How To Send Content Of A Select List To DB

I created 3 select lists :

One is a dropdown style that has options in it like : location,date,usage
Second one is a select list that I filled with value from a vbscript that get all groups on my domain.

Third one is a list that gets automatically generated when user select an option from the first one I also got 2 input button that allows the user to move item from list 2 to list 3.

Now here's the deal I want a way, maybe a button, that would circle around all the options in list3 and insert each of them in my DB. Code:

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Print Content Of An ASP Page To Acrobat PDF Destiller And Send PDF To Browser

I have an ASP page, whisch generates dynamic report for a SQL server DB.
Now the users want to have the content in PDF format (not HTML page). The
server machine had "adobe acrobat destiller" installed.

How can I print the content of this ASP page to acrobat PDF destiller and
send PDF file to browser?

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Select List

I have a select list which get populated from com but i option value ALL is hard coded on the pageWhen any value is selcted from the list box and form is submitted pages refreshes with the value as selected in the drop down but if All is selected the page ref but All doesnot get selected.

<LABEL for="MyList"></LABEL>

<SELECT id="MyList" name="MyList">

<%For icount=0 To intmyCount%>
<%if Trim(arrmyType(icount,0)) =strmytype Then%>
<%end if%>

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List Select Transfer

What i would like to be able to do is have two listboxes side by side, one will have all of the main categories and the second will have all of the sub categories in it.
I populate the first list by using this code:

<option value= "<% = rs("cat_id") %>"><% = rs("cat_name") %></option>

Now what i would like to do is when the user double clicks say the second item on the list, the listbox next to it will display all of the items that are under the main category they just double clicked on

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Adding From SELECT List

I have created a webpage with a form written in javascript for a user to enter information. Part of this form requires the user to type in information and then add it to a list, which is of the type <SELECT>. When the user submits the form, I want all the entries in the SELECT list to be entered into the database. If I use the command Request.Form("name"), where "name" is the name of the SELECT field, only the selected entry is retreived. I need to retreive all entries in the list. Does anyone know how I can do this?

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Select List Box From Array

I have a string that was populated from a listbox. Now I want to bring up the record again for edit and want the listbox to have those records selected ONLY. I am close I think. Currently, it selects all records.

HearingIssues = RS3(0)
HI = Split(HearingIssues, ",", -1, 1)

For i = 0 to ubound(HI,1)
sString = Instr(HearingIssues,HI(I))
if sString = 0 then
<option value="<%= HI(I)%>"><%=HI(I) %></option>
<% else %>
<option value="<%= HI(I)%>" selected><%= HI(I) %></option>
<% end if

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Select (dropdown) List

I have an old application ( pre-VB5) that I need to add a select/option list to. This is an edit program so the values for the form will be retrieved from a database. How do I set the value of the dropdown with the value from the database. The value in the database is either new, trial, maint., employee, beta, or null. I need to set the dropdrown to one of these values. An example of the select;

<select name="ordReason">
<option value="New">New</option>
<option value="Maint.">Maint.</option>
<option value="Trial">Trial</option>
<option value="Employee">Employee</option>
<option value="Beta">Beta</option>

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Select One Of The List Boxes

I have two list boxes . User can select multiple values from the lists. Is there a way I can force that the user can select from only one of the list boxes? Can I associate the radio button with the list so that as soon as user selects the radio button the other list box turns grey(not letting the user to select anything from that list).?

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Font Of A Select List

I have the following list

<OPTION VALUE="">Roloid Gear </OPTION>

However i want to change the font size and typw within the list is there a way to style the font inside such a list?

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SELECT List Re-ordered

I need a piece of ASP code which will output the values in a select box no matter what their order. This is for re-arranging items in the database.

I have a page which displays al relevant rows from the database in a select box with a javascript function to move the items up and down in the box.

However, I then need an ASP output of the order of the box. Currently, when i request.form("ord"), I get the values "1,12,36,37,[etc]" but only in the order they are in when the first page loads. It does not re-arrange the items if they have been re-arranged using the javascript function.

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Multiple Select In Dropdown List Box

How to make multiple select in dropdown list box using asp and access.

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Complete An Access Table Through A Select List

I would like to know if it is possible to fill in an access table through a select list inside an APS 3 web page. If yes, how ?

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Populate A Select List From A Comma Delimited Txt File

I would like to use ASP to populate a select list from a comma delimited txt file.....

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Refresh Values In Select List Based OnChange Of A Dropdown Box

I am trying to learn and use good DHTML concepts and code (assuming they are needed). My current issue concerns how to handle this situation.

I have a Select List box which displays values based on what value is selected in a dropdown list. For example, my dropdown list contains a class name, and the Select list contains all of the students who are registered for that class.

So what I would like to occur, is when the user changes the class from the dropdown box, the Select List is re-created displaying the students who are enrolled in that class.

I thought I could do this without having to reload the page (with DHTML) but here is my problem. Code:

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How To Open A Popup Window Select A Value And Send It Back To Page?

I'm need to open a popup window from an asp page that calculates a value. This value must be returned to the input box on the asp page. I have managed to get the popup window to open and display a value so far but I am not getting the value back into the asp page.

Popup Window code...

