How To Send Automatic Daily Emails With ASP An No Components Installed?

I need no send birthday emails every day. I need something to check everyday on my database for birthdays, but I don't have any components to do that and I dont have rights to install it on my webserver.

Is there a way to do it without installing anything? Only through asp?

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Check If I Have SMTP Installed And Send Automatic Confirmations?

Since I want to be able to send a confirmation e-mail (containing user name/pwd etc.) to every visitor that enters some info in a form on my web page I wonder how that is done.

I have heard about SMTP and CDO but don't know the differences or which one is applicable in my case

I'm running xp-pro and use my computer as a web server but don't know if I have SMTP installed (or how to use it if it actually is there).

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How Do I Send Automatic Emails After A Set Interval Of Time From My Website?

I want to send automatic emails from my website after a definite interval of time.
I need a way to execute my ASP script repeatedly without any external triggering....

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How To Send Automatic Mails

i want to know that how can i send automatically daily newsletter to my users.

i have started a newsletter service recently and want that everyday newsletter from database shall be sent to the users.

i also want to send newsletter on particular date in future as per selection made by the users themselves.

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Send Automatic Email.

I'm trying to write a script that will send a automatic email either on loading the thanks you for ordering page. or the one before that where the order is placed pressing a order now button, it can only be send when the button is pressed and the order has been placed in the database.

Now I've writen a test script to figure out how this whole automatic emailing works but I can't get it to work. I hope someone can tell me what is wrong. Code:

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Send Automatic Email Reminders

I'm developing an application which has subscribers entered into a SQL Server database.

Their subscription is monthly, and requires that automatic emails are triggered 1 week, 2 days then 1 day before their subscription expires.

How would this be best done?

I've heard of third party cron services which could be used to trigger a script, but the script would then need to be 'open' to the web for the cron service to access it - which is not very secure.

The other option would be to trigger emails from the database directly, but I'm a total beginner at SQL so am not sure how difficult this would be?

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Getting ASP To Send Emails

Anyone have any pointers as to how i could get asp to send some simple emails?

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Send Emails

is there a way of sending emails directly from iis without using an external
SMTP service?

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Send Emails Securely Via ASP

I've been working with ASP for 6+ years now, but in that time I've
never had any solid advice on how to build a secure system. So I
thought I'd ask here first.

Anyway, here's the situation: I have a client who wants to take credit
card information via ASP form (https) and then send the resulting
content (which may be either HTML- or text-formatted) to their email
account, which they access using Outlook (2000, I believe). I want to
build the system to make it as secure as is reasonably possible; at
the same time, they want to make it easy to read / retrieve their
signed/encrypted messages.

I know their are a lot of components out on the market that permit
programmatic encryption of data, but I don't know enough about what I
need to make an informed buying decision. I've heard that encrypting
the email content and then signing the entire message is the proper
thing to do, but how do I actually do that via code? And I definitely
don't understand how the message is handled once it reaches Outlook
(via POP, IMAP or Exchange -- they haven't decided on which yet).

My brain is full of things such as AES, MD5 + SHA-1, SSL, S/MIME and
such -- how do I put all these things together into an effective

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Loop Through A Recordset And Send Emails

I need to send an .ASP page as an email template using VBScript. I'd like to do so using CDONTS or CDOSYS. the script needs to loop through a recordset and send emails using data from SQL 2000.

when i try to send using a script i built the asp page pulls in without rendering the asp. how can i pull the rendered asp into my vb for emailing?

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CDONTS To Send Order Form To Emails

I know this question is stupid. But i need some advice for this. I
am trying to develop a website, which will allow the user send to order form
to the admin email. I am planning to use the CDONTS component method.
Can I just to localhost server to test, whether the form can be send
up to the admin's email. Or I must have the Hosting server to do that. Can
Anyone suggest me, how to I test my scripts can be successfully run (at
localhost), before I host it on the Web Servers.

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Send Form Info To Multiple Database Emails?

I have two forms, one on each page. The user fills the first, then the second, then on the third page all the information is displayed for the user to make sure thats what they want to send.

Then they click submit on the third page and it goes through a database and depending on which category, state and county the user selected it will email all the information displayed on that third page to all the emails in the Email field in the database.

Now, I already have the first and second pages(easy enough) and the third page I can get it to display all the info how I want it and now I need to know how to go about emailing that info to the emails that match the specific fields? Right now all I have it doing on the third page, instead of submitting it for emailing, it just displays the info from the forms AND emails that match from the database. Code:

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Run ASP File Daily

I am hosting a website on Windows 2003 server, IS6, MS SQL Server. I
have one ASP file I would like to run daily. How can I do it if I do
not have acces to OS's management (to use, for example, task scheduler)
and I do not want to include this page within other pages of the
website to be run (because that may slow down the page loading for

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Random Daily Tip Of The Day

I need to come with some ASP code that can select a new record out of the database as a sort of "tip of the day". However I want it to do this randomly and daily, I do not wish to have to set a display date or whatever. I am going to use it on my website as a "tip of the day" section however I want to be able to input 100 records at one time and just let it randomly choose one everyday.

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Automating A Daily Function

using classic asp and COMless scripting, is there a way for the asp on a server to automatically perform a function on a scheduled time, im thinking of things like database replication, clearing old data etc.

