IIS Windows 2000 Not Loading

I've searched several articles about this and cannot get any suggestions to work. My IIS on Windows 2000 Server won't run ASP pages like default.asp. I've tried reinstalling IIS, syncing the passwords for IUSR....etc.

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ASP.NET On Windows 2000

Our current websites are hosted on Win2K Servers using classic ASP and IIS
5.0. We will be acquiring a 3rd party website that is written in ASP.NET.
Hate to sound stupid, but is it possible to run ASP.NET on Win2K or does it
need to be run under Win2003?

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PWS On Windows 2000

Overnight my work PC has been upgraded - I'm re-installing all my software, and PWS does not work

It may be that it's a permissions thing (I need to get this sorted, as it is stopping me from installing a few things) However, I also suspect that PWS for NT is no longer any good for W2K Is there a new version for W2K?

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Logging Off Windows 2000 From IIS

I will be traveling and I will need to show someone a
secure folder in an IIS website and I will be on a public
computer. When we are done, I will need to be able to log
off so no one else using that computer will find
their way into that part of the website. The security is
Windows authentitication using Clear Text.

Can ASP log me off. If so I will need to code this before
I leave. Can anyone point me to where I can get some
examples of code to do this ?

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Windows Server 2000 Question...

Will CDO work under Windows Server 2000? I'm guessing it will. The problem is that I wrote a nice little ASP app under Windows Server 2003 which works REALLY well. Sends out the email with NO problem. 'Course, it uses an external SMTP server, but I'm assuming this shouldn't matter, right?.

Because when I port it over to Windows Server 2000, it blows right past it. Is there a particular setup procedure that needs to be done for Windows Server 2000 to enable CDO to work properly?

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Windows 2000 SP 4; Browser Hangs

I installed SP4 for Windows 2000.

Prior to the upgrade my system was at SP3 and I was able to run ASP
scripts from my browser just fine. For exmaple: Code:

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Mac To Windows 2000 File Uploads

I've recently installed an asp component called smartupload, it works very well. The problems start when a mac user uploads a jpg or gif, windows will not open the file.it works fine with a windows user.

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Connecting To SQL 2000 Database In Windows 2003 X64

I'm trying to connect to a SQL 2000 database on my Windows 2003 x64 Enterprise edition server, and so far I've got the error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not
found and no default driver specified

My ASP code is straight forward: Code:

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Setting Up MSDE 2000 Release A On Windows XP Professional

I recently downloaded and installed (hopefully correctly) MSDE 2000 Release
A. I previously, and still do, have the version of IIS that comes with XP
Professional installed on my computer. I wanted MSDE 2000 Release A so that
I could do database access using ASP from my websites, which are on my
computer. When I went to my first test website, I recieved the following

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Neither DSN nor SERVER keyword supplied
/testDB.asp, line 26

The ASP code that I used on my web to connect to the database (which is
currently just an empty text file) is the following: Code:

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Formmail Email Page Won't Work After Windows 2000 Update

I'm using formmail.asp which is an emailing utility. Basically, the user
fills out a request page, clicks "Submit" and the page posts to formmail.asp
which emails the user information.

I'm running IIS5 on a Win2k server box and recently ran the Windows Updates
(the last time I do that). Anyway, that emailing form doesn't work now on
any of the sites I host. Any ideas?

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ASP, CDO For Windows 2000 & Embedded / In-line Images Showing As Attachments

I have been using the CDONTS.Newmail object for a number of years to send
nicely formatted HTML Emails with inline images.

I am now trying to switch over to using CDO and I cannot reproduce this
functionality. I am using the AddAttachment method instead of the old
AttachURL method but the attached images just show as separately attached
files rather than in line in the HTML.

According to MSDN:

"If you populate the HTMLBody property before calling the AddAttachment
method, any inline images are displayed as part of the message."

Well, I am doing that but it is not working. The images show up as if I had
attached them using the old AttachFile method.

Code follows....

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JScript: Can't Programmatically Delete Cookies On Windows 2000 Professional

I persist the login info using cookies so that a user doesn't have to login every time they come to our website, unless they previously logged out. Everything works OK on W98 SE, and Windows XP Pro machines.

On a W2K machine, IE6.0.2800.1106 SP1, the following function won't delete cookies, or deletes them but they're mysterioulsy re-created when the web page is subsequently referenced. Therefore, a web user can't logout.

// ============================================
// remove login cookies
// ============================================
function KillLoginCookies ( )
Response.Cookies ( sCookieCustomerID ) = '';
Response.Cookies ( sCookieCustomerID ).Expires = '01/01/1980';
Response.Cookies ( sCookiePassword ) = '';
Response.Cookies ( sCookiePassword ).Expires = '01/01/1980';

What am I missing here?

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Access 2000 Or SQL Server 2000

I am planning to design a database (destined for the web) that will have
between 20000 and 45000 records in it and will receive a lot of reads but
very very few writes (just from me).

Now the question is should I use:

1) The combination of Access 2000 (accessible through ASP or ASP.NET) using


2) SQL Server 2000 ?

Of course I know that the SQL Server option is a better one, especially
since it's said that an Access DB can have about 9 users or so accessing it
at the same time. But is that a general rule or is it about many people
writing to the DB? In other words, if an Access DB has hardly any writes
and 99.9% reads can it be used as efficiently as it would be used on SQL
Server 2000?

