How To Show A System.Drawing.Bitmap As An Image In ASP

I have a System.Drawing.Bitmap object in memory, now i want to show it as a normal picture in my ASP web page.

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Aspx Return System.drawing.image

I have aspx page, and this page go to another aspx i have that this second aspx return a image, how the first page can received the object system.drawing.image.

My code is that:

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Put user code to initialize the page here
Response.Buffer = True
Dim lImage As System.Drawing.Image
End Sub

It's OK?

And how I can view the image in the first page?

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Show Image From SQL Image Field?

Here is my code. I'm using 2 pages.

(Page 1) blob.asp

set Recordset1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Recordset1.ActiveConnection = MM_blob_STRING
Recordset1.Source = "SELECT AboutPic FROM Elizabeth.GF_AboutUs"
Recordset1.CursorType = 0
Recordset1.CursorLocation = 2
Recordset1.LockType = 3
Recordset1_numRows = 0
Response.contentType = "image/jpg" 'Recordset1.Fields("AboutPic") <---Tried
both methods
size = Recordset1.Fields("AboutPic").ActualSize
blob = Recordset1.Fields("AboutPic").GetChunk(size)

(Page 2 Show the Image)

Dim urlString
urlString = "?" & Request.QueryString

<% Another rs to show other information as text from the same table %>

<img src="blob.asp<%=urlString%>" width="194" height="256">

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VBscript Show Image It

I'm currently working on a asp page that I want an image to show if its checked in my Access Database otherwise show nothing. The code I have doesnt give me any errors it just doesnt work. The image doesnt appear at all even if the value if checked or not

<% If (leaders.Fields.Item("moh").Value) = "Yes" Then
Response.Write("<img src=cpd_files/dintinctions/medalofhonor.gif>")
End If %>

In place of "Yes" ive tried Yes, True, "True", On, "On" and none of them work. This is an access database with the data type set to Yes/No.

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If Then Statement To Show URL Of Image

I built a dynamic product catalog page and I need to pull from another recordset the header information. It works, except when it's undefined.

I tryed to write and if then statement, but it I couldn't figure out how the finish it..

If ((Recordset1.Fields.Item("HearderURL").Value) <> "") Then
Display the HeaderURL?

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How To Show The Image Back From Database Using Asp

I have in the database two columns, one for picture_id and one for image. Then I want to show the image which the user sent into the database.

I am using sql server 2000, how should I write the code in asp so that it can show the image not the disordered characters on screen.

I have code as following but the output is disordered characters....

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How Can I Show An Image In A Datalist With The Url From A DBrecord

I'm trying to make a list of produkts, in this list I want to have an image of the produkt. the url from that img is stored in the database.. I want to make the list with a datalist because its better looking. how can I get the url from the DB in the ImageUrl tag.

I'm working in and the DB is in ACCES.

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How To Show An Image Where Height Nog Greater Then Xx But Do Not Stretch

I need to show an image in the header of an asp page. If the image's width
is greater then 82 pixels, the header gets mis-formed. If I specify the
height for the image and it is smaller then 82 pixels it gets stretched and

How do I solve this? At first I planned to write a vb-dll that checks the
image's height but since the image come's as a BLOD from sql-server tat is
a no-go.

Can I find the original height in the binary data from the blob itself?

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Inserting Signature Bitmap File In An Asp

I am trying to build a asp page where signature bitmap file needs to be
inserted from a directory. The path of the file location is in one of the
backend Access database fields. I would like to know if there is any
knowledge based article related to this kind of issues. I have no idea where
to start on this.

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Bitmap Objects To Video Stream

I have a C# Desktop application that collects a set of System.Drawing.Bitmap objects.
Now, i want a ASP page that recieves that set of bmps and displays it as a video stream. Is this even possible? Ive googled but found no reference for this. My C# application continously sends the Bitmap objects, i just need those bitmaps to be redirected to a page that will show those pages.

A simpler way to look at my problem: I want an ASP application that connects to a server, that server will be sending a bunch of BMP objects, and then display those Bitmap objects as a video stream.

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I wish my asp code to automaticly draw a line betwen two pixel on my photo in asp code, is it posible and how?

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Drawing Graphs

I have managed to succesfully return data from a database with an SQL SELECT string, and now I was wondering if there is a simple way to graph the data?

Does ASP have any objects that will help out with graphing, or would I have to to draw it out manually?(if that could be done). Or should I not try to do it myself and look at a 3rd party solution for graphs?

