How To Select Randomly

how can I do a "select" action and select lines randomly, for example:
"select * from items where views>100" and to choose from that 5 objects randomly.

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Randomly Select A Name From A Csv File

I've got a csv file with names, addresses, emails, etc. I've been asked to randomly select a name from a csv file. I've found plenty of RandNum examples, but I'm not sure how to apply it to these names. Can anyone point out a sample I could use?

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SQL Randomly Select A Record Using Access

I want to select a random record from a table within my Access database, however I am running into problems. When the page is executed, it always shows the same record. Code:

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Select 4 Records, Randomly From Database

Is this do-able with ASP / VBscript?

-- I have a database with user records (name, photo, etc. etc.)

I want to use asp to generate (on the homepage) a series of 4 randomly selected 'user records' from the database -- say just the headshot photo or name from the database.

In addition to the recordset being randomly generated (i.e. our of about 50 records, only records 4, 18, 23 and 26 are displayed) I need to MAKE SURE they are not duplicated (i.e. out of the 50 records, records 4, 18, 23 and 23 -- where the last two are duplicates).

Is there a way I can pull this off and how do I go about it exactly?

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Randomly Generated Strings

I used to have a piece of code that would generate a random string of
8,16,24 or 32 characters in length.

I got it from this group, does any one have this piece of code?

It will be used for a double opt-in email newsletter.

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Randomly Generated Filename

How could I create a random filename for a single-use download? So, if a user was to download a file from a site it would send them a unique filename that could only be used once. That link would not be available after the download completed.

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Randomly Generated Variables

I am relatively new to this generation of variables in ASP. I am unable to proceed from here. Can somebody advise?

Challenge :

I get number of participants in an exam, from a sql statement and stored into a variable called headcount.

After that, I am using the following to initialize randomly generated variables. For example if there are 4 students in the class, I intend to get student1, student2, student3 and student4, all of them initialized to 0.

For j=1 To CLng(headcount)
Eval Execute("student" & j & "=" & 0)

Now we are trying to find out question wise defaults in the test. I have a for loop that does traverse through all the questions in the test. As I go question by question, if there is any failure I would like to increment the errorcounter of that participant.

Which means .....

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Choose Data From DB Randomly

i need to choose a data, randomly, in a database based n category (cat1, cat2, cat3, cat4, cat5, cat6). i only need to show 1 data of each category in the html page. kindly inform where to find a sample tuts for this.

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Pages Hang Randomly

I have a Windows 2003 Server Web running 5 web sites. Every few days, the ASP pages stop responding. There are no events in the event log. The HTML pages are still served successfully. These pages have no database interaction (others use MySQL). I have to restart IIS in order for the pages to work again. I haven't been able to find anything about this issue on the web. Has anyone seen this before? Any idea how to fix it?

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Randomly Generated Validation Code

I would like to incorporate a Randomly Generated Validation Code Immage into my New Registration page (so when users register they have to enter a validation code produced by the immage).

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Banners Disappear Randomly From Pages

We have 2 copies of our web application - Development and Checkout. We have
noticed that when the QA quys go through our QA version, they will sometimes
find that pages are missing the banners. The banners are created by VI
using the themes and layouts.

All of the other theme/layout information is
fine, and both sites are using identical Site Diagrams. We have even tried
copying the site diagram over from development to QA again and recalculating
the site, and the banners stay missing. Can anyone tell me how to fix this
and what is happening?

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Session Variable Randomly Mixed Or Lost?

Windows 2000 Server SP3
IIS 5.0


Antivirus deactivate

No changes on main files (web.config, machine.config, in)

No exist Active Directory (changes in ACL are not exist)

In machine.config LogLevel="All"

No events registered in Event Viewer.

aspnet_wp.exe not recycled never.

Web site accessed by multiple users at the same time. Some user data are
stored in a session variables. Randomly one user view data of another

It ocurrs in two different machines.

What can be?

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How Can I Randomly Update Access Database Content

I am trying to get an access random image script to simply update the content from a folder on my server...... Automaticlly without having to go into the database to add a the new image and location, i just want it to randomly select one. is this possible?

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Input A Randomly Alpha (letters) In A Specific Field

what i want to do is to put 2 fields in my table , username and password

what iwant to do is to create a page that ask you to unter your username only ,and when u click submit the other page will add new record for the username u enter and will input a randomly alpha(letters and numbers) to yr password field , so how can do this random thing throw the asp"!?!

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Asp Pages Randomly Showing As Blank White Pages

Using IIS 5.0 and sometime some asp pages (absolutely
randomly) showing as blank white pages. So far only one
way of fixing it - restart whole server. Restarting IIS,
or specific web server not helping, only whole server.

I enable server side and client side debugging, but no
errors showing up...

In view source pages always look like this:
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;

Any idea why it can happened and how to fix?

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Error Using <select></select>

I have written some code which should dynamically build a table which is then populated with questionas and possible answers. The format of the answers will vary ie they may be in the form of a radio button which will be rated from 1-5, checkbox or a selectbox.

The first problem I have is if I do not comment out <select></select> I get an error message saying the page can not be found. when I do take it out I get asp timeout. Code:

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does anyone know what I have wrong with this select in my form?

sql = "SELECT * FROM [LTAB_CAProcessArea]"
Set ProcessAreaRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
ProcessAreaRS.Open sql, SessionCPRDBConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText

<select name="processarea">
Do While Not ProcessAreaRS.EOF
Resonse.Write("<option name='" & ProcessAreaRS("processareaID") & "'>")

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<select> Help

I don't know if this is in the right section. I hope it is.I have an HTML document that uses tables and stuff. I also have a FORM on there with some input boxes, Radio buttons and <select> options.
I have a .asp VB file also that processes the actual form and writes the answered questions to a text file on the server (tab separated)
My problem:
The input boxes and radio buttons work fine. It writes to the text file on the sever end.