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Error In COM+ While Migrating From 2000 Server To 2000 Advace Server

I have one 3 tier architecture application running on Windows 2000 Server.

I have created replica of same machine on another machine where OS is
Windows 2000 Advance Server.

But when I port same running application on new machine i.e. Machine with OS
as Windows 2000 Advance Server, my middle tier (Active-X Dll, COM+
application) fails.

It throws common error
Invalid Procedure Call or argument

What could be the problem? Do I need to change any settings for running
application on Windows 2000 advance Server.

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Not Loading Asp

We have a web server running IIS 5.0 that will not load
any file with an .asp file extension. The server
loads .html just fine, but all links to an .asp file end
up timing out.

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Loading Bar

Is it possible to create a loading bar with ASP? I am thinking of displaying the loading bar while my customers' requests are being processed (databse update).

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Loading .txt

I have a an ASP page on which i wish to load dynamic text by way of a dot text file.
It would be great if something like.-

<txt scr = "MyTextFile.txt">

existed but life aint that simple, or is it?

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Loading Id From DB

i want to load an id from a table in the db how do i do that?I am scripting in asp?
i tried this but it wont work.

SQL = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=Request("id")"

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before displaying any page i want to show message pls wait page is loading. its written on browser. i think meta tag will do this?

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If Condition Ans SQL 2000

i have got one field in sql server 2000 database. field1 char 50 in one record, i m storing value -1 but it doesnt satisfy following condition

if (rs("field1")) = cstr("-1") Then
response.write ("true")
end if

i already checked its value by response.write and
print -1 only..
then y its above condition is false?

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SQl Injection Through ASP And MS SQl 2000

I have heard a lot about SQL Injection. I was wondering how does an injector come to know about the table/column name when they cannot see the asp codes in a website?

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Win 2000 SP3iiss

In one Application (2) the client is redirected to a Logon ASP in a different Application (1). A Session Variable is made in Application 2 which needs to be recognized in Application 1. Can I do that in Windows 2000 SP3 IIS5 no .NET Framework?

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Access 2000 Mdb

Does anyone know of a simple (and I stress simple as I'm a beginner with this asp stuff!!) script to allow for basic functionality of Add/Edit/Update/Delete ASP page which works with an Access 200 mdb. Something I may easily adapt for what I have??
I'm running Windows 2000 Professional with IIS 5.0.

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SQl Server 2000

i get this error

HTTP 500.100 - Internal Server Error - ASP error
Internet Information Services

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E4D)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'IUSR_MOHD'.
/sql1/data.asp, line 16

when i try to add data to my sql server 2000 database throw asp?!? so whatz the problem , i try to connect it to access on the same lginuser and it works well

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Going From Access 2000 To Ms Sql

What would I have to change in my code to make it work with sql, Just wanna see if its worth changeing to.

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SQl Injection Through ASP And MS SQl 2000

I have heard a lot about SQL Injection. I was wondering how does an injector come to know about the table/column name when they cannot see the asp codes in a website?

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New User In Win 2000 SRV

I would like to create, using ASP, a new user inside a "Group of User" that I prior have created, as Administrator (Eg. IUSRGroup), in order to use the internal Win 2000 SRV DB, Security and Permisions.

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Frontpage 2000

if is it possible to connect a database (access 2000) through frontpage? i try to do this and i got an error. in frontpage, there is a option to connect database. then we have to publish a web and after you can store your data through form. all these steps i have already clear. but i can't.

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Access 2000

I have created an Access database with an Autonumber field and set as promary Key. When I insert a record from my ASP web page it insists on making me add a value to this field.
Is there anyway to set this as an IDENTITY field.

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ASP / SQL Server 2000

We are not using Active directory and as such do not have access to Kerberos authentication methods. What I need to do is connect to an SQL (2000) database using ASP 3.0 - I have setup an account on SQL Server with read access to two tables (and no password). Just to complicate the issue even further, the IIS server and the SQL server reside on different machines on the network. Code:

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Page Loading

I have an asp page which takes approx 1 min to load over the network due to how much data it has to deal with.
If someone was to press stop on the browser i assume it doesnt close the connection to the database is there anyway to ensure it does?

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Loading Frames

I've got an asp page that is set up in with two frames. The problem in question pertains to the main frame which contains a simple 'response.redirect' line that redirects the visitor to a different location. Other than this line, everything else are tags and no asp-oriented code.

I've tested this on a couple of computers, and it works fine. However, there are a few other computers in my office where the redirect just hangs and doesn't load the redirected page (i.e. the status bar states 'Open http://someurl.com' and stays like that)

Is this a problem with using the asp line, or is it a computer setting/browser setting I'm overlooking?

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Loading Time

I have an ASP file that eastablishes two connections to a SQL Server and produces two Record Set objects. I am using IIS to develop and the SQL Server database is on the same computer.What I am developing is a message board, so there is a form on which information is submitted. The first connection and recordset puts information from the form into the database table, and the second connection and recordset pulls out 10 records from that same table and should write out some information from the recordset.
The problem is when the form is submitted, it takes forever for the next page to load. I am not even sure how long it takes, because the longest I waited was about 5-10 minutes for it to load, and it still would not load so I closed the browser.
Are the two connections or two recordsets too much for the server to handle, or am I doing something else wrong?

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