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Drawing Page Properties

Is it possible to grab the title of the page and echo it somewhere in your asp document? Does ASP have a premade variable to grab this?

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Drawing Graphics/images

Looking around, theres a bunch of pre-made utilities out there for ASP that make graphs and charts. I guess they often just write binary image data on the fly, and they output the image. You can even say something like <img src="blah.asp">.

My problem is, I want to write images on the fly, but I dont need graphs or charts. I just want to have custom images created based on database data.

So my question is what are the underlying methods that these graphing utilities use to write this binary data? Can I write my own utility? I know PHP has a library to do this exact thing (GD Library). Does anybody know of an ASP equivalent?

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Visio 2002 Drawing

I have a web application built in ASP 3.0 that uses data from SQL Server 2000 to generate Visio 2002 drawings, save the drawings to a file on the webserver and then send that file to the browser. We've successfully installed and ran the application with Windows 2000 server, Windows Server 2003 (Web Edition and Enterprise), Windows 2000 Professional, and Windows XP and with SQL Server 7 and 2000.

Now we've attempted another installation (IIS on Win2K AS and SQL 2K on Win2K AS) and we get no response from Visio. The Visio process is being started on the server, but it appears as if nothing happens after that. The administrator of the web server cannot end the process through the task manager either, which is rather puzzling. The script also does not seem to be timing out, even though we have a script timeout set for 30 seconds in the global.asa file.

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Adding E-mail System (for Web Based Tracking System)

I am currently developing a final year project which is a web based
tracking system tracking exam questions. I am using IIS as the
server, MS access for the database, and ASP with VBScript for the
scripting side of things.

One of the things I want to do would be to e-mail a user/moderator
whenever a exam question is edited/completed/updated. does anyone have
any previous expierence in this? i don't even know where to start.

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What Is The Asp Code Variable For System Date And System Time?

What is the asp code variable for System Date and System Time? Are they built-in system variables, or is there some code involved to return the values?

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Display An Image From Access, Stored As Location Name Not Actual Image.

I have a client who has had a ASP site with an Access database for several years. It stores information for the used cars on his lot. I have stored text in the database that points to the location of the image for each record. Each record will have a thumb image that is supposed to display in a list of vehicles available then the user can select an item from this list and a new page displays with the information and the regular size image. So far everything has worked fine exept for the display of the images which are stored in a separate directory called veh-photos. All I get are image place holders. I am using Dreamweaver 2004 and and Access 2000 for the database.

Following is the code to list vehicles: ....

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Open Image In 'Kodak Image Edit Control' With Web Browser

1.I want to show a image file of type '.tif' in the browser window; for that I'm writting as ASP code page.

2.This '.tif' type image can be shown better with 'Kodak Image Control'.

3.To have this 'Kodak Image Control' on my code page I just add it's ..ocx to tool box and then drag it from 'Toolbox' to the page.

4.Now after dropping this control to the code it's type is getting changed to 'object' instead of type 'ImgEdit'(and I think this is the
reason I don't get correct result).

5.On one button's 'Onclick' event I'm calling a javascript function with which I'm setting a 'Path'and'Display' property of a control.

6.And want to show a image at location -- '..MFTDRCMF919685173-62.tif' which get shown in new browser window but could not get shown in that particular control. That means the path is correct, then what is the problem?

For better understanding of problem I'm pasting a following code which I've tried up till now......
<%@ Language=VBScript %>

<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>
function showpic()
var path;
path = document.frmtif.path.value;
document.frmtif.ImgEdit1.Image =path;


<BODY bgColor=#ffe4e1>
<form name="frmtif">
The Image
<OBJECT id=ImgEdit1 style="WIDTH: 409px; HEIGHT: 218px" type="ImgEdit"
border=1 classid=clsid:6D940280-9F11-11CE-83FD-02608C3EC08A

<input type="hidden" name="path"
<input type="button" name="show" value="Show" onclick="showpic();">



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Displaying Alternate Image When Image Source Not Found

I am creating a dynamic ASP VBScript page, which gets data from an Access database.

In the database, there is a field which holds a URL to an image. I can get the image to display fine, but where there is no file that matches the URL (i.e. a missing image) I want to display an alternative, default image (e.g. one that says "Awaiting Image"). The field is never blank, but the image file may not exist for all records in the database.

