I Need To Create A Asp Search Form

i have an access database and i want to create a form using asp to search one or more field(s) and display all the fields in the db online.

you know where i can get help on this or is there such a software where i could buy and do this kind of stuff?

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Create Database And Create Table On One Form

Here's what my code looks like...

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How To Create A Search..

I need to create a search form. Basically, I have a table that stores customer ID and Cunstomers name and customers postcodes and I want to serach this table/database - having a user type in what they are looking for in a search box, and asp coding I suppose retrivieng the information, I have no clue where to start.

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Create A Search Mechanism

I like to develop a search mechanism using asp in my web site. This key word search mechanism will search the keyword within my web site and return the urls that matches keywords. Any sample code or tool would be good.

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Create SEARCH In My Site

i am working in creating a medical system that keep track of medical records.. i am now in coding the search engine in the system which takes tha value entered by the user and search the database for the values that match the user's value..and display it in the results page.

so how can i do that??can anyone give a sample of the code? is there is other way than using LIKE'%value%'?? because i want to write a code that search all my table columns.

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Create A Form

i have been asked by a friend to create a form in asp,basically one that gets 2 numbers and adds them to gether,then puts the result on the same page.

how this is done as i havent got a clue.i know how to make a basic form.

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Create A Pdf Or Word Doc From An Asp Form

I have been tasked with developing an online Purchase requisition system for my employers. This requisition system will submit the employees requisitions to a database for approval before they can buy their required products.

What I would like to do is offer the option of creating a word doc or pdf of the requisition details on submission to the database. This doc or pdf could then be emailed or printed and sent to a supplier for a quotation.

Is it possible to have a form do 2 functions at once? i.e. submit data to the database as well as creating this doc or pdf? Any info on how to create a doc or pdf from an asp form would be much appreciated.

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Create A Reservation Form

I have a problem to create a reservation form. Code:

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How To Create This System Of Easy Form?

i would like to create the following one, but nor I know as. One index.asp that db catches one information as heading, hour of entrance and station time and shows in the page index. An example, let us assume that now they are 23:00, then the shown information will be inserted in the page index.asp in accordance with the current hour.

If it will have something registered in cadastre in db that it starts the 23:00 and it finishes the 01:00 will be in index, passing the hour it leaves and it enters another message with programmed hour.

If I have in db a message that would have to be shown of the 09:00 the 11:30, and now I am 11:20, the system analyze and show the information, until he is 11:31, when then I enter another one, and thus successively, they are menmsagens that in accordance with enter the hour of the server.

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Create A Upload File Form

I am trying to create a upload file form in asp.here is what I have so far


<form enctype="multipart/form-data" name="Form1" action="<%=basepath%>Admin/reportrequest.asp" method="Post" onSubmit="return submitwindow(Form1)">

and then I have the following

Upload the templated :

do I need to do two separte forms,because when I include enctype="multipart/form-data" in my form then my submit part stops working meaning it will not add data in my sql table when I hit submit.

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Create Xml File With Asp/form/sqldb

how hard is it to create a xml file then upload it to an ftp with a webform that query's data based with entry? i need a user to be able to enter certain parameters then it queries info based off that parameter and creates a xml file, then uploads it to a ftp.

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Create Email Form With Attachment With Cc And Bcc Address?

I want to create form in which user specify his details. But that mail should be take cc address from database and also that form have one attachment field.

Mail body must be in html format. Attachment and "from" his email field compulsory....

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How Do You Create A Form With A Graphic Security Entry?

I don't know what they're called, but you know the form: The page
displays a "code", usually on a similar color background (dark gray),
and the text is all squiggly.

It's an attempt to foil the bots that go out and process forms. The
user has to type in the code they see, when the graphic itself should
be unreadable by character recognition engines.

So, how are the graphics generated, and how do you implement this?