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"ASP Page Should Be Executed Automatically Daily.

I have an ASP page which checks some condition from database and based on that it sends mails to respective persons. All mail details is in SQL server. The page works perfectly fine.

What i need is this page has to be executed daily without the interaction of any user/administrator. Is it possible?

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Can ASP Be Installed

on one's computer locally like PHP where I design offline?

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Installed Or Not?

How do I programmatically check whether ASP and Server Side Includes sub-components of the World Wide Web service are installed on a Windows 2003 Box? I want to do these checks as pre-install checks for a software.

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Just Installed IIS

I just installed IIS in my W2k machine.. have hardly ever done any asp. first thing I need to know is how do you change the port once it's intalled (since http://localhost is address for my Tomcat (JSP server..)) I see no read-me or config instructions with this install.

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EXCEL Installed

I have my asp successfully creating excel file viewable through IE
using the header:

Response.ContentType = "application/"

If the user does not have excel installed they get a IE pop up that
downloads the asp page in question.
My question is there anyway to interrupt this and tell them that they
don't have EXCEL installed, rather than showing this download pop up.

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JRE Plugin Installed

I need to detect if a users browser is Java enabled for a certain function on my site. If it's not enabled I need to direct them to a page telling the member that, else continue and load the applet. I don't dabble in ASP at all but I've exhausted all other methods.I've tried the following code (as a test) which loads up the redirect regardless of Java status.

If Len(Session("AppletFileArchive")) = 0 Then
Response.Redirect "somewhere.php"
End If

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URL Of The Installed Script

I was searching for a code that allows me to know when anyone installs a script I made.
This code sends me an email including the URL of the installed script.

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Access Installed To Run An Asp App

lots of acronyms in that title! Anyway, this is probably a stupid question because it seems as if you do but could someone confirm? I keep getting 500 errors when attempting to run the pages.

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OWC9 Installed

I have an ASP project that uses websheet component for calculation. All the users now are upgrading to office2007 which does not install the Office Web Component by default.

I want to add code to my project that will check if OWC is installed on the client machine and if not prompts him to download. Does anyone know how to do that or where I can read about it.

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Excel Have To Be Installed On Webserver To Run With ASP

If i am using ASP to extract data from an excel file, does excel definitely have to be installed on the web server? The file will be located on a separate folder away from the web server.

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Email Using CDONTS Not Working,though It Is Installed

I ran some script and confirmed tht CDONTS exists on the server...which runs on Win2k and has IIS 5.0 When i run my email script,no error is displayed ,but i NEVER get the emails im trying to send. What could be the problem.

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Show Installed Printers On A Computer

The following code is used to show installed printers on a computer,it works on server machine,however, if use a client machine to browse, it also shows the intalled printers on the server machine.Actaully, what i want to do is to show what printers installed on your own machine (that means show it on client-side)...

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Show Data Without Database Installed

I have a strange problem. I have to show demo presentation in CD. In
this presentation record will be show from database. But we dont have
to install the database. any body can see the cd and can search the
data. how it is possible because the databse will not be installed in
CD and computer also.

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Check ActiveX Control Is Installed (and Working)?

How do I tell if an ActiveX control is installed (and working)?

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Get Data From Form, Send To A Html File And Send A Mail

i am trying harder to mix this 2 solutions... but without success... the below on seen to be grabing a template and replace the data with the values posted in a form Code:

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I am working on getting through the book Teach Yourselve Active Server Pages in 24 Hours.
Now, I am not learning ASP.Net, but ASP. Why, because, I am getting a lot of calls for asp, but not many for .Net. And I just don't know enough as I'd lilke.
At any rate. I have gotten to the section on Working with components. for example the MSWC.NextLink
I don't have it. I am running IIS 5.1 because I am on a Windows XP machine. And I am told I need a SDK download, but which one? Everywhere I look, its IIS 6, but that doesn't work on my machine. So, how do I get these components so I can run them.

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Components And ASP

After working for so many yrs in ASP and COM I still feel novice. I have asp
page nd a COM component (.exe) which is written in VB. For some fixure, I
have to remove my IIS and reinstall it. My ASP page is not instantiating my
component. Whereas, components which are dlls working frin in ASP pages....I
checked permissions on DCOMCNFG, file directory, folder, file.
Any clues what is missing.

Error Type:
Server object, ASP 0178 (0x80070005)
The call to Server.CreateObject failed while checking permissions. Access is
denied to this object.
/testcomponent.asp, line 2

line2 is just a createObject for my .exe com component.

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ASP Components

I am new to using components in ASP, whilst I can see the huge benefit of using them, the big problem that I am coming up against is that my host won't let me register them on the server.
My question is simply this: is the only way around this problem to setup your own server (which is probably beyond my technical ability) or are there lenient hosting companies out there that will let you install components freely (obviously subject to their approval)?
I dont know if there exists a directory of components somewhere which have been approved by hosting companies as safe to use on servers? Im a little confused as to how I can take advantage of components if I can't physically install them. Is it possible to use a component removely without having to install it on the server?
Sorry, I know I have asked a lot of questions but I am really in the dark here and not quite sure what my options are.

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