IIS Errors

We've been expriencing periodic database connection errors with ASP code
talking to an MS Access database. Every once in a while, the code can't
connect to the database.

Usually there are no log entries that might point
to difficulties, but early this morning the Application Log was filled with
the 2 errors below. Once we did an IISRESET, the problem cleared. Does IIS
need to be re-installed, or??

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ASP Errors

I am trying to configure apache::asp on apache2 and when i try to serve an asp page I get an internal server error. I get this in the error logs - - [10/Jan/2008:12:57:57 -0500] "GET /asp/includes/functions.asp HTTP/1.1" 500 603 - - [10/Jan/2008:12:58:38 -0500] "GET /asp/includes/feed.asp HTTP/1.1" 500 603 - - [10/Jan/2008:12:59:06 -0500] "GET /asp/includes/contactField.asp HTTP/1.1" 500 603 - - [10/Jan/2008:12:59:19 -0500] "GET /asp/includes/encryption.asp HTTP/1.1" 500 603 - - [10/Jan/2008:12:59:33 -0500] "GET /asp/includes/LogonEdit.asp HTTP/1.1" 500 603 - - [10/Jan/2008:12:59:47 -0500] "GET /asp/includes/header.asp HTTP/1.1" 500 603

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ASP Errors

Since upgrading to Windows 2003 Server from Windows 2000
Enterprise Server we have had alot of ASP problems. The
problems are centered around asp pages which are one level
or more below the main folder within a web site. We have
many web sites which have used the database interface
wizard in FrontPage which puts these pages up to three
levels deep inside the folder hierarchy of the main site.
The pages will not work with IIS 6. I have had to re-
engineer many of these sites without the database
interface wizard. My solution at this point is to put all
ASP pages at the root level which seems to work but
negates all version of Frontpage management including
FrontPage 2003 Beta. This is a serious problem!
Especially for us who teach FrontPage and ASP!

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ASP Errors

first, in NS (version 3, don't ask), get a

HTTP Error 400
400 Bad Request
Due to malformed syntax, the request could not be understood
what's that?

second, how do you turn the pop-up error alert window in IE for Mac off so that we can see the error in the browser window?
just for the record, the app works in windows fine, seems to have troubles on the Mac side.

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IE Errors

I have a classic ASP application that runs fine on IIS on win 2000 or IIS on XP. But recently a client installed it on Win 2003 and now consistently gets an Internet Explorer-side error:' syntax error line. char 1' when he browses to it with IE 6.0.

When client moved the whole app as-is to an XP machine and then browsed to
it, he had no problem. I suspect the error involves client-side javascript. Iam looking into it; in the meantime:Are there a known issues of this kind involving IE 6.0 and windows 2003?

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500 Errors

I recently finished a project for someone and they are getting 500 errors. What's driving me nuts is the application works fine from my location. All I can think is it could be a firewall issue but I've messed with my firewall and I can't reproduce the error.

What's ever more annoying is they are getting this error from more than one location. I don't see anything that would cause this. This is an admin application that uses Session and adds/updates an access DB. Works fine here.

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Debugging ASP Errors

Before we upgraded our intranet server to Windows 2000, when I had an ASP error the page used to load up to the point where it was crashing out and then I would get an error message. This allowed me to response.write values to find out where the error was happening.

Since we upgraded, all I get now is a 'page cannot be displayed' with the error message on it. This means that I can't response.write values anymore and makes debugging a lot more difficult.

Is there a setting somewhere that controls how the message is displayed? Is this in IIS or is it a browser issue?

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Getting Random Errors

I'm afraid I have a technical problem here. Basically what happens is that I'm getting some random errors(like Type mismatch... etc) that shouldn't under normal circumstances occur. Then I connect to my server via remote desktop and Recycle the application pool on which my asp pages run. Errors then disappear

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80020009 Errors Everywhere

All across my site i am getting 0x80020009 errors every so often.
they point to lines of code like

where FolderNAMEIN is a string such as "Botswana" and the
VarFolderNameLength is 150

if len(FolderNAMEIN) > VarFolderNameLength then


RS("Company") where Company is a valid field in the database.

