How To Save Data About Accessing Uploaded Files To Database?

I write search files webpage.when users enter part or all of a file name and asp page send back a list of only the files(that user can click to open files) whose names contain the text they entered.I want to save data about accessing files such as file name ,accessed date of fileto my database(Microsoft Access).I don't know how to write a adding code to do this. Code:

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How To Save Uploaded Images Name In Database

I have some difficulty in stroring uploaded images name in database. Images files are uploaded successfully, but when i want to store images name into database it only contain
last file name and stroe only this file name in all images fields into database....

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Validating An Uploaded File Before Inserting Data In To Database

I am uploading a file using ASP code. After the user uploads the file, I would like to be able to open the file and check if the data is in a given format (comma separated) and also has all the data elements needed (i.e. all fields are there).

Is there a parse routine in asp that would allow me to do this. The user can upload any type of file as long as I am able to parse it and determine if the data is of the aforemention type.

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Get Data From Database And Save It In Excel

i have an ASP page which get data from DataBase. To save it as EXCEL I am using:L


What i want is to stop the user from editing some columns of saved excel file just like we pasword protect an excel.

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How To Save Data From A Word Document File Into SQL Database!!!

I have gotta a page in which a user can upload his profile (saved in word format). Is there any way that this profile can be stored into the database and not in the web directory. I tried using Scripting.Dictionary.

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Uploaded Files

I am trying to gain the filename (not file path of an uploaded file) using just asp. The upload occurs correctly however I just need a snippet of code so the file name can be input into a database.
For example say C:somedirectorymyfile.htm was uploaded I would need myfile.htm as the file name. Does anyone know how I could do this. I have endlessly searched the web and tried a few things but none seem to work

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Script To Show Uploaded Files?

Does any one know where i can get an asp script that shows uploaded files?

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Accessing Files On Another Server

Development environment: Windows 2003 Server running IIS6 and the same
server running as a domain controller, DNS and DHCP servers.

Production environment: Windows 2000 Server SP4 running IIS5 and not used
to provide domain control or name services.

The two environments are on different networks with no trust relationship
between them. In both environments the web server is set up to disallow
anonymous access and to use integrated Windows authentication. The
application is vanilla ASP (i.e. not .NET) VBScript.

In the development environment, the following code runs flawlessly no
matter whether "myUNCPath" points to a share on the web server or a share
on another server in the same domain.

Set objFilesys = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not objFileSys.FolderExists(myUNCPath) Then
Set objFolder = objFileSys.CreateFolder(myUNCPath)
End If

However, in the production environment it falls over with a permission
denied error when "myUNCPath" is on another server and further testing
shows that the FolderExists method is returning false even when
"myUNCPath" exists. The network share is configured to give full control
to the Everyone group.

I've found which although
referring to IIS4 suggests that the issue could be the authentication
method (I'm assuming that integrated Windows authentication is close
enough to NT Challenge/Response and so might generate a token that cannot
access network resources). I'm not sure of this is the problem because if
it were then the code shouldn't work in my development environment.

Any ideas on what's going wrong and how to access the network resources
in the production environemt?

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Accessing Files Not Below The Web Root

Using IIS I want to embed a TIFF file in my web/intranet page that is stored in a folder that is not accessible to everyone. The files are strictly private in nature and only the requested TIFF file may be shown. They are in a folder that is used by another application and it can’t be moved. Code:

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Accessing Excel XLS Files

how can i access XLS file instead of using a database? I have a single XLS file with several sheets-which in this case represent tables. How can access them, create recordset, display them etc.

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Accessing Remote Files

I have a php file that I use to do some calculations and print out a variable. I have a script that works great in php, but i want to provide this service to alot of people and not everyone uses PHP.

//PHP code
function MyFunction() {
$lnk = fopen("","r");
$buffer = fgets($lnk, 4096);
fclose ($lnk);
return $buffer;

//END PHP code

This will get the data returned by my remote php page. How can I do this in ASP ?