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Create Table With Username And Write To It With Results From Form

I have an asp page that gives results for a search from a previous page from streetguide.streets in MySql. The page displays the UserName of the person logged in.

I have the results of this query displayed inside a form with hidden variables. When the user clicks "save to my folder" I want it to create a table in the mysql db with the same name as the user name, and then write to this table.

I have it working if I created the table beforehand, but I want the table to be created dynamically upon form submission with the table name to match the persons user name.

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Search Form

I have a ms access table, which is called students. This table contain data about the students. 3 fields I use for my search form. Gender contains male and female, age contains the age of the students between 15 and 25 and state contains the state where the students are coming from.

Now I would like to search for example all male students who are between 17 and 21 and are from California. Or I would like to search all female students who are between 16 and 19 and are from New York. how the SQL query should look like and to make it work, by that I can see all searched students with their data in the results table?

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Multiple Dropdowns To Create An Arrary To Form ORDER BY Statement

Creating a form that allows people to search a ticket database. One criteria I would like to add is to give the people the option to sort the results by selecting criteria for a dropdown.

My first thought was to create 3 dropdowns with the same name, get the data and add it to the SQL string. It worked great except for when someone decided to leave anything blank.
Here are my dropdowns here: Code:

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Date Search Form;

I have a form on my site that allows someone to enter a date range they want to search for in ASP. I want the From Date to lag behind the To Date by two months automatically?
I know how to make the To Date today's date, but do not know how to make it subtract two months off for the From Date.

The part I know:
<input type="text" name="ToDate" size="8" class="style2" value="<%=Date%>">

The part I don't:
<input type="text" name="ToDate" size="8" class="style2" value="<%=??????????%>

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Zip Code Search Form

I am trying to implement a search form that lets people find businesses by zip codes with a certain distance (e.g. 10, 20, and 50 miles).what do I need to buy to have the resources to do this? I have seen some zip code databases but I am not sure how to setup the distance from point A to point B and return the results within the distance.

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Allow Amendments To Search Form

I have set up a search form on our homepage which allows users to search for properties to rent.They enter details like postcode, rent amount, number of beds etc. on the search form, hit submit and matching records from an access database are displayed on a new results page.I want to be to make it easy for the user to review the search criteria and amend it.

Can I get the search criteria to display in another form on the results page or do I just expect the user to hit back to get back to the original completed form. If the Back button is the best method can I add a button/link on the results page to perform the same function as the back button on the toolbar.

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Search String In HTML Form

In a HTML form field, the user enters a long text. I need to search for an image tag. Then get the name of the image (*.gif or *.jpeg) to check the image library if the image already exists. If exists, cannot upload the image. Else, upload the image.

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Search Form Property DocTitle

I got the sample from MS website on the search form. There is a property, DocTitle. It doesnt bring any data back to be displayed. Could someone help me and tell me what this is suppose to bring from pdf/word files?

I thought it was the title in the word document for the document properties? I have something there in the document but it still doesnt display it. It seems to be always blank.

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Asp Database Search Form Submission Problem

im working on a database driven website that uses an access database of links and search keywords that users can search through to find a particular page within my site. the search box is in a table and the results come up in an iframe without the page refreshing aside fromt the iframe itself. at the moment when i type a search into the text field and press enter the results come up as i want them to within the iframe.

however if i press the search button next to the text field section of the form as opposed to pressing enter the database does not find any results yet the no results found error still appears within the iframe. i have tried the same searches and pressed enter and they work but as soon as i try to click the search button they do not.

here is the search form code so any of you geniuses out there who can help me can see if any code is missing: Code:

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How To Search A Database Field From Form Input

How to search a database field from form input? is it easy to do i like to have a html form from an html page that will call an asp page to do db search, if user enter a zipcode that match in the database it will pull all the infomation from both talbes and display on the screen

i have 2 tables related to each other
contact table
id, fname, lastname, contactid, email

zip table
id, zip, contactid, city

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How To Search A Database Field From Form Input?