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Errors In Browsing ASP.NET

I've get a problem in browsing .aspx pages locally.
I'm using Windows 2000 Advanced Server with IIS enabled
and .NET framework SDK installed, as well as Visual
But when I browse .aspx pages locally, I.E. shows "Server
Application Unavailable" message. In the Event log, I find
error event of ASP.NET 1.0.3705.0 with the description :

aspnet_wp.exe could not be launched because the username
and/or password supplied in the processModel section of
the config file are invalid.

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I have written a script on an include page which pretty much will write all the required ServerVariables and session variables into a string and email off to me incase a page happens to error out.

I have the code working as I want it to using the folllowing:

If Err.Number = <> 0 Then
End If

My issue is, where do I include this on the pages? If I put it at the top will it only run if there is an error at the start of the page or will it be assigned no matter how far down the page the error exists.

Or do I need to put in On Error Resume Next at the top then put the include at the bottom?

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Narrow Down Errors


I have 3 drop down boxes n a page.
1st box contains all countries,
2nd box contains all locations in that country selected from the 1st box
3rd box contains all items at that particular location selected from the 2nd box

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ODBC Errors

Despite trying the codes given, I am still not getting it right!

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xf14 Thread 0x4a4 DBC 0x10bbfcc Jet'.
/sanbookshop/searchtest.asp, line 22

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ASP Out Of Memory Errors

I am trying to write a search script in my spare time at work. We have a knowledge base consisting of 200+ .mht files. My script was working ok when I was testing it on just a few files but I am getting out of memory errors trying to search through the whole KB. Here is the search code:

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SQL Server Errors

3 workstations previously installed and able to access server.

4th workstation am able to map to server access files but when
attempting to log in receive the following error.

Error: -2147467259[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]SQL
Server does not exist.

The workstation that is unable to connect is running XP SP2, MDAC 2.7..
the difference btwn this and the others is that it is running wireless.
Ruled out wirelss as being the problem because hooked LAN cable and
receive the same error. Code:

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Include Errors

i am having troubles including a file

<!--#include file ="../Config/Connection.asp"--->

its brigning up an error message like this

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0131'

Disallowed Parent Path

/account/ADMINCenter/Confirm.ASP, line 5

The Include file '../Config/Connection.asp' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory.

ive tried placing the full path to the file in the include but i still get errors saying it doesnt not exist, but it does.

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ASP Coding Errors

I have a form page that people fill out and push submit. When they push
submit, the information is stored in a database in two different tables.
You are then directed to a page that lists everything you have submitted so
you can print it. I am having problems with this second page. Information
from one of the tables is listed, but the information from the other table
isn't listed. They are related by the "casenumber" that is given when

I have looked at the tables, and the information is there, and they have the
same casenumber, but the information doesn't get put on the 2nd page. We
just moved our site to IIS 6. Everything was working perfectly in IIS 5,
but is now "broken" in IIS 6. I always get the following error when it hits
the coding that should put in the information from the second table:

ADODB.Field error '800a0bcd'

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested
operation requires a current record. Code:

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Asp Errors In Log Files

I haven't found this explicitly stated in any documentation, but i just
wanted to confirm this with people here. When there's an asp error on a
page, the request has appended to log something of the format
|-|ASP_0xxx|description. It also seems that this is inserted at point of
error, whether or not there has already been append to log data.

so, my questions:
1) is the |-|ASP_... always a consistent format?

2) does the |-|ASP... error message displace any other AppendToLog output?
I know the -query column only takes so many characters and anything busting
the limit simply gets chopped. I was wondering if that includes asp error
messages, or whether they appropriate some of the space

3) Why didn't they use something like &|-| as the seperator? using the &
would definitively close off any dangling query string variables, making it
easier for log file analyzers to separate the wheat from the chaff...

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Out Of Memory Errors

I am trying to create a search script but I am running into an out of memory error. Here is the search subroutine which loops multiple times:

Code: .....

