IIS Delete/write Text File Permissions

ive set the permissions to the folder which the text file is in to 'Write' and 'Read', but i still continue to get:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'

Permission denied

/modules/admin/program.asp, line 197

all the path leading to the file is set to allow write aswell.... any ideas why this might be happening?

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Delete Line From Text File

if I had a form using the input textboxes using username and password. how do I use the .asp language to remove the line from a .txt using the following format:


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Delete A Line In Text File Or From An Array

I have an Access DB with newsletter preferences in it. What I am trying to do is select small groups to send a custom newsletter out to. So my localhost criteria web page goes to the Access DB and pulls the email addresses that match my current criteria. I then write that list out to a file (newsletterlist.txt). Maybe that is my problem, but I wanted to do that so if my machine crashed while processing, I would know where to recover it. I had looked at arrays and dictionaries but dictionaries aren't good from what I found for hundreds of entries and arrays I can't keep track of..argh.

Anyways, I then wanted to loop through the file (newsletter.txt) find the next email address, with it I can query back to the DB and get preferences and assemble the email and out the custom newsletter goes.

I've seen where MS says deleting a line using the FileSystemObject is not possible, though wanted to see if anyone has found a work around.

Performance isn't that much of an issue for me, as I figured I'd set the thing to running and go to dinner! So anyone have suggestions - even if it means taking the text info to an array, somehow delete one of the addresses and then put it back to a file...anything that can one by one delete the addresses so I know that it all has worked as there would be no email addresses left in the file.

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Write To Text File

Client said "Yea, our current host does PHP and all that" and of course they don't. I know PHP, so hopefully it is somewhat similar to ASP. Anyway...I want to know how to take information from an HTML form and write the info to a text file. It is going to be *very* basic as I only need to write one line to the text file.

It is just so the client can type in the monthly loan rate, or something like that, and save that info to a text file. Then, show the text file on all the pages.

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Read/Write To A Text File In ASP

I am working on a safetywear deduction system and i need to perform the following functions: write to a text file and read from a test file and wrute to a table in the database. I need code to write and read to a text file in asp please.

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Ftp Delete Permissions

I am trying to delete a file using an ftp script. But it is not working. Is there some setting for ftp delete permissions or something?

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Capture Rendered ASP And Write To A Text File

Greetings- <br><br>I have a site that is kind of a portal site- many sites within a single site. Users of the site must use a single logon page that redirects the user to a predetermined "subsite".

Each "subsite" has a few different session variables that are used in varying ways to display information germaine to that user. <br><br>My customer (the portal owner) wants users to be able to render any page on the site to a .PDF that is then sent via email to the user.

I can render an HTML file to PDF via a .COM object, but the problem is that I cannot figure out how to render the .ASP page to HTML. My initial thought was to use MSXMLHTTP to GET the page, but when I do this, the GET method always returns the logon page.

<br><br>What I'd like to do is have a link to a processor page that just "captures" the HTML as it's sent to the browser and writes it to a static HTML file, which I can then easily turn into a PDF. Anyone have any ideas?

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Write Unicode Data From SQL To Text File

I have a problem

DB:SQL Server

Field type is varchar and some data is unicode like this "•õ" It is a chinese. How do I transfer the data I retrive from DB and then I can write it into an text file with its proper chinese word using FileSystemObject. Or any other way ?

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Network Persmissions Write To Text File

I have an asp page that writes to a text file. Can someone tell me what the
correct permissions should be on the network - so it's safe from various
users coming in to manipulate any files?

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Write To Text File In Password Protected Directory

I have a form mail script that sends an email and then writes to a text file using Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").

The problem I am having is that the information needs to be saved in a Password Protected Directory. When I try to save the info it gives me a permission denied error.

I had my hosting company change the permission on the directory and the script was working ok but now it isn't.

Is there a way to pass the username and password in the script so I don't have to worry about the hosting company messing this up?

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Write Info On Form To Text File On Server

I want to write the info on a form to a text file. Code:

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Write Data From A Database Field Into A Text File On The Server

Is there away to write data from a database field into a text file on the server.

The data would be more than one line.....

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Write Information Form A Comma Separated Text File Onto An ASP Pag

I have a text file that has two lines in it, the first line gives item
labels, my second line gives values for those labels. I would like to use
ASP to present this data on a web page. I also want the page to reload every
10 seconds so that any updates to the text file would be relfected on the web

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How Set DB Directory Permissions To Allow Write?

I previously used PWS on Win 98. Nothing special had to be done locally for a directory that contained an Access database.

But on the Web host I had to do this:

Access Permissions | [Go to proper folder] | Anonymous account given permission of Change

Now I've just gotten a PC with Win XP Pro and have just installed IIS. My development Web sites work fine locally except whenever the ASP page tries to write data to the database, then there is an error message at the line that first tries to write data.

What can I do to modify my settings?

I read something about NTFS, but my PC's drive is not set up with that. Is NTFS something that I need or is there hopefully another solution?

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Write Permissions For Database

trying to set up my first windows hosted site with database i have a folder db with my database and i'm using macromedia can i use macromedia to set write permissions for this directory?

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Write Permissions And Security

we're working on a cms system that allows the admin to upload files to the server - the host (supplied by the client) says that opening write permissions means that windows is open to exploits.

we're using FSO to move the file anyone know a way of locking down this so its not 'open to exploits' ?

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Write Permissions Using Scripting.TextStream Object

In Windows 2000 I need permissions set so that I can write a text file to the folder when the asp page is loaded. Right now I have only these permissions set:

Administrator: Full
System: Full
Everyone: Read and Execute, List, Read
Network: Read and Execute. List. Read

Is there some other "user" that I can give permissions to to write a text file to the folder that doesn't allow write permissions to IUSER_MachineName?