How to search a database field from form input? is it easy to do i like to have a html form from an html page that will call an asp page to do db search, if user enter a zipcode that match in the database it will pull all the infomation from both talbes and display on the screen

i have 2 tables related to each other:

contact table id, fname, lastname, contactid, email

zip table
id, zip, contactid, city

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Errors With Wrong Data Type On Search Form

I have a search form that searches through employee records by either employee number or last name. I have 2 radio buttons, one for last name and the other for employee number. The value of those radio buttons tells the query what to search by. My problems is if they forget to select last name and type text into the search field. I get an error of course. How should I handle this? I need some fresh eys on the problem.

If request.QueryString("action") = "search" AND request.form("searchby") = "nam" then
rsTraining.Source = "SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE " & searchby & " LIKE '" & criteria & "%' AND STATUS ='Active' ORDER BY NAME_LAST, NAME_FIRST"
End If

If request.QueryString("action") = "search" AND request.form("searchby") = "num" then
rsTraining.Source = "SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE " & searchby & " = " & criteria & " AND STATUS ='Active' ORDER BY NAME_LAST, NAME_FIRST"
End If

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Search DB Based On Multiple Form Fields On Submit??

I have a form on one page where someone selects a bunch of options and details about a specific category. Then on the next page they fill out a form with contact information, name, address, email, etc.

Well what I want to know is when they click Submit on that contact form is there a way to have it so it goes through and searches the database for any that match the state and county(which they will select from a )??

So what I basically want right now is for the first form to be filled out, then the second form to be filled out, then when they are submitted it will go through the database and select everyone in there with that state and county, then on the next page display the results of both forms AND the matches in the db(obviously whatever fields I want it to display).

I already have both forms(basic html), I already have the dynamic dropdown for state and county(classic asp), what Im wondering is how do I put that dynamic dropdown in the contact form and then when submitted it will go through and search the db based on what was selected there. Would this be some sort of onClick for the submit button tellin it to search the db based on the dropdown or how would I get started on something like this?

There will be other information on the dropdown like name address email so one problem I was wondering about was my dropdown menu. When you select the state it refreshes the page and then loads the counties, so wouldnt that erase anything that was filled out on the form?

I could make it so they actually type the name of their state and county but that causes problems too because if they mispell either then it wont return any results.

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I've got a problem i would like you to help me out with. My company has got a client who sells meat and my senior tech lead has customized the cart to fit their needs and have created a despatch table with a "simple asp form" that allows them to scan their products in with a wi-fi scanner. Code:

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Need To Convert Google Search Ref To Find What The User Search

i get the ref url that come to my site and i want to convert it to find
out what was the query in (google or other searcher sites)

foe example : if someone goes to google and search some text and my
site was in his resaults and he click on it , in my site i see his link
ref like

i want to know (in asp and save it to DB) what was the word or words
that the user write in search engine.

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Search Within Search Results

I am trying to create a parametric search within a table (in the column headings). My first page (search.asp) allows you to choose parameters from a dropdown box, such as package and volts. You click "search" and it reads the Access dbase to yield the results.

The results page (results.asp) displays the information based on the parameters. Under the package column heading, I have the same drop down box, and I am able to once again choose the package I want and the table will refresh. Code:

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Create A PDF From ASP

Is there anyway to generate a PDF using ASP Scripting(VB Script).

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Create Pdf

Does anybody knows a way (free of cost, code or dll) to generate pdf?

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Create Url

I use a website in asp for which I have to type a username and
password everytime I want to login.
On the form are two fields for typing the username and password and
one button LOGIN.
I want to create an standard url for the website which includes my
username and password so I don't have to type it in everytime.

I looked at the page source but I can't find the right string.
I thought maybe http://.........aspx?username=me&password=it

but that doesn't work.

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Create PDF

Is there a (simple) way to create a PDF file from ASP?

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