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Preventing Errors

I'm using if for when the user deletes a record from the database. People using the website try and delete more than one record at a t time by placing commas between the IDnumber ie. 1,2,5,9 etc.

This creates an error. So instead of this error appearing, how can I get a small alert box telling hte user he/or she has entered the wrong data type?

The code for the form is :-

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ASP Giving Errors

I have made a Dll in VB. I am trying to make a word document by using a word template and then inserting data into the word file from my MS Access (Office XP) database. It works fine when I use the reference of this Dll in a form added in VB.

But gives me errors when I compile it and use it, by creating its object in ASP. It gives error 5981 : Could not open macro storage.I tried searching on microsoft website but could not implement the solution.I get a feeling that if a word reference is used in a dll and compiled and then used in ASP it gives no output. I am confused and frustrated as I have got the dll ready but can't use it in ASP pages.

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Put Errors Into A Message Box

im trying to trap errors in my asp page by putting them into a message box. How can trap an error in asp and put it into a message box?

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Trapping Errors With ASP

I want that every error in every asp/javascript/ etc... will trappped to a central asp page (not dotnet), which I declare on my site.suppose I have a dotnet site platformed - is the declaration for that may be the same for not dotnet declarations.

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IIS Not Display ASP Errors

IIS has quit displaying ASP errors it finds. Errors from SQL Server are displayed as are "page not found" errors but VBScript syntax errors are not. For example, the following code should give the error that x has not been declared but the page just stops processing after displaying "here".

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Find Errors

I'm coding in classic asp and can't figure how to get IE6 to display some kind of descriptive message about code errors? I have the correct settings under ADVANCED in IE's options selected.

What bugs me is sometimes IE will report the line number and a message, and then other times it's the standard "The page can't be displayed." When you have hundreds of lines of code, how can you fight this?

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Database Errors With IIS

For some reason these errors have just appeared out of nowhere. Everytime I try to add, delete or update, I'm getting the following errors for both dns and dns-less connections:

Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80004005)
Operation must use an updateable query.

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80004005)
Operation must use an updateable query. etc

I have checked the read and write permissions and they seem to be fine, as well as with the locations of the databases that are in inetpub/wwwroot. Anyone know of anything else I can do to solve this?

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Errors Using Databases

i get this error when posting info in a form

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable query.
/register.asp, line 141

Browser Type:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)

POST 295 bytes to /register.asp

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Timeout Errors

Can anyone provide a simple example of an ASP script that includes timeout exception handling?Specifically, I don't need to extend the timeout, or prevent it. I'm not
responsible for the DB, and I'm told that periodic timeouts will be unavoidable.

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ODBC Errors

I am working with Dreamweaver MX, IIS, and MS Access. All I am doing is testing another person's instructions and making sure they work for me. Everything was working fine until I load the dynamic pages and get the following error:

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not use '(unknown)'; file already in use.
/admin/editnews.asp, line 8

This same error is happening with another file. I checked the other person's code and they match. So it must be something on the ODBC side. Here are the lines it is referring to (from two different file): Code:

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ScrollBar Errors

I am encountering errors when I try to use the scrollbars on my website. Could this be because I included some Javascript and it is giving me errors. I included a floating, draggable help menu and it seems to give me some errors when I click in certain places
on the screen,would this freeze up my scrollbars.

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Trapping Errors

I need an example of "Trapping Errors" in ASP (not .net).

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Catching SQL Errors

I was wondering if there is anyway in catching any SQL errors in ASP and using them within a template?

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Persits.MailSender Errors

Hello I am having this error when trying to submit my form.

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'

Server.CreateObject Failed


Here is the error line:

Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")

I read that this usually means that the .dll for persits needs to be registered on the server. The server is GoDaddy and I obviously cannot just register things on their servers on my own. I requested them to do this for me and they said that persits is part of aspupload and it is already installed and registered on the server. They can give no further assistance than that. The files actually upload to the correct folder but no mail is sent because of this error obviously. Is there something I am missing? Here is the code: .....

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