How To Send Multiple Attachments To Email, From This Script I'm Using Now...

Here's the script I'm using now to send me a picture selected in a form (from a browse button type thing), sent to me in the attachments.

Right now it will only send the one picture (field name="Attachment"), how can I change this script to send multiple (for example; ten) pictures in the attachments from the form??

Here's the script...

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CDONTS: Email With Multiple Attachments

i've finally integrated a way to send multiple attachemts from within an asp page and it works!!!!!

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Sending Multiple Attachments Via Email

Just want to confirm if you can add multiple attachments like this? Code:

Mail.AddAttachment "C: est.doc"
Mail.AddAttachment "C: est2.doc"

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Multiple Attachments

a FREE mail script which allows multiple attachments?

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CDOSYS-Multiple Attachments

I am having trouble sending multiple attachments as selected from a select list with multiple="multiple". It will send one just fine and the array is including the correct absolute path but I get a "syntax error" message whenever I try to do this.

Here is my code:

If IsArray(AttachArr) Then
For j = 0 to UBound(AttachArr)
.AddAttachment AttachArr(j)
End If

I am guessing it has something to do with repeating the ".AddAttachment" line. I would appreciate any help I can get!

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Multiple Attachments Using CDONTS

how to do this ?

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Cdo Multiple Attachments From Local Machine

I have a cdo script to send an email from a web page hosted externally to my company. I want users to be able to attach multiple documents from their local machines.

How do I do this - do I need to upload them to the server first or does cdo do this automatically?

I tryed this: MyMail.AddAttachment "F:/images/test.gif" but get the error: 'The system cannot find the path specified.'

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Email With Attachments

I'm using this code to send a e-mail with attachment:

Dim oCdoMail
Set oCdoMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
oCdoMail.From = strFromEmail
oCdoMail.To = strToEmail
oCdoMail.Subject = "Job Information"
oCdoMail.TextBody = "This is the email notification"
oCdoMail.AddAttachment strFileName
oCdoMail.Configuration.Fields.Item=<My mail server IP>

This code scuccessfully send mail with attchment on my local. But when we uplaod this code to the web server this is forceing error. If i mark comment the folowing code
"oCdoMail.AddAttachment strFileName" this will work fine on the server, but i need to send e-mail with attachments. how it could be possible ?

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Can't Attach Attachments In Email Using ASP CDO

I try to grab the checked files from HTML page and then send those PDF
files as attachments. It can just send email, there are no PDF files
attached. Can anybody point out my error?

My idea is:
When people check the check boxes in HTML page for the PDF files, it
will transfer the files' name to ASP page. Then, it will attach it in
the email. Code:

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Cdo Email Attachments From Client

Right what I am after is a neat bit of code that wraps up sending a cdo email with an attachment from the clients machine and not the server, so need a built in browser and file upload send and delete facility in the creating and send email code?

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Form To Email With Attachments

What is the easiest, quickest and cheapest way to send an email from a form with attachments in ASP?

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Routing Email With Attachments

I have a web form that has a textarea, a input type="file" and a submit Upon submission, it is calling an asp script.

I need my asp to send an email (this is a constant, this email will remain the same).

The email's body will contain the content of the textarea, and the file that was uploaded by the input file should be attached to the email.

Now, does anyone know how to achieve this? I am using CDO in my asp and I can retreive the textarea contentg, but i can never send the file attachment.

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Cdonts Email Script Won't Send Email

i used the following script but it won't send the email. any suggestions why?

Dim TBdy
CR = Chr(13)
Set MyCDO = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
MyCDO.From = ""
MyCDO.To = ""
MyCDO.Subject = "collegebound info"
TBdy = Request.Form("cb_name")
MyCDO.Body = TBdy
MyCDO.Importance = 1 (Normal)
Set MyCDO = nothing


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Cdo - Send To Multiple Recipients

I'm using cdo to send auto-generated emails. I'm calling a stored procedure that returns a recordset.

In most instances, the recordset will only return one record containing one email as the value. However, there are instances, where two records can be returned with two seperate email addresses that I need to send out using cdo. This is how I'm calling the procedure:


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Send To Multiple Recipients

I am using CDONTS to send a confirmation email. I am using plain text to send my email. I would like to send to multiple users, but I am already using the "To," "Cc," and "Bcc." Is it possible to send to multiple recipients in the "To" field? I am also using variables instead of hard coded email addresses. Here is my code:

Set MyCDONTSMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
MyCDONTSMail.From= TeacherEmail
MyCDONTSMail.To= Administrator, Administrator2, Administrator3
MyCDONTSMail.Cc= Secretary
MyCDONTSMail.Bcc= TeacherEmail

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Send Multiple Receivers

I have a database with a tbl "Email" in the tbl are two fields "Name and Email", now I have writen a asp script that emails to the all email addresses that are in tabel, here comes the problem, if I buld a loop that will bring all the emails in the same message iis doesn't allow it If i have fixed this problemm(hope that anyone can help me?), there is on more left, the recevers of this email have to see to who the email has send.Job

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Send Multiple Values

I have a stored procedure that requires one variable to be filled: WHERE ItemNo = @ItemNo
Instead of sending 1 value,I'd like to send a bunch of values. I don't mind changing the SP if I new how to approach this. The user would select any number of ItemNo's from a form and submit.

Assume ItemNo's like: B1, B2, B3, etc...
The end result would be something like ...
WHERE ItemNo = B1 or ItemNo = B5 or ItemNo = B10 ...etc....