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Prevent Users From Accessing Files

We have an ASP application which links to various word and excel documents stored in a folder called attachments. The documents are extermely confidential in nature and we would like restrict the access to them through the application only. How can we prevent users from guessing the name of the document and reach it.

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Accessing ASP Files Gives 404 'File Not Found' Error

I have a virtual directory which I can access as Directory
Browing has been enabled. Now if in Internet Explorer I
open any Static content like HTMLs/SWF's they work fine.
But when I try to open an ASP page it gives me a 404 'File
not Found' Error. ASPX pages work fine though they are in
a different sub folder.

I have checked the security settings and they are not
hidden. Any ideas?

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Accessing Data

At our company we daily need to access data from a website and use this data on other reports which we run daily...

step 1: we go the wesite
step 2: we authorize ourselves by providing username and login
step3: after successful login..the webpage provides us with links
step 4: we select one the links and then this lists the links to the documents (PDF and EXCEL) formats from where we get the data...

Now... is there a way to write a ASP connect to the website, provide user details and access the desired link and then the desired document. And then we need to parse this document for the desired it better to access the data from the PDF or from the EXCEL

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Accessing Exchange Data Using ASP

Does any one know how to access Information from a Corporate Network's Exchange Server, such as an Address Book or Address Entriers for a user curerntly logged on, by means of COM (CDO) using ASP (VBScript)

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Error Accessing MDB, But Can't Access The Data?

I have uploaded a few ASP scripts that that a friend wrote and that work well. The scripts connect to an Access MDB db on my windows host server.

I often need to make changes to the Access db by adding certain new entries etc, so... the way I do this is; I grab a copy of the mdb off my server

I add the records to the MDB on my laptop I then re-upload the MDB to the db/ dir on my server However... I then get the following message: Code:

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Accessing Database In ASP

As luck would have it I've landed a client whose site relies on ASP and what I can only assume is an MS Access database. ASP is definitely not the language of my choice but I'm stuck with having to learn the basics for what I'm required to do.
Basically the database is located in the folder /fpdb/ and is called vsproducts.mdb. It was actually installed by the off-the-shelf shopping cart/catalogue script that is being used by the site's owner. I need to be able to access and display on a page some data found in this database. Is this easy? I have next to no knowledge of ASP so please keep things as simple as possible

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Accessing My Database

Accessing my databases in Microsoft Access. I have my page called connOpen.asp and I have my page of code and of course my database which I called phone.mdb. This is my code

for connOpen.asp
strConnect="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; DataSource=C:Mydatabasesphone.mdb;"

Also I do have my include statement at the top of my code page.

<!--#include file="connOpen.asp"-->

When I click my submit button it just takes me to a blank white page.

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Accessing Database

I have a happily working set of asp pages which read from the database via include file "./_private/include/database.mdb". However, when I try to gain access to this database on pages one folder removed using "../_private/include/database.mdb", the pages
won't display.

This whole system works fine on my home test server (iis.5.0), but 'breaks' when uploaded to the public server. I know the path to database is correct because the upper level pages are displaying without problem.

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ASP Not Accessing Database

I am having problem for the last couple of days with my ASP application. The HTML pages work fine but when it comes to connect to database (Access 2000) it doesn't opens page. The "Error Type" says nothing in Internet Explorer.

Actually it is happening with all my ASP applications that are using Access as database, so I dont think that there can be any problem with the code and Database as they were working fine previously.

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Save Form Data If Usre Goes

I have a form with a textarea. If the user goes away from this page (via a link) and comes back I want the textarea to be filled with whatt text they left in the page previously.

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Accessing A MySQL Database From ASP

Can someone tell me how to access a MySQL database using ASP?

