page 2 in the query string.

On page 2 I want to use that value in the query string to produce mulitple record sets. This actually works when using the Is there a way of doing this without having to use Frontpage coding.

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0x80004005 Error, Cannot Add Or Change A Record Because A Related Record Is...

I'm getting this error message: Error Type:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80004005)

You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table 'employees'. Code:

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How To Resize All Images Sizes And Coordinates Of The Images On Resize Browser

My page have background image,on that image have more images and text. My problem is whenever resize browser that images are not resized and also not moved correct place .(i.e look not like before alignment).I want to do everything in dyanamic....

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Insert Record Goto Last Record

I have an insert record form that posts fine to a db which automatically creates an ID how could I get the next page to do a preview using the ID just created by the DB to go to the right record?

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Record Numbers Against Record Problem...

I have a .asp page which lists a date, then a bunch of record lines for data that falls within that date, then the next date and it's bunch of data record lines. e.g.

Ship Date: 04/06/04

Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ship Date: 11/07/04

Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

What I want is:

Ship Date: 04/06/04

1: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
4: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ship Date: 11/07/04

1: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

How can I get these numbers printed againsts the records ?

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SQL Server - Update/Insert Multiple Cols Into Multiple Tables

Just as the title says I am trying to do something impossible with a single SQL statement. I am doing an ASP webpage for internal use at the company I work for.

I want to know if there is a way to insert/update data into multiple tables in 1 SQL statement.

If it requires functions | views or anything else that is fine but I don't want to have 3-4 different SQL statements to update 2-3 different columns in different tables.

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Searching Multiple Memo Fields In Multiple Tables In Access

I have a search option on my website, which should perform a search on 4 fields, as follows:



It only needs to return matches which are an exact match of their search criteria. For instance, searching for "I am here" would return a record which contained "I am here", but not just "I" or "I am" etc.

I need to return all these records as part of one recordset preferably, as I want to be able to order them etc., though I imagine you may suggest I use an array somehow to merge two recordets etc., then reorder them?

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How To Update Multiple Records With Different Multiple Value

i hav problem with updating the data. In the asp page i hav displayed records based on search criteria. in display mode im displaying the to be updated field in combo box for each similar contract_no. each contract_no will hav different no of rows and to be updated combo box.

based on the selected value in the combo boxes of different contract_nos i hav to update the combo value with old value. user select multiple combo values at a time I need anybody's help with detailed programming logic.

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Retrieve Value

How to value in drop down value from mysql database ..

Technical Languages:

Front ENd: XHTML
Validation: JavaScript
Server Scripting: ASP
Database: MySQL

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Retrieve Data

I have two tables having similiar columns ( i had to do this to compare the values given to me, because both the table data came from different sources)

The tables named are

Now the table EMPLOYEE contains more than 5000 records and the table OFFICERS contains around 2400 records which are already present in the EMPLOYEE table.

Now I want to build a query that will return me all the records in the EMPLOYEE table that are not present in the OFFICERS table. The criteria for comparing 'full_name'. so the query should return me 2600 records that are not present in the OFFICERS TABLE.

I tried doing this

But this query returns me records that is not present in the OFFICERS table as well as some more 1000 records which are present in both tables.
thanks a lot

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Retrieve FileName

I want to have a form where there is a textfield and a Browse... button to the right of it. I want the user to be able to press the Browse... button and select a file and then that filename be returned to the textfield.

I don't want it to upload it or anything like that...I just want to know the filename that the user has selected. Also, when the user presses the Browse... button, I want it to automatically go to a certain place.

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How To Retrieve The File's Name In ASP ?

I write the code as floowing to check the file nam before submit , but it show nothing when i click submit button. Code:

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Retrieve Date

if i have 08/21/2007 11:07:27 AM in the database..

what should i do to just show it out as 08/21/2007 ?

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