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Using ASP To Replace Content But Not Tag Content In HTML Pages

Using ASP I'd like to modify a string that contains HTML. I need to modify the content (the bit that the users see) but not the stuff in the tags. For example, if I had the following string Code:

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How Can I List All The Email Address From Hotmal Contact List?

How can i list out all the email address into my website from the hotmail caontact list? i am successful log in into the yahoo contact list by using serverxmlhttp and list out all the email address from the page source, but i could not access to hotmail by using the serverxmlhttp. Is any other methos can list out the email address from hotmail contact list?

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Get Data From Form, Send To A Html File And Send A Mail

i am trying harder to mix this 2 solutions... but without success... the below on seen to be grabing a template and replace the data with the values posted in a form Code:

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Error Using <select></select>

I have written some code which should dynamically build a table which is then populated with questionas and possible answers. The format of the answers will vary ie they may be in the form of a radio button which will be rated from 1-5, checkbox or a selectbox.

The first problem I have is if I do not comment out <select></select> I get an error message saying the page can not be found. when I do take it out I get asp timeout. Code:

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I have started doing SEO for a website and I'm trying to get a feel for how the website is set up.I dont know which file stores the content....
In the asp file page there is a string of code that reads:

<%Call writeContent(2,1)%>

I believe it is what is telling the server to find the article, but I dont know where it is.Does anyone know what else to look for?

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Dynamic Content In ASP

I am having to make sites accessible where images are dynamically generated.

'Display the graphical hit count

Response.Write("<img src=""counter_images/")
Response.Write(Mid(lngVisitorNumber, intWriteDigitLoopCount, 1) & ".gif""")
Response.Write("alt=""" & Mid(lngVisitorNumber, intWriteDigitLoopCount, 1) & """>")
How do I include the width and height attributes in this code?

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Active Content?

What is "active content"? My ASP page just returns HTML....

I have a page with an .htm extension that has a form whose action
is an ASP page which generates a report after updating a database
with the form data.

Under Windowx XP SP2 the IE6 "Information Bar" has the message:

"To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this
file from showing active content that could access your computer."

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Print Content

I would like to have a PRINT button on my page, that redirects to another page which is more printer friendly.
I am pulling the content of a database (msAccess) into the initial page, and want that content to carry accross..

Here is an example of the page

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Delete Content

can someone help me. I'm writing an onlineshop in asp and for the shopping cart
i use an array. If someone wants to delete some articles from the cart, i have to
delete them from the array. How i delete only one article (on line) from the array.

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How To Get Content Of A File ?

i am building some web page with template engine and i run on one problem: i want to import a content of some file and then use it in asp script so the solutions are this:

1: Create file system object and use ReadAll to read the content but there is a problem because it dosent render the importet file i get just the asp code

2: Create XML object and load the file into the xml but here is another problem this proccess takes quite a lot of time so it will be very slow for the web site especially that i want to import more the one file...

3: Create file system object and user ReadAll to read the content and then use eval(reasponseString) to execute this code... but i dont belive to much in this solution i dont know why but it seems to me it's not right.....

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Rotating Content

If you needed to have a side bar, that had room for 2 or 3 graphical ads, and you had say 8 ads to pick from, and you wanted each page to just randomly load ads but never put the same 2 or3 ads on the same page...

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Content Negotiation

I've been looking at content negotiation for serving up pages as xhtml/xml or text/html based on the user's browser and using PHP you use this:
PHP Code:

function fix_code($buffer) {
   return (str_replace(" />", ">", $buffer));


to remove all the / end of tags in your text/html code. Is there an ASP equivalent to this?

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Pull Content

I'm writing a site scraper (bot, etc.) that needs to log into a site (i have the username and password), then redirect to a particular page and then pull that content into a variable so I can manipulate it.
I'm using ASPHttp to try to pull this off. However, I CANNOT get by the login. According to ASPHttp this should be possible, but I cannot make it happen. I would not imagine this would be too hard to do. Perhaps ASPHttp is not the right tool.

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Displaying Content From DB

After a user selects the 'answer' hyperlink, the answer will be pulled from the database and displayed.
Then i would like another link once selected to remove the displayed answer from the screen. It is important that the answer is not permanently deleted from the database.
I would like to do this for a series of questions.How can i do this?

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Import RTF Content

how to import the rtf format content to word file.

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Static Content

I'm using the Server.Execute method to include a static page inside a
dynamic database call. This static page is not a valid HTML page (i.e.
lacking <body>,<head>, etc. elements), but I'm pulling it into the dynamic
page just to give the content an upgrade in presentation, including images.
The problem is that there is no way to have relative URLs in the content
page, so all the image src's are wrong. Is there a better way to include
static content like this, or a way to alter the contents on the static page
prior to running Server.Execute (I could parse the file via the
FileSystemObject, but I'm hoping not to do that)?

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Content Type

I am currently taking a lot of web form information and compiling it into a word document for users to download; however, I want to be able to embed any attachments
that they have inside the word document. The attachments are coming from a database and the office suite does not reside on
the server. Does anyone know if it is possible to create a word document with embedded attachments for download.

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About Viewing Content..

I want my Default.asp page to view different content in a <TD> according the request.
I've been understand that the best method to do it is by using the method GET, Example:


And I have no idea how to write the code:

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