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Accessing A Database Through An ASP Page

I am unable to access an Access database through a webpage I built, but only if the database is on a server running Windows NT 4.0 Server. If I copy the database to
a pc using NT Workstation then there is no problem. I have a user account set up on the sever as IUSR_pcname. It is a domain user with full privileges. This is the connection code:

oConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=;"

It gives me a 'disk or network' error and for some reason, and the server locks out the IUSR_pcname account after I try.

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Accessing Ms Access Database

I am not a beginner in asp and html, but this is something that I realy do not know what to do with. Here is my problem: I have an asp(vbScript) page that has to get data/text from an MS Access database and from include .txt file and some application variables. All the data I am using is writen with cyrillyc unicode (codepage=1251). When I use <%@Codepage=1251%> directive at the top of my page, the data from the database is ok, but the data from the application and .txt file is wrong with the encoding.

When I delete the <%@Codepage=1251%> and when the session expires, then the data from the .txt and application is fine, but the data from the database is represented with "????.." question marks. Can anyone help me with this.

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Displaying Image From Database Saves Files To Temporary Internet Files

I have a website that we display images we have saved into a SQL Server 2000 database as binary BLOB. This is on a Windows 2003 Server. Just recently (a week ago) this website began to save the images it is displaying on the website as ASP pages in the Temporary Internet Files > IE.Content > Folder.

We have other websites where we use the exact same code and these do not save files on the server when they are displayed.

Here is the code to display the image:
Set rs = objConn.Execute( SQL )
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
Response.BinaryWrite rs("Product_Image")

SQL is the SQL String to get the image from database

When I add this code:

Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"

The images still display on the website, but now are saved in the Temporary Internet Files folder as JPG's.

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Save Value In The Database

I have a main window which has a form in it. Inside the main window there is a button, which when clicked opens a pop window (showModaldialog window). Inside that pop window I have a checkboxes, which user can check. When he is done selecting them, He clicks on
"Done", which is of type button.

My problem is when user clicks on Done, I am not able to retreive the values of the check box group. I could have used request object to retrieve the values, but that is functional only when the event is submit.

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Multiple Users Accessing Database

When more than one user tries to access my system, one user gets his page processed, and the other users recieve an error message stating:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

Could not use ''; file already in use.

/processweb/html/cpr/admin/sel_sc.asp, line 25

I am using ASP 2, MS Access 97 and IIS 4. Any ideas why only one user is allowed to access the database simultaneously? The database file itself is closed.

I have a hunch it may be because the IUSR_[machine name] user account on the web server does not have access to the *.ldb database locking information file... Does this sound like a plausible reason?

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Accessing The Access Database From An Asp Page

I have created a asp project local.and have created a access database local. Iam trying to use the access database from the asp page. But It is not accessing the database file.

once i changed the rights of the access file and checked it.It inserted the records.And after some time, iam not able to access it.some times it accesses and some times it doesnt.

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Save To Multiple Database

when we press submit button,it will save to both db1 and db2.Prob2:- How to make when we press multiple submit button it connect to different database. Let say, button submit1 will save to db1,submit2 will save to db2 and so on.

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How To Save An Edited Image In The Database ?

I've problem on how to save an image file that has been edited into the database. Actually, i have to develop a webpage that can interact with the user where user can select an existing image in the database and customize the colour of the picture and also the background colour.

After editing the picture, i have problem to save the edited image in the database. For your info, we're using Flash MX 2004 to change the picture and background colour....

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Upload A File & Save It In Database

I would like some one to help me in how to upload a file at aprticular kind of a file in the server at save it in a database in a feild using an asp.

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Upload Image And Save Filename To Access Database

How do I upload images and save filename to Access database?

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ASP Read The Execl Cell's Data, Web Page Created From Excel2000 -- Save As Web Page

I created a web page from Excel2000, using "Save as web page..."...Publish
function. then, I moved htm file to my IIS web server. Then I added a form control, and submit button.

How can get the data on the excel file using ASP from server side?
For example, the value of Cell(1,2), Cell(2,3)....

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