I want to build a recordset based on the user's selections. How?

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How Can I Send The Mail To Multiple Recipients

how can i send the mail (CDONT) to multiple recepients in ASP

if i select the address from the address box ,then all the selected mail id will go to TO text box with ' seperator.

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ASPEmail To Send To Multiple Recipients?

ASPEmail to send to multiple recipients? I tried to use comma and semicolon but all the time give this message error:

Error: 6 - 501 Bad address syntax

nor : email@dom,email@dom,email@dom
or: email@dom;email@dom;email@dom

what is the sintaxe for it? can I only send for one recipient by time?

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Send Form Info To Multiple Database Emails?

I have two forms, one on each page. The user fills the first, then the second, then on the third page all the information is displayed for the user to make sure thats what they want to send.

Then they click submit on the third page and it goes through a database and depending on which category, state and county the user selected it will email all the information displayed on that third page to all the emails in the Email field in the database.

Now, I already have the first and second pages(easy enough) and the third page I can get it to display all the info how I want it and now I need to know how to go about emailing that info to the emails that match the specific fields? Right now all I have it doing on the third page, instead of submitting it for emailing, it just displays the info from the forms AND emails that match from the database. Code:

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Send Email With Asp

I'm new with asp and server thing so if somoene could help me to resolve my problems
it would be very great.

I'm trying to send myself an email but it doesn't work, no error message, I just don't receive any email.

Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
myMail.Subject="Sending email with CDO"
myMail.TextBody="This is a message."

I'm using IIS at my home to test this code.

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How To Send Email Via

Our local educational host doesn't have any COMs on their servers so I need
to use the built-in (if there is one!!) mail/smtp component of to
send web form data via email.

Is there such a thing in My apols for the newbie question, but I'm
still an ASP classic developer.

Could somebody post me an example of how to use it.

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Send Email In ASP

We currently have a form that is in PHP that after the user fill out the form and hit submit, this form send all the information via email to us. I like to know if there is a similar feature or way to do this in ASP.

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How To Send Email In ASP

using the code below is how to send email using asp;

Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
myMail.Subject="Sending email with CDO"
myMail.TextBody="This is a message."
set myMail=nothing

but i encounter this error;

There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.

attached with this thread is the file (send.asp) so that you can check it for sure.

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How To Send Email

I am trying to develop a web site which involve in log in n to retrieve password. When a user forget their password they will use this service, after they enter their email address, i will send their user id and password to their email which allow them to see their user id and password, but i don know to to do this service which will automatically send email to user email address when they click the button .....

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Send Email

I've got an asp page that uses CDO.Message and
CDO.Configuration to send an email.

I'm not receiving any of these emails normally (i.e. in
Outlook), instead they all end up in this folder :

Could someone please explain what this means? Does this
mean the emails have been successfully sent?...or are they
waiting to be sent?

I'm pretty sure my smtpserver name is correct because i've
got the same thing going in .NET and it all works ok there
(as in I get an email thru Outlook). Just can't seem to
get it going in ASP.

Not sure if it this relevant...I'm behind a firewall, so
i'm assuming the smtpserver name is for a smart host,
which is fine in .NET, but i'm not sure how that'll work
out in ASP (eg. what do i set the serverport number to?)

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Send Email On Asp

I've just downloaded a component called AspEmail ( When i tried to test my code using the localhost, it require sthe address of my SMTP server inorder to send the email.

I put "localhost" as the address but i cannot send the mail for some wierd reason. I check the badmail folder just to find some mails under the "queue" folder.

I've tried the same code in a different pc, and i got a different error: AspEmail: Simple.asp
Error occurred: Connection timed out.

Does any body know how to send email using that aspemail component on localhost
Appreciate it.

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Send Email

I want to implement a function to send emails to the registered users from my web site using ASP. The problem is that the web server provider I'm using does not support any email components (such as CDO, CDONTS, or third-party) or SMTP server.

Therefore I'm looking for some free email/SMTP provider which enables me to send the email information from my ASP web page to their server and it will forward it as ordinary emails to the recipients.

One way to do it could be to set up a html form with fields to hold the email information (recipient addresses, sender address, subject and body) and send it to the service provider. Something like: ....

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ASP Send Email

Set Mail=Server.CreateObject(“CDONTS.NewMail”)
Mail.Subject=”Just testing my script”
Mail.Body=”Hey! I am sending this email through an ASP Page and
guess what? I haven’t learnt much yet, but know that ASP is very
Set Mail=nothing

Can I use the above code, if my pc is running on Windows XP Professional Edition?

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Send Email Somewhere

I'd like to get opinions on how this can be done. The brief background is that there is someone who, on a daily basis, puts together an email with links and text related to immunization.Would it be possible to automatically: receive this email; fit it into a database; then have a web page read the contents of the page from the database?
e.g., the web page could be told to present the text with the highest record number (assuming each new email is entered in as a new record).

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Send An Email

I want to send an E-mail whoever registers to my website. How do I do it?
I visited but it is not working.

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How Do U Send Email

How can we send email to the given email id with the current page text as the body text of the email.

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Send Email

I try to send email, however i have a problem

set mailmsg = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

mailmsg.To = ""
mailmsg.From = ""
mailmsg.Body = "This is a test message."
mailmsg.Host = ""

With this code they work fine but if i do this code
Set oConfig = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
to do smtp authentication i received the error that object can be created, because pc of my web hosting have linux with operating sytems and have installed a package to run asp.
Can anyone know other object to do smtp authetication.

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