I think what I am trying to get to is the following:

If file exists (using URL from database to get location of image file) then
display image using the url from the database as the image source
display default image - hardcoded in program

I have had a go and come up with the attached but I get an error with my if statement...

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Image From Image Folder Into Byte Array?

I can convert an image that is retrieved from a FileUpload object into a byte array and insert it into the database..

When the user signs-up i wish tosimply insert into the Picture (DB Type = Image) field to an image i already have saved in my images folder?

Anyone know of a way to do this? Tutorials, articles or advise??!

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Upload New Image Get Path Of Old Image

I'm working on a project where I'm suppose to upload a image to a server. The uploading works fine but when I want to change the image I uploaded to another image I can't get the filepath of the old image to show in my "filefiled" it possible to set a "value" where I can retrieve a filepath in a form if the input type is "file"?

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If Then Show

is there a tutorial around anywhere that tells you how to change images on the page when a user selects from a select box

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Don't Show Everything

I have a database of songs listed as Title, Artist,Description, DiscNo and TrackNo with a seperate record in that format for each song.What I would like to do is search through them for the Description, show only the disc numbers in the results.

This I can do easily. Where I am lost is that I only want each individual disc number to show once. If I moveNext through the recordset, it shows the disc number 15 times per disc. Is there a filter I can add to limit this display?

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Don't Want This To Show

Is there any way to input .asp code so that a specific element isn't show on a page? example: I don't want a menu on a specific product page, but I want it on all the others. Is there any code to input into a site wide includes file to implement this?

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<%=request.querystring("image")%> Image Won't Display

This worked fine for enlarging my images until i put it onto a secure server, anyone know how i can fix it ??? just comes up with the standard box with a red cross in it .. and the url when i click image properties says: http://url/images/<%=request.querystring( which is only part of the code)

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Show A Progress Bar

I have a ASP application which let user to download their reports in pdf format. I would like to show a progress bar, or change the mouse cursor to a hourglass while the user is waiting for the file. How to acomplish this? In the asp code, I use response.BinaryWrite to create the pdf file directly to the browser. How to detect when the file is ready?

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Show Recordsets

I create a page which will show me all the Regions from the table "RegionTable" where I have no information (empty fields) in on of the fields RegionDescription or RegionRank.
It is to make my content managing easier. I do not want to see those records which contain all the necessary info (region description and rank).
I tried the following code, but it does not work

qry = "SELECT * FROM RegionTable WHERE RegionDescription="" AND RegionRank="" "

error message is:
([Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1)

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Show Full Value

I have a query that displays values from a db.
The problem is that the value displays like this:
R 6.5
instead of like this:
R 6.50
How would I get it to show the full value?

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ok, well what I have been having some trouble with is to show the person character name like this:

Welcome, 'Username' <-- Here I want it to show the persons username from the database.

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How Can I Have A % Or $ Show Up In An E-mail?

I am using a Cdonts e-mail script that e-mails the results of a form to my address. It currently displays the data like:

Amount: 12.00
Percent: 2.00

I need it to say:

Amount: $12.00
Percent: 2.00%

How can I get the $ and % symbols to be included in the e-mail template without getting a 500 error?

Here is what I have:

Body = Body & vbcrlf & "Amount: " & request.form("amount")
Body = Body & vbcrlf & "Percent: " & request.form("percent")

I've tried a few diffrent ways but here is one example:

Body = Body & vbcrlf & "Amount: $" & request.form("amount")
Body = Body & vbcrlf & "Percent: " & request.form("percent")%

I've tried using / before the symbols and "" but everything I've tried keeps coming up with a 500 error. How can I add these symbols to my template so they will show up in the e-mail?

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Show First 100 Chars

I know we have this thread somewhere, but I can't seem
to find it now

I want to show the first 100 chars of a string, but
I don't want a word to be cut in half at the end, it must
show the whole word then and go a bit beyond 100 chars.

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Show Array

How do you print out all of the contents of an array if all you know is the array name?
FOr example, I am looking at pre existing code that looks like this:Code:

scartItem2 = session("cartItem")
arrCart2 = session("MyCart")
For Z = 0 to scartItem2
cartfields2="&Email=YES" & "&processed" & z & "=" & arrCart2(cProductid,z) & "&quantity=" & arrCart2(cQuantity,z)
What I need to find out is if there are ANY other elements other than cProductid AND cQuantity in this array and what their names would be so I can add them to the code.

I know that I could print out the values of the above by simply doing this:


But how do I find out if there's a cFeature or any other element?

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