My problem is I am not too sure how to go making the answers from the <select> options to also write to the server. They way I have it set up right now, it jsut writes "NULL" on the text file.

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I've recently come across using "Select Last" in an sql query. Does anyone have any info or views on using it? Until now I've relied on "Select Max" but Select Last would have distinct advantages when using random autonumbers. I'm also curious about why there is so little info on it - perhaps I'm looking in the wrong places?

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I want to display an editable page extract from MS Access table. Now I want to show the value in Select list, extract from another table. Both tables are joinable with the foreign key.

In simplest, I want to extract and display the exact value from a table and show in Select list for edit.

I could not think of any way. I can bring up data and display in Select list but it would display the first value in the list only.

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i want to select all ids from table1 where those id's arent in table2
Sounds simple and iam sure could be possible in a single sql statement

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I have the following SQL SELECT statement below that doesn't like the TOP 50 parameter. When I remove it, all is good. When I put it back I get "Incorrect syntax near '50'".
SELECT TOP 50 SSN, LName, FName, License_Certificate, Character_Identifier, CertificateNo, " & _
"tblIndividualInfo.IndividualID, tblLicense.LicenseID FROM tblIndividualInfo " & _
"INNER JOIN (tblLicense INNER JOIN stblLicenseType ON tblLicense.LicenseTypeID = stblLicenseType.ID) ON " & _
tblIndividualInfo.IndividualID = tblLicense.IndividualID " & strWhere & " ORDER BY LName, FName

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Select Box

how to insert multiple items in a select box into a database. For example:

<select multiple name="ComservGroupAge" size="3">
<option value="Children">Children </option>
<option value="Adolescents">Adolescents </option>
<option value="Adults">Adults </option>
<option value="Does Not Matter">Does Not Matter</option>

I don't want it to go into my db column as one long field.

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Select Sum

for this part. can i use

select sum (orderqty) from custorder

i attach a pic file to show wat i wanted to do
a few data will be listed out
i want the total from that particular few records only. not the whole records in database

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I know this is an ASP forum but I've also gotten answers to my SQL problems here and I'd appreciate your help very much.
I have these two tables in SQL. Both tables have the same two columns (Description and SiebelName). I want to some how write a script that will look for the descriptions that matches the ones in Table1 with the ones in Table2 and if there are any I would like to take the column in Table2, SName, and update the column in Table1, SiebelName, with that of Table2.
Here's what I attempted to do but it's not working:
SET tbl_MasterTEST.SiebelName = Siebel.SName WHERE (SELECT tbl_MasterTEST.ProdDesc, tbl_MasterTEST.SiebelName, Siebel.SDesc, Siebel.SName
FROM tbl_MasterTEST, Siebel
WHERE tbl_MasterTEST.ProdDesc = Siebel.SDesc)

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For Each And Select

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM mod48 WHERE N_GEN = 5" strSQL,oConn,3

this table has alot of fields. I want it to automatically create alot of Text boxes for each field. But i also need the fields names. The only thing is that the field names in the table are well not very user friendly.

n_gen = General Numer
pa_name = Client Name
pa_surname = Client SurName

So i was wondering is there something i can do. Like a For each that will create alot of tect boxes for each field "with its value in it" and also make it write a description for the lable. Code:

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Select Max 2x

Ik want to select 2 MAX values form one table, but i don't know how that works, and i can't find it anywhere.

This is what i got so far:

sql = "SELECT max(tekstindex), max(volgnummer) FROM menu"

I want to select max(tekstindex) as 'tekst' and max(volgnummer) as 'volg'.

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I have a select statement that searches for certain records within a date range entered through a form. what i need to do on another page is count how many records they are and split them into each day within that date range. My original select query is:

objRSError.Source = "SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT TrapPage, TrapLine, COUNT(TrapID) AS ErrorVol, TrapDescription, TrapASPDescription, TrapCategory FROM dbo.tblErrorTraps WHERE (TrapTime >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '" & objRSError__strFrom & "', 103)) AND (TrapTime <= CONVERT(DATETIME, '" & objRSError__strTo & "', 103))GROUP BY TrapPage, TrapLine, TrapDescription, TrapASPDescription, TrapCategory ORDER BY COUNT(TrapID) DESC"

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For instance i do write out such which works.Code:

SELECT TOP 5 * FROM table4 order by id desc

Now how would i select the rest of the records without the first 5.

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Two Select

I have problem, i'm starting using asp and DB

I have query

sSQL = " SELECT count(*) cc FROM ... " &_
" SELECT count(*) ff FROM ... "

Set oRS = oConn.Execute(sSQL)

First count i can get from oRS.("cc")

How to get "ff"?

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I have an ASP application.Is it right that I am calling all SELECT's AND DML's through stored procedures and in the ASP page I just call the stored procedure.

I am NOT using COM,i.e.I am not calling the procedures through DLL's but directly through ASP as time does not permit me to add this layer.

tell me is this right and is this a common practise followed i.e.calling stored procedures directly thru ASP without COM.Also,what is the main benifit of using SP than dynamic queries as there are plenty of suggestions dont know what is the conclusion.

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how to filter top 10 records from the recordset. In Access I could use "SELECT TOP 10..." but in ASP it doesn't work.

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Select On Day

I have a database containing information in different fields one of those fields is a datetime field, i want to select everything from that table where the datetime field is a monday or tuesday etc.

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