How To Use Variables Of An Array In ASP To Client Script In The Same Form ?

I have an array varibles in ASP script and i want to use these

varibles again in client Script (in VBScript) .

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Array Integers Vs Array Variables

In working with arrays, I have found that I am unable to dimension and array
with a variable that has an integer value but I can redimension one this
way. I haven't see any information that tells me if this is a requirement,
although it appears to be because I get an error if I try it.


Dim b
b = 10
Dim a(b) ' this errors out but
Dim a() ' this
Redim a(b) ' works


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VBScript (client-side) And ASP Variables

I'm having an issue using a VBScript (client side) and ASP together.

Basically I have this piece of testing code (sampled from my site) where the "Order Total" is obtained from the server. In my code I just declare an "Order Total" server side variable and set it myself. Code:

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Client/Server Side Variables

At the moment I am building a small news board on my companys intranet. There are 2 different offices with 2 different domains. for each office I want to show different news relating to that office.

Is there any way with asp to get the name of the domain that the user is logged onto so I can filter different news for each domain. This will just save the hassle of putting the intranet on 2 different domains.

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Access Variables From Asp Server To Client?

isit possible to access variables (code) from ASP server script to ASP client page?? take for example the code supplied below:

'server script
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
dim svalue
svalue="access me"

'client code
dim x
x = svalue 'svalue isfrom server script
response.write x

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Accessing Server Variables From The Client Browser

I want to be able to client process of the ASP page to get the value
populated in Request("rssFeed"), how can I do this because the Request
object is not available to the Client-side.

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Can't Access Client Side Environment Variables

I am trying to find out how to access %APPDATA% environment variable on the client side of an ASP Intranet application. I need this so that I can perform some cleanup function. So far everything I read points to using Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables("APPDATA"); I can't seem to get this to work. Error message says Environment not defined.

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Array Of Variables ByRef

Using ASP/VBScript, Is it possible to populate an array with variables in such a way that later changing the value of the variable will change the value stored in the array?

For instance:
dim var1, containerarray
var1 = "Initial Value"
containerarray = array(var1)
var1 = "New Value"
for each x in containerarray
response.write("The value is: "& x)

Would ouput "The value is New Value"

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Array That Holds Variables

Is it possible to create an array with variables inside it, like the following example

var1 = "1"
var2 = "2"
var3 = "3"
For i=0 To 3
if(my_array(i) = "1") Then

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Session Variables Store Array Of Values?

I know that cookies can store an array of values, which can be accessed like this:

tempid = Request("cookiename")(i)

Is it possible to use session variables in the same way? Store a array of values in the same session variable and access them on another page by indexing?

I've looked around alot and I've not found anything suggesting that this is possible.

Right now I'm using a single set of cookies to store info on a series of purchaces of the same type of item. I'm hoping to use session variables to replace the cookies.

Does anyone know for certain if this is not possible?

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Passing Client-side Array Index To Server Side Script

Following is a vbscript code extract triggered by a combobox OnChange event. arrVendorA and arrdefpack are server side arrays and i need the intCounter parameter to be the array index. Code:

sub getstdPackByVendor(strPartNo, intCounter)
dim selVendor
selvendor= colSelect("cboVendor", intCounter).value

if selvendor= "<%=arrvendorA(intCounter)%>" then
if "<%=arrdefpack(intCounter)%>" = 2 then
colTD("txtStdPack" & intcounter+1 ).innertext = cstr("<%=arrVAStdPAckL2(intCounter)%>")
end if
end if
end sub

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Server-side Array, Client-side Index Problem

The following code is giving me a type mismatch error at the 'if' statements... any ideas, anyone ?

sub getstdPackByVendor(strPartNo, intCounter)
dim selVendor
selvendor= colSelect("cboVendor", intCounter).value

if selvendor= "<%=arrvendorA(" & intCounter & ")%>" then
if "<%=arrdefpack(" & intCounter & ")%>" = 2 then
colTD("txtStdPack" & intcounter+1 ).innertext =
cstr("<%=arrVAStdPAckL2(" & intCounter & ")%>")
end if
end if
end sub

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How To Access Variables (form Text Box Values) On Same Form?

I have a form on an ASP page that has 5 text boxes, for data entry. I am trying to get data from the text box, and pass it to a hidden text box on the form.

The hidden text box is called "MyDateTime" (a SQL date and time value). I am attempting to concatenate data from two other textboxes (one for date and one for time) to give a string like : "8/8/2004 8:00 AM" I am trying to use the following: Code:

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ASP Client-Side Form Validation

This would be the longest project I have worked on, but I'm trying to use client side validation on a form that collects a users information. The problem I have is how do you validate a field when processing the form and if a field say is EMPTY, then error message and the users needs to enter some data.

I know that I can say POST="validate.asp" or something, however I have this page going from one form page to another and I can't get my head around being able to validate the field on the page before processing the form and moving to page 2 form, and so on.

Is there away to have the validation on the first page and somehow once validated move to page 2 form?

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Client-side Validation Works, But Form Still Submits...

I've got a form that is activated by an external .asp page. I've finally got the validation of the form working, the javascript alert pops-up and correctly identifies the mistakes, but when I click OK on the js pop-up, the form submits and I get a data mismatch error.