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Calling All Robots On Read/write Permissions

i need to set read/write persmissions on an Access DB, can access IIS folder permissions -> not alleviating issues can't access explorer security -> why is this? ad infinitum require UPDATE operation on access DB, this erroring out with : Operation must use an updateable query.

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Response.Write Server.MapPath(".") & Reading From Text File

I found the complete physical path to the doman by Response.Write Server.MapPath(".") and the path is: C:Inetpubwwwrootmyweb"&"gg.txt

With this,there's still error to read my text file.The error source code is place at below,please help me do correction!!! Code:

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Delete Specified Text

Meaning files with a .asp file extension, not a .txt file extension. Can this be done?

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Re Setting File Permissions...

I am developing a small website using ASP scripts to format data retrieved
from an Access database. It will run on a Windows 2003 server supporting
FrontPage extensions 2002 hosted by the company 1&1 with only limited server
configuration via a web based control panel.

My query relates to the ASP security model and how it relates to FrontPage
options for setting file access on a database file. If you know of any
online documentation covering the following issues I would be grateful for
links to it.

For various reasons (session logging, synchronising data with a master
database etc) I need to be able to write data to the database file.
Essentially the problem is this: how do I make this possible without giving
public access to the database file? Code:

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Setting File Permissions Via ASP

Is it possiable via a ASP to set (NTFS) permissions on files not on the IIS server?I'm sticking together an ASP to create our new user Home/Profile dir file structure. The script is running in anonymous user mode using an account which has full perm on the file severers.

It's creating the file structure OK, but when it comes to the file permissions, CALCS direct or CACLS in a .CMD doesn't appear to be able to set ther permissions when invoked from the ASP. It does however work for the user when logged on the server's local console.

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How Do I Use ASP To Download A File That Has Particular Ntfs Permissions

I'm trying to write a script that will allow validated users to
download a file that has specific ntfs permissions. Here's a summary:

1) The name of the file is "binary.zip".
2) I've created a local account on the server called "dl_user".
3) dl_user is the only account that has permissions on binary.zip.
4) I've written a script that validates several people to access a web
page that has a link to binary.zip. However whenever they click it,
they get prompted for a username and pw. If they enter the "dl_user"
credentials, it works.

I don't want these people to be prompted for the username and pw.
Instead, I'd like IIS, through some ASP mechanism, to pass the dl_user
credentials in the background so that the users are completely unaware
of the account that has NTFS permissions to the file. Is there any way
to do this?

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Setting File/Folder Permissions

I am trying to use this bit of code to change the permissions on a file. Apparently it should work but it isn't. I am getting no error messages just nothing is happening. The path to the file is definitley correct. Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong?
strFileOrFolder = "D:WebRoothtdocsProjects est.txt"
strUserName = "Everyone"

dim objWSH
set objWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Call objWSH.Run("cmd /c echo y| CACLS " & strFileOrFolder & " /G /T " & trim(strUserName) & ":f", 0, True)
set objWSH = Nothing

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Access Database File Permissions

I am methodically working my way through the Sitepoint 'Build your own ASP.NET website' and have been successful in every lesson up to page 279. However I've come stuck when trying to add information to an Access Database. When I try to do so I get the message:

Operation must use an updateable query.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Operation must use an updateable query.

I have tried the solution described in the book but still get the message. I am using IIS and XP Professional. The database works for queries so how do I get it to accept information entries?

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A File Permissions Error Has Occurred ...

i seem to to be getting this error on my website for any pgae which ends in asp/php. any page will work fine in html format Code:

A file permissions error has occurred. Please check the permissions on the script and the directory it is in and try again.

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Access Database File Permissions

I had some issues with setting file permissions to write to my database in access. How do I go about, step - by - step setting the file permissions?

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How To Read An SQL Server Into A ASP Page And Then Change, Add, Delete And Write It Back To SQL Server

I need to read a SQL Server table into a Web Page and within the Web
Page to permit my users to make changes to the records, delete or add
new records and then save the entire contents back to the SQL Server
table back.

The functionality I am looking is almost the same as In the SQL
Enterprise Manager whereby I can choose a table open the table and
then return all rows and I can maintain the same and save it back to
the SQL Server table. I want almost a similar web interface to such a

Even if not a generic functionality as the SQL Enterprise Manager
table maintenance appreciate if somebody can share the code with a
sample how I can do it in ASP pages + T-SQL if need be.

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How To Write Multiple Records In A Text Box

I have been trying to populate multiple email addresses in a textbox like in Hotmail.

My aim is to send a mail to multiple recepients at the same time.

I want to populate all addresses to "TO :" section.

The problem I face is that I was not able to write multiple email addresses near by near

For example
xxx@yyy.com; eee@www.com

I can only populate adresses one by one in a text box

You can find my code which works but not in a way I want. Code:

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Write Text Files To Local Machine

I need to know how to write a text file to a local machine. Here is my code:

Set myFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set WriteText = MyDrive.CreateTextFile("C: est.txt", True, False)

Right now it writes the file to the C: drive on the server.

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Wrapping Text Around Images Using Response.write

I cannot find any information on how to insert an image into a block of text
and have the text wrap around the image. All if the text and graphics in
the client's site are being pulled from the database using response.write.
When I write straight HTML, it is easy to place an image into a block of
text and align the image right or left, having the text wrap around the

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Delete File

How can I delete a file which is saved in a folder when the user checked on the checkbox of the file to be removed and click on the Delete button?

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Delete File

I'm trying to delete a file where the path and file and filename are both stored in the database.

ImageData = images/full/group.jpg

How do i go about doing this. I know how to do it for just the file name and when the path is defined on the page.

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