I can't seem to figure out how to get the form to wait for the right data... Code:

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Client Side Script - Form Fields -Point To Same Domain?

I am curious to know that if given two strings such as & how could I compare those strings to see if they are from the same domain? I am setting up a link exchange that requires a person provide their url and a verification url where my link is located. What I am trying to avoid is having someone do this: & whereas the second domain may have a link to my site but it is not related to the entrants domain.

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Form Into Array & Database.

What I need to do is to create a form of a dynamic size, and then save
everything from the form in a database. The number of forms depends on
a number from the database which I know how to get. I need to have a
comment and a number, for example if the number from queried from the
database is 2, then I need 2 forms, and it would be something like so:

Comment: Something
Number: 4

Comment: SomethingElse
Number: 6

When the user clicks the submit button, this would be saved in a
database in a table, in a new row. I have the database created and
inserting works very good when inserting just one row, but I need to
insert more then one row at a time, so it would be something like
this: Code:

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Array In Request.form

can i use array in request.form?
how can i use it?

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Transfer Array From One Form To Another

I would like to ask how to pass an array from one form to another. I have tried below but it cant work...

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Array In Form Post

I have problem getting right info using array.

When I post data with form:
<% i = 1 %>
<input type="text" name="Boys(<%=i%>)">

and retrieving the data on another page:
i = 1
Response.Write Request.Form("Boys(i)")

I do not see the data. If I replaced "Boys(i)" with "Boys
(1)", I can see the data. What am I missing?

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Referencing (many) Form Fields In An Array

I am trying to do some client-side form validation using vbscript. The form consists of 15 rows, with five fields in each row. For example, I want to be able to look at the contents of the 3rd field in the 9th row. How do I reference that field using vbscript? Do I loop through a collection?

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Multi Dimensional Array In Form

what i want to do is have a (multi dimensional?) array, so that each second dimension represnts a row of radiobuttons. The trouble is i don't know what to name the arrays as. Obviously for each row the names for the different radio buttons will be the same, meaning you can only select one.

in php you could do it with a single array as you name each row of radio button differently:

1st row:

in asp it doesn't look like you can do it this way, because to create a similar array you'd do something like
1st row:

then use split in the recipient script. This does not work however, because each radiobutton (on all rows) has the same name, and therefore when you click one all the rest on every row are unclicked..

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ASP Form Array - Delimiter Problem

I'm submitting various form variables as arrays, so when I do try to
access them when the form is submitted, i do a split on the variable
and pop it into an array.

for example:
aDescriptions = split(request.form("strDescriptions"), ", ")

The problem however is if a description contains a comma in the text,
it throws off the split function.

Question is, is there a way to change the delimiter of the form array
to something other than a comma. Or does anyone here know a more
elegant workaround.

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Asp: Pass Array Element Values To Form On Next Page

how to create an array of checkboxes that were selected from a form on one page and pass them into hidden fields in a form on the next page? I have this massive project I've been working on and am having trouble with this.

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How Do I Retrieve Values Of An Array Variable From A Form To An Asp Page?

if i have a vbscript function on a certain form and I assigned some values on an array variable on that function, is there a way for me to retrieve the values of that array on another asp page once i submitted the form?

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Variables From A Form

I have a form with 2 text boxes, when submitted the content is written to a database. Basically it's a page builder, one text box has the name of the page, the other contains the text.I have built a preview page which I want to pass whatever has been typed into the text boxes to, before the form is submitted. Basically what I want to do is pass them as variables to the preview.asp page.
Anybody know how I can do this? The text box names are 'title' and 'text' E

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Form Variables

I need to do something very basic. I need to gather information from a form, and when they click "submit", it will take their input and add it to a URL string.
In other words:
Click Submit

Goes to;company=XXXXX
How can I do this simple task

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Not Getting Form Variables

It appears that form that I have used for months has stopped passing form variables (via POST) to my asp results page. I have been working through various problems, all caused by the installation of Microsoft XP SP2. I am assuming that this is yet another security issue, but don't know what I should set to overcome this problem.

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Redirect And Form Variables

I need help on how to do the following:

1. Submit a form from a.asp to b.asp (arbitrary names)
2. Have b.asp redirect to either c.asp or c2.asp which is decided by a form field gotten from Request.Form("Field")
3. Have all the previous form data available in c.asp

What I need to know how to do is declare the variables from the form on a.asp on b.asp so I can view them on c.asp.

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Passing Form Variables In A Url

i think this is a simple process but i'm lost on how to format it
page.asp?cnum=Request.form("cnum")something like that?

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How Do I Get All The Form Variables In A Post

Could someone please remind me how to get all the form variables in a post?

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Posting Form Variables

I have created a form, which has hidden fields, which are to be passed to a payment gateway using the POST method.

My problem is that the variables in the hidden fields do not get passed on to the payment page when the form gets posted. The payment page comes up empty.

Does anyone know why this is happening? Code:

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Combining 2 Variables In A ASP Form

It's regarding an ASP FORM for the credit card process:

I'm collecting credit card information on my secured server. When collecting the Month and Year values (for the expiration date of the card) with Select/Option tags, I don't have a way to concatenate them together prior to submitting the form so I can post them in the format the gateway asked me for (e.g. "mmyy" or "mmyyyy")

Do you have a way where I can submitt those variables togehter in such format? Code:

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